Jessica Rose presents Robert Malone as a trustworthy source of information on SV40 contained in Pfizer’s COVID vaccines, referencing a document which can be found in some article written by Malone.
This document can be found in this Brownstone article written by Robert Malone entitled: FDA Fails to Address DNA Adulteration Concerns.
What Jessica fails to note is that Robert Malone may well hold a patent using SV40 that Pfizer is paying him for.
I’m just getting really sick of it and thought I would say something. What is Jessica more concerned about, cancer, or protecting Robert Malone? Otherwise, sure, it’s a good article, but she just had to work Malone in somehow in a positive manner when he should be regarded in the same light as Pfizer until someone explains this.
Why doesn’t Jessica ask Robert Malone if he is being paid by Pfizer for this patent that he referenced on Twitter, which he had been speaking to Pfizer about?
Patent US6110898A, DNA vaccines for eliciting a mucosal immune response.
A patent which mentions SV40 fragments. “The early and later promoters of the SV40 virus are are conveniently obtained as an SV40 restriction fragment which also contains the SV40 viral origin of replication…”.
Charles Wright
I’m just sick to my stomach at this point. This piece of GARBAGE has had his grimy little hands in every single aspect of the so called Medical Freedom Movement. It’s so OBVIOUS he was PLANTED there for a nefarious reason by our own government. This situation is the MOST IMPORTANT THING going on in the world- yet most are still fast asleep.
God help us all and GODSPEED everyone.
There’s really no excuse for Jessica Rose, or for that matter Dr. Meryl Nass, Robert F, Kennedy, Jr., & Edward Dowd, to be defending, supporting, or referencing former CIA agent - “Belly of the Beast” Robert Malone in any positive light. Though he wears the mask of an altruistic virologist, he has been the HARLOT to the MIC (military industrial complex) for decades. The man has absolutely no scruples. He has betrayed Humanity -- God’s greatest creation on earth. He sold his fellow man for a stable of prize horses!
When will those in the freedom movement have the courage to join as one VOICE & hold Malone accountable? Why must We the People continue to endure this dichotomy of loyalty to the Truth?
Is it money? Must Jessica Rose and Dr. Meryl Mass subvert their sense of truth in order to continue to get funding for their pet projects? What the hell is going on?! Why is RFK, Jr. & Dowd still buddy, buddy with Malone?!!!