Dr Paul Marik said this year IF we took our Omega 3s, D3 and regular exercise the cancer rate would go down 50 to 60%. This needs to be advertised widely!

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Here are my 3 case studies/observations.

Diagnosed with CLL, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in 2017, and still unjabbed to present.

Initial white blood cell count of 22k, and lymphocyte count of 3500, both way above normal.

Also diagnosed at the same time was DVT, with a huge blood clot in my right calf.

My hematologist said they were unrelated, but my PCP and other second opinions said the DVT is a result of the high WBC and lymphocyte counts, which makes perfect sense.

I agree with my PCP more than the hematologist on that for sure!

I've been treating both with herbal supplements, except for Eliquis for the DVT.

The usual regimen of K2-MK7 and lumbrokinase for the DVT, and a cocktail of amla, essiac, wormwood, pao d'arco and ground apricot kernels AKA B-17/laetrile brewed in tea for the leukemia. Thanks to Chris Wark for those initial recipes.

The results are that my blood clot has diminished, although still there, and my WBC and lymphocyte counts are greatly reduced to below when first diagnosed in 2017, which means I don't need any traditional chemo treatment, and would refuse it anyway.

That regimen is working wonderfully for me! Although CLL is the least aggressive and fatal form of leukemia, so most CLL victims die with it than from it, so it may not be a great case study. The more aggressive and fatal forms of leukemia may be better case studies.

My 3rd case study is with Herpes Simplex virus, where L-Lysine is a guaranteed cure for it.

My research on that indicates the herpes virus is aggravated and activated by too much leutine?, which lysine or glutamine counteracts. So it's basically a protein imbalance.

Peanuts are rich in the activating protein, so avoiding them helps prevent herpes.

I'm keeping notes of my treatments and blood test results, so I'm very confident that they are working so far.

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Thanks for the info. As for the leutine, are tomatoes another source?

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Correction: It is actually arginine that aggravates and activates herpes and other cold sores. Here are the foods that are rich in arginine to avoid.

My personal experience is that peanuts are the only one of those that aggravate it for me.


Here is one study on lysine treatment for herpes simplex.

It does not completely cure it, but for me, it has prevented recurrence unless I get too much arginine rich foods, mainly peanuts.


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Charles, you are a genius! It's so simple. It was always in front of our eyes, yet we failed to see it. You did!

It's even cheaper: all we need is the physicians to upload the data of what they already did to a database!

We could have done it with COVID treatments! We should prepare the platform for the next PLANNEDemic.

How about crowdfunding? I could help!

Check this out:

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


WARNING! Weaponization of vaccines:




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OK; send me an email with your phone number and we can discuss.


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I have sent it to you. Looking forward to speaking with you.

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Adding to that, I'll mention a bit of cancer research history.

We have had cures that work fabulously, but were not brought to market because the pharma companies developing them did a cost-benefit analysis and decided that the number of patients would be too small to yield a profit. Therefore, meds that melted glioblastoma (a death-sentence brain tumor) to non-existence were stopped at successful Phase II trials.

What should have happened at this moment?

Any scientists within the company who had enthusiasm for their brilliant work on that project should have been allowed to take that intellectual material and develop it further on their own ... via startup, community-funded philanthropic project, or in affordable pharmaceutical factories who produce generics abroad. Anything to get that recipe out to humanity. There would certainly be talented people and benevolent supporters who were willing to make that happen. And at no harm to the original big pharma company, since they decided not to follow through.

Edit: I'm sharing that story in honor of a wonderful brain surgeon who witnessed those miracles on his own patients, and was unable to save others after the trials were discontinued. This older gentleman worked every single day despite his own terminal illness, helping patients until his death.

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I hope you find a way to move that research forward. I read your article on PEG. Scary stuff. PEG should never have been approved for injection.


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Thank you. The technologies for learning about cancer metabolism now are very optimistic.

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It can be cured for a lot cheaper and more safely if the real problem was simply addressed - mitochondrial and cytoplasm dysfunction of the Citric Acid Cycle. The solution involves significant diet and lifestyle changes so it may never become 'popular' but no vomiting or hair loss is the bonus. See this post of mine: https://denutrients.substack.com/p/nature-loves-a-good-design-cancer

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I'm a PhD econometrician and have taught and researched econometrics in the health field for over 30 years. I'd be happy to discuss potential collaboration on this with you. I'm also quite sure that such an approach is potentially more successful than the big Pharma/FDA RCT approach. joel.hay@gmail.com

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Awesome. My thoughts are pretty straightforward. Reduction in cancer by some measure is the dependent variable for MLR . What do you think?

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I would like to talk about the economic value of pomegranate peel for health care and food uses.

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I have read your articles on pomegranate. I'm sure it has value. That's one potential approach to cure cancer. Maybe the best one? Who knows. Some of my favorites are curcumin, cannabis, garlic, and artemisia. The list of natural products with anti-cancer properties is huge. I don't know what has the greatest anti-cancer potential. The medical community seems to be most pleased with Ivermectin (excreted from soil bacteria).

Pomegranate could be added to Ivermectin/Lactoferrin treatments. That's the beauty of multiple linear regression. It can handle as many variables as you want to throw at it, as opposed to the clinical trials model. To whatever extent that pomegranate has anti-cancer properties, it would show up in the coefficient of regression. Volunteers need only record their data. With enough observations the truth becomes obvious.

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You and Charles 🙄are some of the few good takeaways from covid. I found you on Twitter in the early days, then somehow lost you. Glad to find you again, here!

I am currently watching the video with Dr Seyfried that you linked to in your substack article. My father (nonvaxxed) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer so I am trying to learn all I can in order to understand his options. Since it has metastasized, I fear he doesn’t have very many. Sadly, his doctor has offered him a place in a trial for 177 LU-PSMA (Pluvicto which is a new Novartis radiation product). I don’t see how radiation/nuclear medicine could ever “cure” anything. It destroys cells. But, as they say, “there is no money in curing illness”. I would rather he didn’t do the trial, but it’s not my call. I have shared lvm and Lactoferrin with him and will do the same with pomegranate/peel.

Many thanks to you and Charles. I am very grateful for your voices.

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Pomegranate peel is an economic bigger picture item and helps in many ways including against cancer metastasis.

Mitochondrial support and not a high fat diet is needed for cancer treatment, low carbohydrates and low glutamate. We have to get the methylation cycles back on.

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It is helpful "Literature review on pomegranate peel extract or juice and cancer treatment, primarily in vitro or in vivo studies. Whole fruit versus arils alone “has an enormous impact” on the polyphenol content and antioxidant potential. [*The whole fruit - the peel - is more potent than the seed/juice alone.] More clinical trials are needed. Liver and prostate cancer cells seem to be inhibited in growth with no negative effects on normal cells. Inhibits MAP Kinases, PI3K/AKT/mTor, and NF-κB,


1. inflammation related to CO-2 and iNOS,

2. cell proliferation related to PCNA and Ki67,

3. angiogenesis related to VEGF and CD-31, and

4. metastasis related to MMPs. (Figure 2, Syed, et al, 2013)" - from my pomegranate paper.

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