"The problem still being:" Senator Rand Paul's intelligent observation on Ivermectin and COVID trials.
After listening to Doctor Pierre Kory's response, Senator Paul was still unconvinced.
At a December 08, 2020 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing, Senator Rand Paul had reservations about Dr. Kory’s testimony that Ivermectin cured COVID.
First he started with a question for the panel.
5:02. “What I’d like to do is open it for the panel one by one to explain how we answer the critique that most people are getting better anyway, so how are you proving that your treatment works in a group of people who didn’t go to the hospital, so that you’re selecting out actually for the people who may well have been, you know did you prevent them from getting seriously sick, or have you selected out as your patient pool, because they’re outpatient, tending to be people who are going to get better. Why don’t we, we’ll start with those who are here. We’ll start with Doctor Osby and then we’ll go to Doctor Kory.”
What Senator Paul was talking about was selection bias in clinical trials. Kory presented a lot of information to the Committee on clinical trials of Ivermectin that day.
In retrospect, Senator Paul’s information level on “COVID” wasn’t very high in December 2020. Neither was mine or most all of the people who are reading this. The sad reality, as many of us know today, is that there was no novel coronavirus, and hospitals were simply killed their patients who receieved a positive PCR test that was based on a fraudulent genetic sequence that was never isolated and sequenced in the first place.
Nevertheless though, Paul was approaching the claims of Kory in an intelligent way. A mathematical way.
Selection bias, as he thought of it then, was comparing a group of sick people to a group of healthy people. Comparing the results of adminstering Ivermectin to healthy people with “COVID” outside of hospitals, then comaparing the resutls to people sick with “COVID” in hospitals, had no statistical validity.
Senator Paul was also skeptical because doing nothing to healthy people with (nonexistent) “COVID” was as good as giving them Ivermectin. So Kory’s claim that “if you take Ivermectin, you will not get sick,” made no sense to him.
Again in retrospect, it’s not that Ivermetin does not have a medical benefit. But what was the benefit? If you actually want to answer that question, you have to first ask, what was the real problem? Why were people dying at all, much less at these rates?
As Kory told the panel that day:
“I'm a lung specialist! I'm an ICU specialist! I've cared from more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine. They're dying because they can't breathe. They can't breathe. They're on high flow oxygen delivery devices. They're on noninvasive ventilators and/or they're sedated and paralyzed and attached to mechanical ventilators that breathe for them. And I watch them every day. They die.”
After patiently listening to Doctor Kory’s reply for several minutes, Senator Paul remained unpersuaded. “The problem… still being.”
10:20. “If we could go to the same question… why don’t we go to the rest of the panel and ask the same question. The problem, from my perspective, still being, how do you determine an outcome of something that when you do nothing, the vast majority of outpatients actually get better also?”
Senator Paul was impressed by the reduction in mortality rates of hospitalized patients who were given Ivermectin, however.
4:07 “It’s going to be a difficult thing to prove in trials that you get a benefit. It sounds like in some of the sicker patients where you had a mortality, you know you had a 25% mortality down to 15%, that does sound significant.”
I agree. It’s significant. It helped hospitalized patients. But why, Senator Paul, why? Why did the mortality rate improve? Did Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine kill a virus, or did they help reverse the sepsis and ARDS caused by Ventilators, Opioids, and Tranquilizers- used by Doctors like FLCCC President Pierre Kory himself? Was Doctor Kory not presenting a false alibi to you, Senator Paul?
I’m still waiting for an answer on this question from one honest and courageous MD in the world.
Senator Rand Paul earned an MD in 1988 and completed his residency in 1993, by the way. He’s a Doctor.
Charles Wright
4.5 years of talk! He loves to hear himself talk! Honestly, I believe it's time for a wake-up call in the town square. We need public trials again for the laws they have signed that killed our loved ones, and continue to cause harm today. It's time to hold them accountable!
He’s got a soft spot for remdesivir