To truly do top investigative work one must keep an open mind. Directed energy devices are very interesting, but I'd recommend against getting wedded to the idea. There are many ways to start fires, and arson has been around forever. Most ways are profoundly cheap to implement. So, this Huff person may simply have deemed such ideas to indicate an off beat personality. Still it is important to be aware of all facts, and keep them in mind as one proceeds to investigate.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Charles Wright

During the time that Trump was moving to limit trade with Chin. in preference of US industries, the West Coast forests had unprecedented wildfires, and satellite imagery from space captured laser light lines aimed at the combustion sites. This also coincided with the timing of dems. trying to start an impeachment process, so the destruction of our ancient forests could have been a US-driven warning aimed at undermining his efforts or an outside source -- either way these trees are sacred and must be entirely off limits to human evil pettiness. This was before the Hong Kong protests were stirred up by western media and Covid was launched. I will paste in the link to people tracking that when I come across it again.

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I remember fires threatening these ancient forests and thinking that the fires were intentional. If you find the references you mentioned I would like to read them.

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Mr Huff claimed the last good thing the government did was the 9-11 commission. Uh Ok sport. 'Nuf said.

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The Huff story about having a list of food production facilities to destroy or disrupt is complete lunacy from an arch narcissist hoping desperately to make himself relevant.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Charles Wright

How bizarre Lipkin's activity. Always first on the scene.

SARS Outbreak Training and Treatment, China (People's Republic of): At the height of the 2003 SARS outbreak, Dr. Lipkin traveled to the People's Republic of China at the invitation of WHO, the Chinese Minister of Science and Technology, and the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Science, hand-carrying 10,000 test kits to Beijing and trained clinical microbiologists on the proper usage.


The Mailman School of Public Health researchers, led by Gustavo Palacios, PhD, assistant professor of Epidemiology and CII Director W. Ian Lipkin, MD, John Snow Professor of Epidemiology, and professor of Neurology and Pathology at Columbia University, plan to completely sequence up to 150 virus specimens from nasopharyngeal swabs and cultures over the next 10 days, and will share their findings with the larger scientific community. The complete sequencing of these virus specimens will allow the team to both characterize severe versus mild cases, as well as determine how the virus evolved at different points in time. Swine flu has killed 165 people in Argentina, more than any nation with the exception of the U.S. Any significant changes in the virus might influence the effectiveness of vaccines or drugs used to fight the pandemic.



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