So many good people and organizations (or at least I hope they are good; it's hard to know these days) support Malone. One puzzling alignment is with RFK, Jr. Why has he aligned himself with Malone, and even went to so far as to list Malone second on the very long list of dedications in his Fauci book?

I am very concerned about Malone's involvement with RFK's Childrens Health Defense and his participation in their inaugural conference later this month entitled "A Path Forward." Malone is one of the key speakers. Wish there were something that could be done to convince CHD to rethink his involvement. Malone is scheduled to discuss:

"A brief history of the COVID-19 and monkeypox public health responses. Rationale for promoting genetic vaccines. Role and relationships between administrative state leadership, corporate media, big technology, banking/capital and transnational non-governmental organizations involved in promoting false narratives, information control and counterproductive public health response policies."


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I share your questions and concerns about RFK Jr.s support for Malone, and think that he needs to address the issue. That is a very insightful observation.

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The problem isn't mRNA in general. Its mRNA that codes for the pathogenic spike protein.

Malones job as controlled opposition is to keep the debate politicized, so that those on the Left who might be open to joining the crusade will see this as a MAGA-Bannon vs them issue and stay on the sidelines. His other job is to keep folks focused on the Civilian Aspect of this Criminal Conspiracy (Pharma, Fauci, HHS, WEF) and way from the Military-IC that partners with and likely dominates their Civilian accomplices

Ask yourself how Malone publishes and distributes a non-digital book in February 2020 on treating COVID , a book that has now disappeared (not much time to write it, submit it, publish and distribute) and why he does not call out DTRA more severely for its failure on repurposed drugs despite his work with DTRA.

His communications with CIA-DARPA Callahan who just happened to me in China reviewing COVID case reports in December/January 2020 before being appointed as a COVID adviser to ASPR and who worked on GOF programs at former Soviet biolabs as part of the Bioindustry Industry Initiative program not to mention DARPA work on vaccine development at Harvard/MGH as part of Prophecy

Malone himself played a key role in Ebola vaccine development and might be positioning himself to sell the public on these vaccines if and when they elevate Ebola to Pandemic Levels if they succeed with GOF to make it airborne

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The way I see it, mRNA can do anything. You and I have no way to know what it is doing; what the code is. Pharma can put anything they want in these needles without oversight. As it is an unknown, it must be banned completely.

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I also read about the Spanish flu being caused by the vaccines and that those who survived it, took a homeopathic remedy/remedies for it. That’s one reason they destroyed the practice of Homeopaths.


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Is mRNA technology the basis for Transhumanism? Am I understanding it correctly?

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Transhumanism to me is the study of the evolution of mankind to another species. "Trans" human is "beyond" human.

The use of mRNA seems to be one of many ways that the elites who control the black operation science attempt to achieve their goals. mRNA can bring about genetic change. Every demographic gets a different mRNA mix. They can control the evolution of mankind and the global population in this way. mRNA can direct our evolution as a species.

The ruling class wants to further their status as a ruling class in the future. As an example of how they might think, they could tell a scientist to achieve the "Huxley" model: “Intellectually superior Alphas are the top-dogs. Servile, purposely brain-damaged Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons toil away at the bottom.”

Then the computer could model evolution, and send out the mRNA mixes to achieve the goal.

Because of the sinister potential and sinister use of mRNA, I am vehemently opposed to all mRNA use and research. Because Robert Malone is not opposed to these things, I am opposed to Robert Malone.

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I regrettably have to agree with this.

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I think we should start talking about it because these shots are going into the population by the billions and we don't even know what is really in them. Of all the red flags, that's one of the biggest ones.

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I understand. I am as well, for the reasons Dr. Carrie Madej explained in 2020-2021.

They want to change our God-given genetic makeup. Human 2.0 I believe is what she called it.

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It's been going on for a long time. Intentional inheritable disease is part of the pharma/disease scam. They get their information from government studies. I first became aware of their goals to cause mutations after reading Technologies for Detecting Heritable Mutations in Human Beings, September 1986, from a report of the Office of Technology Assessment. https://www.princeton.edu/~ota/disk2/1986/8629/8629.PDF

That's a government report from a defunct research arm of Congress. It doesn't go into any theories of applications. The report describes the research on how pollutants caused mutations in a population. Their applications of this intelligence are from my observations.

The only real point of this research is to understand how toxins cause mutations. The fundamental lie of government research is that the knowledge gained is used for a good purpose.

Toxins in the form of pollutants are more broadcast over large areas compared to the targeted applications of mRNA.

The OTA also exposed the very advanced state of the NCI's plant testing program where they identified over 3,000 plants with anti-cancer properties. They buried it. I imagine they've also identified what causes cancer in a very large scale research project.

The OTA was tasked with reviewing government research and writing summaries for Congress so that Congress could understand. It was shut down in 1995.

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No, it is a technology to get your cells to create proteins. It could, maybe, have some positive uses.

Maybe, someday. Not with this regime. Not with these pharma companies.

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Sounds like Frankenscience to me.

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The potential for abuse is vast. You're literally getting reprogrammed by code you can't inspect or verify. And trust? Hah.

Terrible stuff.

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Yep. No thanks. The science of Epigenetics proves that you can change the expression of your genes, through diet, lifestyle, superfoods and supplements, to turn off disease causing genes, including those for cancer.

We are not at the mercy of our genetics. There’s a lot that we can do to positively influence health outcomes.

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That is the one study I referred-to. It applies to the current gene-jabs, not to mRNA in general.

And it is just one study; it needs confirmation by an independent lab.

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It alters your DNA. It does not just get your cells to create protein.

Dr. Carrie Madej was speaking out about the shots before they were rolled out. She already knew what was coming because they tried to convince her to join the effort to get them into everyone.

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Depends on the payload. There is one study that seems to indicate reverse transcription in in-vitro liver cells. This study needs confirmation and in-vivo studies before we can conclude anything.

In addition, any reverse-transcription would be sequence-dependent. It's not inherent to mRNA technology itself.

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