On the Two Competing Plandemic Narratives: Hospital Protocols versus Lab Leak (gain-of-function), and Dr. Robert Malone.
In the beginning, there was the Natural Spillover versus Lab Leak (gain-of-function) debate. The Natural Spillover theory was discredited, and now in it’s place rises the truth: Hospital Protocols.
Remdesivir, along with ventilators, opioids, and other substances and methods, is one of many tools used by Hospitals to kill patients for profit in the name of “COVID.” Many medical professionals believe provides the word “COVID” gives them legal protection. In fact, the legal protection is only provided by the private and public attorneys of law, and the politicians, who refuseprotect the American public from our enemies, both foreign and domestic- domestic in this instance.
The failure of Remdesivir in the 2018-19 Ebola trials is well-known among the family members of hosptial protocols victims. It is one of the first things they point out. The results were so bad, there is no excuse to use it on humans.
It has become increasingly obvious to me that the “Lab Leak Narrative” is by and large false, because it assumes that an engineered virus was responsible for the deaths intentionally caused by hospital protocols. Dr. Malone is still decidedly in the Lab Leak camp as opposed to the Hosptial Protocols camp of “Theory.” From my perspective, listening to the stories of the family members of victims, the Hospital Protocols narrative is anything but theory.
Below, you can hear Dr. Malone espouse the “Lab Leak Narrative,” or more accurately, the “Gain-of-Function Narrative,” by throwing Dr. Peter Hotez under the gain-of-function bus. Dr. Malone said he could not know if the “engineered biowarfare pathogen” had been intentionally or accidentally released.
Dr. Malone said that Dr. Hotez was involved in a “propaganda campaign that may have been mounted by the intelligence community to deflect tension from the apparent roll of EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, and Peter Hotez and others in engineering a biowarfare pathogen….” LINK to video June 2023.
In my opinion, Dr. Malone is mounting his own propaganda campaign to distract from Hospital Protocols. According to Malone’s propaganda, it is the gain-of-function “Measures” that are responsible for all the death and injury, according to his premise, not the “Countermeasures”- his specialty.
Dr. Malone reported running DTRA’s “DOMANE” system (Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities) to identify treatments for the “novel” coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Darnell Garnder, a Public Affairs Specialist at DTRA, wrote that DOMANE had identified Remdesivir and some other compounts to complement the “modest therapeutic effect” of Remdesivir. Among these compounds were Famotidine, Celecoxib, and Ivermectin.
DTRA’s Therapeutic Arm Latches on to FDA-approved and Affordable Drugs for COVID-19 Relief
“To complement the modest therapeutic effect of Remdesivir, DOMANE also identified Famotidine, a COVID-19 disease modifier from Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer’s Celecoxib, an anti-inflammatory product; and Merck’s Mectizan®, Ivermectin, an antiviral for clinical trials.”
In Wuhan, China, Robert Malone’s colleague Dr. Michael Callahan supervised the treatments of around 600 hospitalized patients with what appears to be a combination of Remdesivir, Famotidine, and ventilators. A large number of these patients died, as they always do where Remdesivir and ventilators are used together.
Thus the Hospital Protocol “theory” can be extended all the way back to the origin of the “Plandemic” in Wuhan, China.
Pictured: Wuhan Central Hospital, February 2020.
Charles Wright
The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the Covid merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all facets of it. There was no "pandemic" and there was no "lab leak."
The Wuhan lab leak theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who were neglected and had loads of toxic crap jammed into their bodies and vents forced on them which blew up their lungs.
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened, which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
A further but related result is to distract from the fraudulence of the whole “pandemic” conjured up with a research tool, PCR, that has been repurposed into an impossible-to-calibrate “test” made without any isolated virus and run at a Ct so high as to detect RNA fragments.
Lab leak narrative is used to shore up “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative.
Note that even in the states which had the 10 week spike this excess occurred in tightly circumscribed areas- hospitals and nursing homes located in urban centers. For example there was excess in certain NYC hospitals and nursing homes BUT NOT in suburban NY or beyond. Same story in every single "hotspot."
BEYOND THAT these excess deaths came from people who were mainly residing in institutionalized settings- the fragile elderly and the mentally disabled. The "virus" did not impact middle class or wealthy people. Nothing like this in epidemiological history and counter to all biological science.
BEYOND THAT none of this excess kicked in until the WHO officially declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. Anyone here really believes a "suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus" waited for a government decree to create excess death.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Reifying the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" caused by a "unique viral pathogen" in 2020 covers up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
They want you obsessing over origin. It’s a distraction from the policy-related slaughter of the last 3-years. It preserves the “pandemic preparedness industry” through which Big Pharma Corporations and their investors can siphon trillions from taxpayers.
There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.
It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.
It is all a massive intel/military/psyop operation by the US-led West designed to wipe out the global economy and install a digitized control structure in the context of a 'hot' geopolitical economic war against China that is being waged by the West. All of this as the Western financial system was in total freefall culminating in the Repo crisis of 2019- this is what 'triggered' the engineered pandemic in March 2020.
"Covid" was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.
Psychological fear-mongering manipulation of people by psychopathic ______ predators who saw their financial empires crumbling and resolved to shut down society and loot/plunder the world in an attempt to salvage their crumbling financial empires.
The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it. There was no pandemic.
Lab leak is a back door way of legitimizing the pandemic.
"The Virus®" is the new Al Qaeda.
I fully agree to your hypothesis. And there's no falsification on sight.