Get them all arrested, support clouthub.com for Nuremberg 2.0 Global! Free speech on the mRNA jabs 🙏 💃 ❤️ 🇺🇲 🌎 🕺 share with the world be the Reistance & solution at 5smallstones.com

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Hey Charles, I'm sure graphene is a no goody, but as an OrgChemist,playing w PEG surfactants, in a previous life,making 4example "Tide" better, the LNPs have similar PROPERTIES as SURFACTANTS: HYDROPHILIC & HYDROPHOBIC PROPERTIES ; for example the LNP nanoboxes hv CATIONIC(+) andd ANIONIC(-) ends::: These, IMO, are THE culprits, along w other heavy metals anddd the rnaVECTORS, LNPs for ModeRNA & Pfizer, which attach to blood + travel everywhere in t body,crossing brain barrier, ovaries,testes,liver.

So if LNPs act like "surfactants," w/ CATIONIC end sticking out, I don’t think that there’s any way 2get rid of them...😒😌

Adenoviral 💉 for AstraZ,Sρutnik,Novavax hv Chimp & Moth DNA encapsulates, which I'm positive that they Contribute to Aggressive Cancers and/ damage CHROMOSOMES!

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Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

Others: Karen Kingston

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

This was an excellent piece. The following quote from this essay is extremely important:

"The point is that if the spike proteins in vaccines caused myocarditis, then presumably the spike proteins in the alleged virus would also cause myocarditis. None of the publications listed by Makis and McCullough reference a myocarditis death caused by a spike protein in an alleged virus. It would be especially newsworthy if Makis or McCullough could find some evidence of a surge in Myocarditis in 2020 and link it to the Spike Protein in the alleged virus."

There are many reasons why what you say above is highly significant. Here are several of them:

First, there were not supposed to be any Sars-CoV-2 specific spike proteins in the gene-based vaccines, (if they exist at all), only the genetic code necessary to synthesize them. The claim is that mRNA in vaccines after being administered, caused human cells to manufacture spike proteins which after circulating throughout the body/circulatory system, caused damage to cardiac myocytes. The exact mechanism of this purported damage has not been satisfactorily elucidated in patients who developed symptoms and signs of severe post-CV19 vaccine myocarditis. Any number of mechanisms could be involved, including as you assert, GFN's (toxicity). Another is autoimmune generated myocarditis.

Second, in order to have Sars-CoV-2 spike protein specific antibodies, it would be necessary to properly prove the physical existence of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which was not accomplished. That is to say, no such virus was ever properly isolated (meaning completely physically separated from all other constituents in the sample collected from a patient allegedly ill with CV19), purified, genetically characterized and administered to a proper test animal to see if the same clinical picture could be produced (as specified by Koch's postulates). If there is no physical Sars-CoV-2 virus there can be no spike protein or nucleocapsid protein from which to form a specific antibody. In-silico (computer-based) models are not proof of physical existence, contagion or pathogenicity.

Third, it has been pointed out for several years that the validity of the immunohistochemistry studies used on post-mortem tissue, is in doubt. The late pathologist Arne Burchardt first described this technique I believe in 2021, in which he reported using commercially available Sars-CoV-2 antibodies to demonstrate what he said was evidence of spike protein in the tissues (lungs, heart and other tissues) of patients obtained at autopsy in a small series of suspicious deaths. He alleged as have many others, that there are antibodies to spike protein and nucleocapsid protein that are specific for Sars-CoV-2. How these alleged antibodies were obtained, has never been satisfactorily explained in my estimation since the virus with its alleged very specific proteins, (which would need to be present in the human body, in order to produce them), has never been proven to physically exist. Recall that antibodies are formed in response to the presence of antigens in the body. The virus in question with all of its various subunits is/are the antigen(s). If it does not exist, it cannot be in the body and no antibodies will form.

To briefly summarize, then, if there is no physical Sars-CoV-2 virus proven to physically exist, there can be no spike protein or nucleocapsid proteins produced from a non-existent virus. If that is the case, there can be no specific Sars-CoV-2 antibodies to use in immunohistochemistry tests on patient tissue whether obtained from living (through biopsy) or dead (from autopsy) patients.

Given these realities, the cause of myocarditis in CV19 vaccinated persons must be completely elucidated. A toxic injury is to be highly suspected. Given the over 20 independent analyses of vial contents that show either no or trivial amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus (meaning, no RNA or DNA) but large amounts of carbon and oxygen by spectrophotometric signature e.g. micro-Raman spectroscopy, GFN's should be strongly considered as causative until ruled out.

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But they stained the spike proteins and took an EM pic, so, you know, they are in there 😅/s

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As you rightly imply, there is no evidence that whatever was stained emanated from an alleged novel virus. EM pictures as discussed above are meaningless in the absence of proper isolation of an alleged microbe, in this case, an alleged Sars-CoV-2 virus. Much more could be said.

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Graphene Review - Shenanigans again? https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-true-nature-of-graphene

Spike protein? If no Mrna in shots, what's producing the spike - https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/protons-last-theorem

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Geert Vanden Bossche has said he doesn’t think the spike protein is harmful.

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Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

GVB has also worked for the WHO + BMGF. Throw out anything he says

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GVB also blew the whistle on the misrepresentation of results from the Ebola ring vaccination trials which pretty much ended his career. That lends him some credibility from my perspective so while I’m not going to accept his assertions at face value I’m also not going to dismiss them out of hand.

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You can say they (MFM peeps/Medical Freedom/Not a movement) have credibility because they revealed 1 key component in the Gov Narrative: Kirsch, Kory, Malone, Rose, McCullough, Nass, etc. They all avoid certain issues. They all get very testy if you ask too many questions.

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Yes, it is ironic that I wouldn’t have a clue without some of these people but I agree there’s another layer of the story that seems to be avoided by most of those same people.

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Love your patriotism btw!! ❤️

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I respect your challenge but McCollough is off the list... to this, I personally will debate you, and allow @sagehanna moderate it.... this is on you come find out what I know if interested..

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I note you have identified graphene as a major issue. I have just spent a lot of hours researching what it is and trying to find any intelligence on how to get it back out of the body. I could only find one paper on how dangerous it might be, and no papers on how to detox it. Do you know of any way of getting it back out of the body?


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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

As far as i know it is not about the body detoxing the Graphene, it is a process of degrading it slowly, and the body does this by himself through an enzyme called Mieloperoxidase.

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I really don't. Dr. Robert Young has spoken about chelation. He's on Rumble. https://rumble.com/user/DrRobertYoung

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I investigated zeolite - which is the MasterPeace he is promoting, and found it has aluminium as a component. I asked Christopher Exley about it and his response was that it was a total no no. I was hoping that he might say that the aluminium is locked away and cannot get released into the body but he did not. As I know I have a fairly severe aluminium toxicity, I don't want to do anything to make it worse. I am taking MCP which also has a negative charge. So does bentonite clay but it also contains aluminium. So MCP it is for me for now.

But it does seem from Robert Young's work, that the zeolite can reduce the toxic loading in the body.


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You have an error in your first sentence. "At present, there are only a handful of prominent doctors, scientists, and medical professionals who have broken ranks with their peers and said that there was no viral pandemic described as “COVID,” meaning that all “COVID” deaths were the result of vaccines or deadly measures in hospitals."

You are saying that there are only two possible causes of what are called covid deaths, EITHER a virus OR the vaccine and other types of medical malpractice. This is not the case. Covid deaths could be caused by multiple other factors as well, where the symbiotic relationship between those multiple factors could lead to the "straw that broke the camels' back" overload. It is really fairly irrelevant if viruses exist or not as they are only one of many potential killers and there are plenty of other factors that can kill us and are killing us with or without them in the mix, graphene of course being one of them.

Other factors could include:

- EMFs particularly 5G,

- parasites taking advantage of the changed electrical environment

- chemicals, toxic metals, heavy metals

- nanotechnology including graphene.

All these toxins could be entering our systems through multiple sources other than the covid jabs, such as chemtrails, insulin and dental injections, town water supplies, factory farmed food supplies etc.


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I have a similar problem as Mike R. with Makis and his paywall. He does not put all articles behind a paywall, just those he publishes on how to self-medicate for cancer. Now why on earth would anyone do something so cruel to all the cancer victims out there attempting to save their own lives because they cannot find a doctor to help them. I know someone who is subscribed to him and she sends me PDFs of those articles, which I slavishly read until I realised he is probably sourcing the material from AI, which I can do for myself, thankyou.

I think we have a serious problem with what I will call the Substack doctors. It is now patently impossible for we non-medical people to know who is truthful and who is a liar, who is clever and who is stupid. So it is impossible for us to identify any help with the covid related health collapse that is so prevalent amongst readers on substack.

For my own purposes I can no longer trust anyone who is not dealing with the symbiotic relationship between EMFs, parasites, chemicals, toxic metals, heavy metals, and nanotechnology, and their combined effect on health. I was glad to see you draw out graphene, and it is potentially a serious issue, but it is only one serious issue of many.

There are only two medically trained writers looking at the combination effects of multiple causes, that I know of, and neither is publishing on Substack, Bryan Ardis and Lee Merritt.

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Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

I wouldn't trust either of them. Makis bizarrely posts deaths from months or years ago that have already been posted on other free sites but he feels the need to charge money for it. The MFM has morphed into a money-making cottage industry with very few asking the tough questions or doing real research.

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Anybody looking at the venom phenomenon mentioned by some researchers?

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Not to mention lizard venom in Ozempic. I have used nicotine patches as per Bryan Ardis, and they brought my brain back from it hiding place, but only temporarily. I used a local brand with great success, and needed to use it for about a week a month to keep my brain from fading away again. When it ran out I bought the brand that Bryan Ardis recommends as being the cleanest on the market, and have a bad reaction to it, with no success, so not all brands of nicotine patches are equal. Need to get another box soon as my brain is playing silly buggers again.

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There's a long history of venom being included in vaccines. I don't know if it's in these current ones or not. One of Robert Malone's patent applications references cobra venom, along with SV40. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/id-like-to-commisson-an-anti-vaccine

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Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

Witches brew according to Dr Humphries. And how many anesthesias contain venoms? It’s a dark deceitful medical profession.

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Jul 13Liked by Charles Wright

Thank-you for this thoughtful post! Issues still not discussed or openly acknowledged:

1. Why my hospital (and many others) were empty during the "pandemic".

2. Didn't observe massive illness until the vaccinations began

3. The observation of how the vaccinated "caught the illness" within hours and spread flu-like symptoms to those around them

4. What exactly was in those vials

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On the hospital capacity, I recommend reading "Leading Through a Pandemic" by Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health. His hospital system cleared out patients before the "virus" arrived in New York in anticipation. They killed so many people, so fast, that they never had a shortage of beds or ventilators.

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Maybe Lieber and Langer would be available to help conduct the experiment.


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Jul 12Liked by Charles Wright

Conflict of interest for Peter, as he sells a “protocol” and has been paid handsomely by the pharmaceutical industry, before and after covid. He still pushes pharmaceutical’s but has a side job pushing “natural” remedies to “cure” the effects of pharmaceuticals. He’s not as dumb or as innocent as he looks. Don’t hold your breath with your challenge.

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