Anheuser-Busch’s stock has been sharply falling ever since Bud Light announced a marketing partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, and rednecks like myself around the world are refusing to drink it.
It was a good opportunity to go out and shoot some beer cans, which we like to do anyway, except normally the cans are empty.
I never liked Bud Light anyway. I drink Miller Lite. Pork however, I do like. Now it looks like I’m going to have to give that up too. Barbecue and Bud Light, victims of the transhuman agenda.
Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote an article on April 10: Are You Eating Pork Injected With Merck’s mRNA Livestock Vaccine?
And I’m like, well I don’t know if I’m eating pork injected with Merck’s mRNA livestock vaccine. It just looks like pork to me. Mercola: “it appears Americans have been eating pork treated with gene therapy for the past five years, and even more of our meat supply is about to get contaminated with the same treatment.” Well that’s just great. Thanks for letting us know, FDA.
Synthetic mRNA is a tool of Science used to spread disease, kill, lower birth rates, and modify human DNA. This type of “cure” is infinitely more harmful than anything they are pretending to cure with it. That’s a strong statement, but it fits with the ambitions of the globalists. If you want a “scientific” reference on how the human genome is being modified with synthetic mRNA, Dr. Peter McCullough is about as good a reference as there is right now. He says it “needs investigation.” That’s just the way they talk. McCullough referenced “Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose,” in case you want to read through that real quick.
Synthetic mRNA is also greatly increasing cancer rates. There is even a name for it: “turbo cancer,” although there’s not much interest in the scientific community to report on synthetic-mRNA generated turbo cancer. There’s not much in the way of “scientific” studies for me to link to for you to read- just all the “anecdotal” reports of doctors and victims sharing their stories. That’s Science for you. The people who are killing us don’t like to give us a blueprint on how they do it.
Elon Musk calls synthetic mRNA-generated diseases a “silver lining,” absurdly- a way to cure the cancers that the synthetic mRNA caused in the first place. To Musk, synthetic mRNA is a “revolution,” an advancement akin to “going from analog to digital.” And he’s right. That’s exactly what synthetic mRNA is. They have made human life, diseases, reproduction rates, and everything else in our DNA code into a digital code that satanic Oligarch elites can control for their benefit. Life is not Digital. Nature works just fine without the Oligarchs controlling Life. Nature, or God if you prefer, brought us to life before Science. Satanic Oligarchs want to destroy Nature and replace it with Science, because they control Science. Now they want to control the World with Science. Everything about this Plandemic was man-made; they are not in the business of cures.
So I guess I’m going with Beef, for now, because the Beef industry hasn’t contaminated their livestock with synthetic mRNA yet, as far as I can tell. You can suit yourself. And please don’t shoot the pigs.
Charles Wright
Tom Renz attorney is trying to get a bill passed in MO to force them to tell us if it’s in our food supply. He said the cattle lobby is looking to use mRNA as well as the pork producers and it could start as early as this month!!!!
"Synthetic mRNA is a tool of Science used to spread disease, kill, lower birth rates, and modify human DNA. This type of “cure” is infinitely more harmful than anything they are pretending to cure with it."
Concisely well put. That's it in a nutshell, as the sociopathic overlords are propelled by their greed & yearning for power. Evil is clearly starring us in the face at every turn. I agree wholeheartedly that Nature & God's Creation cannot be improved upon. "Nature" Works just fine, even with the constant bombardment of nefarious human meddling. I believe "Nature" or God's Creation will Prevail in the end. May God Bless us & Have Mercy on us all.