I should really know by now to temper my anger when news is breaking. The problem is not that anger is unwarranted; it is that I don’t know exactly what my anger may be supporting. I don’t know the big, long-term plan of the Globalists, and how my words may potentially support their plans.
There’s a process where we all go from low information to high. It takes time and effort to get there. In the early stages of a major event, the public is buffeted by news that shocks them and moves public opinion in one way or another. Public opinion is driven like a herd of sheep. This happened. That happened. This is good. This is bad. Support this. Oppose that. I’ve been driven a few times, like most all Americans- most notably in the post-9/11 era. And I’ve learned from it.
Images of children killed and families enduring severe trauma as they are bombed in Palestine and Lebanon naturally drive an emotional reflex in me to defend them. These images and videos are all over social media. Al-Jazeera recently summarized thousands of social media posts by the Israeli military, and said this was the first time in History that a Genocide has been live-blogged.
This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long conflict.
The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts. Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear. …“The west cannot hide, they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say they didn’t know,” says Palestinian writer, Susan Abulhawa, who spent time inside Gaza earlier this year.
This is “the first livestream genocide in history … If people are ignorant, they are wilfully ignorant,” she says.
But after a study of History in retrospect, after having my emotions triggered in the past to support bad policy based on bad facts, I have learned to temper my emotions at least somewhat, but I again confess to being somewhat triggered by the images and reports from Palestine.
I’ve been pushed so far in the direction of defending the Palestinians, that like many, I had a sense of satisfaction as I heard breaking news of Iranian ballistic missiles striking Air Force bases in Isreal. I have in the recent past said that the United States should support Iran over Israel if it becomes necessary. I now really need to temper these remarks as events unfold. The world needs to de-escalate this, not pick a side and cheer like it’s a football game. Things are escalating rapidly, and we need to consider where it’s going and who’s pulling our strings.
It’s clear that public opinion is shifting to support Iran over Israel. Contrasting video footage of Iran striking Israeli Air Force bases with no civilian casualties to Israel’s constant bombardment of civilian targets will easily move public opinion in a nation like the United States where its citizens are deeply opposed to bombing women and children.
So now Iran is the good guy. I found myself this morning thinking of the irony of this. Orwell was talking to me. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” I wondered how my opinion on Iran had changed and what lessons could be learned from it.
Reports of damage have widely vary from no real damage to unconfirmed reports of F-35s destroyed. I was very skeptical that Israel would leave F-35s on a tarmac knowing full well that Iran planned missile strikes against them, when Israel could have just put the planes in the air, or flown them to another Air Force base in the Middle East somewhere, or flown them to a US aircraft carrier.
Neither Iran, Israel, or the United States will release any good and verifiable information on the damage inflicted by Iran’s ballistic missile strikes on Air Force bases in Israel. This is a big red flag. Apparently all 3 nations are comfortable with the rumors circulating in the public and will not provide evidence to confirm or deny them. That’s coordinated.
Rumors run wild when facts are scarce. It’s difficult for the public to know what to support or oppose next, if you don’t even know what happened in the first place. I don’t like the uncertainty and rumors that surround this crisis.
What you have to consider here is that we are not witnessing nations act in their best interest, but a coordinated plot that we don’t understand yet. One thing I’ve noticed, bragards on social media are claiming that Iran has a hypersonic missile that cannot be shot down with conventional missiles, which may or may not be true. But where do you think that bragging will lead to?
Here’s a bit of analysis for you in the form of a rhetorical question. Why would Iran fire approximately 180 missiles at Israel, but the United States only fire approximately 12 in defense? It really seems as though a certain amount of these missiles had to hit the ground in Iran, for whatever reason that I and the public do not understand yet. As with the Secret Service’s weak response to the gunman who tried to assassinate former President Trump, it really looks to me like the Pentagon wasn’t really trying that hard to shoot down all of Iran’s missiles.
The weak and ineffective President Biden is saying he will not support attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities, but tough guy former President Trump says he wants to do so. So there you go. Keep bragging, keep shooting missiles, and see what happens next. That’s as much of the plan that you know. Israel will likely respond to Iran; then Iran will fire back. Escalate, escalate, escalate. Trump, the tough guy, is waiting in the wings to show you how to do War the right way, just like the Democrats, the intellectuals, showed you how to do a Plandemic the right way after it started on the right. (Hey look, Trump isn’t even wearing a mask in his press conference with Fauci! How can you hope to control the spread of this virus?! We need lockdowns and vaccine mandates!). Haven’t you figured out how the right/left right/left march to Fascism works yet? One foot finishes what the other began, but weren’t smart enough or tough enough to do well enough. The other guys are awful! Vote for the other guys! Wash, rinse, repeat. Both sides blame each other years later when we figure out what really happened.
The solutions for problems created by Globalists are always problems in themselves. You don’t look at it like you’re supporting Globalists. You want to fight them, but they trick you into supporting them. Another example: Biometric surveillance as a solution to the open borders policy. One operation follows another. Things always get so bad on the first op that you have to support something that will stop it, no matter what it is.
So I must call for the nations of the world to de-escalate the crisis in the Middle East. This is the choice the Globalists don’t want, so it’s the choice I want. When I say that Israel should be forced back into their original UN partition, I mean through diplomatic means. The United Nations gave them their original mandate, and there’s no reason they can’t put Isreal back in it with the support of the United States. All it really takes is a change in US policy, not military action. That’s it. Just change your position in the UN, stop the arms sales, and a lot of bloodshed will be avoided.
A couple of major events temper my anger and emotions at times like these, which I will share with the audience. First, 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq. Second, on the “October Surprise” of 1980.
I remember supporting the US invasion of Iraq. I was one of the ones who read the intelligence reports of WMDs in Iraq prior to the invasion and believed them. Around 2004, after a thorough sweep of Iraq found no WMDs, I and the public realized that I had supported a military action in the Middle East that killed large numbers of people for no true reason, and this left a bad memory with me.
I didn’t have the big picture then, as I don’t today. Many years later, I would come to realize that the events of 9/11 were coordinated between the governments of the United States and Israel. And so now I must check myself before I support any military actions at all, because I learned my lesson on 9/11 and Iraq.
Today, the only solution that we in the public that appear feasible to achieve to stop Israel’s systematic bombing of civilian populations with US arms is to support military actions by nations of the Middle East against Israel, and so that’s what some people will support, in the absence of the US putting an end to it by boycotting arms sales and joining the rest of the world in the UN in opposing their efforts. I just can’t get around the feeling that I have been manipulated to support military actions of any kind anywhere, when I am at heart anti-war.
The only solution we have available to end war is to escalate, escalate, escalate that same war. It’s like injecting yourself with a bioweapon to avoid getting that same alleged bioweapon into your cells. It’s like fucking for virginity, as some have described it. You’re obviously achieving the exact opposite of what you want to achieve, but you are driven and triggered to act against your interests.
The State Department clearly is coordinating with Israel to escalate War. Meanwhile Netanyahu and Gallant have been declared War Criminals by the ICC. The solution here is to clean house in the State Department and install people who will serve the best interests of the United States, not Israel.
Matthew Miller, Department of State spokesperson, October 1 2024, following Iran’s missile strikes against Israeli Air Force bases, described Israel’s war criminals as a “counterpart” of the US State Deparment:
Matthew Miller:
“I'm not going to get into what those consequences uh are today but there are things on which we will be coordinating with our Israeli counterparts and I think in the immediate aftermath of this attack um we are going to coordinate with them on what any response might be. I think it's important that we are able to defeat this attack uh through successful work with Israel uh and with our partners and we will work with them on what a response might look like.”
On November 4, 1979. Iranians stormed the US Embassy in Tehran and took 66 hostages which they held for 444 days.
Although there have been quite a few suprises in October during election season, the term “October Surprise” refers to October 1980 specifically. The phrase was coined by William Casey, then Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, soon to be CIA Director. The Surprise wasn’t a surprise at all. The surprise didn’t happen. The Carter Administration was trying to negotiate a release of the Iranian hostages in October 1980, but behind the scenes, others within the United States had moved to block the release of US hostages.
Wikipedia actually has a pretty good summary of the 1980 October Surprise.
The 1980 October Surprise theory refers to an allegation that representatives of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign made a secret deal with Iranian leaders to delay the release of American hostages until after the election between Reagan and President Jimmy Carter, the incumbent.[1] The detention of 66 Americans in Iran, held hostage since November 4, 1979, was one of the leading national issues during 1980,[2] and the alleged goal of the deal was to thwart Carter from pulling off an "October surprise".[3][4] Reagan won the election, and on the day of his inauguration—minutes after he concluded his 20-minute inaugural address—the Islamic Republic of Iran announced the release of the hostages.[5]
According to the allegation, on top of the Carter administration's agreement to unfreeze Iranian assets in U.S. banks in exchange for the release of the embassy hostages, the Reagan administration's practice of covertly supplying Iran with weapons via Israel likely originated as a further quid pro quo for having delayed the release until after Reagan's inauguration, setting a precedent for covert U.S.-Iran arms deals that would feature heavily in the subsequent Iran–Contra affair.
The only thing wrong with Wikipedia’s summary is that it’s not a “theory.” It’s very well substantiated. I could write about it and show you all the receipts, but that would be a long tangent.
The lesson learned here is that the Iranian Hostage Crisis was coordinated between elements in Israel, Iran, and the United States. I didn’t know that then. I was a kid living in rural Alabama, with only the 4 major networks for news, ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS. Iran bad, very bad. But I’ve learned my lesson that we don’t know who’s coordinating all these bad elements.
Today as I see clearly coordinated missile strikes between the US, Iran, and Israel, I remember what went down in the Iranian Hostage crisis where Bush, Casey, and Israel arranged for US arms sales to Iran to delay the release of US hostages to win the election for Reagan/Bush. And I hear the State Department saying they are the “Counterparts” of Israeli’s who have been accused by the ICC of War Crimes.
To summarize, Diplomacy is the answer. I mean true, honest Diplomacy, representing the United States. The Department of State are not doing their jobs. They’re not even doing a good job of pretending to do their jobs. We the people need to force our Diplomats to actually practice what they preach.
The State Department should be purges of all employees and replaced with people who serve the United States. The United States should boycott all military sales to Israel, stop the missile attacks against Israel through Diplomacy, and enter into negotiations with the Nations of the United Nations to recognize Palestine as an autonomous state and repartition the region into two Nations of Israel and Palestine.
Charles Wright
P.S. I intend to get back to some “fake COVID” reporting soon.
Right now, I am more worried about western North Carolina...and saving them.
Amen Charles, here's my Call for Peace from last fall ...
While it is true we don't know all the facts, what we DO know is that our tax dollars are being used to kill other humans across the planet. Since you cannot vote your way out of a coup d'etat, it is time to leave this wretched and rotting federal government to its own demise. Time to Secede and take your tax dollars with you. Keep firing the truth for peace.
Best of luck,
~~ j ~~