Also, a month before the darkhorse podcast….where he also failed to mention his vaccine injury…that his handler wife had to remind him about.

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May 11, 2023…interesting how jill interjected to remind him that he was “vaccine injured”, not just long covid.

This was months before his CHD Hawaii hillside shoot, when he told the kids that what he knew was worse than the shot, was the virus. And if they were concerned about the vaccine then they should talk to their parents.


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I don’t believe in coincidences. These guys are joined at the hip in plandemic matters and there deep state affiliations have been in place for many years. This is as they say not their first rodeo these guys are pros at duplicitous behavior trying to hide in plain sight and the sighted see them for who and what they are - the enemy, keep them close so you know what they are planning - narcissists to their core.

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Thx Charles, too many coincidences. Or rather, I don’t believe in coincidence re these two characters who are a little to invested in the plandemic to not be working in concert with one another and here they are doing the nasties right in plain sight if people would just look.

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Thanks Charles, This is very important info - the issue of conflict of interest is rife in our culture. The Hanson/Malone link is a very important part of understanding the level of

power Malone has within the deep state, the 3 letter agencies, ie. CDC, NHA, DoD, HHA etc. and the private corporate world having a direct link to care of the elders. Plus his clos alliance with Callahan another Omni man who in his spare time developed treatment protocols for seniors. Talk about a conflict of interest - oversee initiation of the plandemic along with how to treat the outcomes among our institutionalized seniors with Remdesivir and Plaxovid? Both with extremely serious side effects and this was used on mild cases of covid in institutions, talk about overkill. Where were our esteemed doctors fighting to overturn treatment protocols that can kill or severely injure kidney function of seniors in these facilities. Would assume Hanson would have explored covid care to be non/injurious to his residents in the nursing homes and senior care facilities he owns. At 78 if I need a home I will avoid his services given his support of the compromised Malone.

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Malone said that Callahan was on point for elder care protocols, but it also seems like this is a topic that Malone would have discussed with Hanson.

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I believe Malone advised Callahan re intro of plandemic on cruise ships and then proceeded to advise re use of treatment created to treat all of which have serious side effects,serious enough to finish off the afflicted in senior care homes or nursing facilities or hospitals if they were deemed seriously I’ll enough to require hospital care.

Malone may have also helped DoD develop mRNA vaccine with colleagues who eventually won Nobel prize. This man’s wife wrote a book on how to prepare for covid before we even knew about covid due to Glasspool and Malone relationship with Callahan; talk about a conflict of interest this smacks of collusion as well. Trust these people at your peril!

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Michael Callahan was under contract to Robert Kadlec (APSR) when he went to the Diamond Princess and the Grand Princess. Because Malone was also talking to passengers on the Diamond Princess, it may be that he also had a contract with Kadlec. Certainly he had one with DTRA to run DOMANE.

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So Malone was given a huge amount of money by a Billionaire Nursing Home Sugar Daddy and he doesn't talk about the financial impact of Covid policies on his Patron's business. Pretty amazing for a guys who gig is "Even though I know more about the dangers of mRNA vaccines than anyone in the world, I was stupid enough to take not one but two shots that almost killed me and that's why I am spreading the word shots are bad, except when I say they are not." Just because Old Folk's immune systems are highly impaired and the shots may kill them for little sustained benefits, fire them up. Of course he pushed RunDeathIsNear and downplayed HCQ so why believe anything he says.

His nursing home payoff info is great. As I have come to believe the Great Covid Granny Culling is a way to make Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid solvent, an area to check out in the Nursing Home culling is often Nursing Homes require very large upfront payments with small or no ongoing payments. Obviously killing patrons after the large upfront payment with very limited subsequent costs is highly profitable. I wonder how many of Malone's Nursing Home Sugar Daddy's contracts were those type of contracts? GE Finance sold a huge number of what turned out to be way underpriced lifetime care nursing home insurance policies. I have heard that their contingent excess liability was virtually eliminated by the Great Covid Granny Culling Operation. How about Sugar Daddy's businesses?

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