Tamiflu is manufactured by Gilead Sciences, which also manufactures Remdesivir.
As most of my readers know, Remdesivir was a key component of hospital protocols that were designed to kill “COVID” patients in the United States. Typically, based on an informal review of multiple case studies presented by family members of the deceased, following a falsified COVID PCR test, patients were often immediately administered Remdesivir- Anthony Fauci’s “Standard of Care.”
Remdesivir quickly led to organ failure. As the patient degraded, the symptoms were blamed on the “virus.” Patients were next placed on ventilators and sedated, which often caused bacterial sepsis, ARDS, and other complications- complications which could be sometimes reversed with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other antibiotics. They were usually finished off with high doses of opioids.
I don’t know why it takes someone without a medical background to report the simple and obvious truths, as I have for years now, as opposed to the vast majority of the medical community with their extensive knowledge and experience. It seems to be a code of conduct to not criticize other medical professionals under any circumstances. Thankfully, at least one Doctor in the world will- Dr. Michael Yeadon in his “Silver Bullet” podcast, adding a great deal of credibility to those of not-medical professionals who have dared to report the truth. Zowe Smith, a medical coder during “COVID,” has said essentially the same, and I thank her for reporting the truth as well.
Dr. Peter McCullough was well aware of the fact that everyone died in hospitals in his November 18, 2020 testimony to Ron Johnson’s Senate Committee. McCullough said: “Virtually all the COVID deaths that occur, occur in the hospital.”
Instead of telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth about a faked Pandemic, Dr. McCullough has steadfastly maintained the unsubstantiated “Wuhan Lab Leak” narrative. Furhter still, throughout much of 2024, McCullough generated sensationalized predictions of yet another viral Pandemic, this time H5N1- predictions which once again centered around an unsubstantiated lab leak that would spread an alleged engineered virus that has never been isolated and sequenced, or proven to spread or cause disease.
Dr. McCullough is a Pandemic salesman of “early treatments”, and Pandemic salesmen need Pandemics for sales. He cares not the slightest bit about telling the truth of the faked “COVID” Pandemic or prosecuting the guilty who have killed countless numbers of people. On to the next Pandemic. McCullough even laid the groundwork for an H5N1 Lab Leak this time, as opposed to the US State Department under Mike Pompeo, which laid the groundwork on the SARS#2 “Wuhan Lab Leak” narrative.
It can be argued that “early treatments” for yet another fake Pandemic are harmless enough and reduce the death total for those who forgo going to the hospital or vaccines. The comparisons of mortality rates of “early treatments” versus hospital protocols are simply the statistical equivalent of saying that the cure for dying from a knife wound is to not be stabbed in the first place. But is it really harmless? Isn’t it true that when you create the basis for another Pandemic, many people will still likely choose to “trust the Science” and die via hospital protocols and vaccines?
Image: Open Payments Data CMS, Dr. Peter Mcullough, 2017-2023.
During a period of declining income from the Pharmaceutical Industry, Dr. McCullough has moved into “alternative medicine” as a paid associate of The Wellness Company. McCullough’s Contagion Emergency Kit, however, contains a pharmaceutial compoud from Gilead which is anything but alternative medicine- Gilead’s Tamiflu.
Much of the rest of this article is open source reporting of the 2005 H5N1 Pandemic, which very much seems to be a coordinated disinformation Pandemic to drive sales of Gilead’s Tamiflu. I’m not going to elaborate much on this, as I would prefer you to read the original sources and draw your own conclusions.
One thing I do wish to specify though, once again, is that there were deaths associated with H5N1 in 2005 in Asia. These deaths appeared, once again, to have occurred in hospitals that were using ventilators. Dr. Michael Callahan, as with multiple other Pandemics, was involved with “helping” various nations faced with the alleged deadly H5N1 virus in Asia. Dr. Callahan’s tool of choice is the ventilator. Dr. Callahan was present in Wuhan Central Hospital before the death spike in China, just prior to their lockdown. The deaths in hospitalized patients in Wuhan, China, were due to ventilators and drugs, yet of course blamed on a “sudden acute respiratory” (ventilators) virus, SARS-CoV#2. Callahan set up the deadly nursing home protocols in the United States, according to Robert Malone. Callahan was the only American allowed into sensitive areas of China in 2003 in SARS1, where patients were killed with ventilators, although the “spread” (of hospital deaths supported by falsified PCR testing) was contained in this “Pandemic.” It’s still unclear what exactly caused the deaths of “Ebola virus” in West Africa in 2014, but they appear to involve ventilators and Remdesivir, and Callahan was there as well. It’s certainly quite the resume.
Dr. Yeadon has said that he doesn’t believe that it is possible for respiratory disease to spread. It is unclear to me if it is possible to create a compound that would cause disease and death by person-to-person spread of a respiratory disease, however. Be that as it may, it is quite clear that the BioDefense industry faked viral Pandemics for a long time by killing patients in hospitals and blaming it on a virus in order to drive funding for their continuing research and surveillance budgets, and of course for their own personal profit via “countermeasures” such as Remdesivir and Tamiflu. Gilead is essentially Pentagon Pharmaceuticals.
Thankfully at least, H5N1 will not be considered to be a “novel” virus this time, as opposed to SARS-CoV-#2, which was created in silico without an actual isolated virus to sequence in the first place. SARS#2, created by computer programs which cobbled together tiny select sequences of multiple, unidentified compounds in lung fluid samples into as close a match as possible to other “coronavirus” sequences generated in the same manner, although slightly different (novel), triggered the Emergency Use Authorizations of deadly countermeasures such as the mRNA vaccines and Remdesivir.
Tamiflu was extensively used for H5N1 in 2005. I do not have safety data on Tamiflu, but it certainly appears to be far less dangerous than Remdesivir. Dr. McCullough has positioned himself well to profit from Tamiflu sales via The Wellness Company, as there were huge international demands for Tamiflu in 2005 which created shortages, although it wasn’t until the Winter of December 2024 that the CDC confirmed the first case of H5N1 in the United States- again without an isolated virus. Apparently The Wellness Company already has a stock of Tamiflu which they include in their Contagion Emergency Kit.
1977-1985. Countercurrents. From Rumsfeld, the ‘ruthless little bastard’, to Remdesivir.
Rumsfeld started his career in the industry as the CEO of G.D. Searle, the pharmaceutical firm, from 1977-1985. He turned the loss-making company around by using his political clout to get US Food and Drug Administration approval of Aspartame, the artificial sweetener that became very profitable for Searle during the 1980s. The chemical additive had been rejected by the same FDA for long due to its potential cancer and brain tumour-causing side-effects.
Tamiflu was discovered by Gilead Sciences in 1995, patented in 1996, co-developed with F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and marketed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche and commercially launched in November 1999 [[16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]]
1997-2001. Countercurrents. From Rumsfeld, the ‘ruthless little bastard’, to Remdesivir.
Rumsfeld next took over as the Chairman of Gilead Sciences, a little-known California based biopharmaceutical company in 1997, and remained in this position till the day he joined as Secretary of State in 2001. Despite being in office he continued to hold financial interests in the company.
1997. Avian Influenza in Hong Kong 1997–2002
In 1997, a high-pathogenicity H5N1 avian influenza virus caused serious disease in both man and poultry in Hong Kong, China. Eighteen human cases of disease were recorded, six of which were fatal. This unique virus was eliminated through total depopulation of all poultry markets and chicken farms in December 1997.
1999-2001. UAB: Michael Callahan, M.D.
(Michael) Callahan has been on the scene at some of the world’s most famous—and dangerous—virus outbreaks, including H5N1 avian flu in Hong Kong in 1999 and 2001, SARS in Hong Kong in 2003, Marburg in Angola in 2004, and so on. He also has responded to recent Ebola virus outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lassa fever in Nigeria, and controversial laboratory accidents resulting in the infection of scientists at foreign biohazard laboratories.
2003, SARS, China. Dr. Michael Callahan Testimony to Committe on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, July 13, 2005.
Let me take you, as a practical example, to the benefits of
the WHO versus agencies of the United States Government. During
the SARS epidemic the CDC was deployed also to Hong Kong and to
the Quandong Province in South China. I was on the WHO
attachment, and I went to all the closed areas, and there were
no other Americans permitted to go there.
Dr. Callahan. I would comment only that the natural
experience of facing a threat agent that you don't understand,
we haven't done very well. If we think back about SARS, that
was using 2003 technology. It was using some of the most
resource-rich laboratories around the planet. It took 19 days
to actually isolate the specific genera of the organism, and
that came from an electronmicrograph of a patient's lung.
By the time we returned to Hong Kong, there were 470 people
on ventilators, and we were flying ventilators all around in
Southeast Asia to try to shore up their health care capability,
which, by the way, is a Western standard.
Late 2003. PhD Thesis of Maria van Kerkhove.
In late 2003, H5N 1 was first detected in a family from Hong Kong that had recently travelled to Fujian Province in China
January 2005. Wikipedia: Global spread of H5N1 in 2005
In January 2005 an outbreak of avian influenza affected thirty three out of sixty four cities and provinces in Vietnam, leading to the forced killing of nearly 1.2 million poultry. Up to 140 million birds are believed to have died or been killed because of the outbreak. In April 2005 an unprecedented die-off began of over 6,000 migratory birds at Qinghai Lake in central China over three months. This strain of H5N1 is the same strain as is spread west by migratory birds over at least the next ten months. In August 2005 H5N1 spread to Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia. On September 30, 2005, David Nabarro, the newly appointed Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza, warned the world that an outbreak of avian influenza could kill 5 to 150 million people.
July 13, 2005. Dr. Michael Callahan Testimony to Committe on Homeland Security, House of Representativs.
Dr. Callahan. I also need to add in here, working the Avian Influenza Syndrome and surveillance program throughout Asia, we are critically concerned about Avian Flu. I understand Sue Simonson has talked to you. We used the tippy top of the international flu community to help understand how to mitigate against this threat. It is a catastrophe. And one of the biggest evidence of this is that the influenza R&D for weaponization is occurring in small chicken farms throughout southeast Asia; you can't forget that. Second point is that the co-infection between a normal circulating strain are current H3N2 and an H5N1 is statistically extremely probable. And what we see with the evolution of influenza in Southeast Asia, be it southern China, Hong Kong, the Himalayan region, and we go and see these patients and work with these collaborators, we are finding it slightly different from each other. That is bad news. That means it is not a single point transition, but it is a virus trying to find its way. And this is a very important point and is a live fire exercise for biological defense of this country.
October 8, 2005. East Bay Times. Bush: Troops to Help Fight Bird Flu.
WASHINGTON — President Bush, stirring debate on the worrisome possibility of a bird flu pandemic, suggested dispatching American troops to enforce quarantines in any areas with outbreaks of the killer virus.
Bush asserted aggressive action could be needed to prevent a potentially crippling U.S. outbreak of a bird flu strain that is sweeping through Asian poultry and causing experts to fear it could become the next deadly pandemic. Citing concern that state and local authorities might be unable to contain and deal with such an outbreak, Bush asked Congress to give him the authority to call in the military.
The president has already indicated he wants to give the armed forces the lead responsibility for conducting search-and-rescue operations and sending in supplies after massive natural disasters and terrorist attacks — a notionthat could require a change in law and that even some in the Pentagon have reacted to skeptically. The idea raised the startling-to-some image of soldiers cordoning off communities hit by disease.
“The president ought to have all … assets on the table to be able to deal with something this significant,” Bush said during a 55- minute question-and-answer session with reporters in the sun-splashed Rose Garden.
Dr. Irwin Redlener, associate dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and director of its National Center for Disaster Preparedness, called the president’s suggestion an “extraordinarily draconian measure” that would be unnecessary if the nation had built the capability for rapid vaccine production, ensured a large supply of anti-virals like Tamiflu, and not allowed the degradation of the public health system.
“The translation of this is martial law in the United States,” Redlener said.
October 14, 2005. Getty Images. “Freerange chickens in a churchyard near York, Friday October 14, 2005. As fear grows over the global spread of bird flu, the Government is busy stocking the anti-viral Tamiflu. Although the medication will not cure the potentially lethal strain of H5N1, the drug is billed as the best antidote currently on the market. It is seen as the only drug which will stop the reproduction of H5N1 at early stages of infection.”
October 20, 2005. Getty Images: “Pedestrians walk past a sign outside a private clinic in London's Harley Street district which states that stocks of the bird flu vaccine Tamiflu have sold out, Thursday October 20, 2005. The European Commission today banned imports of pet birds and feathers from Russia in response to the latest confirmed outbreak of the potentially-lethal H5N1 strain of bird flu.”
October 20, 2005. Getty Images. MUMBAI, INDIA: “Pedestrians walk past pigeons on a promenade in Mumbai 20 October 2005. Cipla, India's third largest pharmaceutical company said it would sell a cut-rate version of the anti-viral Tamiflu used to treat bird flu to meet a worldwide surge in demand triggered by the confirmation last week that Turkey and Romania have cases of the H5N1 strain of the virus, which has killed more than 60 people in Asia.”
October 27, 2005. New York Times. Rumsfeld to Avoid Bird-Flu Drug Issues.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has recused himself from government decisions concerning medications to prevent or treat avian flu, rather than sell his stock holdings in the company that patented the antiviral agent Tamiflu, according to a Pentagon memorandum issued Thursday.
The memorandum, to Mr. Rumsfeld's staff from the Pentagon general counsel, said the defense secretary would not take part in decisions that may affect his financial interests in Gilead Sciences Inc.
Before becoming defense secretary in January 2001, Mr. Rumsfeld was chairman of Gilead. On each of his annual financial disclosure statements, he has listed continued stock holdings in the company.
Gilead holds the patent on Tamiflu, but contracts for it are signed with an American subsidiary of F. Hoffman-LaRoche Ltd., which holds marketing and manufacturing rights.
Mr. Rumsfeld will remain involved in matters related to the Pentagon response to an outbreak, so long as none affect Gilead.
October 31, 2005. Getty Images. UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 31: “Canadian geese walk past Gilead Sciences Inc. offices in Foster City, California on Monday, October 31, 2005. The firm developed Tamiflu, an antiviral drug believed to combat the avian flu.”
March 12, 2006. Independent. Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug
Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu. The US Defence Secretary has made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts by Governments to treat a possible human pandemic of the disease.
More than 60 countries have so far ordered large stocks of the antiviral medication - the only oral medicine believed to be effective against the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease - to try to protect their people. The United Nations estimates that a pandemic could kill 150 million people worldwide.
Charles Wright
tamiflu trial #1 https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/summary_review/2012/021087Orig1s062021246Orig1s045SumR.pdf
"The regulatory history of Tamiflu’s development program in young infants is complex.
Previously submitted juvenile rat studies of Tamiflu identified substantially increased
mortality in newborn rats compared to older juvenile rats and adult rats. One study also
identified markedly increased concentrations of the pro-drug, oseltamivir, in the brain tissue of
the newborn animals. Concern about the potential impact of an immature blood-brain barrier
in human infants resulting in toxicity led the Applicant to terminate their evaluation of Tamiflu
as treatment for influenza in infants less than 1 year of age.'
if at first you don't succeed, try again!
"a follow-up juvenile rat study conducted by the NIH did not confirm the earlier findings of increased levels of oseltamivir phosphate in brain tissue."
heavy redactions further down, hmmm...
The fabrication of a controversy over "early treatments" from the start of the operation is intended to invent parallel narratives and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate.
Installing the controversy on how to "treat" this alleged "new disease" served to concretize the narrative that a "novel disease" existed and that the "novel pathogen" which caused this disease was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.
This phony world of Potemkin logic assured that no one would bother to check the "truth of the fact"- had a new disease in fact appeared and was there proof of this novel pathogen?
The "early treatment" canard leads us to two competing thesis:
1) A serious new disease has arrived against which we have no medical defense until the savior vaccine arrives;
2) A serious new disease has arrived that one could, and could have, treat(ed) were it not for the underhanded efforts by the authorities who brought us thesis #1.
That thesis #2 has been seized upon and catapulted by individuals who are then portrayed as "rogue anti-establishment doctors" and administrative types who quickly become the face of the "health freedom movement" seems to be more than an unlikely coincidence.
This dynamic serves to disallow and/or marginalize alternative theories and mutes the abundant evidence that there was in fact no new pathogen of any sort and no accompanying pandemic caused by said non-existent "novel pathogen."
The accepted medical science of "early treatments" of a non-existent disease rests on the same foundation as the invention of this non-existent disease. Therefore it too is invalid.
The authors of the "official" government narrative- thesis #1- and those that dictate the demonstrably false terms of the "acceptable alternative health freedom" narrative- thesis #2- are, in the end, likely to become "strange bedfellows" and not real adversaries under these conditions, as both validate the imaginary disease by different means.
Thus it is hard to imagine that we arrive at a place much different, if these are to be the "accepted" and "hotly contested" narratives, regardless of which of the 2 theses "wins the day."
I leave with a quote:
"It was a question of making the idea of the imaginary disease exist even in the mind of the recalcitrant portion of the population, by providing them with the protest rattles that they could wave at their leisure - the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, the effectiveness of ivermectin, the ineffectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of " vaccines."
We thus showed that we were treating the imaginary disease with exactly the same method as that which had made it possible to establish its existence, making the posthumous pride of Monsieur de Münchhausen.to have been able to inspire so much beautiful science."