Virus=toxin/poison. Terrain=good health habits, the wall of defense against all bacterial/poison assaults.

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A virus is nonliving, defined as genetic material inside of a shell made of proteins or lipids or a combination of proteins and lipids. That is EXACTLY what the lipid nanoparticle injectable mRNA delivery system is. Scientists have been concocting similar genetic structures for decades and putting them in shots called vaccines.

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That's the way I look at it. I

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The idea of 'particles' though is still trying to hang on to that false paradigm. It's a way to try to reconcile germ theory with terrain theory. We all need to just make the quantum leap and accept we were told monumental lies so other people could poison us and profit off of their carnage at the same time.

The reason why some, even legit, players in the 'freedom movement' (I hate labels) are against focusing on this aspect is because they say it takes us away from looking at the big picture, at ALL the lies we've been told (& we've been told some whoppers). Even if we got most people to believe that viruses are bunkum, some say that the master manipulators would just change that narrative without relinquishing the rest of their narratives.

Personally I think if we could get people to accept that virus theory is a lie, they might be more willing to accept that there are a lot more lies where they came from.

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They wrap it as "the people are not ready", but I suppose the reality is "I will lose my income".

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Anyone who doesn't want to acknowledge what Mark is talking about, profits from the deception. That's you Malone, Kory, McCullough. Did they all write books? lol.

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Thanks for covering this!!!

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Terrain theory says: "virus" means CAUSE of disease, therefore, no virus "exists."

Vaccine sellers say, whatever particle THEY CLAIM causes disease is a "virus", and they don't have to actually PROVE that these particular particles caused disease. The vaccine sellers state that the mere presence of the particle means that if the person does (or did) get sick, that particle MUST have been the cause. They have no way to explain the fact most of these particles are already ubiquitous and that MANY people carry them without ANY sign of disease.

The vaccine sellers also state that terrain theory people are "crazy" because they say the PARTICLE doesn't exist. No. Terrain theory does NOT claim these PARTICLES don't exist. We argue there is no solid evidence these particles are the actual CAUSE of disease. So therefore, there's no "virus" - because our definition of virus, is that it MUST be proven that it's the actual cause of disease. And this has yet to be proven.

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I believe in the existence of "particles" that they are calling "virus." However, I have yet to see any convincing evidence that these particles, standing alone, are the actual CAUSE of disease. An "infection" comes when the "host" is suffering poisoning and/or malnutrition, and/or other related stressors. So these particles may show up, (or not show up, but show a false positive on a test anyway) in great numbers in REACTION to whatever caused the person's ill state of health to begin with.

Firemen also show up at fires. Maggots show up in dead animals. This doesn't mean firemen and maggots are the CAUSE of fires or death. I have had far too many periods where everyone around me was suffering some form of 'infection' and my health was so good that I just didn't worry about "exposure" (ate with sick people, kissed and hugged them, rode in cars with them, etc.) and I did NOT "catch" anything. I could PLAINLY SEE why these people were sick, mostly due to what they were EATING (and/or not eating that they should've been eating).

Our ONLY hope of avoiding ill health, (and "vulnerability" to ALL diseases) is to clean up our bodies, stop eating SHIT (and calling it food) avoid exposure to POISON (mostly coming from Pharma these days) and stop living in "reactive" stress to the things going on around us.

If we look to other people for our source of peace/happiness, we will never have peace or happiness. It's an inside job;-)

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Read this: https://iep.utm.edu/scientific-realism-antirealism/#H10

The Natural Ontological Attitude

"Moreover, there is no inferential principle that realists could employ and antirealists would accept. Straight induction will not work: we can induce from the observed to the unobserved, because the unobserved can be later observed to check the induction; but we cannot induce to unobservables, because there can be no such independent check (according to the antirealist)."


I've reached the conclusion that the more intelligent a human being is the more he avoids researching medicine. They would talk about gods and electrons and emptiness and bloody revolution, but philosophers will never talk about what they fear most: the Doctor.

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I no longer have cause to fear doctors. I just AVOID them like my life depends upon it, because it DOES;-)

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That's definitely the best COVID cure known by the statistical methodology they use. :)

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Yep. Works every time. Stay away from the murderers and you're likely to survive almost anything.

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"This is NOA: we should accept the certified results of science on a par with homely truths." So, no questioning the data, methods or conclusion. Trust us bro - we don't falsify.

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It's quite an attitude!

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I'm not sure that these particles have ever existed in the form that they are described- with the protein coat. Nucleic acids and naked DNA exist, and not coincidentally that's what Malone et al has spent so long trying to get the world to inject ourselves with. I think protein creation comes later in the cycle, like the spike protein, designed to cause cancer and other diseases. I've heard Malone explain the process a few times. I'll have to write up these thoughts for further discussion.

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Do the five nitrogenous bases exist?

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I have no idea.

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Oh, they ARE injecting people with actual GMO/engineered parasites that are deadly. And this is WHY the CDC, FDA, and even the AMA, literally FREAKED OUT about humans using anything that kills parasites. They were stripping doctors of their medical licenses for prescribing anti-parasite meds, full propaganda campaign in the pharma-funded media, etc.

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Yeah, they're lying about the existence of the particles too;-) It's probably just easier to expose the fact they don't have any evidence the particles (they say they're identifying) are the actual CAUSE of disease.

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The Particles that THEY claim exist are in photos only, and never show the action they take. Moreover, if you never grab said particle by itself, and extract a whole genome (rna/dna), one can't compare it to other rna/dna. When ever THEY try, it has to be in the presence of Cells from other animals, serum fluid, and enzymes to break apart the cells -- which contaminates the sample.

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Their "science" on this is no more convincing than their "safe" slogan for vaccines.

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