Ok now also understand that nano partial mercury and nano aluminum working together with these 5g GWEN towers and the heavy metals in our food namely glyphosate are responsible for autism. Do some research on that. They estimate all boys born by 2030 will have it. Now tell me how that’s not part of their trans human plan. Medical systems are corrupt and a defunct institution they need to be torn down just like everything the fed touches.

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Yes; this was also pointed out by Liam Scheff in the polio chapter of his book "Official Secrets." by Liam Scheff. I agree with Unbekoming; Scheff was a genius. He knew too much and was bumped off by the CIA in 2017. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/electricity I also agree with Scheff on the origins of the deep state. Smedley Butler was a heroic marine general who single-handedly kept the Rockefellers, Fords and other facist capitalist psychopaths from a coup d etat overthrow of FDR with the US joining Hitler's Axis in WW2. But these deep state psychopaths have never gone away. They've just become richer and more powerful. The Smedley Butler story is losely retold in a great movie available now "Amsterdam."

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Negligible real world risk of paralysis, misdiagnosis, lots of scary hospital photos of ventilators, hopelessly useless vax with high risk of inducing pathogenicity, weighted risk profile to the negative, nothing that vitamin D wouldn't have prevented almost all severe cases of.

Complete scam and a winning formula, rinse & repeat.

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Very interesting article. It is sad to see that in 65 years of medical "progress" things have only gotten much worse.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Charles Wright

I commend you for searching for the truth. Too many people don't want to see what is behind Door #2. I was already anti-vax (I say that proudly) before the Plandemic started and warned people (they, of course, did not listen) that the end game was to create enough fear so that people would willingly take some pre-planned jab. My main message was do the opposite of what they are telling you to do and you will be fine. Of course, they always bring up polio or smallpox (or didn't you get jabbed as a kid (as if I could have prevented that from happening)) as success stories and won't believe anything different from the narrative.

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Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to see that nothing has really changed in actual field of vaccinology, in terms of data abuse and safety trials. I was part of this experiment, having 2 Salk vaccines and 3 Sabin variety. Obviously the press in those days could present a much more informed perspective, but the same dynamics were actually at work in that field.

The most important take-away for me is that many children, and family members, were known to have contracted the pathogen though they did not have paralysis nor reportable symptoms. For more on this important aspect, see "The Polio Paradox - Understanding and Treating Post-Polio Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue" by Richard L Bruno, 2002.

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Thanks for the perspective of someone who lived through it.

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