I’ve a few notes on oxygen toxicity. It was the poisoners perfect weapon. My article: We breathe air not oxygen. I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a FRAUD. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Hydration equals SALT plus water. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Moisture follows salt into and out of our body.

Dryness or dehydration is our Achilles heel. All dis-ease results from DRYNESS.

Oxygen toxicity results from its power to dehydrate. Oxygen is a product of air not a constituent of air. They make oxygen by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water.

Sugar has 1,000 ppm of water.

Oxygen (medical) 67 ppm of water

Air is measured by its humidity or moisture. The lungs require the AIR to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli. That’s dew point or drop point.

Air is moist

Oxygen is extremely extremely extremely extremely DRY.

Read my articles and notes by clicking on my blue icon.

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I don't get why Kory would want to use Remdesivir on OUT patients. If it is poison and kills the kidneys and liver and there are much safer options, then WTF? Also out patients wouldn't be monitored as well as in patients I think. Nothing is making sense here.

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Imagine the outcome if we had paid to incentivize true recovery rather than incentivized cases that resulting in death.

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Yikes! Then according to Gates more people would use up more of HIS Earth's resources if health care actually got people better.

Sometimes there just aren't enough pies in the world.

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There's a medical coder who is different from Zoe and writes her own substack.

She did a good article of sudden code changes.

I shared the article with Sasha Latypova at the time. I will share it here if I find it again.

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so who exactly was it that put those protocols in place ? Anthony Fauci ? Who was writing the protocols for the bonuses ?

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There were deaths like this in Aus too. It is just horrendous.

And there was one young man in Melbourne who survived the murder attempt, but I haven’t heard how he is now.

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My guess is Zoe worked at a New York, MA, NJ, or CT hospital because the majority of the COVID protocol crimes occurred there. Can the author reveal her former place of employment? Thank you.

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Most likely Northwell Health, based on some things she said. She said her hospital cleared out patients in anticipation of "COVID," which Northwell did.

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This is the most important interview I have seen since this nightmare began. If we had a functioning government, this whistleblower would be in a direct line with the Attorney General.

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Few people realize how important coders are to uncovering the malfeasance that goes on in the hospitals. You see, they are trained to look for certain key items associated with the diagnosis the doctor will put on the patient's chart in order for that diagnosis to meet the criteria for billing under Medicare or insurance guidelines. I was a nurse for 37 years. On Christmas day 2021 I had to take my daughter to the ER because she had Covid and it became bad enough that she needed more than we were able to handle at home. I hated to have to do it, but I had no choice. I won't go into all the details, but they tried to murder her, but I was aware of their actions and we managed to get her out of there AMA before they did. After she was discharged I got a copy of her chart from the hospital and reviewed it. I thought I knew most of what had gone on because my daughter had given me access to her online chart and I monitored her labs, Doctor progress notes and orders while she was in the hospital. But once I had her complete chart it was even worse than I thought. The amount of falsified record by both the nurses and doctors was astounding. The staff had been telling her that her condition was deteriorating and that she was close to needing to be put on the ventilator. I knew from looking at her labs and just her overall condition over Facetime they were lying to her. But it wasn't just me. In her chart I found a form from the coder at discharge to the physician called a "Clinical Clarification Query". It was questioning a diagnosis he had put on her chart on the 3rd day of admission of Viral Sepsis. I had completely missed that in the progress notes, but when I went back and looked, sure enough there it was. Why had he put that on her chart as a diagnosis? She had no clinical signs. Her temperature had been normal since she was admitted, her white blood cell count had come down to normal levels, the CRP (a blood test that measures for inflammation) had dropped significantly since admission and she had no other clinical signs. In addition, he hadn't even ordered any treatment for sepsis if he felt she had sepsis. The doctor's response to the query? He wrote because she had Covid 19. I've never seen a doctor put a potential risk as a definitive diagnosis. My theory? Once they had murdered her with their covid protocol, it made their case stronger. It was a preemptive strike. See, I think all these people killed in the hospitals with Covid went through the same treatment and families were given the same BS story. None of them had to die. If you pulled all the charts most of them could have been saved if you had gotten them out of the hospital. It was criminal. This article by the coder is priceless. They have the potential to blow this thing wide open.

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100%. Zoe needs to go on Carlson, Rogan, and a courageous Establishment outlet to tell this story. Her testimony will wake the Normies. Our federal government paid for murder and the hospital professionals and administrators obliged.

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And to think that forty years ago, we parents actually paid money to doctors, for the privilege of having poisons injected into our precious babies and children. We were completely ignorant. Parents now lack that excuse.

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I'm horrified that I took my babies to have poisons injected in them. Of course I thought I was being a good Mother. Several of my kids were often sick with cold after cold after cold. Then when the doctor suggested they needed a flu shot I stupidly agreed. I thought they were the expert. They went to school for medicine. What did I know.

I am still with the pediatrician as my kid is in college now. At the last appointment and several before this pediatrician is practically begging me to allow him to give him his final "college shot". Hell no! The pediatrician actually made a weird smile and tilted his head when he asked last time. I will never forget that look he had. I guess he feels we owe him his bonus after all these years.

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I have had fortunately few in my life. The one I most regret and which I think most damaged me is the DtaP which I took in lieu of a Tetanus since they were 'out of' tetanus. Why I got it was a cat bite. Now that I think on it, getting lock jaw from a cat bite is a bit.. ludicrous. More likely to have sepsis from Pasteurella or other nasties that lurk in a cat's mouth. I also had to have the full rabies series for a bat exposure 2020. Can tell you how I sweated it 5 shots and no idea what was REALLY in them, even tho.. yeah, Rabies is supposedly a 'safe' vaccine... my BP elevated and has remained elevated despite no risk factors for HBP and none in my family with history of HBP. I think it was damage from the rabies shots/

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Look to the bird flu and the voodoo science!!!

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Who is Doctor Steagall? Seems rather important that we know...

"Attorney Tom Renz reported a nurse who reported death crews working the night shift at an unidentified hospital, under the direction of a Doctor Steagall or Stegall."

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Some more information. Apparently the one who recorded the conversation was Adrienne, a pharmacist of 18 years. https://prozoom.home.blog/category/uncategorized/

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People are still too divided. The people have to come together. Too many people exclude others because they are in it for their own glory to get the hand shakes and pats on the back. We need to be more united towards each other to stop this.

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We need to get it into the legal system, especially on the criminal side.

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The VA is still pushing the covid DeathVax on veterans.

Even though they had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

Most recent update from the VA is dated 20 March 2024...just one month ago.

With an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.


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Are you surprised Kathleen? Not to be completely cynical here but veteran benefits cost taxpayers $$$ and money printers a lot of paper...

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I went to a hospital volunteer training session at Monash in Victoria Australia and the whole time they referred to the hospital as THE ORGANISATION that bothered me as it was all about the bottom line and not about people that was before covid

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It is strange how the organisation becomes what matters rather than the people.

However given that organisation is, for example, an angram of 'I go iron Satan' perhaps not.


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