Thank-you Charles for highlighting these issues.


Who's running the DOD? On point. We won't be misdirected!

Who's running the WhirleD? To be continued...

Essential 911 history, Cuban Revolution...

Sasha loves Ché? Ask @lagatapolitica what she thinks of Ché. They murdered her father and his best friend. 🙇🏻 Her daughter says her parents voted for Hitlery? What's up with that? Shieeeeeeeh!!

Charles, I do have two additional things to add concerning Slasha. One is her diatribes against those she takes exception to. I myself have been in a day long skirmish with her a little while back. She concedes nothing and gives no quarter if you have got her goat. A number of others have endured her scorn such as : @ MATT2 @MANAGAINSTTHEMICROBES @ANAMIHALCEAMDPHD

Which brings up my second point.

Why did Slasha go after the micronauts?

Dismissing, denigrating, seemingly to shut down that "amateurish" line of inquiry. ???? 🤔

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Randomly, I came across the idea that the Rothchilds have breeding rights with the British Royals. True or false?

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I stop listening to Sasha and her channels after she started to write about alleged brake though in mRNA Technology. Screw that.

There is no nice way to put it.

Leave genes and mother nature alone or f…off.

Anyhow thanks for the article, lots of interesting facts.

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You are a total liar, as Stephen (below) has pointed out. Please post ANY of my articles where I praise mRNA technology. Next time, I advise you to try harder with manufacturing bullshit.

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deletedJul 22
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Thank you for the article Stephen, perhaps it was some kind sarcastic title she had used.

I always liked her till I saw a title which I guess, freaked me out.

Any how yes she is a trove of informations.

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what title freaked you out? Why didn't you read the article? Why is it important to you to lie about me?

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Take it easy Sasha, as I wrote it was something about some kind of brake trough in mRNA technology, The same post was also published by your friend who’s name I can’t remember “bywick or something like that”

We used to be friends till I read that headline, than I just unsubscribed.

Anyhow I guess it was a sarcastic headline, and I am glad to have found out about it

if you have not noticed, I also already thanked Stephen for it so “apologized”.

Perhaps a reminder for all of us publishing to be more carful with our choices for headlines so that other won’t misinterpret them.

Good to see you are doing well and going strong.

Cheer up, and thanks for your work

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As with all forums, Charles, I'm finding my enthusiasm ebbing for Substack whose forum has gifted me with inordinate information and knowledge, particularly on the entire Covid Caper.

I'm ebbing because I find many interpretations and explanations of the "world order" completely lacking as you do. "I choose to divide and conquer along the lines of Mankind versus Globalists, where the true front is. " You're correct, Charles. I so choose, too.

Many times those lines dispel convenient truths thereby disturbing the people who haven't gotten to this level of understanding: governments, prime ministers, presidents, and military forces are MIDDLE MANAGEMENT. They don't run the world. How foolish of people to think so.

People align their loyalties with their background, cultural heritage, and education and so often picture these simply false narratives and justifications as the great struggle. The Great Struggle is between human beings/mankind/humankind and a global force who leads and quietly implements a plan formed eons ago. I find too often on the Substack forum, as on other forums, that people fall for these narrated myths so cleverly set on the worldwide Kabuki Stage.

Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Those who avert their eyes are complicit. I think Iran is supported by Western forces, as in power cliques, as well as Israel. It's a staged game.

I suspect...I have no overt proof...but, of course, we're dealing with power brokers who remain invisible...that two levels exist above Middle Management. Purely a hypothesis. The next level incorporates the visible power brokers: Rothschilds; WEF; CFR; BIS; Atlantic Council; Banking Cartel; Black Nobility; old European bloodlines; Vanguard/BlackRock/State Street; etc. The U.S. military (just my opinion) is so corrupted today that they are able to use them quite effectively to orchestrate mayhem and chaos in today's world, but they ARE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT and developed/shaped by the visible power brokers.

Above the visible power brokers are the invisible power brokers. This is an elite group. I can only suggest that people read carefully and deeply the "Hidden Hand" interview given on Top Secret forum years and years ago. The interview is a self-professed "Illuminati" who states that, as part of his obligations and responsibilities within the Religious Arm or faction, they must answer truthfully sincerely asked questions periodically.

His explanation of the highest power brokers makes sense and is deliberately left vague. I would also add, although he didn't state such a view, that they are highly clairvoyant or greatly intuitive possessing abilities to remotely view past history and even some future. They know the full history hidden from the normal person today.

I haven't wanted to write a substack. I have no overriding enthusiasm toward such a project, but I began a series on Israel's false flag and must return eventually to finish the series (the assassination attempt has been intriguing to understand). These conflicts in the Middle East can only be understood if people comprehend that a Global Cartel runs the plan inducing Middle Management to fulfill their ambitions. My attempt has been to get people to see and understand that this level of visible and invisible power brokers exists by equating normal, everyday events with these higher levels. The articles are extremely difficult to write.

So, I see a huge divide between people: those who can understand this point and those who can't. The Breggins evidently cannot as Sasha cannot. I mean no disrespect to the fantastic work they each have done. They well deserve the laurels they've won.

Until mankind can understand the truly epic and colossal spiritual struggle this entails, they cannot fully fight. When they picture their enemy solely as the U.S. military, they put on horse blinders. A simplistic "God will win" is asininity in the highest regard. They don't know whom they fight. They're still children looking in their Sunday school book with pictures of Zeus as God and lightening bolts striking people.

Just know that your apparent wisdom to be able to perceive the struggle as humankind vs Globalists will divide you from other people. Every country in the world is affected by "The Plan." There are no good guys or bad guys. All are corrupt, and people need to remain clearsighted enough so that, when an atrocity occurs like the genocide in Gaza, they are able to call the event as such.

NO justification exists in this world for the continued bombing of refugees in tents pitched in designated safe zones nor the continued induced starvation and lack of medical care. Israel has been allowed to bomb indiscriminately for years throughout the Middle East with not one repercussion from Western governments. Israel is a bully whose ego has become super-inflated and believe that they may do as they like in the Middle East.

Indeed, the so-called "Plan for the Middle East" evidently specifically deals with Israel slowly and quietly expanding throughout the Middle East bringing their unique cold, anti-humanity religion with them. I am not talking about Judaism. I'm talking about the religion which resides inside which allows them to use AI to determine bombing targets and the number of people allowed to be killed. "Lavender" and "Where's Daddy?" are two such programs. They allow a housing complex where they deem a high-ranking Hamas leader might reside to be blown up killing an additional 300 innocent people with him. They have no conscience in their bloodlust. We are dealing with the worst that humanity has to offer.

However, I think if someone grows up in a particular milieu, either religious or sociopolitical, that is, strongly Jewish, e.g., or under Soviet Union domination, they can't picture beyond that paradigm.

Sorry this is so long.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

"His explanation of the highest power brokers makes sense and is deliberately left vague. I would also add, although he didn't state such a view, that they are highly clairvoyant or greatly intuitive possessing abilities to remotely view past history and even some future. They know the full history hidden from the normal person today"

To anyone who reads this comment, you have to understand that what the commenter said here is a suggestion - hell, it's all suggestion. The idea or concept that is embedded within the suggestion, is that these invisible elites are so 'elite' that they're even psychic and clairvoyant, and possess the ability to access to trans-temporal information and use it against humanity. Basically implying that these elites are some superhuman, godlike beings. This is literally fantasy. The suggestion is simple: go ahead and remained in a state of hopelessness, and self-defeat, while you attribute all your woes in your individual personal life, to this invisible faction that you stand no chance of comprehending or overcoming. It's really rubbish Honeybee, and you should understand the potential effect that an idea like this has on other people - and even on yourself. Unless of course, you're meddling?

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Joel...I'm tired of bullshit like yours. You have a myopic lens on the world.

All of us are free on this channel to offer our opinions and subjective views on reality. In fact, while some substacks post purely factual information, a fairly substantial percentage offer completely subjective viewpoints and opinions. Many simply relate their current and past lives or "dark nights of the soul." You can't get more subjective nor more involved with an individual's inner processes than such descriptions over their loss of belief whether in their religion or themselves.

There are points in the "Hidden Hand" interview which I know were deliberate obfuscation. E.g., his ending POV justifying the rationale for the chaos and violence which his "tribe"brings into the world is complete baloney. OR maybe he's raised with such a mythology much liked Christians are raised in their mythology. Much truth rests within lies. Most people have limited capacity to discern anything. The entire world today is full of lies AND truth.

Do I think I'm the ultimate arbiter of truth? Of course not. I'm learning as everyone else. However, I don't denigrate people for their learning.

No one says diddly-squat about antiquated and harmful viewpoints expressed by fundamentalist Christians. Oh, pardon me. Yes, some people do. The crazy left-wing progressive types who apparently hate all religion unless that religion stands for violence and chaos.

Christians have this aphorism about "having no God before me." What does that remark mean? Simpletons think the statement involves no graven images. Well, that idea might have worked in 300 B.C.

Not today. Whatever an individual professes or believes is their religion. People simply don't examine their lives or themselves to reveal this fact to themselves. Religion doesn't necessarily derive from an Abrahamic religion. A "graven image" is what a man seeks. Is what guides his actions. Is what a man places on a pedestal. Is what a man runs after. Is what is foremost in a man's mind. Where a man puts his time and energy.

I constantly read on this forum that "God will win out in the end." Yeah, buddy, go take that salve and smear it all over your body so that you can feel some comfort in this world.

Or I might simply read something with which I disagree. I don't offer comment. I just think..."Well, interesting but doesn't accord with how I see the world." I don't have to counter anyone because I'm confident in myself and my view on reality. My responses are invariably asking questions or supporting someone's statement.

The real and salient fact is that people are simply too damn afraid to face reality.

You know what, though, Joel? I'm ok with that fact. They can accept whatever viewpoint they choose. I read fundamentalist Christian diatribe after diatribe on substack and offer no criticism. They're entitled to believe what they like.

You're showing your ignorance, though. Just as much force exists against any super force in this world IF people wake up. Your viewpoint is as much rubbish as you characterize mine. Ever thought of that POV?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I remember that hidden hand interview. I knew he was a liar when he denigrated the Lord Jesus Christ and made him a created being instead of who he really is ,the Son of God. He didn’t denounce any other gods man worships today in other religions. Why is it the name of Jesus is the only name used for blasphemy. Why not Buddha? Or Hindu gods? It is obvious it is a spirit. The spirit of the god of this world that is opposed to the God of Heaven. The Bible has all the answers but the natural mind of man is enmity to God. I didn’t grow up in a Christian household or taught by anyone. So no Christian culture for me in declaring this truth. But I appreciate the depth of your comment. That hidden hand interview was hilarious to me how he jumped to belittling Christ. The hidden hand is Jesus long time enemy , Satan. This view is not popular on the substacks. It isn’t scientific or intellectual enough. Satan tempted Jesus with the offer if he would bow down and worship him, he would give him all the kingdoms of the world . Which He refused even though He created the world and everything in it.. those who rule the world have bowed to Satan.

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You are certainly entitled to your POV. I think Steiner discusses an elevated Christianity and shows how the Christ Impulse is the pathway forward in this world for the next ~1,500 years or the close-out of the Epoch. I can support that version of Christianity. Yet, most Christian diatribes I read on substack...I have no idea how you've missed them...are full of the Zeus-with-thunderbolts deity. They're primitive. They're useless. They're erroneous. Just my POV, but since we're speaking so frankly, I thought I would be 100% frank.

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There are about gazzillion substacks and other social media accounts talking about the Rotchilds and Israel. I felt like this topic was sufficiently covered by others, so I wanted to focus on something truly unique that nobody wishes to address. I am sorry for not talking about the things that thousands of other "truth tellers" talk about all the time. I get always punished for not swimming with the group, but oh well. That's my cross to bear.

Why don't YOU talk about the DOD? Why doesn't ANYONE but me and a handful of other people talk about it?

So, the Breggins need to be scolded back into "The bad Rotchilds and Israel discussion" because that's what your designated subjects are when you are a "dissident", right? Some Romanoff pics are also nice, because, you know, stuff-n-things! Why is the topic of the DOD such a taboo to everyone that it requires IMMEDIATE DEFLECTION to the Rothchilds? It's curious.

I am waiting for someone to explain to me how the organization that can spend unlimited amount of money, has 800 bases all over the world, owns most heavy weapons in the world, owns every government or can regime change them at any time, runs all the gun, drug and human trafficking all over the world are "simply henchmen"? I am very curious about this question.

PS. I don't actually know what the Breggins think about Israel. I don't care. I am not a fan of Israel. I simply talk to people and respect their views if they are different from mine. Peace.

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I've written about the DOD several times, maybe not on some aspects you would like to see though. I'll respond more fully later today with links.

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Ok, I find that the DOD is a huge blind spot in many people's vision. Many prefer to point to some amorphous or imaginary "cabal of secret rulers" or "the Jews" or "Khazarians" or "Knights of Malta", or, I can give you a mile long list! which, even if true, is completely irrelevant to effective prosecution and reform. It is also what perpetuates willful blindness on ALL SIDES: the conservatives just dream about the Rotchilds, the liberals roll their eyes and dismiss the conservatives as koo-koos. Rinse and repeat for centuries. Instead, more people need to look at the crime scene and who is directly connected to it!

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Let's talk about the DOD then. Something I've not heard your opinion on yet. What are your thoughts about DOD/DTRA and DOMANE?


Do you find it odd that Malone "cured" COVID in February 2020 with Famotidine, then the parent contract was awarded a $10 Billion extension in March 2020 after the contract was set to expire? Do you think Robert Malone is guilty of criminal conduct in his role in DOD DOMANE?

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Jesuits are behind the entire evil agenda

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They are a major part of it but they don't control the money supply. I may write about them.

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Vatican bankers are very skilled at hiding their tracks.

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Yeah they have some money too. I read "In God's Name" once.

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wait! I thought the author here asserts it's Israel. And I am NOT a fan of Israel.

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"Divide and conquer" have always been the way to maintain an empire. The Rothschild /Rockefeller /WEF empire has fomented profitable wars, national and ethnic hatreds, genocides, and other military industrialist interventions for generations long before establishment of the Israeli state. They've been branching into the medical industrial complex genocides for the same reasons (e.g. Rockefeller medicine); gaining power through military or public health emergencies concentrates even more money and power into the Rothschilds /Rockefeller /WEF financial institutions and further destroys and enslaves the proletariat and non-elites. Like you, I didn't start putting all the global pieces together until Covid, but they are all there, plain as day, as you, Sasha, the Breggins, George Webb, Mike Yeadon, Katherine Watt, Unbekoming, Ray Horvath and many others have documented. Every one of these divide and conquer moves, from Capitalism/Communism, World Wars, depressions, Israel/Palestine, Vietnam, HIV/AIDS, to Covid was either exacerbated or engineered by Rothschild/Rockefeller/WEF. Since we focus on their bright shiny media objects that cause us to fight each other, we never figure out who our rulers actually are, much less how to stop them. "Divide and conquer."

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Jul 21Liked by Charles Wright

Mossad is CIA and that is Khazarian Mafia as is Israeli govt and ours.

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Jul 21Liked by Charles Wright

Hi Charles..thanks for long article although I kind of got lost but completely and utterly agree with you about the Breggins Israel sympathies....I tried listening to that interview with Sasha but gave up after a few mintues. But I've been aware of the Israel jewish bias of Peter Breggin since an interview I saw with him and Catherine Austin Fitts who is very fair I would say, and she was taken aback by his defense of Israel at a time when Israel should not be defended....it was long before Oct 7th but I saw his leanings immediately as did Catherine although she moved on without saying anything. He is a totally respectable person in every other way. But its great you call him out on it. Even though its sad.

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