Nigeria never got COVID because Nigeria was using Ivermectin
Originally published Dec 28, 2021 on Wordpress
Much has been made recently of the success of India and Japan recently in treating COVID with Ivermectin. Not much has been written on Nigeria. Nigeria was using it the whole time and never had a Pandemic to speak of. It's clearly not a coincidence.
Ivermectin has been used "probably more in Nigeria than in any other country in the world..." - Dr. Olufemi Emmanuel (Femi) Babalola. Ivermectin certainly was still being extensively distributed in Nigeria as late as 2017, judging from this image from Systematic Review on Onchocerciasis Infection in Nigeria in the Past Five Decade.

The rates of COVID in Nigeria are in stark contrast to the rates of countries like the United States that used experimental mRNA products on their populations. Nigeria scarcely had COVID, as anyone can see from the chart of rates provided by "Our World in Data." Much thanks to them.
Note to readers. I am substituting "mRNA products" for "vaccines" after reading a complaint filed at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, dated December 6, 2021, which reads in part: "The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and are in fact gene therapy." I certainly cannot call the mRNA products "gene therapy," however, as they have the opposite of a therapeutic effect. So I use "mRNA products" which is a descriptive fact regardless of purpose.
Back to Nigeria. For the most part, a flat line of no COVID. I contrasted the United States dealing with "waves," and "variants," and "boosters," and politicians bickering at the unvaccinated and so forth. It's all seems insane when you see the differences in options that were available to the world in stark contrast. And still are to some extent. This is "if you're in a hole" type logic, here. Stop the mRNA products to stop the Pandemic.
Nigeria has an extremely low "vaccination" rate. Low COVID rates are to be expected in nations that have used antiviral treatments in place of the mRNA products for two simple reasons. 1. The antiviral treatments kill the virus. 2. The mRNA products spread the virus. I reference Luc Montagnier on the simple scientific fact in #2. Below is a chart of how Nigeria compares to many other nations of the world. It is not a complete chart of all nations, but you can clearly see that Nigeria is among the most unvaccinated nations on the earth. This chart is also from Our World in Data.
Nigeria was highly informed that Ivermectin would combat COVID. Dr. Babalola, with a lifetime of Ivermectin research in Nigeria, had begun clinical trials of Ivermectin to treat COVID in May, 2020, very early in the Pandemic testing. These clinical trials followed quickly behind Dr. Kylie Wagstaff's early April 2020 findings that Ivermectin was extremely effective against COVID in vitro.
Dr. Babalola's study came to be not only ignored, but dismissed entirely by Merck in a statement in February 4, 2021. Later in India, in May 2021, as India battled COVID with Ivermectin and other treatments, a representative of the who discouraged the use of Ivermectin and based her remarks largely on Merck's statement. The Indian Bar Association filed a Legal Notice against her as doctors fought the virus.
Some Reference Material and discussion follows.
"This study was undertaken between May and November 2020." Babalola's group that received 12 mg Ivermectin did well against a control group that received "standard of care." There were a low number of patients in this study, which make this a discardable study in the eyes of some in the medical profession, most notably Merck, and most certainly Western media. Nigeria knew that low COVID rates were a result of Ivermectin use and lack of using mRNA products. Nigeria did not believe the correlation between low COVID and low mRNA products was "spurious correlation" as some might allege. Their most prominent scientist had proven it to their satisfaction. They took great pride in their success. They tried their best to inform the world.
Around January 2021, Babalola's team published results of their study, had a press conference with the Vice President of Nigeria, and informed the World Health Organization of their findings. The following excerpt is from Presidency welcomes report of COVID-19 research team.
The Presidency has welcomed a team of Nigerian professors and scientists investigating effectiveness and role of Ivermectin drug in the treatment of the novel coronavirus. Composed of scholars at home and abroad, the group also submitted its report on usefulness of the drug to the World Health Organisation (WHO) that had appointed a peer review expert from the United Kingdom. peaking yesterday while being briefed on the report by a team of scientists led by the Principal investigator, Prof. Femi Babalola, and the Chief Medical Director, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Prof. Chris Bode, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo expressed satisfaction that Nigeria and Nigerians “are at the cutting edge of scientific research into COVID-19 treatment.” He said: “We have an opportunity here and I am so fascinated to hear this drug has been used in the treatment of river blindness in this country.” Commending the squad, Osinbajo added that with the report, Nigeria was at an advantage both in knowledge and availability of the drug, especially since Ivermectin had been found useful not only in the treatment of COVID-19, but also as a prophylactic medication.
Shortly afterwards, February 4, 2021, Merck issued a statement that completely dismissed Babalola's study, although not specifically, but as a full class "of all available and emerging studies"
KENILWORTH, N.J., Feb. 4, 2021 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.
I hope these sources provide a better understanding on the nature of the Pandemic and the effects of both Ivermectin and mRNA products on the Pandemic. How many of us would rewind the past and listen to the people trying their best to tell us about Ivermectin?
Of all the sources that best describe the optimism of the period, I choose a paper submitted in April 15, 2020 by Claire Njeri Wamae.
I have spent over 40 years studying parasitic worms and the drugs we use to treat them. With this background, I suggest that large-scale annual mass drug administration for preventive chemotherapy of neglected tropical diseases may be contributing to keeping COVID-19 cases in check and below projections in Africa.
Voices like Wamae were silenced. The truth was clear to them. They were obstructed by powers who knew that they were right. Nigeria and COVID rates are an inconvenient truth to pharma, the who, and the media organizations they control. Spread the inconvenient truths to fight them.