Amen Charles, here's my Call for Peace from last fall ...


While it is true we don't know all the facts, what we DO know is that our tax dollars are being used to kill other humans across the planet. Since you cannot vote your way out of a coup d'etat, it is time to leave this wretched and rotting federal government to its own demise. Time to Secede and take your tax dollars with you. Keep firing the truth for peace.

Best of luck,

~~ j ~~


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Ukraine would be over and dusted if the war-mongers had stayed out of it."

Too many faux-el (elite) fingers on that pie to lose it an bee exposed.

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There is a lot that is not being taken into account here.... a very nice American perspective. Many good points, but boots on the ground would have something else to say.

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Thank you for making the effort to communicate the fact that only diplomacy can stop the war.

God bless you and keep you strong.

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Until we go back to basic science/facts like the joo inspired bible (joos GR8st lie), and the faked gas chambers during WWII (a total joo lie), the insurance fraud of 911, the vaxx lie (which 80% of the U.S. believed), what hope is there? Certainly NOT a Charles WRONG telling us what is Wright. 88&8's,Dave

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Supporting Iran

Good bye

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the only diplomacy that exists at this time is the retaliation syndrome...you hit me - I'll hit you - and there seems to be a breathing space between. Iran has been totally decent in this Iran doesn't want war. They have been doing their very best to prevent war - why is this whole article picking apart all the little things that IRAN might be doing that could be somehow evil. I think that watching the ME war unfold there is no blame on them. Even if the Ayatollah ( the previous one ) was given harbour in Paris - Paris also has said they will stop sending weapons to Israel now that Lebanon is involved..maybe there are factions inside the globalist cabal that are disagreeing over everything all the time. The big criminal in all this is the US government support for zionism...US is an occupied country.

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Yes, Ann: You should be writing the article. This Wright guy's article has too many wrongs. He shows a lack of intelligence in writing.

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Yikes - ! I would never want to oust Charles from his own article - haha - I love Charles writing - he's a brilliant writer that is motivated - I loved that one about the steel industry that he wrote a couple of weeks ago - one of the best pieces of writing I've ever read - I'll try to find - can't find it but looking through all the articles - they are all good - maybe I won't agree with everything and I hope he doesn't mind, but all worth having a look at- thanks though David for the compliment

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Brilliantly written post, Charles. It was necessary to make the point that globalists will offer the alternative - escalating military action against Israel, through the middle east - but this ultimately is a trap which leads to the same end goal: further escalation of war, destabilization, and steps closer towards globalism. Choose whichever side you'd like, as long as it's one that we offer you.

The solution, has to be an increase of consciousness, that of insight, into the reality of our situation. We need to address the problems in our own life (our own wellbeing, our own engagement with life, our relationships, families, communities, etc..) instead of cathecting our attention towards geopolitical theatre, supporting a side like it's a football match.

Thanks, Charles.

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An excellent rant. Very similar to my own position.

I find it a little bit idealistic with little chance of happening because of the sociopaths in charge of our various governments.

All of us in the west should now be realising that our governments do not work for us, but instead use us as pawns in a large chess game.

I find it difficult to believe anything I'm told unless I see it and even then I'm suspicious.

I suspect our diplomats and analysts are working under conditions which force them to appear like idiots. That is until they retire and then the brave ones may spill some of the beans.

But how to know what they say is true?

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I'm with Kathleen - time to clean up in our own backyards. Very thoughtful piece but I can do absolutely nothing about it and I refuse to be sucked into Demonic rhetoric and actions when there's zero I can do to help.

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Right now, I am more worried about western North Carolina...and saving them.

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If you can get North Carolina adopted as a state of the Ukraine or Israel they stand a chance of getting what they need.

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