I believe that all Patriots should familiarize yourselves with the press releases of the Prime Minister’s Office of Israel which contain the words “Elon Musk.” This reference article contains the complete text and images I found by typing by tying “Elon Musk” into the Prim Minister’s Office of Israel’s search engine at: https://www.gov.il/en/departments/prime_ministers_office/govil-landing-page
I am using a different style of reporting here, one that the American public is not familiar with. Much of the bias in media is selection bias, you never receive certain facts in your media feed. Many facts that can be obtained by doing your own research. Typically, if a reporter were to cover the topic of Netanyahu’s relationship with Musk at all, they would take a few isolated facts from the information below, add a few other facts, and add their own “spin” or propaganda to serve their purpose.
I prefer to see Patriots review all of the information here and begin to form your own opinions and conclusions about what has transpired between Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk. At that point, the opinions and conclusions you may form will be both your own and based on a large number of facts from open-source information. In this type of reporting, heavy on facts and light on analysis, you don’t have to worry about bias except your own.
I have, however, added a few facts- and one piece of “spin”- to the timeline of press releases from the Prime Minister’s office.
Date of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.
Photo of Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations.
Date of October 7, 2023.
A fact contained in Benjamin Netanyahu’s “Day After Gaza” plan, or Agenda 2035.
An American Flag and text of Star-Spangled Banner
After reading the press releases, and the minimal background of additional information, I think the reader should see my perspective. You can of course add your own facts and write about the relationship between Elon Musk and Benjamin Netanyahu yourself. I would like to see more people boycott Twitter and move to Substack to do both your own research and reporting.
March 20, 2018.
PM Netanyahu Addresses 8th Negev Conference
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Dimona, addressed the 8th Negev Conference. Following are excerpts from his remarks:
"In wake of the film The Ancestral Sin, I instructed the Cabinet Secretary to check the issue with the World Zionist Organization. The check showed that while the documents are indeed open, they are not accessible. Therefore I made a decision – they will be accessible to everyone in Israel, to everyone in the world, completely accessible. As we did with the Yemenite children affair, so we will do here."
"This morning, before coming here, I met with Elon Musk, a man of vision, perhaps the greatest technological visionary of our time. He is a genius.
He told me that 'Israel is a technological power.' He said that he appreciates what we are doing here. And then he said, and he did not know I was coming here, he told me 'The Negev could provide you with all your energy needs. The Negev is the energy future of the State of Israel. You could spread solar systems here that would give you more energy than you need or could need. Clean energy.'
I tell you what he told me: 'If you only want it' and I tell you that I want it. I want a vibrant, flourishing and developing Negev. And we will continue to do this, to develop it as has never been done in the history of Israel."
"Israel is surrounded by outposts of radical Islam; therefore, we need to safeguard our borders. We have completed a major endeavor: Building a fence along more than 200 kilometers of border with Sinai. Were it not for the fence, we would be faced with a broken trough – severe attacks by Sinai terrorists, and something much worse, a flood of illegal migrants from Africa. We are talking about a Jewish and democratic state but how could we assure a Jewish and democratic state with 50,000 and then 100,000 and 150,000 migrants a year. After a million, 1.5 million, one could close up shop. But we have not closed down. We built a fence and at the same time, with concern for security needs, we are making a major investment in infrastructures."
March 22, 2018.
PM Netanyahu Meets with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem, met with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev. The Prime Minister told him that today Iran threatens not only the Middle East but the entire world and added that Iran had to be prevented from acquiring nuclear weapons. The two men discussed advancing bilateral cooperation in technology, innovation and trade.
Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Bulgarian President Radev for Holocaust commemoration in Bulgaria and said that he appreciated the latter's position in the struggle against anti-Semitism.
Prime Minister Netanyahu:
"Mr. President, you have always been a staunch ally of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. You've spoken eloquently and powerfully against anti-Semitism and you are welcome as a true friend, as is Bulgaria. We have a special relationship with Bulgaria – past, present and future.
We'll never forget that 75 years ago, the people of Bulgaria in Sofia stood up in an exemplary way against the Nazi demands for deportation: The clerics, the teachers, the intellectuals who came to the train station in Sofia. And I was always impressed by the telegram of the German representative to Berlin who said, explaining the failure of this deportation. He said: "The people of Bulgaria haven't developed enough." And in fact, it showed the moral heights that Bulgaria reached in those days. And we know that there were dark periods in those horrible years. But we always remember what happened in Sofia as a testament of human morality and friendship to our people.
Today we have excellent relations and they are buttressed by Bulgarian Jews who came here, who form an integral human bridge between us. And equally, we have flourishing relations, which we work in many ways to cement and develop in this visit of yours in a variety of fields, all fields really.
And that leads me to the future. You were yesterday in Beer-Sheva, you saw our cyber center. Israel is seizing the future, not only in matters of cyber security but in all matters of technology that will change our lives. I'm still under the impression of a breakfast I had on Sunday with a visionary, Elon Musk, who speaks about changing the world. He speaks about reaching Mars, speaks about plumbing the depths of the earth and the human mind, and these are not fantasies – these are things that are happening. Israel is at the forefront of all this scientific research and technological know-how. We're eager to share it with our friends. You are our friends, we share with you the past, a vibrant present and unbelievable future.
Welcome to Jerusalem friend."
Bulgarian President Radev:
"Thank you for the warm words that you have said about Bulgarian people.
I want to congratulate you with the 70th birthday of Israel, which is now nothing but an example for a modern state with functional institutions, vibrant democracy and vibrant civil society. We are together in commemorating the 75th anniversary on an unprecedented act of the rescue of Bulgarian Jewish population, which is nothing but a solid foundation to build upon our ties. This historically connected ties between our two peoples – this is nothing but a priceless capital, which we should care and develop.
But today what we need is more pragmatism in our bilateral relations. I'm sure that you agree with me that what we have as a trade exchange in amount of 150 million dollars does not correspond either with our good political ties or either with the atmosphere between the two countries.
We are deeply interested to take the Israeli example to build a society that is both socially engaged and integrated. I mean basically the hi-tech, I mean the cyber security, and science and education.
Thank you very much that you opened before our delegation the gates of the Gav Yam technological park to look at the future. We saw with our own eyes on the spot the tremendous advantage of Israel in this area. It came to my mind that you are the founding father of this initiative and I congratulate you.
We are also quite interested in diversification of resources. And another good opportunity is to both import and pass natural gas through Bulgaria.
We have good cooperation in the field of fight against terror. I would like to stress the important support we received from you after the terror act in Sarafovo in 2012. The tense situation in this world requires the security communities to cooperate with each other. And also our well-established ties in the sphere of defense.
My visit to Israel is also connected with participation in the 6th Global Forum to Combat Anti-Semitism, and this is in a world that the voice of hatred and xenophobia is rising up. I would like to confirm the firm position of Bulgaria of zero tolerance toward revisionism of history, and hatred and anti-Semitism.
Prime Minister, as I said, we have a lot of pragmatic issues ahead of us, and I will be very glad if we discuss them and seek steps forward for us."
May 28, 2018.
PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Science and Technology Conference
First, a happy birthday to our Minister of Science, Ofir Akunis. Twenty-seven years old today. I’ve known Ofir for many years. We’ve celebrated with his family. His wife is here today, with his family. My wife and I celebrated the birth of their children, and now we’re talking about the birth and the development of science and technology. It’s a pleasure to welcome here the distinguished delegates, the ministers who are here from 20 countries, and of course the Israeli representatives as well.
We are talking about things that are important for the development and the future of the world, but there are a few things that are important for the future and security of Israel. So I’ll say a few words in Hebrew.
Dear guests,
I spoke about quantum computing and other areas which are familiar to you, and you know the importance of science and technology. This is what we’re talking today—science and technology. They’re not the same. They are related: Science is the well from which we pour buckets of technology. So we start on this evening with technology. That’s what Israel has been doing. Israel is a technological powerhouse. At least that’s what I hear in meetings with leaders. I know the Minister of Science of India is here, so I want to relay to you a conversation I had with Prime Minister Modi very recently on our great trip to India, following his great trip here to Israel.
Mr. Modi devoted several days to accompany us throughout India, including to his home state of Gujarat. And I asked him, “You know, I deeply appreciate this.” My wife and I deeply appreciated the attentiveness and the hospitality, and I asked Prime Minister Modi, I said, “You’re a nation of 1.3 billion. Israel is somewhat smaller—about eight and a half, nine million people. Why do you give us all this attention?” That wasn’t a complaint. It was an honest query. And he said, “You are a technological, a global technological power.”
And I hear the same thing from people who dabble in technology: Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Peter Thiel and many others who have come here. Israel really doesn’t have a choice. We’re a small country with limited natural resources, many threats to our security. We’ve had to invest in technology, in military technology, in information technology, as far as military intelligence is concerned. That is a sum cost. It is a huge investment, and we have thought that what needs to be done is to marry this huge government investment in technologies, information technologies to markets and a startup culture, a free market environment that encourages the graduates of the IDF and other intelligence, and other arms that we have, to be able to form their own companies and to create the industries, the knowledge industries of the future.
And so these technologies are now developing everywhere. We’ve had traditional capacities in agriculture. We’ve made the desert bloom, but we’ve wedded now—agriculture is an example—to information technologies so our drones, coupled with artificial intelligence, coupled with databases, coupled with drip irrigation and drip fertilization can now target for water and for nutrients the individual plant. This is called precision agriculture. This is the marriage of technology and information technology and agriculture. This same process is happening in every single field of human endeavor.
There is not going to be a difference much longer between high technology and low technology. Just about every field, although it will take time, every field will be technologized. And the countries that will lead the future, the countries who will seize the future are those who will innovate. The future belongs to those who innovate. Israel is an innovation nation. I dare to say it’s one of the innovation nations, and we are seizing the future.
We would like to seize it together with you. We think there is a wellspring of opportunities here. The opportunities come from the junction of artificial intelligence, big data and connectivity. This creates entirely new industries. The first industry that was created as a result of this is cybersecurity. Israel now has about 20% of the global investments in private, private global investment in cybersecurity. We’ve made a conscious decision to limit government control and interference in this field, although it has very deep security implications.
We’re limiting this in order to enable hundreds and hundreds of startups in cybersecurity to develop, to make partnerships with other companies, and indeed with other governments abroad, because we realize the vast potential of cybersecurity. In our world today, in the internet of things, we understand that this is a huge market. This is example number one.
Example number two? Automotive technology. Israel until recently didn’t have a car industry. We tried; we failed. We failed because we couldn’t compete with scale. We couldn’t compete with the scale of chassis building, engine building, production of tires. We tried and we failed. I remember because I was a young officer many, many years ago, and I was given an Israeli-made car. I leaned on it. It was made of fiberglass. My elbow went right through it. It didn’t last very long. Do any of you remember that thing? Susita? Yeah.
Today, we have a car industry. We have a car industry, because very soon 85% of the value of a car will be software. A car will basically be a computer on wheels, and probably an interchangeable computer on wheels. And there we have something to say.
A company not very far from here in Jerusalem, Mobileye, was sold recently to Intel for 15 billion dollars. I think it’s still underpriced. But it certainly did better than the other company, Israeli company, Waze, which was sold to Google for a paltry billion dollars. We now have a car industry because of big data, artificial intelligence and connectivity.
Third area, huge possibility for the future—digital health. We have a database of about 98% of our population, with the medical records computerized. For the last 20 years, any Israeli’s medical record is available. You can punch it in at any hospital, regardless of where you go in Israel. We are taking that database, taking a subsample of 100,000 people, and a subsample of that of 2,000 people, and we’re giving them the physiological tracking. So we’ll have general population, 100,000 genetic subset and another 2,000 physiological subset, and we intend to run algorithms on this database and see if we can find wonder drugs to prevent medicine and preventative medicines and personalized medicine—many, many other things. There are many issues involved in this. I think it’s enormously exciting. There are legal problems of privacy.
There are other problems, but I think these are three examples of three new industries, entirely new industries that will change the shape of our world, and certainly are changing the shape of Israel’s economy.
I’ve talked about what we can do with agriculture in Israel, but it really affects the world, and India… I was excited when, and deeply moved when Indian farmers told me that they had improved their income three-fold, four-fold, five-fold. Or in Africa where an African mother has access to Israeli water technology that saves her walking four hours in the morning and four hours back to give water to her children. And the examples abound in many, many fields.
Technology is changing Israel. Technology is changing the world, but technology is only the first half of science and technology. It is the application; it is not the wellspring. We have to develop the wellspring too. I’ve just announced in Hebrew that we’re going to do that, and we’re going to pursue areas of basic science—data science, quantum computing, quantum mathematics and others—that I think are critical for the future of Israel and the security of Israel. But I think that ultimately our societies will be tested on the combination of science and technology, and that’s why I think this evening is so important.
Israel wants to be partners with you on both, on both science and technology. We think we couldn’t find better partners and we think you couldn’t have come to a better place. Thank you. Thank you for coming here, and thank you for sharing with us our common efforts to build a better future for all of humanity. Thank you very much. Thank you.
April 25, 2022.
Elon Musk agrees to buy Twitter for $44 Billion.
May 6, 2023.
PM Netanyahu Speaks with Elon Musk
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by telephone last night with Elon Musk.
"We are at the dawn of a new era for humanity, an era of artificial intelligence. Things are changing at a dizzying pace and Israel must formulate a national policy on this issue.
Last night I had a long conversation with Elon Musk, whose insight and contribution to humanity I hold in high esteem.
He spoke at length about two things. First, about the need for governments to understand both the opportunities and the dangers of artificial intelligence. Second, he expressed his view that Israel could become a significant global player in the field.
I am certain that this is true and we will do it.
I also spoke with Sam Altman, who also expressed his view that Israel could become a main global player in the field.
In the coming days, I intend to convene policy teams to discuss a national artificial intelligence policy in the both the civilian and the security spheres. Just as we turned Israel into a global cyber power, we will also do so in artificial intelligence."
September 14, 2023.
PM Netanyahu to Depart for Diplomatic Visit to the US on Sunday Evening
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will, on Sunday evening, depart for a diplomatic visit to the US during which he will address the UN General Assembly on Friday morning.
During the visit, the Prime Minister will meet with US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Sholz, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and additional leaders.
Prime Minister Netanyahu will also meet with leaders of the US Jewish community.The Prime Minister will start his visit in California, where he will meet with Elon Musk and others on developing artificial intelligence.
September 18, 2023.
PM Netanyahu's Remarks Prior to his Departure on a Diplomatic Visit to the US
Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks prior to his departure on a diplomatic visit to the US:
"I am now leaving for the UN General Assembly where I will represent Israel before the nations of the world. I will also meet with many world leaders, especially President Biden, with whom I will discuss – first and foremost, but among other topics – Iran and expanding the circle of peace. I will also meet with the German Chancellor, the President of Ukraine, the President of Türkiye, and many additional leaders from Asia, Europe and Africa.
I must say that it is moving to see the many requests for meetings. Unfortunately, I cannot meet with all the leaders who made requests but I hope to meet with most of them.
Today, the world is seeing – and I will certainly emphasize this – that Iran is violating all of its commitments, that it brazenly lies, and that it intends both to develop nuclear weapons and continue its aggression in the region. We will confront both of these together. I heard the threats from an official of the Iranian regime today; I suggest that he not threaten us. He and this regime need to know that we will respond forcefully to any attack on our people and our citizens.
I will start this visit in California where I intend to meet the current leader of the most dramatic development in the new age and perhaps in general, Elon Musk. I will discuss artificial intelligence with him and I will also work toward encouraging him to invest in Israel in the coming years. He is, to a large degree, paving the way that will change the face of humanity and also the face of the State of Israel. Israel needs to be a leader in artificial intelligence. Just as we turned it into a leader in cyber, so we will do in this field as well."
September 18, 2023.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara were welcomed this morning, at San Jose Mineta International Airport, by California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan
Prime Minister Netanyahu is due to meet with Elon Musk shortly.
September 18, 2023.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today, at the Tesla Motors plant in Fremont, California, held a live conversation with Tesla Motors CEO and entrepreneur Elon Musk.
The two discussed the development of artificial intelligence and its implications for the future, which Prime Minister Netanyahu defined as "the blessing and curse" of our time. He noted that he appreciates Musk's commitment to freedom of expression and his opposition to antisemitism.
Following the conversation, there was an expanded discussion with the participation of Open AI President Greg Brockman and MIT Professor Max Tegmark. Among the issues raised were the implications of artificial intelligence for the labor market of the future, including negative implications and how to prevent them. Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he would like the State of Israel to be among the leaders in the field.
Prime Minister Netanyahu in his conversation with Elon Musk:
"It took us maybe a century to adapt to the industrial revolution. We may have just about a few years, and then we're running out as we speak, to adapt to the AI revolution.
The first thing you can do is get like-minded states to agree on a code of ethics and a code of conduct and that's pretty easy. We can do it among our countries, in our countries and between our countries. We can cooperate to ensure the blessings and curb the curses as much as we can. We do that in civil aviation; we do it in other things, too.
I appreciate the opportunity to pick your brain on something that is so important for the future of my country and the future of the world."
September 18, 2023.
PM Netanyahu and his Wife Sara Tour Tesla Motors Plant with Tesla CEO and Entrepreneur Elon Musk
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, today, toured the Tesla Motors plant in Fremont, California, together with Tesla CEO entrepreneur Elon Musk.
The Prime Minister and his wife were briefed by Elon Musk on company developments and various models, and observed the production and assembly line for advanced electric vehicles.
Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, together with Elon Musk, then rode in the 'cyber truck' vehicle that is not yet on the market.
September 18, 2023.
Still Photos & Video of the Start of PM Netanyahu and his Wife Sara's Meeting with Elon Musk
Attached are still photos and video of the start of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara's meeting with Elon Musk.
Prime Minister Netanyahu and Elon Musk are currently holding a private meeting.
September 22, 2023.
Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu under fire for using Greater Land of Israel map at UN
Prime Minister Netanyahu is under fire on social media for holding up a map at the United Nations General Assembly plenum on Friday that placed the West Bank and Gaza within the boundaries of sovereign Israel.
October 7, 2023.
November 23, 2023
PM Netanyahu shows Elon Musk the Horrors of the October 7th Massacre at Kibbutz Kfar Aza
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk, this morning, toured Kibbutz Kfar Aza. The Prime Minister showed him the horrors of the massacre at the kibbutz on Saturday October 7th. Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council Acting Chairman Yossi Keren and IDF Spokesperson representative Liad Diamond briefed Musk on the massacre at the kibbutz.
Prime Minister Netanyahu and Elon Musk went to the Leibstein family residence where the latter heard about the heroism of the late Ofir Leibstein, the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council Chairman who was murdered on the morning of October 7th in exchanges of fire with terrorists who had entered the kibbutz.
The Prime Minister and Musk proceeded to the Itamari family residence where Musk heard about Avigail Idan (4), whose parents were murdered and she was abducted to Gaza and released yesterday from Hamas captivity. At the family home, an IDF Spokesperson representative showed photographs that were taken a few days after the massacre.
At the conclusion of the visit, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Elon Musk went to the young people's neighborhood on the kibbutz, which suffered most of the horrors on October 7th.
November 27, 2023.
PM Netanyahu Meets with Elon Musk at the Knesset
The Prime Minister showed Musk sections of the film that was prepared by the IDF Spokesperson and which shows the horrors of the massacre perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th.
They then held an extended meeting on the security aspects of artificial intelligence.
Senior security establishment officials in the fields of artificial intelligence and cyber participated in the meeting.
DDR&D (MAFAT) - Directorate of Defense Research & Development
Head of the DDR&D Dr Daniel Gold met today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk together with senior members of the defense establishment in the AI and cyber fields. The meeting took place at the Prime Minister's Office and focused on the security aspects of the AI field. This took place in the wider context of Musk's visit to Israel, during which he visited areas in southern Israel attacked by Hamas and watched excerpts from the film footage collected by the IDF spokesperson unit that show the atrocities and massacres committed by Hamas on October 7th.
February 23, 2024. (Date of release of Gaza 2035, Day after Hamas, by Benjamin Netanyahu).
Jerusalem Post: From crisis to prosperity: Netanyahu's vision for Gaza 2035 revealed online.
One idea put forward by the plan is to turn Gaza into a key hub for electric vehicle manufacturing.
July 25, 2024.
PM Netanyahu Meets with Elon Musk
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after his address to the US Congress, met with Elon Musk in Washington.
The two discussed opportunities and challenges in AI, as well as its influence on the economy and society, and opportunities for technological cooperation with Israel.
One more thing:
O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
EM is a WEF graduate. Enough said
Hi Charles - very interesting information in which you point us to the future of the US under the control of Netanyhu and Elon Musk.