Okay...for some reason, Anthony Bourdain just popped into mind. Makes one wonder what he found out and KNEW before he was Epstein’D. He knew Obama well. OMG!! What did Obama’s chef know??

“From exposing the seedy underbelly of the restaurant industry to dining with President Obama in Vietnam, it’s no wonder why Anthony Bourdain was called the “original rock star” of the culinary world. Unlike other celebrity chefs, his appeal stretched far beyond the delicious food he cooked and ate.”

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Anosmia existed long before The Plandemonium. As did so many other sequale ascribed to the phantom menace of Covid-19. That is not to say I don't think people got sick. It means, in my opinion, that it wasn't novel, nor required novel countermeasures but government so coveted the power that the novel countermeasures would offer them they were willing to bankrupt and or kill you and millions of others to get it.

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Jun 21Liked by Charles Wright

Thank you so much Charles! Great article. I have not been able to taste or smell since January of 2020, and have not left home, who knows?

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Try nicotine in patches or gum

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Thank you Charles, I wish the judges and courts would be willing to know the truth !

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Yes on anosmia! This is something I've been trying to convince people of for the past couple of years: and it's something Andrew Huff studied, which may have gotten him his jobs! A population can be poisoned in many ways, whether through sprayed chemicals or even trace amounts of poison in the supply chain. A LOT of contaminants results in flu-like symptoms.


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I've tried to message and plead with the "there was no illness" people to be more rigorous because their messaging will turn off people (like some I know personally) who did get sick (sometimes scary sick) in 2020. There WAS additional illness, and we need to rigorously determine whether it was chemical, bacterial, or something else.

And early treatment is NOT entirely a psyop, no matter how slimy The Wellness Company has looked. Even if the illnesses were chemically induced, resulting bacterial interplay can be part of the pneumonia, so HCQ and antibiotics completely makes sense. Both have long histories of helping with infections that lead to pneumonia, and secondary pneumonia was the primary killer, whether or not hospital protocols were involved.

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Thank you for always being a voice for sanity, Matthew. And always looking all around the various scenarios and not doing the it has to be either/or way of thinking.

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The only way to be rigorous is to pass the data through all possible models. The biggest mistake is to forget that there are models that people aren't talking about---particularly in an environment that we should expect to be heavily astroturfed.

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Great comments! Thankyou! The like button isn’t working.

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Over 2 years ago, I lost taste and smell and became quite ill from being at home. No planes, no venues, no bug spraying in the middle of winter. Was I poisoned? Maybe, but how?

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Who controls and owns the water and chemicals that go in it .

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Jun 21Liked by Charles Wright

War of the Worlds. The spikes have landed?

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Good catch on the loosely fitting paper mask. I love catching criminals in the middle of their crime when they think no one's looking or suspecting.

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Jun 20Liked by Charles Wright

I remember a family members neighbothood being fogged for mosquitoes in the 60s in Alabama. I thought it was horrible even as a little kid.

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Spray everyone with poison to keep our families safe. Spray our food to kill bugs. I'd rather eat organophosphates than a worm in an apple.

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