Can Graphene explain the Difference in Myocarditis Rates Between Moderna and Pfizer in Japan?
Evidence from Japan
On December 03, 2021 the Heath Ministry of Japan announced they were requiring warning labels to on Moderna and Pfizer's COVID gene therapy products. Moderna presented a risk of Myorcarditis of 81.79 cases per million for males in Japan ages 10-19 compared to 15.66 for Pfizer. Moderna was higher than Pfizer in the 20-29 age range for males by 48.76 to 13.32. This represents a staggering 522% greater risk of Myocardits for Moderna in males 10-19 and a 366% greater risk for males in the 20-29 age range, compared to Pfizer.
One can only speculate at the cause. Japan did not name one. No regulatory agency or Pharma company in the world has named a mechanism of action for the myocarditis. I speculate that it has to do with graphene content in the Moderna gene therapy products.
There is no point in accepting the additional deaths from Moderna compared to Pfizer without any added benefit. Moderna's COVID gene therapy products would have been banned long ago if the regulatory agencies of nations around the world had the interests of their citizens in mind. Why are Moderna's products still legal? Something very ugly appears to be at the heart of Moderna' secret. "Fact checkers," playing defense attorney for Pharma serial killers, will say that there is not enough evidence to prove that graphene exists in Moderna's gene therapy products. Fact checkers won't tell you what causes the higher rates of Myocarditis in Moderna, either. So it's either speculate, research, and report, or know nothing. Mainstream media does not do investigative reporting. Mainstream media does Propaganda. Fact checkers in mainstream media exist to play defense against people like me.
One person with an open mind, an internet connection, some spreadsheets and a keyboard can do more to report the truth than all of the combined regulatory agencies and mainstream media in the world. Governments, Pharma and mainstream media use their intelligence and wealth to lie, profit, and kill. Fact check that.
Japanese Suspension of Moderna over Contamination
COVID began to rise in Japan in July 2021. In mid-August, Dr. Haruo Ozak advised the Japanese public that they should begin using Ivermectin to treat COVID. Also around mid-August 2021, a pharmacist in Japan noticed a large number of black specks of material in a vial of Moderna gene therapy products.
NHK World Japan: Japan investigates fatalities and foreign substances in Moderna contamination scare. "A pharmacist in Saitama Prefecture discovered black specks in Moderna vials while checking them before use in mid-August. 'They were much smaller than sesame seeds -- less than a millimeter. They looked like slices of something and were floating inside the bottle as I shook it,' said Ishii Koki."
"Similar foreign substances were subsequently found in 39 unopened Moderna vials at eight vaccination sites across Japan. Health ministry officials say the particles are likely metal as they are attracted to a magnet, and probably entered the vials during the manufacturing process at a Spanish factory."
"The ministry identified three batches of vaccines that may be tainted. Vaccines from those batches have been distributed to more than 880 vaccination sites across Japan. More than 500,000 have already been used."
"The Health Ministry revealed last week that two men -- aged 30 and 38 with no underlying health conditions -- both died three days after receiving vaccinations from one of the suspended Moderna batches."
"Moderna and its distributer in Japan, Takeda Pharmaceutical, issued a joint statement on Saturday, saying 'This is a tragic event, and the loss of life is something that we take very seriously. An investigation is being conducted with the greatest sense of urgency, and Takeda and Moderna will keep the public informed as we learn more.'"
Nikkei Asia reported: "Several vaccination centers have reported that vaccine vials contained foreign matter." Japan quickly moved to ban the "contaminated" Moderna products.
AP News: Japan Suspends 1.63 Million Doses Moderna Over Contamination
August 26, 2021. "Japan suspended use of about 1.63 million doses of Moderna vaccine Thursday after contamination was found in unused vials... The health ministry said contamination was reported from multiple vaccination sites. Some doses might have been administered, but no adverse health effects have been reported so far, officials said. Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., a Japanese drugmaker in charge of sales and distribution of the vaccine in Japan, said it decided to suspend use of doses manufactured in the same production line as a safety precaution. It asked Moderna to conduct an emergency investigation and told medical institutions and organizers to stop using the vaccine produced in Spain and shared the production numbers that may be affected. The Spanish manufacturer, Rovi, said it is conducting an investigation into the matter and is also cooperating with authorities. “The detection of this particulate matter refers to certain vials of one product lot distributed exclusively in Japan,” the company said in a statement from Madrid. “The origin of this manufacturing incident may be in one of ROVI’s manufacturing lines,” the statement noted. It said that as a precaution, the batch in question and two adjacent lots have been put on hold. Neither the companies nor authorities gave details on the possible type of contamination."
Takeda Pharmaceutical, the distributor of Moderna gene therapy products in Japan, implied that all of the contaminants were stainless steel.
September 30, 2021. Takeda Pharmaceuticals statement on Moderna recall.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals:. "The particulate foreign matter contained in the vial of one lot of voluntarily recovered Moderna vaccine is a very small amount of 316L stainless steel particles that does not threaten the safety of the recipient." "Particulate matter identified in one of the voluntarily recovered lots is due to the contact of two metal parts attached to the production line module (one of the equipment in the process of vaccination). It is thought that this contact is due to a component installation failure and is a human error at (ROVI Pharma Industrial Services of Spain) due to a visual misunderstanding of the 1 mm gap that should be maintained between the star wheel and the component that supplies the rubber stopper to the star wheel."
Takeda's explanation doesn't make sense up for several reasons.
Did the Rovi Plant in Spain do no testing? How do you miss stainless steel in your products meant to be injected intravenously if you are testing? Why would you need to destroy 3 lots of product for a total of 1.63 million doses if you had one wheel degrade? Wouldn't defects like that be confined to a smaller lot? It's ridiculous any way you look at it. Takeda says the large recall is due to an overabundance of caution. I say they're lying.
The Japanese pharmacist noticed a large number of black specks. This is not what stainless steel shavings would look like. "Black specks" are consistent with the shape and color of nano-graphene sheets if they were present in large enough sizes and quantity in the Moderna vials. Steel looks like, well, steel. Picture below.
Moderna's higher rates of Myocarditis than Pfizer are consistent in multiple nations. Whatever this Myocarditis problem is, it is distributed all over the world. One wheel didn't do all that.
December 3, 2021. Japanese Health Ministry requires warning label on all vials of Moderna and Pfizer. NHK World Japan had a video report of the Health Ministry warning, since deleted: Health ministry warns of vaccine's side effects
"Japan's health ministry has listed inflammation of the heart muscle and of the outer lining of the heart in younger males as possible serious side effects of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines."
Both "vaccinations" and COVID in Japan fell sharply in the period August - December 2021 in Japan after Dr. Haruo Ozak recommended that Japan switch from gene therapy products to Ivermectin in August. The close timing of Moderna's August recall with Dr. Ozak's Ivermectin recommendation seems more than coincidental. Japan waited until December 2021, after the "vaccinations" and COVID were at low points, essentially when the Pandemic was over, to announce their Myocarditis warning label.
Moderna, Pfizer, CDC and Myocarditis in the United States
In the United States, the government and Moderna did their best to work around the fact that Moderna caused more Myocarditis than Pfizer. The CDC said there wasn't enough data to establish Myocarditis risk on Moderna, so they would just take Israels's word for Myocarditis rates. Israel was using Pfizer, but the CDC said that was close enough for them. The CDC made a deliberately false assumption by assuming that Myocarditis rates for Moderna in the United States would be similar to Myocarditis rates of Pfizer in Israel.
Pfizer, for their part, when applying for a "booster" authorization in the US, acknowledged that their products cause Myocarditis, but said that no "mechanism of action" had been identified. Why was a mechanism of action that caused Myocarditis not identified by Moderna, Pfizer, or the CDC? Why would the CDC go to such absurd lengths to avoid establishing Myocarditis risk for Moderna?
September 3, 2021. The CDC reported the rates of Myocarditis as "with COVID" and "without COVID." They did not report the rates of Myocarditis for "Vaccinated" and "Unvaccinated." They did not break down the rates of Myocarditis between Moderna and Pfizer. They did not report the rates of Myocarditis for both "Vaccinated" and "with COVID."
It is important to note that COVID has been reported to cause Myocarditis. Some people think this is some sort of excuse to take a gene therapy that does the same thing. It is insane and absurd to recommend that taking one thing that causes Myocarditis is a smart remedy for another thing that causes Myocarditis, but that's what a CDC-funded said, essentially: Boehmer et al, wrote: "On June 23, 2021, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices concluded that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination clearly outweighed the risks for myocarditis after vaccination. The present study supports this recommendation by providing evidence of an elevated risk for myocarditis among persons of all ages with diagnosed COVID-19."
In fact it is more likely that taking a deadly drug that causes Myocarditis in the presence of a disease that also causes Myocarditis is "contraindicated," to put it mildly. I believe that the CDC and people the CDC paid to go through the Myocarditis statistics had enough information to be aware of that contraindication, if it exists. I believe that disinformation on Myocarditis is grounds for prosecution for mass homicide of FDA and CDC officials. I wrote more about the statistics on Myocarditis that the CDC had available here.
September 25, 2021? Sometime before September 25, 2021, the CDC reported an elevated risks of Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination. To establish the date, I am referencing a post I made on Twitter of the CDC warning of September 25, 2021. Sometime after this, the CDC "updated" the page and changed their date of publication which now shows November 11, 2021. Maybe they are worried about who knew what and when? That's not all the CDC changed. The CDC deleted the words "elevated risk" from the September title and changed the title to simply "Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination." The CDC added "Should I Still Get Myself or My Child Vaccinated? Yes. CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 5 years and older get vaccinated for COVID-19."
The basic sequence of events is this: The CDC reported "elevated risks" of Myocarditis rates in September; the FDA let Moderna slide for not having enough data to report their Myocarditis rates in October; the CDC "updated" their September report in November to remove "elevated risk" and to encourage people to kill their children with gene therapy products.
October 14, 2021. The US FDA, Pharma's partners in crime, approves a "booster" shot for Moderna. The FDA accepts Moderna's cut in dosage to half over previous shots and did not offer an explanation why the cut was necessary. Of course, the drop in dosage to 50 mcg was almost certainly due to the high rates of Myocarditis in Moderna, and establishes that Moderna knew of their unacceptably high Myocarditis rates, even though Moderna also said that they didn't have enough information establish the risk.
AP News. "As for the dose, initial Moderna vaccination consists of two 100-microgram shots. But Moderna says a single 50-microgram shot should be enough for a booster."
The AP noted that Moderna hadn't done a large enough study to notice the Myocarditis.
"One very rare (bullshit) side effect of both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is heart inflammation, particularly among young men soon after the second dose — and one lingering question is whether another dose could spark more cases. Moderna’s booster study wasn’t large enough to spot such a rare risk."
The AP went on to report that because Israel was using Pfizer, and that Moderna was "similar" to Pfizer, that the murderers at the FDA used that as an excuse to approve the Moderna booster shots without enough data to establish the Myocarditis risk for Moderna.
But Israel began offering Pfizer boosters sooner than the U.S. and to more of its population. Thursday, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis of Israel’s health ministry told the FDA panel that after 3.7 million booster doses administered, there’s no sign the extra shot is any riskier. Because the Moderna vaccine is similar, the FDA’s advisers found that data reassuring. (Emphasis mine). (Aside: one week earlier, October 7, the Jerusalem Post reported that some in the Epidemiology Division of the Health Ministry of Israel felt that the Myocarditis risk of Pfizer was so great that they should warn people not to exercise after a shot). Not only was the United States wrong to accept Israel's Pfizer data for Myocarditis rates of Moderna, a product Israel wasn't even using, some medical professionals in Israel didn't think that Pfizer was "safe" either.
Jerusalem Post: "Individuals vaccinated with the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine may be asked to avoid strenuous exercise and other physical activity for one week after receiving each dose due to cases of myocarditis that were detected in a small percentage of vaccinated people, The Jerusalem Post has learned.In a slide deck prepared for the Health Ministry’s advisory committee for epidemic control and coronavirus vaccines, which the Post reviewed, some health officials in the Epidemiology Division of the Health Ministry are recommending that individuals “avoid strenuous activity for one week after their second dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”
AP: "The FDA panel wrestled with whether Moderna presented enough evidence backing its low-dose booster." They didn't wrestle too hard. "The panel of outside advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously to recommend a booster shot..."
December 8, 2021. Pfizer acknowledged that myocarditis and pericarditis are problems with their products, but provided no details in a a request to the FDA to amend their Emergency Use Authorization to allow for more "booster" shots of their failed and deadly COVID gene therapy treatments. By this point the mechanism of action of Myocarditis should have been clearly established and reported to the public. By censoring reporting on the mechanism of action that causes Myocarditis, officials in the US government are saying that a certain number of people should die from Myocarditis without knowing why or what can be done to prevent it, if you decide to take these falsely-advertised poisons that do not stop the acquisition or spread of COVID. Of course, if the FDA reported that, many more would opt to not take the "boosters" and not die.
Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 Vaccine Review Memorandum 12142021. During clinical development, the vaccine was called BNT162b2, and it is sometimes referred to below by this working name. Post-EUA safety surveillance reports received by FDA and CDC identified increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within 7 days following administration of the second dose of a 2-dose primary series of an mRNA vaccine. ... A mechanism of action by which the vaccine could cause myocarditis and pericarditis has not been established (emphasis mine).
About Moderna
Massachusetts-based Moderna was founded around 2011 with an emphasis on mRNA "gene therapies." Moderna raised a lot of capital without any revenue to show for it. It was a risky business. Other companies couldn't figure out how to safely deliver mRNA into cells. Moderna ran into safety problems in one of their trials. Moderna ran into financial problems. Moderna was in need of a "Hail Mary." Moderna developed secret methods of drug delivery.
I've included a few links of background on Moderna for the reader. Damian Garde at Stat News has done extensive reporting on Moderna.
2012. Stat News: Founded in 2012, Moderna reached unicorn status — a $1 billion valuation — in just two years, faster than Uber, Dropbox, and Lyft... The company’s premise: Using custom-built strands of messenger RNA, known as mRNA, it aims to turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories, compelling them to produce the proteins needed to treat a wide variety of diseases. But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects. Technology Review wrote in Dec 2012: "Unlike many gene therapies, which could potentially be curative, in Moderna’s case the patient will need to be dosed with the mRNA over and over again. Think “recurring revenue stream.” (Emphasis mine).
January 11, 2016. Stat News: "Moderna Therapeutics, a superlatively well-funded private biotech, has made the leap from preclinical bluster to first-in-human trials, testing out its inaugural candidate and planning to move 5 more into the clinic this year."
January 10, 2017. Stat News. "Moderna Therapeutics, the most highly valued private company in biotech, has run into troubling safety problems with its most ambitious therapy, STAT has learned — and is now banking on a mysterious new technology to keep afloat its brash promise of reinventing modern medicine. The company did disclose a new technology on Monday that it says will more safely deliver mRNA. It’s called V1GL. Last month, Bancel told Forbes about another new technology, N1GL. Below is the text from Forbes referencing Moderna's drug delivery method N1GEL. Forbes did not report on Moderna's drug delivery method V1GL."
Forbes: "...Moderna is in the process of producing its own nanoparticle lipids. One such lipid, N1GEL (called "Nigel" internally), appears to cause less inflammation than Acuitas' version. Another is being licensed from Merck. Bancel says Moderna has stopped using the Acuitas tech for new drugs."
July 27, 2017. Stat News. "Moderna Therapeutics, a $5 billion startup that boasts of its potential to change the world, got some bad news on Thursday morning: It’s losing a key partner, imperiling its most advanced drug project and underlining questions as to whether Moderna can live up to the hype it has spent years inflating. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a magnate in the field of rare diseases, announced it has cut ties with Moderna, writing off a $100 million partnership cemented in 2014."
For more background on Moderna, see Invisible Enemies: Parallels Between the Anthrax Attacks and Covid-19, by Whitney Webb, beginning around the 19:50 mark.
Medical Theory - Graphene as Drug Delivery Mechanism
The medical profession has long wanted to use Graphene to deliver drugs. This section is a short review of a few representative articles for the reader. This section does not prove that Graphene exists in Moderna's solution, but it does establish that the temptation was there. Graphene delivery systems are a well-funded, advanced field of research. Also in this section it is very noteworthy that PEG, an ingredient of both Moderna's and Pfizer's gene therapies, was spliced onto Graphene sheets by researchers.
In 2008, Stanford scientists published a paper on the potential to deliver a cancer drug (SN38) with graphene oxide sheets. Graphene oxide sheets have a hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms that can readily accept drugs spliced onto the sheet.
The researchers at Stanford spliced Polyethylene glycol (PEG) onto the Graphene oxide sheets to make the Graphene sheets disperse well in a liquid solution. The researchers found that if they did not add PEG to the sheets, that the Graphene would separate and clump in the vials. To test the solubility of Graphene/PEG, the researchers put their Graphene/PEG sheets in a centrifuge. You can see in the solutions, without PEG (a), that the Graphene settled.
This is an important piece of information. Settling of Graphene sheets could be a potential explanation for the "black specks" noticed in Moderna gene therapies in Japan. Perhaps PEG did not bind well to Graphene. PEG is a listed ingredient in both the Moderna and Pfizer gene therapy products.
October 23, 2015. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the National Graphene Institute in Manchester, England. Jinping is shown the United Kingdom's research and development of Graphene products. Drug delivery systems were one of the applications researched at Manchester's Graphene Institute. This information shows that using Graphene as a drug delivery system was very advanced and well-funded by 2015.
April 5, 2019. In 2019, researchers in Iran published another paper on delivering cancer drugs with Graphene oxide sheets. They also used PEG. "Nowadays, the use of nanostructures in various medical and biological fields such as drug delivery in cancer treatment is increasing. Among the nanostructures, graphene oxide (GO) is an excellent candidate for drug delivery application because of its unique properties."
Aside: Curcumin is effective and there is no reason to splice it onto deadly things. It's a very common spice. Of course, the FDA does not approve the use of it in a cheap, safe form.
September 27, 2020. In China, the Shanghai National Engineering Research on Nanotechnology and Application Center filed for a patent for a COVID "vaccine" that contained Graphene Oxide. Below is a picture from their patent application. Recombination of nano-coronavirus with graphene oxide as carrier.
"Fact Checker" Reporting on Graphene Oxide/ Graphene Hydroxide
A growing number of people today recognize that professional "fact checkers" in media collude with pharma and governments to create misinformation about pharma products. They are professional liars. The potential for the "fact checkers" to confuse the molecular difference between Graphene oxide and Graphene hydroxide exists.
Dr. Andreas Noack of Germany claimed in Nov 2021 that COVID gene therapy treatments contained Graphene hydroxide, not Graphene oxide. "In graphene oxide you have double-bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group." I do not have the technical abilities or information to decide the issue. My theory is that "something" is causing the greatly elevated risk of Myocarditis in Moderna compared to Pfizer, and Graphene seems like the most likely candidate by all available evidence and deductive logic.
In August, London-based Reuters reported that neither Moderna or Pfizer gene therapy products contained Graphene oxide - because Moderna and Pfizer said so: "Pfizer and Moderna told Reuters, however, that graphene oxide is not among their vaccines’ ingredients."
Reuters also referenced an anonymous "Health Desk" report a week earlier that said that even though Graphene oxide wasn't in the "vaccines," it would probably be safe anyway. This is a untrue. Graphene oxide is unsafe. "Toxicology" is not the mechanism of injury of Graphene as Dr. Noack vividly described above.
Reuters: "Medical experts at Meedan’s Health Desk explain here that this compound, which has been studied for multiple biomedical applications including biosensors and drug delivery, could be toxic to humans in certain amounts. But in the case of its use in potential vaccines, current research indicates these would contain such small quantities that it would not be toxic to human cells. (Emphasis mine). The medical experts said that “many more studies and trials are needed” to determine whether the compound would be completely safe and effective for biomedical applications."
Dr. Noack: "...a normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes cannot find it, because it doesn't move. Toxicologists just don't expect any nanoscale razors." Noack described at great length how the Graphene sheets could cut the lining of blood vessels. Nano-Graphene sheets are extremely strong - 200 times stronger than steel. They are so thin - one carbon molecule thick - that they are considered to be two-dimensional. Nano-Graphene sheets are as "sharp" as a substance can be in theory. Dr. Noack's analogy of Graphene sheets as "razor blades" is accurate. Further note that the gene therapy products are intended to be injected deep into muscle. If they enter the bloodstream, they will cause the damage that Dr. Noack described, according to him. The instructions for injection are weak circumstantial evidence that Pharma and regulatory agencies were aware of the risk of Graphene in blood. This logic can be extended to show that regulatory agencies knew Graphene to be present in the gene therapies.
Reuters did not "fact check" or deny whether Graphene hydroxide or any other Graphene compounds could be in the gene therapy products. By perpetuating the lie of Health Desk, Reuters was doing far more than "fact checking" whether or not Graphene oxide is in the COVID gene therapy products. Reuters advocated a position that Graphene oxide was safe for use in humans.
Medical Theory - Graphene causes Electrical Problems with the Heart
Dr. Noack said that if Graphene sheets entered the blood stream in bulk, instead of the muscle, that the Graphene would cause great damage in the bloodstream and the heart. While everything Dr. Noack says makes sense, there seems to me to be another potential mechanism by which Graphene can cause Myocarditis: Electricity. And this is my theory, because I've seen no one else report it yet.
Penn Medicine reports that: "Myocarditis affects your heart's electrical system and muscle cells, leading to irregular heart rhythms and problems with your heart's pumping function." Graphene is "the best conductor of electricity ever known." It's easy to see how an accumulation of Graphene in the blood or around the heart could lead to electrical issues in the heart.
I speculate that the difference in myocarditis rates between Moderna and Pfizer are in part due to a difference in Graphene composition between the two. Continuing with this theory, Pfizer either has a less lethal form of Graphene compared to Moderna, or it doesn't have it at all.
Pfizer admits their products cause Myocarditis, yet they have not identified (publicly) a mechanism of action. Moderna hasn't identified a mechanism of action either. A mechanism of action could be electrical signals in the heart due to the presence of Graphene in gene therapy products. The mechanisms of action of Graphene that could cause Myocarditis are so obvious that the question becomes "is Graphene present in the gene therapies," not could Graphene cause Myocarditis.
"Fact checkers" will say that I cannot prove my theory. I say to the fact checkers: Tell me why both Moderna and Pfizer cause Myocarditis. Tell me why Moderna has a higher rate of Myocarditis than Pfizer in Japan and the rest of the world. Don't tell me what I can't prove. Don't tell me what didn't happen. Tell me what did happen, or stop taking Pharma's side as a matter of procedure when you don't have or don't report the one fact that actually matters in a time when they should be assumed to be murderers hiding evidence.
I think the graphene was supposed to remain invisible to the naked eye. Nobody realized it would clump enough to be seen by the pharmacists.
If you can, look up “Dr. Noack on Graphene Hydroxine nano-razors destroy the vaccinated”.