Have you ever heard of an antibiotic resistance, Charles? If not, you are not the last one…Clearly, what you would like to do is to make sense some of the things that don’t make sense at all ort little at best…I may or may not be qualified to help you… because it seems we both seek the truth and that is hard to find especially these days, right?

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All in all -- a double mass murder.

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The evidence of bacteria being the primary culprit continues to grow.

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Not taking sides is a good tactic according to the late, great Niki Raapana who said "1. to step outside the dialectic, 2. examine your arguments from a dialectical perspective, and 3. re-enter the game as a knowledgeable player". They want us to take a side and argue against each other as they think the third way is desirable.


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A question for you, sir: Was Covid-19 a bacteria, lab-made virus, exosome, or some other infectious pathogen?

I'm convinced that a majority of people who initially got sick and died was from the common flu that was disguised as C19 all along. The people who died before the vaccines and killer hospital protocols were administered was due to their toxic health, old age, 5G EMF radiation, and opioid consumption.

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Maybe an exosome. It wasn't the flu, in my experience.

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All it was for sure was a positive PCR test. Everything wrong in the world could be associated with it after that, like you say.

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I would suggest that the ventilators were less the issue than outright neglect in combination with large doses of midazolam, fentanyl, propofol etc. as well as extreme anxiety caused by the hysteria.

There is another niggling item to consider- as of yet noone can conclusively say much of anything about the "death spike" in NYC 2020 as there are no death certificates being produced and the timeline and purported number of deaths which supposedly occurred in this time frame are not supported by the evidence.

The true nature of "COVID" is that it was an elaborate con job with multiple purposes in mind.

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I am open to the "death spike" chart looking different, but I don't think anyone can deny that hospitals killed many patients in New York in Spring 2020.

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Hospitals do that as a matter of course.

As you look at the NY State and NYC Department of Health data (FOIA requests) you can see that the claims they have made about death totals are simply not possible. They are lying.

This was done to gin up the fear and make money.

ICU usage- super low

ED visits- super low

In-Patient Bed Capacity super low


For that 10 week "spike" the NYC hospital system is claiming a number of "excess deaths" (fungible term) that would require that they killed virtually every single in-patient.

Not saying that they didn't kill quite a few from protocols- there was also a signifiacnt spike in at-home deaths during this time due to heart atacks (EMT was mandated to NOT treat patients)- what I am saying is that the evidence indicates that quite a bit was staged including some of the heroic "whistleblowers."

The nursing home story that "infected people" were put back into nursing homes in NYC is also complete bullshit- virtually the opposite occurred. Cuomo is a crook but that's not what happened.

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Regarding Beth Israel Medical Center in March and April 2020. This article reports that in this period, 582 patients were admitted with COVID, 174 were ventilated, and 119 died. Do you believe this data was fabricated?


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I'll have a look tomorrow and offer my thoughts on it.

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Thank you.

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Hi Charles,

So looked over the study twice- it's pretty short- and here are my thoughts. After my initial statement I will use quotes for the comments directly from the study followed by my response to that quote.

The study itself is fairly worthless for anything as it holds few details and contains biases that prohibit any useful conclusion. The 3 primary authors are funded by the NIH which is problematic and it is not clear what their clinical role was. They used PCR for all "Covid cases" which renders that diagnosis meaningless.

I would like to see the entire data set for the Boston area hospitals for the years 2015-2020 (in-patient, ICU, ED visits etc.). I have seen this for the NYC hospital system via FOIA and all records show low to all-time low rates for all of the above listed.

Let's put all of that aside for the moment.

"COVID-19 has been compared to influenza by both health care professionals and the lay public but limited detailed objective data are available for comparing and contrasting the impact of these two disease processes on patients and hospitals."

With such limited data how can any conclusion be drawn. This would seem to negate future assessments seen in the report.

"We found that admissions for COVID-19 over a 2-month period at our medical center were more than double the total number of admissions for influenza during any 8-month influenza season in the past 5 years."

In the midst of a mass testing program where every individual is now receiving PCR test for Covid upon entry to the hospital this comes as no surprise. There are many documented instances of the same person being tested daily and each positive being catalogued as a "case." Not saying that happened here but there were incentives in place that encouraged this.

"In addition to the larger volume of cases within a much shorter time period, severity of illness and lethality for COVID-19 were also markedly higher than for influenza."

This is no surprise and devoid of context. As everyone is now being tested many patients who might already be in bad condition were lumped into the Covid category. Need way more detail to this statement.

Here is a direct quote from Pierre Kory testifying at the hearing held by Ron Johnson:

“Either I’ve been inundated with patients who are chronically on the vent who are dying of end-stage fibrotic lung disease, or I’m seeing patients who are crashing into my ICU, but as opposed to a month ago, where there were coming in with these mild abnormalities on chest x-rays and maybe mild abnormalities in their oxygen intake. Now, we’re seeing floridly abnormal x-rays, with very advanced disease. I’m throwing the book at ‘em, and it’s not working. I have to emphasize that the timing of the initiation of this therapy is critical. The world needs to know this. What happened here in New York is that initial surge caused so many terrible reports of patients being unattended to, running out of resources, not enough physicians and nurses. And now the population is scared. They’re not coming to the hospital early enough. Now when they’re coming — they’re so far advanced that the medicines don’t work as well. And so we need to get the word out that things are better on the ground. We’re definitely much more stable in the hospitals. We’re much more resourced. We’re re-grouped. We’re ready to take care of patients, but the patients have to come. If they wait at home with these symptoms, we’re not going to be able to save them.”

Back to the report.

"We observed more mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients (i.e., those with severe, life-threatening illness) in a 2-month period than occurred in five entire seasons of influenza combined, and a similar observation was made with patient deaths. Taken together, these findings indicate that COVID-19 causes more severe disease and is more lethal than influenza."

Who were these people? Homeless? Shipped in from nursing homes?

As we know the ventilated died at a high rate in part due to imporoper usage but I would say mainly due to malpractice of too high of sedation with midazolam, propofol etc.

This does mean that "Covid-19" is more deadly it can mean that your treatments are what killed them- a way of treating respiratory porblems that shifted dramatically in Spring 2020. Classic case of making the conclusion fit the needs of the scenario.

"...also a longer median duration of mechanical ventilation within this population. Specifically, 174 patients required mechanical ventilation for COVID-19 with a median duration on the ventilator of 14 days. In contrast, the combined seasons of influenza only resulted in 84 mechanically ventilated patients for a median duration of 3 days. This combination illustrates both the acute severity of disease and the prolonged nature of the respiratory failure that occurs in COVID-19

compared to influenza."

Heavily sedated patients staying on a vent for two weeks is a death sentence in most cases. That does not indicate severity of anything necessarily. Again the hospitals were heavily incentivized to maximize ventilation usage. With that comes the toxic cocktails.

We also know that doctors and nurses were quick to ventilate anyone who tested "positive" for fear of aerosolized "spread."

"In addition to acute respiratory failure, rates of vasopressor and renal replacement therapy were significantly increased in COVID-19 compared to influenza. The increased disease severity reflected in the rates of acute respiratory failure and other-organ injury paralleled the overall higher lethality of COVID-19."

This is interesting. Historically renal failure has not accompanied respiratory viral attacks. How were other medications impacting the kidneys, liver etc? Remedesivir is well known to hammer the kidneys and was misused in abundance starting later in 2020. However it was being used experimentally in some placdes earlier. Can we get the records on exactly what medications and dosages this hospital was using for Covid patients throughout 2020? To simply claim this proves the lethality of Covid is disingeuous at best.

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Very interesting indeed Charles

Also liked Dominique's piece here re the 'Spanish Flu'.


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That's a great substack. It seems Spanish Flu was bacterial pneumonia for sure. Fauci had to know, obviously. He wrote a paper on it himself. I never cease to be amazed how much we don't understand and how terrible our media and medical establishments are. When i find something new i share it. This is another good example of new information to me that has left me shaking my head again.

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"Spanish Flu" (no such thing) was a combination of factors- mainly but not limited to massive toxicity in the environment due to pre and post WW1 production, severe nutritional deficiencies and social instability due to WW1, industrial era living conditions, poor sanitation, overcrowded housing, experimental mass poisonous injection campaign etc.

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Also good, Tenpenny's piece:


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And/or, as per Dr Hazan’s hypothesis, the ivermectin - being made from streptomyces (same family as bifidobacteria) - also replenishes portions of the missing gut biome needed to mount any immune response. The fact that they’re gunning for Hazan so hard suggests that she is onto something important.

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Dont taze my bifidobacterium bro!

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I find Sabine's X posts so interesting.

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I believe everyone is hiding something. I think it is very weird that after 3 years even though you had scientists all around the world that were doing tests in the shot vials not long after the shot was released.

But after three years the conclusion is omg Sv40 is it.

I believe the shots contain radiation. Everything these shots bring out such as turbo cancer, myocarditis, blood clots, and neurological problems. It also comes with high doses of radiation.

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Leave Pierre alone.😊 His experience is real based on treating many as it was unfolding. He knows the harms of Remdesivir and he took so many arrows for his promotion of ivermectin. He is entitled to see as he does. Let’s give him some grace here.

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That's dangerous thinking.

Nobody gets a free pass.

Only the evidence and getting to the truth of the matter are important.

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That's pretty much what I said.

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Have you seen this Charles?

3 min 47 seconds:


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Dr. Kory is a class act professional and I fail to see what is dangerous in what I said. I give no free passes. I see nothing wrong with his comments. He worked frontline and stuck his neck out for humanity. We will all have different perspectives based on our experiences.

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None of that matters.

Kory has said many contradictory things and is still a true believer that there was "a pandemic" even if "handled poorly" which could have been avoided by "early treatment."

All of these iterations are demonstrably false and are deeply problematic. He has had ample opportunity to look into this quite a bit more and has been shown evidence that refutes the entire bullshit pandemic narrative and he has turned away not becuase he doesn't believe such evidence but out of not wanting to believe that every fundamental assertion he has about this pandemic is bogus.

Imagine being in his shoes and having to throw out the entirety of your belief system- he has even said as much directly.

Many, many people stuck their necks out and paid a much higher price than he did. He's doing quite well.

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I personally like Pierre and while I don’t agree with all he says I certainly appreciate his commitment, compassion, heart and bravery for standing publicly when so very, very, very, very, very many stayed silent.

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Don't patronise him! Let's see *his* arguments.

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If Pierre wants to argue that there has not been intent to kill by hospitals then that is his decision. I disagree.

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No I don't know him, but I can read. If you think I quoted him out of context please feel free to explain yourself.

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The study sounds like a great idea.

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I have met him and had conversations with him. Based on what I know of him I don’t believe he defends the hospital system at all. He thinks there are other factors that contributed to the deaths of patients more than the ventilators. The only real way to settle this is to look at records of those who did and didn’t receive antibiotics for ventilator created pneumonia who were on ventilators for primary Covid 19. That study would be of great interest.

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I think you misinterpret what he believes and I stand by that. Do you personally or professionally know him?

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I believe Wright is basing his opinion on one of Dr. Kory's earlier essays, later revised after substack readers reacted to his more non-judgmental statements. I believe his later work shows he is enlightened about the reality of hospital malfeasance at this point.

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Kory's article I reference had the quote about Spanish Flu and bacterial pneumonia, which is the basis for the article. He's said some other very callous things on opioids and ventilators, which you apparently allude to, in other articles.

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Can't argue with this. Probable...very probable.

Keep us posted.

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