Genetic Control of Mankind, 1904-present, Bacteria, Viruses, DNA, mRNA, and Cancer
Odds and Ends are adding up
There are a lot of odds and ends that all add up into a scheme to control the world’s population by using genetics. That alone is no revelation, as it was clearly put on display by the most brutal and obvious methods by the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Generally lost to history, though, is that the modern Eugenics program began in the United States in the early 20th century, especially in California, and was adopted and embraced by the Rothschild named Adolph Hitler, who was in turn backed by Oligarchs in the United States and Europe. The genetic laboratory experiments conducted on prisoners in Germany were financed by the Rockefellers because the testing programs became immoral past a point that was acceptable in the United States, so they transferred their research to Germany.
A recommended reading is Nazi Hydra in America, Suppressed History of a Century, by Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, who carefully trace the “Nazi” history back to the United States and follow their growth afterwards. The Nazis in Germany were not the origins of the Eugenics program, just another front organization for the Globalists.
Eugenics once meant “good birth.” After the Nazis took it over, it became about promoting one race over another. Now it is used by Globalists against the world’s population in general.
On the “micro” scale, it is much harder to understand the program of Eugenics. The nature, roles and interactions of tiny particles described as bacteria, DNA, and viruses are easily misrepresented to the public. The public, including the average medical professionals trained in medical schools controlled by the Oligarchs, has been lied to consistently for generations. The lies have reached a point, where we are today, where the public realizes that we have been lied to and must try endeavor to understand the truth for themselves with our limited education and resources.
Medical professionals, in their shame and guilt of their ignorant and complicit roles in the “medicine” used to kill and cause disease for generations, are no help to the public in understanding the truth. Instead of taking the lead in correcting the errors of their profession, they are the last in line to admit what has happened and is still going on. Many of them have denial, a defense mechanism which prevents them from accepting and processing information that will allow them see the truth. Many of the ones who know the truth are content to continue to accept their paychecks in a system that is based on lies and is designed to kill and create disease, because these people are of low moral character, and are simply well-educated murderers and thieves. There are some exceptions few and far between. These are usually scorned outcasts who have trouble earning a living.
This is the field in which we currently find ourselves deployed, like it or not. What to do? At the moment, we are tearing down the lies, a process already well under way.
It is easy to tear down a house of cards built upon lies. Anyone can tear things down, especially those things built upon a false foundation, proven to be unsound and full of logical inconsistencies. On the other hand, great people build things. I don’t see any of that. Some of you have a higher calling to build a foundation of health based on truth. The choice is yours.
Some people look at all of this and feel hopeless and intimidated by the scale of evil. I look at it as an opportunity. You can bitch and scream at the Heavens and nothing will really change. No one will do it for you.
There are few goals, no existing funded projects, and a lot of isolated bitching on social media trying to tear down what exists. And this is why we fail. A noteable exception are the Baileys who have proposed a testing method to settle the virology debate.
Although I have proposed a project, without interest of anyone with means, which would work to cure cancer, I will continue with the demolition of the establishment of lies, as any common man can, because this is all the resources I have available to use. But maybe one day the right person will see the truth and be motivated.
My limited observations here are going to be rough and overgeneralized, and subject to fact-checking of those who are more familiar with these specialized mico-topics. I have learned a lot from the comments section here. Nevertheless I think I am raising important points and facts. All give important hints as to the nature of hidden truth of “Science” that is used against mankind to serve the need of the Globalist Oligarchs.
On the issue of the heated topic of virology today, it is my experience that usually when the public is presented with a binary choice, “this or that,” choose one, both of these choices are false, and the answer is something else. I have reservations about joining in the “virus / no virus” debate because of what history has taught me about deception and disinformation techniques. Globalists are content to let the public believe anything they want to, as long as it is false, a goal stated by former CIA Director William Casey. Usually they promote various competing false themes, narrative and counter-narrative, to suit the personalities of the public. It took me several times of researching counter-narratives for years and finally realizing that they were false before I finally learned my lesson. Now in the end, all that said, the truth may well be one or the other, “virus or no virus.” I think the problem is as much language and definition as anything. It’s like trying to pin down smoke. It’s clear that the higher levels of Science know the truth and use it against the public for their immoral purposes.
Throughout my informal research, I have frequently been confused by the interchangeable manner in which viruses, bacteria, and “naked DNA” are mentioned as if they are all the same thing.
In the 20th century, Antione Bechamp said that bacteria were created within our cells as cells die and break down. This is not an accepted theory. It is an accepted theory however that viruses are created within cells. And it is accepted that bacteria produce “bacteriophages,” described as viruses. The discoveries of DNA and mRNA were dependent on the use of bacteria, which hardly suggests that they are an exogenous life form. Therefore I think it’s possible if not likely that cells produce bacteria which in turn produce compounds that can be called viruses, bacteriophages, or whatever else you want to call them. The concept of a multiple exogenous life form virus species infecting us and hijacking our cells to replicate themselves is false, I believe. The people who know more about this than I need to put all this together correctly with the appropriate experiments and methods. The level of technology available today compared to the level of technology used to create the scientific beliefs of the past is so greatly advanced that no scientist today with modest funding cannot say that they could not easily research the truth of virology and publish the results, but that requires more effort than taking shots at some of the establishment’s lies and weaknesses in theory.
The Globalists have used, continue to use, their secretive microbiology knowledge to create Cancer. They are doing it on a mass scale today in the “COVID vaccines” with oncogenes (SV40) and a spike protein compound that suppresses the tumor-fighting BRCA1 gene in order to create turbo cancer.
Cold Spring Harbor is one of the major centers for Eugenics in the United States.
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was established in 1904 to collect genetic data on Americans with the intent of Eugenics, to control the growth of population and delete blood lines that they did not like. Researchers used index cards on families, and the Oligarchs of the day used the powers they had to to punish and kill the families they did not like and promote those they did.
Eugenics and the Nazis -- the California connection
But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. …
In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. …
During the '20s, Carnegie Institution eugenic scientists cultivated deep personal and professional relationships with Germany's fascist eugenicists. In "Mein Kampf," published in 1924, Hitler quoted American eugenic ideology and openly displayed a thorough knowledge of American eugenics. "There is today one state," wrote Hitler, "in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception (of immigration) are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States."
From 1907 to 1910, Charles and Gertrude Davenport at Cold Spring Harbor carried out family studies that included heritable traits such as eye color, hair color, and skin pigment.
In 1910 Peyton Rous extracted material from a cancer tumor in a hen and injected it into a healthy chicken. “When Peyton Rous joined The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1909, he had already been advised by several mentors not to make “the cancer question” his life’s work.” The chicken developed cancer, and he concluded that cells from the hen’s tumor contained an infectious substance, a virus, that transmits cancer. I believe this is the actual chicken. How’s that for research? This is the first “oncovirus” to be described, Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). Later when Rous accepted a Nobel Prize for creating cancer in chickens by jabbing them with goo from a tumor he will note that bacteria played a role. It gives a whole new perspective on “Rockefeller chicken.”
From Peyton Rous Nobel Lecture, 1966:
Peyton Rous: An exceedingly important trait of most neoplastic cells is their unnatural excitability which sometimes renders them extremely active on what seems slight encouragement. Infection with inflammatory bacteria often has this effect. Indeed merely the healing of a hole a centimeter across punched through a rabbit’s ear that had been swabbed on its smooth inner surface with an oncogenic tar some weeks before may cause several tumors to start forth from the epidermal sheet that is extending in to close the hole, although elsewhere has arisen none.
In 1919 Clarence Little of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was one of the first to demonstrate that genetic factors are involved in cancer using mice. Little selectively bred mice to create cancer, a tactic later used by the self-described inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Robert Malone.
In 1926, Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm Institute received the first of many grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. Ernst Rüdin was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
By 1928, Carleton MacDowell of Cold Spring Harbor had found a way to make cancer heritable. The entire history of cancer research has been a scam to create cancer. Globalist-funded researcher say they have to create cancer in order to understand how to cure it. They never cure it, and only create it.
Meanwhile in Britain in 1928, researchers were killing mice with bacteria to figure out how that worked. This ultimately led to the discoveries of DNA and mRNA supposedly. Rockefeller University: IN CELEBRATION OF THE 50th ANNIVERSARY of the publication of the experiment that transformed biology and showed that genes are made of DNA
In 1928, the British medical researcher Fred Griffith discovered that if VIRULENT, encapsulated Type III pneumococci were killed and injected with living, non-encapsulated (and thus harmless) Type II pneumococci into a laboratory mouse, the mouse died. But why? From the mouse’s body Griffith recovered living, VIRULENT Type III pneumococci. The killed bacteria had provided some chemical substance that enabled the naked type II bacteria to grow a lethal type III capsule. One type of bacteria had become transformed into another.
In 1941 researchers at Cold Spring Harbor researched what they called viruses within bacteria.
In January 1943, Dr. Joseph Mengele began to work for the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhem Institute of Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, and was sent to Auschwitz to conduct his research.
In 1944, Avery, McLeod and McCarty published a paper on the “transforming principle” at work in pneumococcal bacteria as DNA. “The Rockefeller University is pleased to reprint the original 1944 paper by Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty.”
Oswald T. Avery, the senior author of the 1944 paper, was recruited to the Hospital of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now The Rockefeller University) in 1913 by the Hospital’s first director, Rufus Cole. The goal of Avery’s research for the next 35 years was to understand the pneumococcus bacteria and design therapies for lobar pneumonia. … Cohn MacLeod joined the Avery laboratory in 1934. Maclyn McCarty joined the laboratory in 1941.
It’s amazing to me that the scientific principle that led to a theory of DNA was based on an experiment with bacteria. Below I have provided a good summary in plain English. I have highlighted the term “virulent” in the description of some particles associated with bacteria.
From Avery-Macleod-McCarty Experiment | History & Findings
“He had two strains. A VIRULENT strain which would cause pneumonia in mice, and a non-VIRULENT strain which did not make mice sick. Griffith discovered that when the non-VIRULENT bacteria were mixed with parts of VIRULENT bacteria, the non-virulent strains suddenly became VIRULENT. This was incredible, because it meant that the bacteria were now expressing characteristics that they didn’t have before. This is analogous to you spending time with a friend, and having your hair change colors to match theirs. How was this possible? Griffith propose that one bacteria was injecting a transforming principle, a fancy term for AN UNKNOWN MOLECULE OR COMPOUND, into the other bacteria. This transforming principle might be the heriditary material that they had all been looking for.”
In the years that followed (the 1944 paper), the conclusion that genetic information was carried by DNA, and not proteins, was greatly bolstered by the work of McCarty and Rollin Hotchkiss at The Rockefeller University, and by the bacteriophage workers Al Hershey and Martha Chase at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.
In 1948, James Watson, who would go on to be credited with discovering the “double helix” of DNA, took a course on Bacteriophages at Cold Spring Harbor.
The CSHL Courses program itself began with future Nobel laureate, Max Delbrück, who in 1945 started a course on the biology of tiny viruses called bacteriophages, or phages, that infect bacteria. This was not just any course; it was one of the incubators for the field that in the following decade would become known as molecular biology. A young man named James Watson took the course in the summer of 1948 and it had a major impact on his career plans.
While viruses have never been isolated, bacteriophages were isolated in 1952 at Cold Spring Harbor.
They put the bacteria in a blender and used it to break off some little pieces on the outside of the bacteria that they called bacteriophages, or as some called them, viruses.
Feb. 28, 1953, James Watson created a plausible model for DNA which he described as a “double helix.”
The puzzle of these base ratios, or “Chargaff’s rules”, was not pieced together until a Saturday morning in 1953, when a young phage worker named James Watson, then working in the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge, began shifting cardboard cut-outs of DNA bases in out of various pairing possibilities. “Suddenly,” Watson recalled, “I became aware that an adenine-thymine pair held together by two hydrogen bonds was identical in shape to a guanine-cytosine pair....” The two sets of equally-sized base pairs could form the steps of the spiral staircase turning within the core of DNA’s double-helical backbone. As Watson wrote: “Chargaffs rules then suddenly stood out as a consequence of a double-helical structure for DNA. Even more exciting, this type of double helix suggested a [genetic] replication scheme...Always pairing adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine meant that the base sequences of the two intertwined chains were complementary to each other. Given the base sequence of one chain, that of its partner was automatically determined.” With Watson and Crick’s determination of DNA’s three-dimensional structure, the great mystery of how genetic information was replicated from cell to cell and from parent to offspring was essentially solved
July 1954. Sydney Brenner began employment at the Cold Spring Harbor. Brenner was born in South Africa and educated in South Africa and Oxford University in London.
After arriving at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Brenner spent his first months studying bacterial genetics and “bacteriophage.” Bacteriophage are defined as “a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria.” “They are ubiquitous in the environment and are recognized as the most abundant biological agent on earth.”
Brenner traveled across the United States from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to Pasedena, California where he met several prominent “phage” researchers. Brenner was the first to stain and photograph these bacteriophage structures. Brenner published A negative staining method for high resolution electron microscopy of viruses, 1959.
On April 12, 1955, Jonas Salk reported his fraudulent vaccine cure for the neurological diseases caused by neurotoxins like DDT and lead, falsely described as being caused by the Polio Virus. It was loaded with SV40 DNA in an intentional effort to cause cancer. It is not a “contaminant;” then or now, it is an ingredient. The Salk Institute is a criminal fraud. Salk Institute is where Inder Verma researched oncogenes and educated Robert Malone, a former computer science student. Then look what happened with Pfizer, mRNA and SV40.
Sydney Brenner and Francis Crick conceived of the idea of mRNA on April 15, 1960 at King’s College in Cambridge. Who discovered messenger RNA?
In that moment, Brenner and Crick had realised that the mysterious PaJaMo messenger could explain the results from Volkin and Astrachan and others that suggested that following phage infection, bacteria produced a short-lived form of RNA with the same base composition as phage DNA, and which differed from host ribosomal RNA. The two Cambridge men immediately seized on the possibility that this short-lived RNA was the mysterious Paris messenger.
On December 13, 1966, the Rockefeller’s cancer man Peyton Rous, discover of the Rous sarcoma virus, that was in the goo of a chicken tumor which he injected into another chicken, as referenced earlier in 1910, said that in his 1966 Nobel Prize acceptance lecture “for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses” that bacteria were good at creating cancer.
Rous: An exceedingly important trait of most neoplastic cells is their unnatural excitability which sometimes renders them extremely active on what seems slight encouragement. Infection with inflammatory bacteria often has this effect. Indeed merely the healing of a hole a centimeter across punched through a rabbit’s ear that had been swabbed on its smooth inner surface with an oncogenic tar some weeks before may cause several tumors to start forth from the epidermal sheet that is extending in to close the hole, although elsewhere has arisen none.
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan relayed an account of Dr. Richard Day in March 1969. Day informed his audience that Rockefeller Institute knew of cures for cancer but refused to release the information because they wanted people to die of cancer.
Cancer. He said we can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in Rockefeller Institute. If it’s ever decided that it should be released. But consider if people stop dying of cancer how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else. Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward the cure. There’s some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in Rockefeller Institute would come to light because indepenent researchers might bring them out despite these efforts to suppress them. That at least for the time being letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.
December 23, 1971. National Cancer Institute—President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971. The act represented the U.S. commitment to what President Nixon described as the “war on cancer,” which, by 1970, had become the nation’s second leading cause of death.
In 1972, James Watson and Cold Spring Harbor set to work on cancer.
(Inder) Verma, a native of Sangrur, India, was hired by the Salk Institute in 1974, at age 26, after completing a Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and a postdoctoral fellowship in the lab of David Baltimore, who was then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. …. During Verma's first 4 years at Salk, he published 16 papers, many reporting discoveries about reverse transcriptase, the enzyme that enables retroviruses to insert their genetic material into cells' DNA.
In 1976 James Watson, disoverer of DNA helix, resigned from Harvard and became Director or Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Under his direction, Cold Spring Harbor began researching tumor virology and oncogenes.
In 1983, Robert Malone changed his education path from computer science to molecular biology at UC Davis. Malone was granted a President's Undergraduate Fellowship Grant for Investigation of Oncogene Expression in Breast Tumor Tissue. Malone and his colleagues created cancer in mice by selectively breeding them. Malone says that he changed his major from computer science because he didn’t want to stare at 4 walls programming computers, but a change to creating cancer in mice and killing them hardly seems like a more socially rewarding career choice to me. I was taught in school that children who tortured and killed small animals were more likely to become murderers later in life. I think Malone changed his major because of the opportunity to study oncogenes, mRNA and so on using computational methods.
Much of the methods used by Malone to create cancer in mice by breeding seem to mirror the work of Clarence Cook Little at Cold Spring Harbor in the early 20th century. By Malone’s time they knew how mRNA worked.
In October 1984, Robert Malone et al published their results of how to create cancer by selective breeding using mice with and without the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus. Interestingly, the mice with the “virus” were less susceptible to creating cancer after they were given a cancer-causing agent by Robert Malone, Dan Mitchell, Robert Cardiff, Murray Gardner and others. The full paper is below.
Inder Verma, of Salk Institute, is pictured at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 1986.
In 1987, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is designated a cancer research center of the national cancer institute.
1988 was an eventful year. Robert Malone and Phil Felgner began correspondence on using mRNA as a drug. Robert Malone was given a supercomputing grant for RNA structure modeling. Inder Verma was given a contract by the NIH to identify oncogenes.
In 1988 (James) Watson, DNA Helix man, was appointed Associate Director for Human Genome Research of the National Institutes of Health. In 1989 Watson became Director of the National Center for Human Genome Research at the NIH.
In 1988, Robert Malone and Phil Felgner begin correspondence on the use of mRNA as a drug.
In 1988, Robert Malone is given a grant for “Supercomputer RNA Structure Modeling.”
In 1988, Inder Verma of Salk Institute is given the first of many yearly grants from the NIH to identify cancer-causing Oncogenes.
Later in a 2016 interview, Inder Verma responded to a question:
Prof. Inder Verma, you have been involved with gene therapy research since its inception. Could you tell us what it was like when you first began your work in this field and its evolution?
It started out with our work on viruses which can cause cancer in experimental model systems. The reason these viruses could cause cancer is that they hijacked a part of a gene, called an oncogene – a gene that could cause cancer – from normal cells.
On March 21, 1989, Phil Felgner, Robert Malone and others file for a patent Lipid-Mediated Polynucleotide Administration to Deliver a Biologically Active Peptide and to Induce a Cellular Immune Response. They list the SV40 oncogene as a “promoter.”
In August 1989, Phil Felgner, Inder Verma, and Robert Malone published Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection. This is a way to trick cells into accepting a genetic toxin by coating them with lipid nanoparticles, or fats.
In 2011, Inder Verma published that the BRCA1 protein suppressed tumors. BRCA1 tumor suppression occurs via heterochromatin mediated silencing. Later the mRNA COVID vaccines were reported to suppress the BRCA1 protein, which along with the oncogence SV40 once again intentionally included by Pfizer, has led to “Turbo Cancer.”
In early January 2020, or earlier, Robert Malone supervised the DOMANE computer program at Alchem Laboratories in Florida which identified Famotidine as a cure to the fraudulently-created Wuhan Seafood Market Virus.
His colleague Michael Callahan supervised the use of Famotidine in a trial of 6,212 patients in China. “Hospitalized COVID-19 patients on famotidine appeared to be dying at a rate of about 14% compared with 27% for those not on the drug,” These are absurdly high death rates in both groups. Callahan was very likely also using Remdesivir, causing the high death rates. Because the group that used Famotidine was being murdered at a lower rate (14%) than the one that was not, (27%), Callahan said that Famotidine was a “cure.”
January 2021. Cold Spring Harbor just had to get in on the Famotidine scam. By making sure they killed people in these trials with Remdesivir and ventilators, and blaming their deaths on a virus, they created the myth of a deadly viral Pandemic, which led to the administration of deadly “countermeasures” all over the world.
Northwell, CSHL open virtual COVID-19 clinical trial for non-hospitalized patients
The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) are recruiting patients in a fully virtual, in-home, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of famotidine, or PEPCID, for the outpatient treatment of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults.
August 25, 2021. Robert Malone describes negotiations with Pfizer over his patent. This patent mentions the use of SV40 DNA fragments.
Malone’s patent was dated May 23, 1997. In July 1997 Malone joined the NIH Study Section K01 Breast Cancer Study Section.
October 25, 2023. After the SV40 fragments in Pfizer’s vaccines are publicly reported, Robert Malone quotes Mary Beth Pfeiffer of TrialSiteNews, who in turn was quoting him:
Dr. Malone was also cautious. Calling the SV40 sequence fragments “small and residual,” he said the implications of the contaminants, while unknown, might not be as dire as some predict. “This is not full SV40; it’s DNA fragments,” he said, of certain key sequences involved in DNA replication and gene expression. “SV40 is associated with tumors…(but) this isn’t that. In my mind the risk is not acute; I’m not hyper-alarmed about this.”
Cold Spring Harbor says they have figured out cancer pretty much at this point, as the Globalists push to cure the cancer that they have caused with mRNA with more mRNA. They’re just going to make it “chronic,” not cure it though.
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Charles Wright
How can people determine that they have cancer if they never go to a doctor? I have heard that some extremely rare times there’s a massive tumor. But in the extremely vast majority of cases, diagnosis is from tests on an apparently healthy person.
So isn’t it possible that, like doing pcr tests for Covid, the diagnosis of cancer is similar and asymptomatic?
And instead of expensive remdesivir and ventilation, expensive toxic chemotherapy and radiation are used. You can get more money and depopulate at the same time.
The hits keep coming. Superior research Sir.
Don't stop Don't slow down.