"If I was Kamala Harris, I would not select a pro-Israel, pro-Genocide, pro-War candidate as my VP choice." If you were Kamala, you probably wouldn't have a choice.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

So glad for those protestors. “We have to reclaim our reality. we simply cannot let evil scoundrels impose an artificial reality and false belief history upon us. People who are deceived into war are not free people. A nation deceived is a nation enslaved. We cannot thrive as a nation if we are burdened with such an evil deception”. Christopher Bollyn. Iran was on the hit list since Rumsfeld disclosed it. Congress let the terrorist of nine eleven address them and they cheered like clapping seals.

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Iran is the hold-out to the agenda to topple/control the Middle East. They’re chipping away but Iran is standing strong. They’ll give a few more 9/11s if it doesn’t get any easier for them.

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I'm sure false flag terrorist events conducted by Israel once again will be used Iran or the Middle East if the IC refuses to stop them. Remember the Liberty and the Israeli E-team in the World Trade Center.

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Mr. Wright, the attempted genocide was on October 7, 2023. It only managed to kill 1200 Israelis. If you projected that upon the population of the US, that would’ve been upwards of 60,000 murdered Americans! Yet you consider the ‘genocide’ being propagated is by Israel, not the terrorist organization Hamas. Thank you for revealing you’re a Rashida Tlaib sycophant!

What Israel embarked upon was necessary action to preserve the nation of Israel. What kind of cognitive dissonance is it that only sees a rational defensive action as genocide?

I’m glad I never supported your Substack. I’m leaving it now.

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You forgot to mention that ZioNazistan also has the "right" to carry out any genocide it wishes because of the Holohoax.

The only consolation the Palestinians have is that ZioNazistan will not genocide more than a few million lest it starts to challenge the Holohoax lie of 6 million.

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Jul 25Liked by Charles Wright

Your blind spot makes you sound deranged. Coming up with inane analogies and justifying mass murder by calling it “rational defensive action.” You’ve got IDS— Israel Derangement Syndrome.

You also seem to completely in the dark about how the “nation of Israel” came to be. Wake up.

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So you support Genocide. Good riddance.

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