On June 28, 2022, I wrote “Remdesivir Murder Cases are now being accepted by Prosecutors.” The response to it was overwhelming compared to the other articles I have written. Numerous people asked me for details, and I had to tell them that I didn’t have any.
I recently emailed prosecutenow to ask for an update. They didn’t reply directly, but David went back onto the Stew Peters show and provided an update last night. I’ve transcribed the text, because I don’t think there is a way to embed Rumble videos on Substack yet. Here is a link to the video if you want to see it.
Stew Peters: Yesterday, Stanford Graham was telling me that you now have a multitude of Sheriff’s that are willing to take this to the criminal referral level. Do you want to talk about that?
David Martin: Yeah, so here’s what we’re doing. We’ve actually decided that since the Attorneys General generally across the country have decided that this is a dog too big to fight, what we’ve decided is to go to Sheriffs and prosecutors in jurisdictions where we have a combination of the following two things. And by the way, this is a pitch. If you know of anybody, if anyone listening to this knows of anybody, who has this profile of a patient we are looking for all of them.
What we’re looking for are people that got the shot, and then were treated with Remdesivir. And the reason for that, is that getting the shot, and then being treated with Remdesivir, puts you in a very special class. And the people who died from getting the shot plus Remdesivir, have two different murder counts that are available in terms of prosecution.
We have premeditated murder and we have reckless homicide. And what we’re doing, is we’re working with Sheriff’s who are now willing to take those cases. Who are willing to actually prosecute murder and negligent homicide and reckless homicide cases against the Federal perpetrators, and that means Fauci, that means Baric, that means the crowd that actually built the weapons, but it also means against the doctors, the physician groups, and most importantly the hospital administrators who have profiteered off the back of these deaths.
Stew Peters: And you have a couple of these Sheriff’s that are ready to rock and roll?
David Martin: That is right. We have 15 so far. We are currently aggravating patient cases. And anybody in the public who has somebody who died after the shot and after being treated with Remdesivir, anybody in the public who has that, needs to go to prosecutenow.io. Put your name and contact information in place and Stan Graham will reach out and build the profile.
I wish them all the best and I have no reason to doubt that they are sincere in their efforts. I am at the point that I suggest again that the public not rely on anyone but themselves however. I think it’s time that people stopped waiting on anybody or expecting anybody to do anything. I suggest people form a grassroots effort to write you own indictment(s), and physically hand them to Attorney Generals in every state.
Then you can use your political power to replace the Attorney Generals if they refuse to indict. The power of the vote is one of the public’s greatest weapons, just like the right to bear arms. The thing about a gun is, you need to aim it pretty well. Waiting years then pulling a party line ticket is about as effective as shooting a gun in the air.
On that subject, while I’m on a soapbox, every politician in every race for both parties should be challenged at the primary level on the issue of banning all vaccines and mRNA until such time as the guilty in government and corporations are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Death totals are staggering. This is a Holocaust. You once asked how the good people of Germany could allow it to happen. Now you know. The current crop in Washington are almost all guilty of criminally negligent homicide. You cannot say it is the fault of the party in power while the minority does nothing and takes pharma’s money. For those in DC who speak out enough against the Holocaust, I can see passing over them. Everyone in Congress, with maybe the exceptions of Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, are guilty of mass murder as far as I’m concerned. Criminals will not prosecute themselves. I will vote for no one who does not vow to ban the vaccines and mRNA. I want to see the politicians in office today pay so dear a price that people thousands of years from now will consider them to be a cautionary tale.
Charles Wright
Thanks Charles, reposted. The wheels of justice are slowly starting to turn...