Vigilant Fox reports that FDA has to remove social media posts about Ivermectin
But still pushes a false narrative
In a massive win for truth and medical freedom, the FDA has to remove ALL social media content and consumer advisories on ivermectin usage.
Dr. McCullough previously said that the FDA should be sued for misleading the public by spreading misinformation on Ivermectin's ability to treat COVID-19 – causing unnecessary deaths.
Now, it's happening.
The complaint cites U.S. law, including the provision that the FDA “may not interfere with the authority of a health care provider to prescribe or administer any legally marked device to a patient for any condition or disease within a legitimate health care practitioner-patient relationship.”
Dr. Bowden, one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit, writes:
"FDA loses its war on ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history. This landmark case sets an important precedent in limiting FDA overreach into the doctor-patient relationship."
This is good news. The FDA is removing Ivermectin disinformation.
Vigilant Ferret, however, as always, includes a false premise in his or her anonymous reporting. Vigilant Fox is a Plandemic disinformation media outlet.
There was no viral Pandemic. Vigilant Fox once again pimps Peter McCullough saying that Ivermectin cures “COVID,” which is, I’m afraid, a bunch of horse manure.
It’s no secret that Ivermectin was very effective in saving lives of hospitalized patients who had an absolutely meaningless “COVID-positive" PCR test result. That’s a fact. But what did Ivermectin “cure?”
These patients very likely had bacterial pneumonia, not a mystery virus that leaked from a lab and spread around the world “asymptomatically” until it showed up in hospitals and starting killing people at a high rate. That’s crazy when you think about it.
I reconnected w/ (Beth Parlato) over the weekend…hero lawyer who represented Jason Jones and his wife. She and co-counsel Ralph Lorigo filed 189 cases for hospitalized patients trying to get ivermectin. 80 cases went to hearings/trial. They won about 40 and lost about 40.
With the exception of Jason Jones, every single case lost the client died. Every case that was won, where the client got the ivermectin, the patient lived with exception of 2 (38/40.)
The remaining 109 cases that didn’t go to a hearing, unfortunately the court system along with hospital attorneys delayed proceedings…all those clients died before we could get into court.
I asked Dr. Bowden on Twitter once if Ivermectin cured bacterial pneumonia or a virus. I also posted this link to give her a reference. Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia Drove Many COVID-19 Deaths She did not reply.
Will somebody with $25,000 please bet Steve Kirsch, Peter McCullough, Mary Bowden or Vigilant Ferret that all of the 149 patients who tried to have Ivermectin administered under Court Order had bacterial pneumonia?
The FLCCC accounts never picked up on Dr. Bowden’s accounts of the mortality data surrounding the people who tried to get Ivermectin under Court Order.
Understand the gravity of the difference. On the one hand, hospitals and the government were suppressing effective cures for “COVID.” On the other hand, hospitals were killing their patients all along, and there was no virus. An analysis of the patients who tried to have Ivermectin adminstered under Court Order could go a long way to proving what really happened. And that’s the problem for the Controlled Opposition accounts. True data analysis is their enemy. Propaganda and Disinformation are their methods.
Just look at what the hospital protocols do to people. Image from Emily Miller of Emily Post’s News.
What do you think happened? Did Ivermectin cure Bacterial Pneumonia or a Mystery Virus?
Charles Wright
Last fall I ordered 360 Ivermectin pills from a Canadian pharmacy... They gave me 12 free because I had such a large order... I received a 160 pills from the pharmacy, but never got the 212. The pharmacy assured me they had been sent. I shortly after received a letter from the FDA saying they had confiscated my pills. I called them and asked them why they had taken pills that were completely safe, been used for decades, and you can't overdose on them.. Their reply was they were doing it to keep me safe. I said, you told all of us that about the COVID jabs...And now wean unbelievable number of instances of pericarditis, myocarditis, turbo cancer and blood clots. She told me.I don't know what's in those pills... My reply is that was that was none of her concern because I am taking charge of my health and that's none of your concern... She said well you'll blame us if something happens... And I replied this is between the pharmacy and myself.You had no part in this until you got yourself into it by taking my pills.
And I want those pills back... I was told that I would not get the pills back. They are going to destroy them and that if I try to buy any more pills, they'll be destroyed and I'll lose my money. Two weeks later I got a letter saying the pills were destroyed
Ivermectin is a purine modulator (purinergic modulator) which has been created and listed as an essential medicine BEFORE the FDA even existed. The FDA has no authority within their congressional mandate over drug efficacy only drug safety. They gave themselves authority over efficacy, they were never meant to micro manage or question doctors prescriptions that is illegal.
This conversation has devolved (intentionally in my opinion) into superstition and unscientific paradigms of (this cures XYZ/ this does not cure XYZ).
Purinergic modulators like Ivermectin and Suramin are staple medications that need to be available to prescribing physicians. Both have been under attack likely due to their effectiveness. It now behooves us to understand their mechanism of action to more deeply understand why they are effective and shine light on the pathophysiology which they are influencing.
Judy Mikovits and Tracy Stroub have produced a course on ODEM last year... or two years ago called "purinergic modulators" which helps to explain some of this.
The statements "ivermectin cures..." or "Ivermectin does not cure.." AND statements like "viruses exist" and "viruses do not exist" are statements which belong under the domain of superstition rather than science.
My personal reaction to the Ivermectin debate has been utter bewilderment, allow me to explain....
For decades the ME/CFS research community had been searching high and low for just SOMETHING that would help. There never was one thing that did the job but this endeavor has born fruits in the form of understanding. Understanding is the valued possession of the superior man, not magic potions or cures. Ivermectin was never a gem of the ME/CFS community but still was an essential and beneficial medicine worldwide so how has Ivermectin entered this conversation if not brought to us via the community of the vaccine injured???
Suramin (another drug of the same class as ivermectin) HAS been cherished by the ME/CFS community yet banned and censured and withheld in the same way. In the interest of completeness we could go further and note that since the early nineties we have been waiting for them to release Ampligen as well.
"Testing for efficacy in ME/CFS started in 1990 and continues to the present (see section below on "Drug approval status")."
Studying the strategic withdraw and withholding of therapeutics; Ampligen, Suramin, then Ivermectin will shed light on the common pharmacokinetics and dynamics (blood magic) which underlies their efficacy and therefore indicates operative mechanisms of action within the disease process. This is what Judy is teaching in her class (I mean "book club") and this is what we all now have the opportunity to begin to understand.
How might we disguise this coordinated effort by FDA to suppress proven treatments?
Wait, I've got one....
"This war against Dr. KORY WILL NOT STAND!!!