On November 3, 2022 the Community Prostate Trials group on Viber announced encouraging results using the chest X-rays of Oscar Nacu, a cancer patient in the Philippines. Nacu was using what they called “Dr. Landrito’s Ivermectin” and Lactoferrin.
After the hopeful announcement on Ivermectin and cancer, I wanted to find out some more about Dr. Landrito. I found an amazing story of courage on the part of Allan Landrito and others to treat COVID despite the forces of evil conspiring against them. I think it is fitting that what may be the first example of Ivermectin curing cancer should come from “Dr. Landrito’s” Ivermectin.
We're in an "upside down" world right now where governments and medical institutions around the world are trying to kill mankind. It's a war that people need to fight by any means necessary. Distributing actual medicine to counter the poisons of the globalists is part of it. Normally I don't advocate breaking the law, but if it means life or death, I choose life for myself.
Here's part of Dr. Landrito's story that blends some press reports and information from A. M. Gonzalez.
In the fall of 2021, Dr. Landrito was part of a group that “wiped out” COVID with Ivermectin in the Philippine province of Sultan Kudarat, according to Mr. Gonzalez. Some people did not respond as well as expected to Ivermectin, so they tested 16 brands of Ivermectin that were being used in the Philippines. Some contained low amounts of Ivermectin. Others had heavy metals.
Mr. Gonzalez explained:
"While all these happened, we found that some weren't reacting to Ivermectin. We wondered why? Well we assay tested about 16 brands available in the Philippines and found some to be substandard. Were we being purposely sabotaged? Who knows? This is why we have endeavored to get US compounded Ivermectin from a bonafide source and we've gotten it really affordable."
The Ivermectin of Dr. Landrito’s proved to be of good quality and free of heavy metals. Dr. Landrito applied for a permit to produce Ivermectin, but his application for a license to operate was delayed. He proceeded to manufacture and distribute Ivermectin anyway despite the lack of a permit. Dr. Landrito later told the House of Representatives of the Philippines that he treated around 8,000 patients. Mr. Gonzalez said they stopped it cold.
"IPK's grandest accomplishment is to have wiped out Covid using Ivermectin in the province of Sultan Kudarat, Philippines. Dr. Landrito made available for us, some of the Ivermectin we used there. In just 7 weeks there were ZERO COVID cases when the vaccination of adults there, at that time, was at 26%."
The globalist forces have moved from the beginning to stop the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID. Merck led the charge.
Here’s a brief timeline of events:
July 2020. Dr. Landrito began treating COVID patients with Ivermectin in the Philippines. Before this he took veterinary grade Ivermectin to test it on himself.
"Since July 2020, I am pleased having 90% efficacy on more than 8,000 patients prevented from having COVID-19."
On February 4, 2021, Merck New Jersey issued a statement that their former product, Ivermectin, should not be used against COVID outside of clinical trials.
"KENILWORTH, N.J., Feb. 4, 2021 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information."
The World Death Organization, corporate media, and governments around the world followed Merck’s lead.
On March 15, 2021, the FDA of the Philippines issued an Advisory that Ivermectin should be avoided because the safety and benefits had not been established through clinical trials. Statement from FDA of Philippines on Ivermectin. FDA Advisory No.2021-0526 || Public Health Warning on the Purchase and Use of Ivermectin Veterinary Products for COVID-19.
"Any use of Ivermectin veterinary products for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as the benefits and safety for this purpose has not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary to determine whether Ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for treatment of any viral infection."
On March 18, 2021, Dr. Landrito wrote "AN APPEAL TO SAVE FILIPINO LIVES."
"Plenty have died and numbers are going up. There is no way to fix yesterday. But we have alternatives to save Filipino lives. As a physician and among the group called Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines, I appeal for IVERMECTIN as a “bridge to” and “safety net” for the vaccine. Very cheap and much affordable by the poor and masses in need. Since July 2020, I am pleased having 90% efficacy on more than 8,000 patients prevented from having COVID-19. Researches by scientists proved six (6) mechanisms of action specific against SARS CoV-2 and the disease it causes — COVID-19."
On March 20, 2021, the Department Health of the Philippines came to Dr. Landrito's residence and confiscated his Ivermectin.
"Just hours before the Department of Health posted the daily tally of COVID-19 cases on its website, rumors circulated that the clinic or house of a certain Dr. Allan Landrito, who had just delivered an online talk on the use of Ivermectin against the dreaded COVID-19 virus, was raided by personnel of the DoH, who confiscated boxes of the so-called miracle drug."
On March 25, 2021, the DOH of the Philippines issued a warning that Doctors who prescribed Ivermectin were being watched and that they could lose their license to practice medicine. DOH: Doctors prescribing Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure risk losing license.
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday said names of doctors prescribing the use of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 infection despite warning from government health authorities will be submitted to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
On March 27, 2021, Dr. Landrito sadly wrote a statement saying that he was in compliance with the law.
A DlRECTIVE FOR ALL MY APPOINTED CHANNELS TO STOP DELIVERY OF IVERMECTlN CAPSULES FOR HUMAN USE. Due to the present regulation by the FDA per Advisory No. 2021-0625 dated March 22, 2021 with subject: “Public Health Warning Against the Purchase and Use of the Unregistered Drug Product “Ivermectin 15mg Capsule”, which particularly and practically is in the way of banning the specific Ivermectin 15mg capsule that I have been producing and dispensing to my patients and I am able to deliver through my appointed channels, I am making this official announcement that I have completely stopped production and sale of my Ivermectin capsules. Let this be manifested as a sign of my obedience and submission to the law. I am a law-abiding citizen, and will not in anyway be a law-offender or a law-violator.
On March 30, 2021, Dr. Landrito testified before the House of Representatives of the Philippines and told them that he had successfully treated around 8,000 patients and that they could lock him up for that if they wanted to. They didn’t. From Rappler:
"Speaking before the House health panel on Tuesday, March 30, doctor Allan Landrito – the most popular proponent for Ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment in the Philippines – said he made Ivermectin pills on his own before selling thousands of bottles across the country." ... 'I was able to give more than 25,000 bottles, so divided by maybe 2 or 3, maybe 3, for a patient, 8,000 patients is [a] very conservative number,' Landrito said. 'Where did you get these Ivermectin?' asked House health panel chair Quezon 4th District Representative Angelina Tan. Landrito responded: 'I compounded it myself. I had bought pure Ivermectin from an importer and compounded it myself and gave it to my patients.' 'We are in the middle of the pandemic. I cannot have the scope of time to apply [for] any of those permits. My patients are begging me to treat them. I am just giving prophylaxis to patients, early treatment,' he said. 'If they want to put me behind bars for this, it doesn’t matter,' Landrito said.
The Indian Bar Association issued a Legal Notice to Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, 2021 for running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin.
On June 9, 2021, Dr. Landrito was part of a Zoom presentation made to doctors in Goa, India sharing their varied experience successfully treating thousands of COVID cases in the Philippines.
Mr. Gonzalez: "As a group, IPK's members started treating individually, this experience allowed us to learn how to use Ivermectin and we conducted ZOOM talks wherever we were called. I organized one for the State of Goa, India, whose health minister put their doctors together to listen to our techniques for treating Covid. In this conference, of June 9, 2021, Dr. Landrito joined our training panel as we invited other doctors from the CDCPH to also share their Covid treatment techniques with everyone."
Charles Wright
A true hero of our time. As a collective we are more powerful than they are, truth and justice is winning out, one step at a time.
You cannot suppress the clinical findings, only try to discredit them or launch personal attacks, but more and more often, many are seeing through this evil charade.
Thank you for sharing this information about such a hero. I know Ivermectin works-which is why the globalists want it shut down. How can you have a pandemic, control the population, and make billions for Big Pharma, if there is a cure??????