Great article! A huge tell for McCullough being part of the plan, a puppet of the establishment, pushed via alternative platforms, was how he always had a voice, was barely smeared at all, and his credentials often accompanied any messaging, the "expert" has spoken...

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Actually, I may have misread Paul Alexander’s post where he was quoting Yeadon but had his wellness company ad at the bottom. But I’m still skeptical about his claim that viruses don’t exist or aren’t harmful. How did the Incas and the plains Indians of North America get wiped out before the conquistadors even arrived in their regions unless some kind of infectious agent brought by Europeans spread ahead of them? I still think Jared Diamond‘s book Guns, Germs, and Steel explains the historical facts that the no virus people can’t.

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Fungi, parasites, mold, and bacteria can cause damage to humans (eg. Staph infection or aphlatoxins in crops). How many skin conditions are there? what causes them? Has to be a pox (no other explanation? How can you be sure?). I'll take a look at Diamond's book; but I want to see timelines of European arrivals and population Destructions.

Have you heard that the Introduction of the pigs from Europe wiped out Native American crops, due to no fencing and the pigs' foraging?

Additionally, I thought the destruction of the Bison (main food supply of Plains Americans) coupled with the rifles and Tribal infighting led to the Plains Native Americans downfall.

And Joel, No paper anywhere has purified a single viral particle, characterized it and shown it causes disease. If you think THEY have it somewhere, please show it to us. Also you'd be siding with the Empire/R0ckyfella Institute on this false claim.

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Yeadon is not an MD he’s a PhD. And he’s working with the wellness company like a lot of people that you have complained about.

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There are quite a few post-marketing adverse events attributed to Tamiflu on drugs.com.

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PMC7173052 - look what they say

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Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted

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They also ran NO Control Studies, and won't release the ingredients for the Supposed Viral Clones obtained.

"Robert Webster, corresponding author of the PNAS paper and Director of WHO’s Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds, informed us that stock viruses “are classified as select agents” and “we are not at liberty to release this information”. Without verification, and without purification described in any of these papers, we cannot accept that stock virus is pure and fully characterized."

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wow. what an incredible article. So much work went into it. I hope you get some money for this

Can't even afford $8 month subscirptions....there's never even $8 in there when payment day comes.

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The fabrication of a controversy over "early treatments" from the start of the operation is intended to invent parallel narratives and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate.

Installing the controversy on how to "treat" this alleged "new disease" served to concretize the narrative that a "novel disease" existed and that the "novel pathogen" which caused this disease was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.

This phony world of Potemkin logic assured that no one would bother to check the "truth of the fact"- had a new disease in fact appeared and was there proof of this novel pathogen?

The "early treatment" canard leads us to two competing thesis:

1) A serious new disease has arrived against which we have no medical defense until the savior vaccine arrives;

2) A serious new disease has arrived that one could, and could have, treat(ed) were it not for the underhanded efforts by the authorities who brought us thesis #1.

That thesis #2 has been seized upon and catapulted by individuals who are then portrayed as "rogue anti-establishment doctors" and administrative types who quickly become the face of the "health freedom movement" seems to be more than an unlikely coincidence.

This dynamic serves to disallow and/or marginalize alternative theories and mutes the abundant evidence that there was in fact no new pathogen of any sort and no accompanying pandemic caused by said non-existent "novel pathogen."

The accepted medical science of "early treatments" of a non-existent disease rests on the same foundation as the invention of this non-existent disease. Therefore it too is invalid.

The authors of the "official" government narrative- thesis #1- and those that dictate the demonstrably false terms of the "acceptable alternative health freedom" narrative- thesis #2- are, in the end, likely to become "strange bedfellows" and not real adversaries under these conditions, as both validate the imaginary disease by different means.

Thus it is hard to imagine that we arrive at a place much different, if these are to be the "accepted" and "hotly contested" narratives, regardless of which of the 2 theses "wins the day."

I leave with a quote:

"It was a question of making the idea of the imaginary disease exist even in the mind of the recalcitrant portion of the population, by providing them with the protest rattles that they could wave at their leisure - the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, the effectiveness of ivermectin, the ineffectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of " vaccines."

We thus showed that we were treating the imaginary disease with exactly the same method as that which had made it possible to establish its existence, making the posthumous pride of Monsieur de Münchhausen.to have been able to inspire so much beautiful science."

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tamiflu trial #1 https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/summary_review/2012/021087Orig1s062021246Orig1s045SumR.pdf

"The regulatory history of Tamiflu’s development program in young infants is complex.

Previously submitted juvenile rat studies of Tamiflu identified substantially increased

mortality in newborn rats compared to older juvenile rats and adult rats. One study also

identified markedly increased concentrations of the pro-drug, oseltamivir, in the brain tissue of

the newborn animals. Concern about the potential impact of an immature blood-brain barrier

in human infants resulting in toxicity led the Applicant to terminate their evaluation of Tamiflu

as treatment for influenza in infants less than 1 year of age.'

if at first you don't succeed, try again!

"a follow-up juvenile rat study conducted by the NIH did not confirm the earlier findings of increased levels of oseltamivir phosphate in brain tissue."

heavy redactions further down, hmmm...

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What right does the FDA have to redact anything? I've never seen that before.

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intellectual property, proprietary info!

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Oh, I thought they were supposed to regulate all those proprietary compounds and processes.

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The FDA doesn't regulate they rubber stamp.

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got a hunch that the regulation is proprietary too

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Remember when my mother in law was in a long term care unit in London , Ontario in the 90's for 4 years . I remember people getting the Tamaflu stuff many times a week and I knew it was stockpiled . I suspect, based on all the drugs these poor souls take on a good day , it was a way to use them up . This old Canadian magazine certainly had a write up that mirrors exactly what is going on now in my opinion and I see medicine has not changed . https://macleans.ca/society/health/canadas-questionable-tamiflu-stockpile/

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the first time I became aware of vaccine injuries - it was my vet - told me about another

vet ( horse ) that retired suddenly and wasn't well suddenly. And my vet said " Tamiflu "

and I didn't even know what he was talking about until I had thought about it for a while.

That was in the early 2000s. I guess the other vet had had a vaccine - and was suddenly sick and people had to whisper about it if they knew what might have caused it

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Hello Ann,

Are you aware of the work by Nicolas Hulscher MPH , of self amplifying injections for the pets via the vets who are as captured as the rest of the medical groups it seems ? It is developed by Merck(oh dear) and called NOBIVAC - next level protection to trigger a robust antibody and cellular immune response - kind of like a photocopy machine replicating spike proteins on steroids . Have no doubt it's the same for humans - maybe why those in power want one world of health with the requirements being the same for plants, animals and humans- what regime would want control of that total domain? I also wonder if people know to ask what injections their animals are getting as an experiment ?


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Yes - since I have changed my thinking about vaccines - I as everyone until covid was pretty okay with vaccines although I don't like needles, but I never questioned the ingredients or the reason for vacciniating...animals too - but now - I heard a talk from Suzanne Humphries many years ago that blew the lid off my closed mind and then I never got a flu shot and that vet I mentioned was rather anti-vax so when I talked to him about ' west nile virus ' horse vaccines etc - he didn't go for the idea. Great guy. So none of my animals now get any shots. But its tragic because the vet industry is if anything as or more immoral than the medical for humans. And there are SO MANY pets that get shots now. Tragic.

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Thank you Ann for this lovely response . I am trying to communicate this information to those I know with pets but unfortunately , the same people just go along to get along it seems and don't have the ability to question . I worked with a vet from California for a number of years- re phone calls and a google spread sheet for insulin numbers- who specialized in diabetic cats - her take was kibble should be eliminated.

I took in a 15 year old diabetic cat from a neighbour because he was peeing everywhere and I couldn't stand the thought of him being put down . I was on a google spread sheet with Dr Pierson for about 5 years and she made the vet here in Toronto seem like he didn't know anything . She said she was disgusted with her own colleagues because of all the Science Diet stuff and other scams the vets were selling . She took Science Diet to court years ago . She helped me with what to feed the cat here . She made her own food for her cats- 5 of them - all 17 to 20 years old and busy like kittens- she knew how to add the vitamins etc .. I learned lots for her and the old diabetic guy lived another 5 years .

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yes, the vet clinics were more tyrannical than the hospitals during covid...for humans ! Chlorine Dioxide is excellent too - as a home remedy

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What do you use that for Ann ? I know I have DSMO on hand for a variety of potential situations.

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