Did I miss something? What is the war crime that the headline refers to?

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Genocide in Palestine.

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One does not have to invoke "International Law" (so-called) re war crimes committed by an American. In 1996, Congress passed the War Cries Act, now codified at 18 USC 2441. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2441

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Charles, if you mean that Mr Musk is a war criminal for genocide in Palestine, I would say "so are we all." Certainly I personally take responsibility for US foreign policy. (This is not to say that you can't make a specific case for Musk, but I don't see it. ) When I saw the photo of him sitting next to Netanyahu, I thought of the Logan Act of 1799 which is still in force. It is a federal crime to negotiate foreign policy with a foreign head of government (can get you free room and board for up to 3 years) "unless you have permission."

Really, it is a jarring photo in many ways.

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Excellent observations Charles!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…

Everyone wants a damn hero…and that’s the problem.

Don’t be a stupid person.

It’s amazing how “they” got this far, isn’t it????

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Thanks Charles. Succinct. The election is in the books. But there is a battle raging on many subtle fronts. The struggle for this deeply compromised Republic is not over. Our enemy has not altered his plans and purposes to completely destroy our sovereignty and crush what remains of the Constitution. This nation IS the Constitution. There are at least 6 vectors of attack being marshaled against our collective lives here. Arm up. Stay vigilant.

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It would behoove you to unlearn the false definition of 'nation' that was implanted into your head.

That will be the hard part.

Then the easy part is learning the truth:

Nation = natas (family, tribe, ethnos, race)

So, one nation *settled* the east coast of north america. They did not *create* a nation.

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Oh gees. Another pin head intellectual. If you are expecting a pissing contest about what the United States REALLY is I am not interested.

Planted? So Perry, where do you live?

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Yes. Kill all your "heroes" as they say - metaphorically speaking (you see that CIA robots? Metaphorically!)

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CIA has been replaced by AI by the way. Who needs humans anymore when AI can analyze all information in the world in real time and coordinate actions tracelessly? (Tracelessly except for Netanyahu who just can't help gloating about it).

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Ever gross. I think you meant Netan Yahoo!

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Many things in the Terminator have come true so far. Science Fiction often isn't fiction- it's conditioning the public. Do we still have time to take Sarah Conner's advice and shut it down while we still can?

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God Willing Charles.

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But AI thinks it is God, doesn't it? Elon Musk, Twitter, March 30, 2023: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1641328839144927232?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1641328839144927232%7Ctwgr%5E7c0755191eb2650eeaf50109e9c46f02c7c6cea1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.latestly.com%2Fsocially%2Fworld%2Fold-joke-about-agnostic-technologists-building-artificial-super-intelligence-to-find-out-latest-tweet-by-elon-musk-5010526.html

"Old joke about agnostic technologists building artificial super intelligence to find out if there’s a God.

They finally finish & ask the question.

AI replies: “There is now, mfs!!”"

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LOL - reminds me of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. What is the meaning of life? Have you read it? The answer is on the last page if I remember correctly. 🤪 I'll spill the beans if you haven't read it and don't intend to.

To answer your question, AI does not "think" so it cannot presume to be God. It's the weirdos who do the programming who think THEY are God or else think they're building one. Classic adolescent male arrogance if you ask me. I don't know how Muskox became such a "hero" type. Ok, I take that back, I do know. He's another mind control victim/actor - have you seen his "mother?" I'm pretty much done with this movie - how about you?

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