JFK wanted to Curtail Israel's Nuclear Ambitions
As Netanyuhu sets the stage for nuclear explosions in American cities
If you wanted to make a list of all the motives to assassinate JFK, it would be a very long list. People argue about what was the reason, but in my opinion it was "all of the above.” Simply put, JFK had decided that he was going to be the President and do what he thought was best for the United States and the world, and not let the CIA tell him what to do anymore. He’s just had it with them and all their evil operations, fired the CIA Director Allen Dulles, and decided to run the country himself.
One of the more underreported aspects of JFK’s assassination was his opposition to starting a war in Vietnam, something I wrote about here. In this article we’ll take a quick look at JFK’s opposition to Israel’s nuclear ambitions.
Writes Ronan Mainprize, of Engelsburg Ideas.
How LBJ forged the US-Israel alliance
The 1950s saw several spats between Washington and Jerusalem as Eisenhower attempted to build stability in the Middle East. His administration twice threatened to cut aid to Jerusalem; first, over Israeli plans to divert water from the Jordan River, and then because of their attempts to hold onto territory they had captured during the Suez Crisis. As the Cold War began to intensify, however, and the Soviet Union strengthened its hand in the region, Jerusalem became an increasingly useful partner. The Kennedy presidency saw the first major American arms sales to Israel with Hawk anti-aircraft missiles being delivered in 1963. Kennedy also provided initial security guarantees by privately pledging military support to Golda Meir in the event of any Arab invasion.
Kennedy still attempted to maintain a balanced stance in the Middle East so as to not jeopardise his relations with the Arab leaders and invite further encroachment into the region by the Soviet Union. He endeavoured, in vain, to curtail the proliferation of Israeli nuclear weapons at Dimona, an Israeli city in the Negev Desert, by requesting regular inspections, while also providing economic support to Egypt and attempting to build cordial relations with its president, Gamal Abdel Nasser. This strategy saw some success; Nasser was said to have been overcome with sorrow upon hearing the news of Kennedy’s assassination.
The best read on how Israel stole nuclear technology from the United States was written by Seymour Hersch in The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal & American Foreign Policy, 1991. His foreward:
This is a book about how Israel became a nuclear power in secret. It also tells how that secret was shared, sanctioned, and, at times, willfully ignored by the top political and military officials of the United States since the Eisenhower years.
In it, you will find many senior American officials being quoted — most of them for the first time — about what they knew and when they knew it. These officials spoke to me not because of animosity toward the Israeli government, but because they realized the hypocrisy of the American policy of publicly pretending that Israel's nuclear arsenal does not exist. That policy remains in effect as this is written.
So if you want to read more on how Israel stole nuclear weapons technology from the United States, click the link to Seymour’s book. It has the complete text. As Hersch noted, nuclear proliferation policy of the United States has always ignored Israel, who literally stole their nuclear program from the United States. Nations like Iran are sanctioned, while leaders like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and J.D. Vance call to attack Iran over their nuclear weapons program. By the same logic they should also call to sanction and/or attack Israel.
Back to Kennedy. From the National Security Archive: Concerned About Nuclear Weapons Potential, John F. Kennedy Pushed for Inspection of Israel Nuclear Facilities.
President John F. Kennedy worried that Israel’s nuclear program was a potentially serious proliferation risk and insisted that Israel permit periodic inspections to mitigate the danger, according to declassified documents published today by the National Security Archive, Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Kennedy pressured the government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to prevent a military nuclear program, particularly after stage-managed tours of the Dimona facility for U.S. government scientists in 1961 and 1962 raised suspicions within U.S. intelligence that Israel might be concealing its underlying nuclear aims. Kennedy’s long-run objective, documents show, was to broaden and institutionalize inspections of Dimona by the International Atomic Energy Agency. …
Declassified documents reveal that more than any other American president, John F. Kennedy was personally engaged with the problem of Israel’s nuclear program; he may also have been more concerned about it than any of his successors. Of all U.S. leaders in the nuclear age, Kennedy was the nonproliferation president. Nuclear proliferation was his “private nightmare,” as Glenn Seaborg, his Atomic Energy Commission chairman, once noted. Kennedy came to office with the conviction that the spread of nuclear weapons would make the world a much more dangerous place; he saw proliferation as the path to a global nuclear war. This concern shaped his outlook on the Cold War even before the 1960 presidential campaign – by then he had already opposed the resumption of nuclear testing largely due to proliferation concerns – and his experience in office, especially the Cuban Missile Crisis, solidified it further.
After the assassination of JFK, under LBJ, the false flag used to justify military force against Vietnam with the “Gulf of Tonkin” incident occurred where Navy ships went around shooting at ghosts on their radar screens, which were supposed to be torpedo boats. LBJ said they were shooting at flying fish, but no matter.
Similarly. there was the false flag attack on the USS Liberty by Israel in the Mediterranean during the six-days war between Israel and several nations in the Middle East. Alex Jones did a good report on it.
The six-day war of 1967, which LBJ wanted to expand with the US military, was when Israel first seized control of areas in Palestine. Writes Mainprize:
The war of June 1967 was a seminal moment that transformed the landscape of the Middle East forever. With Israel’s capture and subsequent occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, its shock waves can still be felt to this day.
Today the citizens of the United States are likely faced with another false flag attack by Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Congress of the United States and set the stage for nuclear bomb detonations in American cities:
Times of Isreal provided the transcript of Netanyahu’s address under the headline that Israel was “protecting” the United States: We’re protecting you: Full text of Netanyahu’s address to Congress.
Netanyahu: “And one more thing. When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons that could destroy Israel and threaten every American city, every city that you come from, we’re not only protecting ourselves. We’re protecting you.”
I don’t know how many of you know much about missile warfare, but there is no way a nuclear-armed missile from Iran or anywhere else can strike the United States after the US launched space-based lasers in the Strategic Defense Initiative- lasers hauled into space by the Space Shuttles.
This means that the only way American cities can be threatened by nuclear explosions is if the devices are already planted and hidden in American cities.
Netanyahu will set them off while his surrogates in Washington blame it on Iran if the intelligence community does not do its job and act to stop him somehow.
Charles Wright
Lindsey Graham urges Biden to 'hit' Iran: 'Blow it off the map'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVBqzebntKw
As I’m sure you know, Trump pardoned Pollard, the Israeli spy…interesting to say the least😉…among other things.