Farewell to Virology 3 released despite concerns from the "Freedom community" that the public is not ready to hear the truth.
Link to video included
Excerpts from Mark Bailey: (Remarks begin around 1:25:00).
They start talking about viruses as if they’ve already been proven to exist. … We’re going back to the foundational studies.
When we headed down this road, we didn’t go into it with some preconceived narrative. Or we didn’t have some product that we were getting ready to sell. We just said, let’s get into this, and keep going until we get to the bottom of it. And that’s what we did.
And when we got to the bottom of it, we announced our findings to the world and said hey, we agree with the Perth Group, with Stefan Lanka and Kevin Corbett. This whole thing with virology is incredibly dubious.
Some people who are proclaiming to be in the “Freedom” community have actually decided they do not want to deal with the virus existence issue, because they think it will distract from other issues, or be a stratetic mistake.
It astound me. Some of this we’ve made public. .. Some of it remains in private, because it’s been private discussions that I’ve had with others in the “Freedom” community, and organizations who have basically admitted that what we are talking about seems to be correct. But they are going to ignore it, because they think the public is not ready.
How can anyone dare to say that “Medical Freedom” should in any way support the lie that poisonous vaccines are necessary, if the viruses they are supposed to protect us from don’t exist in the first place? That is neither Medicine or Freedom. It is psychological warfare and poisoning.
To me, the “Freedom Movement” is a brand name that sounds good, but you don’t get what’s advertised. It reminds me of the “Patriot Act” where “Live Free or Die” perished in favor of Total Information Awareness. Sound good, but you don’t get the sales pitch. Robert Malone is of course one of the “Medical Freedom” leaders, involved in decades of expensive countermeasures projects.
For those who say that the public is not ready to hear the truth, I say that the public is dying to hear the truth. Enough lies.
For those of you who don’t want to take sides in this debate, I understand. I don’t think it should become a divisive and bitter debate. But here we see that people are telling Mark that they know he’s right, but that they don’t want him to speak the truth. I think that’s newsworthy.
Further, the Baileys have proposed some tests to shed some light on the topic. I would like to see the results of this test.
Charles Wright
They wrap it as "the people are not ready", but I suppose the reality is "I will lose my income".
Thanks for covering this!!!