Documentation proves that polio subsided before the “vaccine” could be fully implemented. Time frames prove it.

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I've skimmed some of the newer publications. Couldn't find anything linking DDT to poliomyelitis-like symptoms.

Saying "it's a neurotoxin" doesn't suffice. You have to establish the symptom profile and dose-response curve.

Beer is also a neurotoxin and you best keep your mitts off mine.

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It's unclear to me if the method of paralysis of DDT is the same as acute arsenic/lead poisoning. Poliomyelitis (gray spinal column matter) as a result of lead, and mainly arsenic poisoning, was first described in the 19th century before the use of DDT. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/why-it-was-well-known-that-arsenic

But DDT does cause paralysis whether by the method of poliomyelitis or another method. From Association of Pesticide Exposure with Neurologic Dysfunction and Disease: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1247187/

"Two to five weeks after exposure, some patients develop OP-induced delayed polyneuropathy, a well-characterized syndrome involving sensory abnormalities, muscle cramps, weakness, and even paralysis, primarily in the legs."

We are talking about two classes of poisons here that both manifest in paralysis. Poliomyelitis is best described specifically as acute arsenic/lead poisoning in my opinion. The term "polio" has come to mean "paralysis," but this is not exactly accurate. I'm just calling DDT paralysis by that name for lack of a better one, although I recognize that the word "polio" is so pervasive that it must be mentioned for reference.

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know. esp end of ddt. killled polio

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Thank you for this eye opener Charles.

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You need a better librarian to give you things to summarize.

First example, it appears you missed the most important sorta recent book on polio, “Polio, An American Story,” by historian David Oshinsky.

And consequently your summary os . . . off kilter.

There is no question polio viruses cause polio. Thee is no question that polio vaccines vanquish polio. There are no data to hint DDT or any other pesticide secretly caused polio.

You should balance out your summary by adding some real resesrchers snd scientists in, and especially Oshinsky’s history.

See: https://www.humanitiestexas.org/news/articles/conquering-polio-lecture-david-oshinsky

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The Elephant In The Room:

The Vaccinated Are Inferior Beings.

They Were Inferior Before They Took The Vaccine

And Have Proven Inferior After Taking The Vaccine.

That’s What Should Upset You.

Both If You Are Vaccinated

Or Not ... Of Lesser Constitution.

It Gets Me.

When I Let It.


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Seems like Chelation might be useful here.

"Today most vaccine inserts declare paralysis as a potential side effect but “reframe it” as Guillian Barre or simply “paralysis”. This is purposely designed to obfuscate the public’s understanding of what causes paralysis, which is heavy metal poisoning plus vaccine induced autoimmunity……that ends with the body attacking and destroying its’ own nervous system pathways, in an rabid attempt to clean itself of the injected toxins. Guillian Barre and paralysis, as listed vaccine side effects, are also a way to get the public running east looking for a sunset, keeping them as far away as possible from connecting the dots around this medical polio obfuscation. Aluminum and mercury are ingredients in most (if not all) vaccines today and both are proven to cause paralysis and motor neuron destruction………..known as many different names, depending on just how much the science/medical authority figure in the room wants to lead you astray that day."

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I’ve read that new cases of polio declined before the introduction of the vaccine, and that After 1959, DDT usage in the U.S. declined greatly, dropping from a peak of approximately 80 million pounds in that year to just under 12 million pounds in the early 1970s.

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Just when you think the medical profession couldn't crawl any lower, you find some who can slide under a closed door.

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I assume you’ve read “The Moth in the Iron Lung” but if not I recommend.

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I have been follow vaccine injuries for years and knew polio was not eradicated, only renamed but had no idea Congress had been informed. Thanks for this careful research. I am sharing it widely.

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Aluminum and mercury in nearly all vaccines - does that include tetanus? Is there any similar pattern to tetanus coming from somewhere other than rusty metal infected with the bug?

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There is no mercury in US vaccines anymore, and no indication anyone could have been harmed by the minuscule amounts in vaccines as a preservative, earlier.

Aluminum adjuvants allow a reduction in dosage for many vaccines — and again the trace dosage is dozens of tomes less than one gets from eating salads with lettuce.

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I’d recommend watching the documentary “Trace Amounts”

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Wow! This is so similar to today. I have a relative who recently had GBS. She didn't have a vaccine of any kind or a flu shot. She was exposed to the flu and that is how her body reacted to it. However, the GBS diagnosis was never documented on her chart. lol Covid. She contracted it after about 3 months in the hospital and they tried to give her Remdesivir. She was already on a ventilator. I told them no because I was her power of attorney person since she couldn't talk. She stopped them when they were trying to administer it to her, and she told them to call me. I don't think she would be alive today had they done it. This was a great article, and has me wondering what else could have really been the cause of the illness she had besides what they thought that it was.

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Hmm... well, while you're in a questioning mode, do some research on the opposing side that holds DDT is not the devil it's made out to be but was made so by political means. If I recall correctly, Rumsfeld was involved. My in laws grew up running behind the ddt sprayers and never got polio. My mother, aunt and sister got polio but they never thought it was contagious - rather they were told it was from infected water.

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Cliff, thank you for this write up. I really enjoy your writing style.

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