Those in the Phillipines DOH who persecuted Dr Landrito for saving the lives of poor people. Should go to jail and be exposed for acting not on behalf of health but for supporting criminal pharmaceutical companies whose main goal is making money. In contrast Dr Landrito is a modern day life saver who paid for as much medication out of his own pocket as he could. He sets a sterling example of what a doctor should behave like. The health and lives of his poor patients came first before the wealth of of big Pharma, who only pushed dangerous toxic Covid drugs(Rendesivoir) and deadly experimental mRNA gene therapy shots. History will exalt this wonderful man and expose the rot in the Phillipine health system. A wise man once said you can tell a tree by its fruit. Thus Dr Landrito life saving fruitage stands in contrast with the huge excess deaths and disease being experienced in the Phillipines right now, caused by those who pushed Pfizers dangerous untested product.

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Thank you for giving recognition where it is due. I will be sharing your post with friends and family.

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Globalists will suppress this article so we, "the conpirators" need to get the information out about Dr. Landrito and his work during the dark days of covid 19.

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Thank you for sharing this information about such a hero. I know Ivermectin works-which is why the globalists want it shut down. How can you have a pandemic, control the population, and make billions for Big Pharma, if there is a cure??????

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Thanks much Dr. Landrito for saving lives not only Filipinos but other nationality as well

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I agree. Corporate/government medicine is a criminal racket.

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A true hero of our time. As a collective we are more powerful than they are, truth and justice is winning out, one step at a time.

You cannot suppress the clinical findings, only try to discredit them or launch personal attacks, but more and more often, many are seeing through this evil charade.

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Crowdsourcing cures is the way to go. Governments and pharma just aren't on mankind's side. I feel great about the study. Fingers crossed that the good results continue!

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May G-d bless his efforts on behalf of the suffering and the desperate, the true measure of a Righteous Physician. May G-d damn those who did or who attempted to, stop his actions, be they persons or companies or Government bodies.

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Well said.

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