This article is like in college when the Professor says “Read Chapters 1 and 2 and ask me questions tomorrow.” Here are a few articles for your reading convenience. Call these articles prerequistes to read to even have an intelligent discussion about what Disease X WAS. You just lived through it.
March 12, 2018.
Analytics for the bio-sector, commercial intelligence, opportunity capture, clinical trials and proposal development.
Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD
President at The Malone Institute
Published Mar 12, 2018
We at RW Malone MD, LLC are just finishing up a long-term job for a client and so are beginning to put feelers out for the next project! Since, we just updated Robert's bio for a client - I am posting it here as well.
Dr. Malone is a specialist in writing, developing, reviewing and managing vaccine, bio-threat and biologics clinical trials and clinical development strategies. He has been involved in developing, designing, and providing oversight of approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials and twenty phase 2 clinical trials, as well as five phase 3 clinical trials. He has served as medical director/medical monitor on approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials, and on twenty phase 2 clinical trials, including those run at vaccine-focused Clinical Research Organizations. He has served as principal investigator on some of these. Examples of his infectious disease pathogen advanced (clinical phase) development oversight experience include HIV, Influenza (seasonal and pandemic), Plague, Anthrax, VEE/EEE/WEE, Tularemia, Tuberculosis, Ebola, Zika, Ricin toxin, Botulinum toxin, and Engineered pathogens, In many cases, this experience has included vaccine product development, manufacturing, regulatory compliance, and testing (manufacturing release and clinical) aspects. In most cases, his oversight responsibilities have clinical trial design, regulatory and ethical compliance, and laboratory assay strategy, design, testing and performance. His direct bench research and research laboratory oversight (Principal Investigator) experience include development and performance of a variety of laboratory tests including ELISA and Plaque Assay-based tests. For many years his client list included one of the largest domestic US immunogenicity clinical laboratory testing companies.
In August 2014, colleagues at the Department of Defense/Defense Threat Reduction Agency asked Dr. Malone to step in and help manage the Ebola project and develop the contracts necessary to move the "orphan" PHAC/rVSV ZEBOV vaccine forward quickly. Dr. Malone got the project on track, recruited organizations to team with USAMRIID/WRAIR to develop the immunoassays, put WHO leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the initial WRAIR clinical trials, recruited the government of Norway to help fund the clinical research, recruited a management team, helped write and edit the clinical trials developed by the World Health Organization and lead the development of the BARDA and DTRA contracts - yielding over 200M$ in resources. Dr. Malone’s early involvement in this project allowed for a licensed vaccine to be developed very rapidly.
Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience (bench to bedside) in the areas of pre-clinical discovery research, clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as in governmental and non-governmental organizations. He has also provided confidential commercial intelligence gathering, evaluation and analysis services under subcontract to three major international vaccine development and manufacturing companies.
Scientifically trained at UC Davis, UC San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories, Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist (virology, immunology, molecular biology) and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines. He received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University (Clinical Research Post Graduate) medical schools, and in Pathology at UC Davis, He has over fifty peer-reviewed publications, has been an invited speaker at over thirty-five conferences, has chaired numerous conferences and he has sat on or served as chairperson on numerous NIAID and DoD vaccine-focused study sections.
Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized discovery research scientist known for his pioneering work as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines. He has over fifty publications (most of them peer-reviewed) and over fifty peer-reviewed abstracts. He has been an invited speaker at over thirty conferences, has chaired numerous conferences and he has sat on numerous federal study sections. Dr. Malone has twice been selected for presentations at the World Health Organization (Geneva), once in the area of influenza vaccine discovery, development, and manufacturing, and once in the area of Zika medical countermeasure development. He also attended and participated in high level WHO meetings concerning advanced development and testing of the Ebola vaccine during the recent African outbreak.
May 18, 2018.
Mysterious ‘Disease X’ epidemic could kill millions, warn WHO and researchers
(I have added the highlighted links to the WHO and Johns Hopkins documents referenced in this original text. Those docoments are required reading too. I know. No one likes doing homework. I am sorry.)
Geneva / Washington – A bacteria or virus that is currently unknown could cause a pandemic of a dreadful disease, wreaking havoc all over the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and some of the leading researchers have warned that such a pandemic could claim millions of lives. WHO has classified this unknown disease as ‘Disease X’ and has warned that it was possible to create such a virus using ‘biological mutation’. Last month, Bill Gates, chief of ‘Microsoft’, had warned that a pandemic of a dreadful disease could claim more than 30 million lives in six months.
The WHO had published ‘The Blueprint of Priority Diseases’ during its meeting in March. This included a list of the types of diseases that could potentially cause major disasters at the global level. The list included ‘Disease X’ along with Zika, Sars, Ebola and Lassa fever. Warning further about Disease X, it was said that the causative organism of this disease is still unknown but it could lead to a dreadful pandemic which could be highly destructive at the global level.
Based on the warning issued by the WHO, the ‘Johns Hopkins University’ in the United States prepared a fresh report with the help of 120 scientists and researchers from all over the world. The report titled, ‘The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens,’ claims that this unknown pandemic could be airborne, entering the body through the respiratory system. Senior researcher Dr. Amesh Adalja said that the report was based on data from previous pandemics in the world, the constituents used in biological warfare as well as the currently prevalent diseases.
This virus spreading through the respiratory system will have the capacity to mutate rapidly, leaving the medical experts and researchers with no time or opportunity to find a cure for it, warned Dr.Adalja. The report also warns that the diseases spreading through the respiratory system could lead to major changes in human society.
Last month, Bill Gates had issued a terrifying warning at a discussion forum. ‘There is a pandemic waiting to hit the world. Looking at the history, this pandemic can hit anytime during the next decade and we have not prepared ourselves to face it,’ warned Gates. Experts claim that Gates was referring to the dreaded possibility of a biological war. This exponentially increases the gravity of any news coming forth in this context.
New Ebola epidemic kills 23 in Congo
Kinshasa – The new Ebola virus epidemic is once again on a rampage in the African nation of Congo, killing 23 people. The Ebola epidemic was detected in the Mbandaka city, which is a transport hub in Congo. It is due to its position that WHO has issued a warning that this epidemic can have disastrous effects. The Ebola epidemics in Africa between 2014 and 2016 have already claimed more than 11,000 lives.
The current epidemic in Congo was detected last week and is said to have spread to three different parts of the country. More than 40 people have contracted the disease and more that 4000 are being tested. The WHO informed that the vaccine for Ebola has already been despatched to Congo to counter the epidemic. This is the ninth Ebola epidemic in Congo since the 70’s.
Charles Wright
Sorry I’m allergic to homework!
You would think, with a CV like that, that Robert Malone should have been able to predict some of the adverse effects of the covid vaccines ( as others with shorter CVs managed to do) especially the ones he supposedly suffered from himself. Doesn’t instill much trust in him does it?
The headline from 2018, "Disease X: Mystery Illness Could Kill Millions"=Fear Porn to warm up for the scamdemic of 2020, and nothing more.
I will never again believe the MSM about anything what so ever. Not even obviously true stories because of the slanted ways they write them.