Polk County Sherrif's Department makes major arrest of Disney employee that could bust a child trafficking network
And why the Democrats should distance themselves from Disney immediately.
Polk County Sherrif’s Department arrested 12 individuals in a sting operation. Among them was Paul Viel, who was employed at Disney at the “Cosmic Rays Restaurant.” Viel moved to Florida from Indiana specifically to work at Disney. The descriptions by the Sherrif of the content that Viel was arrested for are available in the youtube video below.
It’s some really bad stuff, and there was a lot of it.
These images and videos can and should be used to identify every child in the evidence seized by the Polk County Sherrif’s Department.
This type of investigation can destroy the entire network. That is the type of investigation that is not done in the United States. Whenever local law enforcement busts someone like this, the case gets plea bargained down in exchange for the silence of the defendant. It’s been going on for a long time. Case in point: Robert Mueller and David Asimov.
On March 5, 1998, David Asimov was arrested for a huge child pornography production operation. Deputy District Attorney Gary Medvigy said: "The whole house was full of VCRs, commercial tapes, homemade tapes and sophisticated equipment for taping and duplicating.” Robert S. Mueller III was named interim United States Attorney for the Northern District of California by President Clinton in August 1998.
He assumed the prosecution of David Asimov. Asimov was sentenced to 6 months of house arrest, and the underlying evidence of the network was never publicly investigated. There are reports that child pornography were produced in the United States at US military bases, Bohemian Grove, and Neverland Ranch prior to this time. The CIA is deeply involved in this type of crime. That’s not to disparage Mueller. I haven’t walked a mile in his shoes, so to speak. No doubt these things have been covered up, and he’s been involved in it, but enough’s enough.
There’s also no doubt in my mind that Disney was set up as a “theme park” for this type of activity. I’ve written some about it here:
I think most people are aware at least to some extent of Jeffrey Esptein’s connections to Disney. That’s an article I could write later.
Currently Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is in a legal battle with Disney over their “special, quasi-governmental status” set up for them under the Reedy Creek Improvement Act of 1967.
It’s turned into a big fight along political lines, sadly. People are trying to turn it into a freak show instead of providing intelligent commentary on Disney’s history. As I write, apparently, there is an effort to paint Ron DeSantis as some sort of “neo-Nazi” for opposing Disney’s quasi-government status. Shannon Watts on Twitter writes: “Two dozen white supremacists are outside the main Disney World entrance in Orlando right now, marching with signs featuring Gov DeSantis’s face, swastikas, the n-word and homophobic slurs.”
Regardless of your opinion on Ron DeSantis, the Democrat’s opposition to him on anything and everything, and attempts to slur him will come back to haunt them on Disney. This is one of those stories that never gets better. I think the world will soon add Disney to the likes of Neverland and Bohemian Grove that have been shut down.
Democrat RFK Jr is challenging incumbent Plandemic-pawn Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for President in this election cycle. RKF is not your average Democrat and is not scared to break with party lines. He has some common sense of the deadly nature of vaccines. He recently announced that he was opposed to men competing in women’s sports.
Opposing Disney is another one of these positions that shouldn’t require too much thought for RFK. The Democrats have a history of funding related to Disney that they need to disavow immediately.
Bob and Harvey Weinstein sold Miramax to Disney in 1993 for more than $60 million. Disney purchased a stake in Infoseek from Steve Kirsch in 1998 for $70 million and other interests in a deal valued around $420 million.
Weinstein gave around $1.2 million to Democratic candidates after 1993.
Kirsch became a major donor and political coordinator for the Democrats. Washington Post, 2003: For Democrats, Dueling for Donors.
From the look of his e-mail traffic, Steve Kirsch appears to be a political adviser to nearly every Democratic presidential hopeful. Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) seeks his input on fuel cell-powered vehicles. Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (Mo.) shares insights with him on President Bush. And former Vermont governor Howard Dean agrees with him that the United States should follow Britain in slashing global emissions by 60 percent over the next five decades.
Kirsch, along with his wife, gave $3.1 million to the Democrats in the last presidential campaign on the grounds that Bush had distorted his educational record as governor of Texas. Now Kirsch has a list of 150 Democrats he e-mails about presidential candidates. Not surprisingly, he receives a lot of e-mails, especially from candidates.
Steve Kirsch announced on February 12, 2023 that he was setting up a PAC to raise funds to draft RFK Jr into running for President.
RFK announced his bid on April 19, 2023. I think it wise for RFK, Kirsch, and everyone else to distance themselves from Disney as the scandals and investigations inevitably widen.
Charles Wright