"I believe that deaths associated with ventilator acquired...bacterial pneumonia"

You're an intensive researcher, that is obvious. You demonstrate an ability to dig deep into an issue. But have you dug deep into the issue of bacteria? Can you, as an intrepid researcher, find the seminal paper claiming to have proven bacteria as a cause for pneumonia? If yes, can you look at the methodology and see if any bacteria was isolated from a pneumonia patient and given to a healthy volunteer in the most natural way possible who then came down with pneumonia? If yes, could you please copy & paste that methodology section here in the comments?

There is a term called "bacterial meningitis" which implies bacteria caused the death of some cells or tissue in the brain. But bacteria do not attack or eat living cells or tissue. They are janitors whose job is to get rid of dead cells & tissue. Unfortunately, their excrement causes inflammation to living cells & tissue, and inflammation causes pain. So whilst the excrement of bacteria cause swelling, they only show up to clean up the dead cells & tissue, and therefore they did not cause the death of the cells & tissue in the first place. Something else did, and so it's not fair to blame bacteria as the cause that spawned them to do their very necessary job.

Antibiotics kill the janitors and do not address what caused the janitors to appear in the first place. What if people went around killing the garbagemen who pick up our garbage every Friday? Our environment would get quite ugly & stinky, dontcha think? So what happens to the waste within our bodies when we kill the janitors employed to get rid of that waste? Where does it go? Does it get stored as some sort of quarantine container called a tumor until the body can replenish itself with enough bacteria to finally get rid of it?

"Bacterial pneumonia" probably falls into the same paradigm >> The bacteria's poop causes inflammation of the lungs which then produces mucus but the bacteria did not cause the death of the cells that spawned the bacteria to do their job. Bacteria come from WITHIN the body. They are not aliens from outer space looking for food or victims. They are the body's janitors & scavengers -- they are the garbagemen. They break down the dead cells & tissue for elimination or recycling.

Can you find any published scientific paper whose methodology demonstrates how any bacterium causes the death of cells or tissue? Was the study in vitro or in vivo? Are in vitro studies truly meaningful? How does studying something outside of its original context or environment show how it behaves naturally within its natural environment (a biological body)?

Cramming a tube into someone's lungs is more than enough to kill living cells & tissue. It is an actual assault to the lungs. No microbial cause is necessary.

Sedating people can be injurious to one's health because it is outright interference with the body's natural functions & processes -- and it may not usually cause a problem to a healthy person, but to a sick person? Their health system is already struggling, and so, how helpful can it be to that system to essentially slow everything down -- slow down the breathing (reducing oxygen intake) -- and slow down the metabolic processes?

I wonder if you've ever looked at the work of Mike Stone? I'm not suggesting he's an expert or authority, but he has produced some very interesting research. https://viroliegy.com/

And what about Stefan Lanka? https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf



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I have a different view on this controversy. I believe that Pierre was sold the "everybody is dying" line and like 99% of physicians either believed it on trust or else had to go along with it because there was no way anybody was going to believe anything else.

In the defence of intensivists (who I generally hold no favour for given their track record) they were receiving patients in poor condition who already had pneumonia or organising pneumonia - because they should have been treated in the community.

I would say that having followed Pierre for 3 years he came to this realisation before most doctors even on our side. The propaganda before that time was extremely strong and we were being fed misinformation by government lackeys with no expertise and by AI driven protocols via the MAGICapp, telling us not to use antibiotics and anti-inflammatories (HCQ or steroids) "because it was a virus" when it wasn't "a virus" that was the cause of death, but it was bacterial pneumonia in the majority of cases. The FLCCC protocols have always used an antibiotic for community treatment and this would have contributed to many saved lives.

So I think you are looking at the wrong person when looking at someone to blame. I would hope that you should be asking these questions of Fauci and Birx, and Per Olav Vandvik who was behind the worldwide implemented MAGICapp protocols. And Zengli Shi, Peter Daszak and Hume Field of Ecohealth who were responsible for the whole "pandemic" in the first place with Eddie Holmes, Jeremy Farrar, Angie Rasmussen and Dominic Dwyer covering up for them.

So sure, once we have the answers from those people and the necessary ones prosecuted, feel free to take a magnifying glass to those of us who fought back under extremely difficult circumstances.

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Hear, Hear!! Bravo, and I would double your sentiment against muckraker Charles Wright, malevolent person that he seems to be on this topic.

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"But Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,

In proving foresight may be vain:

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men

Gang aft agley,

An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,

For promis’d joy!"

--Robert Burns, To a Mouse

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Jessica, in shadows dim, thou art,

A riddle wrapped in Highland's heart.

Why, lass, thy enigma doth beguile,

A braided tale in heathered style.

Reveal, dear Jessica, thine ancient, hidden wile.

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Nothing hidden here. I write under my own name and have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Background in k12 education. My academic and other publications are Google-able for all to see.

How about you/yours?

My interest in Pierre Kory is related to his New York story, because of my focus on the NYC event.

His story is rife with challenges and holes. Moreover, his own testimonies, articles, etc from 2020 are eye-opening to revisit. Far as I can tell, he has largely stayed committed to his convictions about there having been a health emergency promoted by sudden spread of a novel risk-additive thing from Wuhan.

Dr Kory may be able to help blow an actual whistle on the whole simulated affair in New York. He has a platform, plenty of PR support, and a good numbers of politicians who support him here and abroad. So it’s interesting, to say the least, that you feel compelled to come onto Charles’ blog and craft a defense of sorts.

It’s not unreasonable for a public figure who has been a player in the COVID events since March 2020 to be subjected to tough questions.

This was not a man who was censored, but a man who was elevated by his Senator and others from the get-go.

Unless we are looking at manipulated death curves involved reclassified deaths from weeks and months prior to the March 11, 2020 “pandemic” declaration (which may very well be the case), the claim about antibiotics being withheld does NOT come anywhere close to explaining the speed and magnitude of the N Italy and NYC events. Or Madrid. Doesn’t work for Chicago either. Stockholm same. (Just giving examples of cities I’ve looked at.)

So if Dr Kory and other HCWs were effectively psy-oped and/or leveraged for a live exercise/mass euthanasia/fraud event, it’s in the public’s interest to know.

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Well spoken, Jessica!

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I sincerely hope Dr Kory answers those questions so that those that took him (and the rest of the world) for a ride be investigated appropriately. And hopefully this leads to you being able to establish (and reveal, as all that was requested in the poem) the true story of what happened (i.e. the enigma) in New York.

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Kory's various testimonials and written work are riddled with positions which are in defense of the fundamental lies that were and still are in support of the establishment Covid narrative. For this he and anyone who espouses such positions should be called to task and asked to defend those positions.

Kory's testimonials and written work, to this day, are filled with incoherent contradictions with not only the evidence that has been firmly established (not just through other testimony but through documents obtained via FOI requests) but also inherent contradictions from statements which he has made.

As he is a leading and public figure in this supposed "health freedom movement" he needs to answer to these things. He and many others such as McCullough, RFK, Malone, Kirsch, Cole etc. have not only put forth positions that are demonstrably false and misleading but have consciously avoided answering these larger questions of the fraud which happened in NYC and N Italy in Spring 2020 despite multiple attempts by several well established people to get them to answer in depth to these vital questions.

These are not some minor issues that they can say "we don't have time for" this is the whole ball game and to say it is necessary for this to be addressed and understood is an understatement as not only does the deconstruction of these events expose the entire fraud of the Covid scam (and dispel all other distractions along with it such as lab leak, GoF etc.) it allows for people to clearly see what happened and prepare for what is absolutely going to be launched again albeit in a different form.

For these individuals to avoid these questions is dishonest in the extreme.

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You and I have both asked some of these questions of Kory on his Substack and I, at least, have yet to see an answer. I don't believe you have either. His silence speaks loudly for his being complicit in the fraud and murder that has been perpetrated. Make no mistake!

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You hope Dr. Kory answers reasonable questions, and yet you came in the Comments on Charles' article to encourage people to NOT focus on Kory's stories? How does that work?

Do you understand how organized crime operations work - and how smaller fish are used to nab the big ones? Change the metaphor to mice, if you wish. Same principle.

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Yeah sure I do. I also have an idea how big the D5-D6 swamp is, and how they love to drop chaos agents in everywhere. I'll leave you to focus on Pierre Kory. The question is worth asking. Time will tell how it is answered. Perhaps Colleen Smith and Cameron Kyle-Siddell should be asked the same questions?

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Not sure if you spotted, but later on 27 Feb 2020 PK published a 2nd substack qualifying his first, and basically referring to aspects of the UK policy response as a mass casualty event where rationing led to patients dying in care homes because they weren’t sent to hospital.


But no, this couldn’t possibly be “deliberate” - as if intentionality is some fixed immutable concept.

He obviously never read the piece I wrote with Jessica Hockett on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:


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Kory's article"On The Increase In Morphine and Midazolam Use in UK Care Homes in Early 2020" was published February 27, 2023.

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Minor correction: 27, Feb 2023. Your comment lists the year as 2020.

Another curiosity in PK's resume and testimony is that he asserts after a break to do some writing and research in summer 2020 he goes down to "hotspot" South Carolina (Greenville) in August of 2020. I have not seen any specifics on what his role was there.

This seems odd to me as epidemiological history mostly consists of viruses "weakening/burning out" over time and "dying out" in the warmer months.

What was Kory's role in SC and what exactly did he see?

Admittedly the alleged corona virus has been known to possess. never-before-seen super power.

One doctor noted the following- sorry but it's hard not to laugh at some of this stuff.

"The new coronavirus, with its weaker, fatty shell, may break down more rapidly in warm and humid environs, but that Achilles' Heel becomes relatively unimportant when the virus is allowed to easily leap from person to person when people don't social distance — especially in indoor places where groups of people are talking or socializing.

"This is a virus that we know is very happy to take advantage of people being careless," Dr. Vince Silenzio, an M.D. and professor at the Rutgers School of Public Health."

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Good spot re the year, thanks.

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On Edit: I must add that this assessment of the coronavirus being able to leap from person to person has been thoroughly disproven as witnessed by the safety dots placed on the floors of big box stores during those early days and how those life saving dots kept the virus at bay.

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He basically made the reverse argument of the equally-flawed contention that the death toll in US nursing homes in spring 2020 was due to sending “COVID positive” patients from hospitals into nursing homes--which is a “sudden spread” position that doesn’t fit the data. There were far more deaths and COVID deaths in HOSPITALS than care homes here.

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My questions:

1) When were you notified about the senate sub-committee meeting on May 6, 2020 and by whom? (Was it before your first day in the NYC ICU, which you said was April 27, 2020?) Were you invited to testify at the meeting before or after learning about the meeting? Who invited you to testify and when did you respond to the invitation?

2) Had you and Sen Johnson (your U.S. Senator, being a Wisconsin resident) communicated prior to your departure for New York City? What was the nature of that communication?

3) Can anyone attest to working alongside you in the Beth Israel NYC ICU that you said you "took over"? How many shifts total did you work? How many different patients did you attend to?

4) You said in an Aug 2020 interview that you did not care for any acutely ill COVID patients in NYC --only chronically ill patients who had been on ventilators for 1-2 weeks prior to your arrival. Do you think it's possible that these patients were simply positive for SARS-CoV-2 but had been put into an ICU by ailment type, for purposes of the patients being presented as victims of the novel virus?

5) Why did you and Dr. Mayo imply in yourJuly 2020 USA Today op-ed that the virus/disease was equally dangerous to younger people and older people? Was that based on your NYC experience, or did you observe that in Madison as well?

6) What were the differences between the COVID patients you attended in Madison in March/April and patients you attended in late April/May in NYC?

7) Who were the NYC COVID patients? Nursing home residents? Homeless? Undocumented immigrants?

8) A doctor with whom colleagues and I spoke at length said that he encountered military personnel in the COVID ICUs during the spring period. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/new-york-covid-19-hospital-frontline. Did you interact with any military personnel whilst in NYC? If so, in what capacity?

9) You said in an August 2020 interview that by the end of May 2020, there were no more "COVIDs" in the NYC hospital. What do you think accounts for the "disappearance"?

I've got about 30 more questions, but those suffice for now.

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I hope you get an honest answer to all you questions…. but I’m not going to hold my breath. Hopium and Hero-Ball… both heartbreakers, but better to know the truth than live a lie.

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I'll pray that MY questions become YOUR questions and EVERYONE'S questions.

THAT is how we get to the truth.

Not ME asking, but WE asking.

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Well said. I do hope that he was fooled... I’d be very saddened but sadly not surprised if it turns out he knew something

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Well maybe Jessica can request the death certificates from Dr. Kory.

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My daughter Danielle is a casualty of the misinformation and panic surrounding Covid-19. Despite having a dry cough but no fever, and clear lungs after her ER examination, she was treated as a Covid-19 patient. It's heartbreaking to witness the transformation of hospitals into death camps fear where patients enter in but are carried out in body bags. The real pandemic, it seems, was confined within the walls of these medical institutions. If Covid-19 was as deadly as claimed, then why weren't bodies accumulating on the streets of New York or in the countless apartment buildings throughout the city? I reached out to Dr. Pierre Kory, the frontline Covid-19 critical care alliance doctor, for assistance, and tweeted him for help but unfortunately, 2 years I still await his response. This experience has opened my eyes, to the white coat assassins, revealing the depth of deception and the cost of human lives for profit in our healthcare system. #JusticeForDanielle

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You are not wrong about what went wrong with medicine and hospitals during the pandemic. As a physician, who has his own medical problems, I have questions about my own care. I manage my COVID prevention and treatment myself, as I know that my family doc is not on board with Ivermectin--though I have avoided talking to him about it for the initial discussion 2-3 years ago, but he has been my doc for 34 years and otherwise has been competent and accommodating.

What happened to your daughter? It didn't sound like she was at risk for a bad outcome. Did she develop a complication of her treatment, and if so, what was it and was she killed by it?

You are right, that for the ordinary person COVID was just the flu or a bad cold, and it certainly has devolved to that now.

What did you need from Dr. Kory?

Does your daughter live with a complication of her treatment?

Do you know that there are lawyers that are developing legal expertise in suing for malpractice (though that is a tricky road, as the EUA regs absolve a lot of people of responsibility in this mess. )

Legal help can be found through the VSRF COVID Covid litigation conference and updates: https://www.vacsafety.org

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Please read and watch my substack video of what happened, my daughter, my healthy special need 28 years old went in with normal vitals and was tortured and overdosed died with heart failure and multiple organ. I need Kory help as they were killing my child and I could not stop them.

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This may explain. In July 6, 2020, Dr. Kory co-published an article in USA Today with Dr. Paul Mayo. This is the article as it appears in Northwell.edu: https://www.northwell.edu/news/insights/many-more-americans-need-to-wear-n95-masks-to-slow-covid-19

Dr. Mayo is part of "Fellowship in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine at North Shore University Hospital & Long Island Jewish Medical Center," where of course your daughter was murdered.


"Dr. Mayo runs a ventilator/airway training program for the first year fellows each July, which provides specific training in all aspects of airway and ventilator management using scenario-based training with a computerized patient simulator."

So I am sorry to inform you of that. I'm still trying to figure out where Dr. Kory worked in June-July 2020 when he co-authored this article with Dr. Mayo.

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It's alarming to note that New York City, often recognized as the epicenter for the massive wave of COVID-19 deaths, seems to have become a hunting ground for these so-called "white coat assassins". Denied the right to visit our loved ones, families were left in the dark while a cocktail of strong drugs and excessive ventilation were administered, along with an array of other treatments that have done more harm than good. There appears to be a disturbing link between the Northwell Health Hospital, and Malone along with many with numerous trials and questionable practices taking place. An initial diagnosis of “COVID Pneumonia” was akin to a death sentence. On April 6, 2020, Northwell Health’s President and CEO Michael Dowling told Face the Nationthat “if you go on a ventilator, there is about a 20% chance that you will survive.” Yet the practice of placing patients on ventilators persisted. Was this driven by profit at the expense of human life? It's a chilling thought that our loved ones could have been seen as cash cows to be exploited for financial gain. The fight for justice continues, as we strive to uncover the truth and hold these villains accountable. #JusticeForDanielle #AccountabilityInHealthcare

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Thank you Rebecca.

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CW:, do your homework (see nearby), then grow some cajones and contact him yourself--flccc.net , but after you have revised your questions in light of your homework and be ready to eat some humble pie and apologize to him.

Your request of your subscribers marks you as a total wus.

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Spoken by an MD whose COVID patients largely survived, defending a MD who said his patients were all dying.

The story of this pandemic is in large part the story of cowardice in the medical profession. We will pursue the truth by any means we choose without your help, permission, or approval.

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What a simplistic statement your first line is. You don't realize that you are talking to a doc who was fired for his treatment decisions who is writing in knowledgeable defense of a doc who was fired for his treatment decisions and stance. You will pursue this but I am not at all sure that you are pursuing the truth, you may think you are, but you are too ignorant to know if you are on the right track, and you are pissing off a bunch of people while you trample in the garden and cover up the trail.

I have more than a little experience with the press in my 45 years in medicine and every story that I had inside knowledge of the press got significantly wrong. So I don't trust you SOBs.

Cowardice? The medical profession was captured and controlled long before the pandemic. Twenty 25 years ago there were more independent physicians who were not employed by hospital systems they had more freedom to practice according to their judgement and conscience. Now they are employees 95% or more and have to do what they are told or hit the road, Jack and don't you come home no mo' no mo'.

You are right, if there were a group of leaders that had read the literature and got their peers together, they would/could have been successful, after all, a hospital couldn't fire all their ICU docs (however the it wasn't just the hospital administration, the specialty societies were bought and controlled, as well as the medical licensing boards with threats at that level as well.

Docs anymore come out of medical school with huge debts, with big mortgages, etc. (There are Biblical warnings about that). I am not defending any of my colleagues on this, but just explaining the complexity of the situation.

Interestingly, initially, some of the prestigious medical centers had hydroxychloroquine protocols (from a French group and the Zelenko protocol), but quickly that got shut down because of the edict that 'there was no effective treatment for COVID' so that novel expensive on patent meds could be rolled out under EUA. Read Sasha Lapova's substack on the legal basis for the biowarfare countermeasures. The amount of money that was in play to corrupt all these institutions is amazing, I am sure.

Here is a more fruitful line of reasoning, why don't you do an expose on your own profession--the news business has been absolute whores this whole time. They are accomplices in democide before, during and after the fact. The talking heads should hang just as the bureaucrats and the politicians should.

I won't write any more just now, you will probably misunderstand and/or misquote me.

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Where did you practice?

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Lancaster County, PA most recently.

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Charles, you should not write a single word more on this topic without reading Dr. Kory's book The War on Ivermectin, and if in the unlikely chance that you have, you don't have enough medical knowledge to even write a word on this subject. A journalist, eh, still enthralled by the old grey lady, in spite of her whoring after Pfizer dollars?

I know that you will not heed a word of what I wrote or will write. Prove me wrong, and read the book.

The FLCCC protocols evolved out of the situation where all the patients that got to the ICU were dying, as no one knew how to treat them. They have changed over the months and years of the pandemic, and Pierre Kory didn't have full control over his patients in many of the settings.

The early treatment protocols came out of the miserable experience early on. But I am telling you stuff that you should have researched before typing a word on this subject, and I am not going to do it any more.

I was treating patients at the wide end of the funnel, many of my patients may well have done fine with benign neglect from me, or malign neglect from Dr. Fauci and accolites.

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are about to go about shooting your comrades, unless you are on the side of Pfizer and Fauci,

Muck raker stirring up controversy where there should be none if you understood what the fuck you were covering.

You are conflating as much as a racist conflates blacks in prison for their real crimes with the vast majority of honorable blacks in the community (though, I will grant you that the proportions between the good guys and the bad guys is reversed). Still you are doing real damage to your reputation because you have come to this topic totally unprepared.

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"all the patients that got to the ICU were dying, as no one knew how to treat them."

Again, I believe the treatments were killing them. Please ask Dr. Kory to publish his mortality statistics and treatment methods.

What does the "War on Ivermectin" have to do with his treatments in the ICU? Did he even use it? You read the book, didn't you? Let us know if he used it on the patients who were "all dying."

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I am not going to do your work for you. I am not going to do squat for you. I know that you can read.

This is has gotten into a pissing contest a long time ago.

I'll tell you what, the FLCCC is having a conference in Feb 2-4 in Phoenix. Go sign up for it and go to it, and take him to dinner before or after. Put some skin in the game. Be sure that you have done your homework and your due diligence, though.

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I chose to ask Dr. Kory. If you don't want to answer the question stop trying to sell books for him on Ivermectin. Seriously enough book sales pitches.

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What, do you think that I get a commission? You are seriously deluded.

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I am not trying to sell books for him. I have told you to go to the library, but you are too effn stubborn to do that and think that Dr. Kory has nothing else to do but answer your fucking questions.

You are a lazy SOB and think that your substack makes you important. It doesn't.

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Hmm. Writing a book “The War on Ivermectin” is somehow proof that Dr Kory isn’t a gatekeeper for the globalist controlled medical industrial complex that created this plandemic. Nobody gets a free pass. You can’t stop truth. If you try you are no better than the rest of the liars. All medical personnel and governments personnel must face the piper. If they are innocent of medical malpractice and murder then facts will show that. If they are complicit through negligence or any other means then they must punished. I could care less if somebody has hurt feelings in the process.

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I would like to know if Dr. Kory used Ivermectin. Ivermectin is effective and saved lives of patients diagnosed with "COVID." I believe Ivermectin is effective against ventilator acquired pneumonia.

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why don't you read Dr. Kory's book before you ask another goddammed question. You wrote this substack without doing due diligence. Admit it and come back when you have.

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Which one, the War on Ivermectin? Or the Battle of Waterloo? I mean were either Napoleon or Ivermectin even in his ICU? You still haven't answered that. How many times do I have to ask you that before you respond?

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Patrick, Patrick, you have questions about Dr. Kory's story vs the lying NYT. Read his book goddammit.

You have truly drunk the koolaid of Charles Wright. I think that he is just trying to stir up stuff that he doesn't know enough about.

I think that there are easier ways to earn a living than by being a rebel ICU doc in the pandemic. Pierre Kory has already faced the fraudulent 'piper'. He doesn't need to face another piper trying to make a name for himself.

Read Sasha Lapova's Substack, she explains how all the EAU regs basically exempted anyone playing by the lethal pandemic rules and protocols were exempted from malpractice liability. If anything, Dr. Kory opens himself to malpractice--something that I didn't think about until now( and to a lesser extent, so Did I in my outpatient practice).

Who the hell are you, anyway? Who near and dear to you were injured in the government controlled response to the pandemic.

You don't know the truth, and I don't think you can handle the truth.

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I’ve read Sasha’s take on this. She is not making asking excuses for anybody and neither should you. I’m fully aware of how controlled opposition strategy works. I’ve watch my favourite show, The Highwire be turned into a useful tool for the Globalist machine. The people running the depopulation agenda are extremely cunning. That fact that you have a problem with people asking question and trying to get to the bottom of this fiasco is quite disturbing in my mind. I question your motives. What is your agenda? I support everyone looking for the answers. We can’t stop til we have all the answers and justice for the families of the millions murdered world wide.

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Have you read Dr. Kory's book? Don't talk to me unless and until you have. Well, you are looking in the wrong places if you are looking at a forcibly retired family doc with an out patient practice, who was working as hard as he could to get up to speed and keep up to speed in taking care of his patients, who got not a dime of incentive for scoring a vaccinated patient.

As well as going after an ICU doc that bucked the system and was fired for it, and cannot work as an ICU doc anymore.

What do you think Dr. Kory should have to explain for his actions? and What the hell are you to be asking. Who put you in charge of the world?

You should be asking of say, Dr. Fauci, Brix, the corrupted CDC, the bought and paid for FDA and their leadership, the head of Pfizer, the Democrat governors of Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, the ridiculous She/He admiral who pulled his mother out of a nursing home just before sending COVID patients back into the home.

You should be looking at the corrupted Boards of Medicine threatening Doctors who questioned the narratives, the leadership of the medical specialty boards and the Hosptial staff leadership and hospital administrators that were and are complicit. The medical liability companies that likewise did. Every politician that was party to this.

Have you considered that you have become a useful tool for the Globalist machine. You sound like a Democrat, always projecting on to others what you yourself are doing.

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Charles, you should apologize right now and don’t bother the gentleman until you have done you goddamn homework: Read or listen to the FLCCC webinars from the beginning (flccc.net & on Oddysey). peruse the flccc protocols, read his book, ‘The War Against Ivermectin’.

You seem to have been living under a rock or down some rabbit hole; I have from time to time read your Substack and you seem to be stuck on a very narrow aspect of the very complex disease process of advance severe COVID, that of secondary bacterial pneumonia, which is likely only a very small part of the equation (unlike what is felt to be -- and I say ‘felt to be’ cautiously and advisedly, as the 100 year retrospectascope is not necessarily all that reliable, though I do not disagree about-- the Spanish flu epidemic.).

If you had done your homework, you would know that Dr Kory was a late intubator and ventilator.

There are docs like Dr. Varone in Houston who had/has complete control over his ICU patients and team who uses the FLCCC protocols and has the statistics to back up their claims. There I have done your homework for you, or at least part of it (unless your sole purpose is to skewer Dr. Kory, in which case, I again say, GFY.)

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If the FLCCC protocols were successful, then why were his patients "all dying?" My theory: he was not using the FLCCC protocols in the ICUs.

I know that you are not to dense to understand this, so consider this a warning to watch your tone and be rational if you wish to comment here. Thank you.

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You again display your ignorance of what went down during COVID19, that the COVID19 FLCCC clinicians didn't spring fully mature from the womb February 2020.

What do you have against Dr. Kory? Who is paying you to try and take him down? Is it Pfizer, is it the NYT? Who?

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The only compensation I have is from my paid subscribers here and from employment at a blue collar job during the week. I doubt they have ever heard of Dr. Kory.

Actually I'm trying to get the facts from him. If they're bad; they're bad. I can't go back in time and change that for him. It is as it is.

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You have the ability to get the facts from him by reading his book either by buying it (probably available for cheap on Ebay or at the library, if you are that cheap or pauperized.

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Respectfully Dr. Kimber, insinuating that Charles Wright is being paid by Pfizer or the NYT whilst you have advertised Dr. Kory's book in nearly every comment you've made, seems a bit obtuse.

I did not find Charles's inquiry disrespectful, irrational, or unfounded. His questions should be easily answered.

I did however, find the Kory defenders on this thread to be disproportionately emotional; specifically angry. Perhaps this indicates a potential incongruence that will require an uncomfortable readjustment.

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Sarah, I just looked up your Substack, and I think that we are on the same side in general, in these wars.

That said, I am not expecting any need for readjustment, and I am quite comfortable adjusting or readjusting.

I find it interesting that at this late date Charles finds it necessary to send a young woman to do a man's job, however.

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Well, to quote the Shaw Shank Redemption back at you; you seem a bit obtuse, yourself.

I find it hard to believe that anyone takes any credence to what is written in the NYT. My experience with the press is that intentionally or not every story that I have seen in the press that I have had first hand knowledge of has been misreported. Not a big number of stories, I don't as I am not a public person, none the less . . . Why he would not avail himself of a trip to the library (and I explicitly offered that to him to avoid any insinuation of kickback or whatever) or Amazon.com, or even Ebay, as there are probably used copies for sale on line.

As far as Pfizer goes, it is well known that and suspected that Pfizer has spent huge amounts of money both over the table (i.e., advertising) and under the table corrupting local hospital administrations, medical staff leadership, nursing hierarchies, local state and national medical societies, Medical specialty boards, state medical licensing boards, local, regional and national press, federal medical grant writing agencies (NIH, & divisions thereof), FDA (which went way beyond its statutory authority), CDC, which has been incompetent and corrupt throughout this whole thing, CMS ,and likely politicians at the state and national level, and who knows how many lawyers. Why would they not reach out and touch someone in the alternative media, which likely would be a pittance to them to have the desired effect.

What I found and still find absolutely astounding is his absolute resistance to look at the what has been documented in the FLCCC Alliance web pages, which would cost him nothing, and most, if not all his questions are answered in the book, which I can vouch for, as I have read it carefully, as well as other sources regarding the Pandemic and measures around it, and it comports with my understanding of what transpired and what he himself has written and spoken about both in his blogs and their webinars, and the two FLCCC conferences with question and answer sessions from all the speakers (of which he was one at each conference.

It is his resistance to look at both sides of the issue, that was the tip off to me that there must be ulterior motives here. Maybe it is not money, maybe he has a relative that was injured by the COVID protocols, Maybe he conflates Dr. Kory with Dr. Malone, who it seems may have some mixed motives, I don't know. I just know that through the COVID Pandemic as I have tried to educate myself, his organization, and their clinical experience and their deep knowledge of the disease and illness and evolving treatments thereof and the respect that they had from likeminded independent clinicians throughout the world, in spite of the hostility from the bad guys in this play have been a valuable resource to me and I have been able to pass that on to friends and colleagues both here and internationally.

Your are darn right we/I are/am angry. (And I think that you are being disingenuous or maybe just deferential or polite, I don't think anyone else besides me has been angry. So you can give the others a break.) An unprepared hostile novice naive person who is unwilling to correct his deficiencies in his proposal for his thesis to put this in terms of an academic endeavor, i.e., to seek the truth is resistant to looking for truth in places not of his own biased choosing, and just like any minority group, that gets their hackles up when unjustly attacked (or seemingly unjustly attacked, I will give you), I got angry.

But maybe this isn't about seeking the truth, but about scoring points, getting a story, maybe THE STORY.

Look, I think I get it, and I should have gotten it much earlier, you advertise it in the title of your blog: 'Conspiracy Sarah'. That suggests a degree of paranoia, maybe to the point of personallity disorder. Or maybe that is just your brand. and nothing more.

Perhaps we can call a truce, If you will accept that I have nothing to gain from Charles buying a book that costs on the order of $30, and I can accept that since Charles lives on the West Coast in California with the mind set that goes along with that to tolerate being ruled by Gruesome Newsom, may be there is no other ulterior motive other than just what I would consider the bicoastal leftist delusion, that the NYT is even still considered a reliable source of information.

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Charles, Dr. Kory does not owe you anything. The answers to most, if not all of you questions are a matter of public record: ‘The War Against Ivermectin’ by Dr. Kory, his contributions to the FLCCC web site, his Substack, Medical Musings all likely address your concerns.

That you cite an article in the NYT as authoritative suggests that you are controlled opposition, or just plain opposition. The NYT has not been believable at least since one of their editors gave permission to their writers to lie about DJT in the 2016 campaign.

Do you plucking homework, Goddammit.

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Have you treated any COVID patients, Dr. Kimber?

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Have you?

Yes, I have from the very beginning as outpatients using the Zelenko protocols, including HCQ, and later ivermectin and the other early treatment protocols of the flccc, as they evolved. From October 2020, my Wednesday evenings were given to the flccc webinars, and I prepared to take early testing & treatments to Ghana and Nepal when I went on short term mission trips (and advised our partners in Ghana to use them). I have only practiced outpatient medicine for 22 years. Using these protocols, we had very low rates of hospitalization (no longer have access to records as I was fired for not being a Fauci robot). I would say that we could count on one hand the number of patients who died of COVID in our 3 person practice.

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Thank you for sharing your high success rates. I suppose you were not using ventilators?

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Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, Is it Charles, as I mentioned in that post at least 2 times explicitly and at least twice inferred that I was doing outpatient medicine at the time, and I guess you can be forgiven as a reporter for not knowing that ventilators are used only in hsopitals in acute care medicine.

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Yet your reading comprehension is high. You avoid admitting that ventilators were the primary driver of death for Dr. Pierre Kory. But I guess you can live with it.

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I avoided nothing, you SOB.

Read Dr. Kory's book. He will tell you that patients that went on ventilators had a high risk of death, that is why he did all that he could to delay or avoid that. He was not in total control of all the patients in his ICU, he often came on duty to people who had been vented that he would not have. Oh, I don't know why I am wasting time with an ignorant person who has an agenda, and sees a person that has already been attacked by the NYT and is like a fucking shark in the water going after what he thinks is a wounded animal. You are despicable.

Read his God Dammed book and then look me up.

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Something about Kory doesn’t jibe. You can make bad decisions and then rectify your position by doing good but the past actions do not go away. Honesty and full disclosure might help to repair his rep.

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His reputation needs no repair for those that truly know him, not through hit pieces in the NYT or from Charles Wright. You should understand that at least the NYT is largely funded by Pfizer and other drug companies who have a vested interest in lying about Dr. Kory, and who knows about Charles Wright.

You can read about him briefly in RFK Jr's book, the Real Anthony Fauci, you can read his own story (warts and all) in The War Against Ivermectin. Charles Wright's confusion and his confusing you could have been entirely avoided if he (and you ) had read Dr. Kory's aforementioned book.

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Your research is impeccable. So glad you are working so hard on this.

Not that the grand scheme did not anticipate warriors like you. The war criminals accomplished their mission in the [full-court] press and cemented lies into peoples' minds, and 100 warriors like you are specks of sand in the grand scheme of things. No one can erase the fear and dread instilled in the billions (which continues), and yet, you and people like you are doing the most important work in the world right now, chipping away at the Narrative. Correcting history. I am very grateful.

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His research is less than impeccable and his homework is largely incomplete, and he depends upon the lying NYT for information.

Sorry you are so naive.

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And yet it all proves true. Obviously your not contesting anything in particular, just here to be a disruptor.

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What proves true AL. I am not going to waste time correcting a homework assignment that ignored the primary source of the information that Charles has requested of a busy clinician whose book and answered and explained the answer to the questions, and if Charles would read the book and if he still is confused, then let him and me sit down after exchanging queries of questions he still has, or can't figure out with a careful reading of PK's book.

Look as just one example: Charles is not a physician, he knows nothing about the workings of ICUs, and particularly about the details of and variations in how that is accomplished for 24 hour/7 day a week coverage in ICUs.

He doesn't know that you just can't pull an endotracheal tube out of a patient at the same time that you start them on a new oral medicine (IVERMECTIN), when the patient has been sedated (have you ever been intubated? outside of being put under general anesthesia for surgery?--) and medication takes time to work, in the case of ivermectin, the patient may begin to show improvement in hours, but it may take a few days, and some just don't, depending upon how much irreversible damage has been done--and in these examples, I am addressing questions, challenges he has put to me in the comment sections.

And you don't think you and Charles Wright are not a goddammed pair of handgranades????

I would be happy to have Charles see my points give a big mea culpa and write a follow up stack saying what he learned by doing his homework.

But it looks like neither one of you are going to take that route and so just like the IDF has to be a disruptor of Hamas' in Gaza, I will be happy to be a disruptor and blow this whole damn substack up.

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Except that your premise is faulty. The only "irreversible damage" that would have ever been at issue would be that caused by the deadly hospital protocols in the first place. No one was on deaths door until those carefully crafted mechanisms were deliberately put in place. If Ivermectin had been the protocol, what would it matter if it took hours or days to work? It was a fool-proof, simple and harmless solution.

You and your sheep-following colleagues are the hand grenades. Except you are unable "to blow this whole damn substack up." You're a moron--it boggles the mind that you are a medical professional (and is a good reminder of how dumb people are even with medical degrees, assuming that is true in the first place).

You're disrupting nothing--just helping prove Charles' point because you have nothing of substance to offer in opposition.

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Thank you for sharing

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Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell from NYC at the beginning. All about ventilators.

I have relied on FLCCC protocols from the beginning. I found a new primary care physician through FLCCC. Why not focus on the malevolent players, rather than the docs whose efforts have saved lives and continue to do so to this day? The real question is how did remdesivir/vent BECOME the standard of care.

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I am grateful for FLLLC too. But sometimes those malevolent actors are part of the narrative, half-assedly helping after the fact. What they should ALSO be doing is dispelling the grander scheme of lies underlying this entire fraud.

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Dr. Kory has been there from the beginning of the FLCCC, read his book, and don't comment any more until you have, as you are just ignorant.

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How so? AL?

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Specifically by never discussing the system that promotes a deadly injection in the first place; by ensuring that one or two pharmaceutical companies are solely to blame for this iatragenocide, and only then because they “messed up” instead of addressing how every minutia of this deadly experiment was deliberate and planned for years.

Does that answer your question, Roger?

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What it does tell me is that you a) have not read the I boo and b) have not attended any of the webinars, especially the later ones which largely address the politics and of the present age. They clinically they are now largely focused on vaccine injury. AL, what is their title? Front Line Critical Care COVID Alliance (or some permutation of the 3 Cs). They have seen their role as developing flexible clinical protocols based on bedside observation, world literature, knowledge of disease pathology and pathophysiology, and the best non-curated (i.e., censored) research available. If you would overcome Charles Wright's allergy to reading Dr. Kory's book and read it, he does talk in great detail about the system as he became aware of it and how it has been deployed in COVID and as well in previous situations (Big Tobacco and lung cancer, I believe is his example).

What you say is JUST NOT TRUE and you are uniformed (willfully?) or disingenuous.

Read the book, the War Against Ivermectin, and if you say that you already have, then you need to go back and read it again.

Dr. Kory is primarily a practicing clinician, he is not an author, and he now has a very busy practice treating vaccine injured and long covid patients. He also is in high demand literally around the world as a speaker. Unlike say, RFK Jr, who is independently wealthy and has a well established family name and well established non-profit organization which helps him pump out books and addresses some of the larger issues that you cite here. Generals are not Admirals, Fighter pilots are not submariners, but a modern armed force needs all, and it is an absolute foolish mistake to criticize a fighter pilot for not being able to drive a tank or sail a submarine, and you are a fool for insisting on that. You have watched too many Harrison Ford movies, read too many Tom Clancy novels, and back in the day watched too many James Bond movies, sir.

Please read his book (take it out of the library if Charles won't let you subsidize him through Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

Have a pleasant evening and that we all have a Happier New Year.

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Don't you think he should publish his mortality rates and treatment methods? Is that objectionable to you? If so, why? I've explained my reasoning already.

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Your comment has been succinctly addressed below by RK,MD. To me your whole schtick here feels like Monday morning QB-ing with an agenda. How about you focus on who exactly set the remdesivir/vent protocol in motion, and place the blame there? Or is that area off limits?

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He's addressed Remdesivir origins many times-entire articles including who, what and when. Perhaps you are new here.

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Perhaps you are just a pain in the ass.

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Perhaps, but your presence is curious. If you’re such a hater, what are you doing here at all, much less spending time trying to denigrate the author? What’s your game?

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You are right, I am a hater. I hate people who don't know what the puck they are talking about, are absolutely unwilling to educate themselves in spite of being given (IMHO) good recommendations for how to educate themselves. And I have probably wasted too much time trying to teach a pig to sing.

Dr. Kory and his colleagues at the FLCCC by your own admission are one of the shining lights on a hill in this foggy swampy sewer and there is no evidence that I can see that he is compromised like there is apparently with Dr. Robert Malone and perhaps others.

I am here trying to prevent him from being taken out by what I will tentatively say is friendly fire, although as these posts went on I became suspicious that it is not/was not friendly fire but a Trojan horse. I will admit, that perhaps Charles got his hackles up and is/wea unwilling to back down. Gracious people can and will do that. I don't see any evidence, or maybe a little evidence of that in him.

So that's my game: Paladin, have gun will travel (metaphorically) google it as it is likely anachronistic for you.

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If you had read his book, and understood the mechanics of how large hospital ICUs are covered and have any fucking idea of the barriers that HIPPA & hostile hospital administrators put in the way of gathering that data by former physician employees that they have fired, you would realize that your request is likely an impossible one to make. And knowing the time pressures that he was under at the height of the pandemic, I am pretty sure he didn’t compile complete data at the time. To quote one E. Musk, GFY.

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I don't think you speak for Dr. Kory or know what data he has.

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You still have not committed to reading his book with many of the answers that are there to your questions in plain English. Until you do, I am not going to take you seriously as other than a hostile witness.

No, you are right, I am just guessing on the basis of having read his book and listened to him talk on a near weekly basis for 2 years, and been at 2 conferences organized by his organization at which he was a presenter. Conferences that were held without any pharmaceutical support, btw.

He was by his own admission, too busy at times to keep the kind of records that would be necessary.

Also, rotating night by night or week by week, makes it hard to assign responsibility for outcomes, and I know that being a clinician in the hospital setting, unless they are on board with what you are trying to show with your data, you aren't going to get cooperation from them.

I am as pissed off at what went down over the time of COVID as you are, probably more so, as I was taking care of patients in that time, adjusting my treatment to what was known at the time, as best I could. It has cost me my career, relationships with my blue pilled family and many of my blue pilled physician friends.

I have already told you and or others that he did not have total control of his patient's treatment. There are practices that did have that control and can give you the data that would answer your questions, in terms of how successful the FLCCC protocols can be. Unless your purpose is to smear him with the accusation that he didn't treat his patients successfully as he could have (fully ignoring that he didn't have full control in many of his working situations.

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HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act)

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I have to bring oxygen toxicity to your attention. High flow oxygen damages and will kill because it dehydrates the respiratory mucosa and the alveoli. Setting the table for pneumonia after cellular damage.

We measure air by its moisture content. It’s humidity.

We measure oxygen by its dryness. For example: medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.

The lung alveoli requires air to reach 100% humidity.

Can you see the mismatch? 

Research oxygen toxicity.

Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill, not for breathlessness.

Palliative Care is not kind.

My Substack article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen

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Janie, you don’t have to bring oxygen toxicity to my attention, I have known and seen the effects of oxygen toxicity since I was in the second month of my internship and got to know my supervising second year pediatric resident who had been a premie (born prematurely in 1949 or 50) and required oxygen therapy to get her to survive the first weeks to months of her life. The knowledge of oxygen toxicity was just being understood & the technology of monitoring oxygen levels in the bloodstream were just beginning. She was given levels of oxygen that supported her life, but caused damage to the blood vessels in her eyes and caused a permanently vision impairment from a condition called retrolental fibroplasia. Her doctors weren’t trying to blind her, they were just trying just doing the best they could with the knowledge and technology that they had at the time. In spite of this, she grew up to be a bright, kind and caring motivated young woman who was becoming an excellent pediatrician.

Without oxygen therapy she likely would have died or suffered brain damage to the point of mental retardation, precluding her from even going to regular school.

Every medical intervention comes with risks and benefits and needs to be applied judiciously and we only learn these often in the trial and error initial use of a medical treatment for a particular condition.

Some of what transpired in the initial stages of severe COVID treatment was the result of this process and some was the result of malevolent dictates from corrupt federal government medical bureaucrats who were covering their asses and lining their own pockets and those of their benefactors. You & Charles Wright’s efforts are better directed to the latter group.

Naive ignorant person who doesn’t know that you are, kinda like infamous AOC. You also don’t know squat about how oxygen therapy is given.

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Your blind friend’s eyes were dehydrated by 100% oxygen. Oxygen is the opposite of what premie babies need. They have lungs that are the moist sensitive to dehydration yet it’s still thought that oxygen is a good choice.

This is because Drs are trained to be repeaters and not thinkers.

I would suggest purified sea air would be the best remedy for premie babies to breathe. It’s already laiden with salt.

The lungs require 100% humidity at the alveoli.

The lung mucosa adds salt to the inhalation. So salted moist air reaches the alveoli.

Oxygen is devoid of moisture.

There is a study indicating 99% of patients with oxygen administered with their anaesthesia had incurred alveoli damage.

I say it’s obviously because oxygen is a dehydrator. A moisture remover. Oxygen reactive species is a name for dehydration damage.

Eyes are extremely sensitive to environmental moisture. You will have noticed this if you have ever worn a mask. Your eyes create that fog, they give up moisture that must be replaced. A premie baby has no chance to replace moisture in their eyes with that sort of dynamic dryness surrounding them. But they don’t tell you, hey sorry we dried your babies eyes up, not they give it a medical name to cover another Dr caused condition.

You can say Drs mean well. I can say sure, they mostly come from a good place.

Only they are trained to believe they know stuff that sets them apart from ordinary folk.

So when ordinary folk point out obvious failings, they ignore them without a problem.

This means there is little accountability for the terrible state of health and healthcare.

Instead the focus is placed upon the patient. The patient is the problem.

Because medicine is always good. Drs are good. Hospitals are good. Big pHARMa is good. Medical research is good.

I say hydration is the point where dis-ease enters the scene. Hydration equals salt plus water.

And I say having an interest in physiology and health is not the exclusive responsibility of doctors. Most paradigms change when outsiders scrutinise the assumptions and find them sorely lacking.

Please describe your research into oxygen toxicity / oxygen poisoning and your conclusions and any concerns.

For me, as I’ve said, I see no upside to using oxygen at all.

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I hope that medicine in general recovers quickly from the huge errors of the pandemic and that you are never in need of the good stuff that medicine has to offer.

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That’s a backhanded way of wishing someone stays well.

Medicine can not recover from Covid - it’s as exposed as it’s ever been.

The majority of doctors have failed and continue to fail their patients. Hospitals have failed. Medical license boards have failed. Big pHARMa failed spectacularly. Even the medical journals failed.

The people need to sift and reclaim true information that brings health -

from pHARMa dogma training/education that rewards creating and continuing suffering with profit.

Chemotherapy is a perfect illustration of this.

Inject a poison, hope one can recover from this poison and the cause of the cancer. Survival of 5 years is a success.

No one but doctors can offer cancer treatments, especially if they are more effective and cheaper. Obviously there can be no competition in this ridiculous model.

Well funded, medical research fails to find anything new that’s cheap and readily available for cancer treatment - for decades

and yet the people kept faith - till cv19

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I guess it is. Still it is my wish.

Well, I can't contest anything that you say above.

In the aftermath of the government and captured medicine's failure (or planned failure) to manage the Pandemic by any rational standards, The people at the FLCCC Alliance and their allies are working on establishing an alternative system(s) of care. I suggest that you go to their web page flccc.net and spend some time wandering around there.

It will be a while until this all gets sorted out, if it ever does. Similar things happened at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century.

I am sure that there will be problems with whatever is resurrected from the ashes. There aways are in any human system in this fallen world.

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A few doctors standing like lone pines in a desert can not save the old model.

Justice and accountability will need to be seen and done.

The global orchestrated nocebo effect and their crown jewel dis-ease (the flu) treated with poisons to kill.

I await the new medicine on the other side of this where I expect the placebo effect of up to 70% improvement will be fairly beat.

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You know nothing about oxygen toxicity in premies and I feel this is not a fruitful discussion. 2 non overlapping Ven diagrams.

I wish you the best in 2024, and more real knowledge.

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I think your contribution was the missing piece in the ven diagram - again, I remind you, Roger, personal disparagement is a loser’s strategy in a debate.

Healthy discussions used to be the norm in science.

Roger, it amazes me that you prefer my voice is crushed by your censorial dismissal.

I simply engaged in a genuine discussion that departs from mainstream thinking.

You inability to keep up because I imagine you have not bothered to study or contemplate oxygen toxicity with any rigour, is nothing to be ashamed of however

your personal disparagements are.

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Read Dr. Kory's book the war on Ivermectin (it is about more than Ivermectin), which covers some of that, Dr. Kory in his management would tolerate lower oxygen levels in his patients (and taught his less experienced colleagues to do as well). Oxygen toxicity for sure, but also complications of artificial invasive ventilation, so it becomes a trade off. Speaking as an observer physician who remembers his respiratory physiology. High flow humidified warmed oxygen can avoid intubation and ventilation with its very real complications. In severe COVID a lot of the hypoxia is felt to be due to micro clots in the pulmonary circulation.

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Do you believe Ivermectin is effective against these "micro clots?" Did Dr. Kory use Ivermectin against these "micro clots?" Isn't it true that the use of ventilators creates the "micro clots (ARDS)?"

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micro clots are treated with anticoagulation or thrombolytics. Ivermectin has immunomodulatory properties ( calms down excessive inflamation).

No, the micro clots come first because of the inflammatory cascade precipitated by the COVID virus that you refuse to believe exists ( but not in everybody)

ARDS is ot micro clots. Adult respiratory distress syndrome.

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Oxygen causes micro clots due to its dryness. Oxygen dehydrates the respiratory mucosa and the alveoli.

The lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air and does not occur naturally. Oxygen is not a constituent of air. To make oxygen from air it must be stripped of moisture and compressed for storage.

oxygen is an extremely dry gas - medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.

Air is measured by its wetness / moisture / humidity.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is not prescribed for breathlessness instead it is given primarily to the terminally ill.

I have a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The RBCs are rehydrated as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds. Hydration equals salt plus water.

Micro clots from oxygen administration:

To study the early changes in the lower respiratory tract in persons exposed to periods of hyperoxia usually considered safe, we evaluated 14 normal subjects by bronchoalveolar lavage before and immediately after 16.7±1.1 hours of breathing more than 95 per cent oxygen. Hyperoxia caused a significant alveolar-capillary "leak" as detected by the presence of increased plasma albumin and transferrin in lavage fluid. These changes were reversible, as shown at repeat lavage in four subjects two weeks after oxygen administration.

Hyperoxia for an average of 17 hours did not change the total number or type of lung inflammatory and immune effector cells recovered by lavage (P>0.05, all comparisons). However, alveolar macrophages from subjects exposed to oxygen released increased amounts of fibronectin (P<0.05) and alveolar-macrophage–derived growth factor for fibroblasts (P<0.01) — mediators thought to modulate fibroblast recruitment and proliferation in the alveolar wall.

Thus, although some of the effects of exposure to 17 hours of more than 95 per cent oxygen are reversible, hyperoxia for even this short period lowers the structural or functional barriers that normally prevent alveolar-capillary "leak" and induces processes that can culminate in fibrosis of the alveolar wall. (N Engl J Med 1983; 309:878–83.)

Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity — Early Reversible Changes in Human Alveolar Structures Induced by Hyperoxia | NEJM

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I am quite sure that ICU docs/ pulmonary intensive care docs are quite aware of these things, and in experienced docs, such as Dr. Kory's hands the oxygen is both warmed and humidified. (and IIRC, he discusses this in his book that Charles Wright is unwilling to read, in case he loses the ability to tell a muck raking story.

Oxygen is used to treat hypoxia in acutely ill or chronically ill patients, as well as in terminally ill patients, as you point out.

Except for oxygen by nasal cannula is humidified when used, say through a face mask.

Oxygen is indeed a component of air, 21% as a matter of fact.

You are welcome, I am sure to copy and paste that tidbit at the end of your post, I am sure that he will appreciate it.

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Roger, I’ve pointed out oxygen is not naturally occurring as it is a manufactured product from air not a constituent of air.

Oxygen is manufactured to become extremely dry, water contamination in the parts per million. This attained by iterations of heating (to strip moisture) and compression (for storage)

Air is moist

The two do not coexist

We breathe air not oxygen is the Substack article I’ve written to explain

Once oxygen is released from its container it will rehydrate itself. This means it will remove moisture from the respiratory system including the delicate alveoli.

We do not breathe oxygen.

Green plants do not make oxygen.

We were sold some big lies that are retarding science and medicine.

Oxygen and nitrogen are the same gas. The difference is nitrogen has carbon particles added to dampen oxygen’s flammability.

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That’s true. They did that to my father. Turned up his oxygen which was uncomfortable for him, so much so that he kept tearing it off and so they tied his hands to the bed and that is when via phone he begged my sister to get him out of there. He knew they were trying to kill him. I was going to make arrangements to get him out (trying to figure out a plan) before I could they ventilated him. Which was shortly after that phone call.

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Sorry to hear of his ordeal. Dr. Kory is not like the majority of the docs treating COVID patients in the ICUs across the country. Don't be bamboozled by Charles Wright, who has not done his due diligence, just apparently read an article in the lying NYT and taken it as gospel.

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Excellent set of questions.

I would also like Mr. Kory to answer as to his whereabouts in March/early April 2020 before going down to NYC.

Who exactly was he consulting with if anyone in regards to going down to NYC and how was that decision made? Can we see the emails in regards to any conversations along these lines if there were any?

Did he just volunteer and if so who did he petition? If it didn't happen this way who sent him?

Why did he go/was sent in mid-April as things were "winding down" rather than during the "height" of the "Covid hysteria/pandemic?"

Did Mr. Kory witness any military personnel inside the hospital and if so what were they doing?

As we know Ron Johnson was Kory's Senator and Kory was chosen as the medical expert for the George Floyd case. How was that decision made?

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Was Pierre Kory effectively a Ron Johnson production?

I think that’s important to know, not even so much because of Kory’s claims but because of what it may suggest about the Senator’s role in The Govt Narrative.

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I started to ask how he was paid. If it was a salary alone, or if he was paid any types of bonus for the same bonuses the hospitals received for 1; use of ventilators, 2; use of Remdesivir; 3; COVID death certificates.

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As witnessed here it is very difficult for those engaged in hero worship to even consider the possibility that their hero is not who he or she appears to be.

The heroic portrayal of these individuals is a carefully crafted image.

This is the case for many of those who have somehow magically appeared (red flag) and taken center stage in the ostensible "dissent" portion of the Covid program.

That Kory, for example, has given testimony which is directly at odds with FOIA'ed data and evidence and directly contradicts testimony he has given on separate occasions should prompt those thinking clearly on the matter to demand clarifications.

I think one thing that his fans (are we at a high school prom here?) refuse to grasp is that this is not about the man it is about the much bigger picture of the events that took place in Spring 2020 and what his role (particularly in NYC) in those events may reveal about the Covid operation.

That people come out of the woodworks and want to shut down inquiries about this is what is unthinking at best and possibly merits suspicion.

Think about this one thing for a moment- Kory gives testimony May 6, 2020. He only arrived in NYC on April 27th. So he was there a little over a week according to his testimony. That is rather late in the Covid event- as things were winding down. Yet he is the individual who is chosen to testify to "what he saw." Does that make sense?

If you read through his testimony and watch other videos of interviews he rarely if ever gets into much detail.

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Goddamit, read his book The War on Ivermectin. He details his time through the pandemic. He doesn't owe you shit. Nor does he owe Charles Wright, especially because neither of you have bothered to purchase his book, or gone down to your local library and checked it out if you are too fucking cheap to buy it or feel you would taint yourself by enriching him.

How have you been harmed by the pandemic that you are such a bitter SOB?

All your questions are answered in his book. Cheapskate.

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If he said he pulled everyone off the ventilators and gave them Ivermectin then I'll buy it. Take a screenshot and post the page where he said that if he did.

Otherwise let's talk about his treatment methods that resulted in his patients "all dying."

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Unless he smuggled ivermectin into the hospital, but if they were on the ventilator he couldn't have given it to them orally unless they had a tracheostomy.

They would have to be given the ivermectin and observed for it to work before they could be responsibly taken off the ventilator. (Even in COVID, you don't put a person on a ventilator with out an indication: severe hypoxia (low oxygen), severe hypercapnia ( elevated carbon dioxide which is a narcotic/respiratory depressant), or severe increased work of breathing to the point of people getting too exhausted/muscle fatigued to keep on breathing).

Your ignorance is sabotaging the believability of your posting.

You do your own homework.

Go to the library and read his book. You lazy prima donna.

He has patients that he is caring for and other responsibilities, including family , and answering your questions would not be high on my priority, if I was him, especially if I knew that you refused to read his book, which is about more than just ivermectin.

I am not expert in ventilation management and I am not going there.

Like I said read his book, buy it, steal it (a la Huey Newton or one of the Black Panthers) or take it out of the library.

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How about you show just a tad of respect and use the guy's proper title. It's obviously deliberate, and you come off like a bright but obnoxious teenager.

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I wouldn’t give him the courtesy of bright.

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Even the "good guys" wear disguises--it's a limited hangout.

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Use a few more catch phrases why don't you?

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It's so people like you can understand. I can tell by your screen name you have an intelligence inferiority complex. You see only black and white and think you know everything. Good luck with that kind of thought process.

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You are just inferior; read Dr. Kory's book before you cast aspersions that you know nothing about. Punk.

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I don't show deferential treatment to anyone nor am I enamored of titles or professions or any of it.

That his "title" is that of a doctor lessens the amount of "respect" such an individual deserves.

Sholud we make sure we use the title of Nazi doctors and show them "proper respect?"

I "come off" as someone who has a grounded understanding of what is happening- virtually the entirety of the "medical profession" deserves disdain.

Bowing to any authority in any way shape or form is a huge part of the problem.

Stop showing these cretins respect- they don't deserve it.

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I don’t know what harm you have personally experienced as a result of the plandemic, but you are not alone, and it all started at the nexus of Fauci and Pfizer and likely collusion with the CCP , WHO, WEF and Klaus & Bill Gates.

Physicians certainly violated their Hippocratic oath and are to be blamed for that. The vast majority of them were under duress: threats of loss of job, certification, medical license were, and still are on the table. However, if they had acted in concert, they could have prevailed, IMHO: they couldn’t have fired them all.

You are guilty of gross generalization. There are numbers of physicians that resisted the pressure (or got overlooked, or were able to fly under the radar, or who had/have courageous ethical Hospital administrators who backed them.).

Also, What you don’t know or understand is that this was a military operation (biowarfare countermeasures--read Sasha Lapova’s Substack on that.)

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See my reply below to Mike H.

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What the phuck do you know anyway you GD SOB. Dr. Kory is the furthest from a’Nazi doctor’ that you can get (he’s Jewish you shithead). He has been abused by the Nazi captured and controlled doctors and the pharmaceutical industry, been fired for not following the Nazi protocols, stripped of his specialty certification similarly, all for using his knowledge and clinical experience putting patients best interests over the dictates of corrupt government medical bureaucrats and hospital administrators corrupted by the most criminally convicted corporation in the country, if not the world.

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Brilliantly written reply. I wouldn't waste my energy with these folks trying to deflect blame onto Pierre Kory. It's beyond transparent.

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I don’t know what harm you have personally experienced as a result of the plandemic, but you are not alone, and it all started at the nexus of Fauci and Pfizer and likely collusion with the CCP , WHO, WEF and Klaus & Bill Gates.

Physicians certainly violated their Hippocratic oath and are to be blamed for that. The vast majority of them were under duress: threats of loss of job, certification, medical license were, and still are on the table. However, if they had acted in concert, they could have prevailed, IMHO: they couldn’t have fired them all.

You are guilty of gross generalization. There are numbers of physicians that resisted the pressure (or got overlooked, or were able to fly under the radar, or who had/have courageous ethical Hospital administrators who backed them.).

Also, What you don’t know or understand is that this was a military operation (biowarfare countermeasures--read Sasha Lapova’s Substack on that.)

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You left out one of Dr. Kory's colleagues: Robert Malone. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/treason-and-criminal-conspiracy-against

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Re: most recent piece on remedsivir.



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Yeah, so what of it. I read his stuff mostly, I also read the aspersions cast on him. I take what I find useful from him, I leave the other stuff along as I figure God and the rest of you howling demons will get him if he deserves it. Me piling on will not be noticed and I have enough to do just berating you for your misplaced anamosity towards Dr. Kory on the basis of what your reverence for the Old Grey Lady (I mean Pfizer whore). What you fools don't seem to understand is that by and large the rank and file physicians in spite of the supposed latitude and freedom to use clinical judgment were largely powerless in this situation as they were and are employees, not independent professionals. Your rancor and persecution should be to the true power-brokers in the Federal Bureaucracy, the corrupt drug companies, the politicians that set up the game so it would be so exploited, and the voters that elected them.

I am reminded of the Pogo cartoon: "We have met the enemy and he is us." or

The British commentator, GK Chesterton, from the early 20th century when responding to the question posed by a newspaper: "What is wrong with the world?" replied: "I am."

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I subscribe to Sasha. Also Katherine Watt. 👍🏻

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Save your breath, I have been awake from the get-go. My husband and I have gone the alternate route from the very beginning. Dr. Kory's (and Dr. Marik's) FLCCC protocols/information have seen us through a couple of covid bouts, and gotten us a new primary care doc who's also wide awake. I touch base with the site frequently, and recommend it to the ever-increasing number of family and friends with the long-covid malaise. In other words, that continuing effort ALONE deserves respect.

Why not focus your attention on the TRUE malevolent players? As in, how exactly did remdesivir and a vent come to be the standard of care?

And while you're at it, grow the hell up. You aren't doing yourself any favors with the gratuitous, childish disrespect.

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Obviously you don't have a clue if you were duped by "protocols" for a non-existent disease.

That you are pimping the nonsense (put forth by those malevolent people BTW) that there is such a thing as "long-covid" is yet another example of how lost you are. "The long-covid malaise?" You are literally out of your mind.

Next time try chicken noodle soup.

Let me be clear- I have less than zero respect for these people. Those that are involved in duping people and catapulting the fundamental precepts of the phony pandemic put forth by those who launched the operation are aiding and abetting the crimes. Kory falls into that category as does Malone, Cole, Kirsch etc.

That you don't understand this illustrates clearly you are not even the least bit "awake." You're so lost you don't even seem to know that your "hero doctor" was pimping remdesivir and has pimped vaccines his entire life. Not to mention he's either a pathological grandstanding liar or something far worse.

That you fawn over these people like some teen at a rock concert is what shows a stunted adolesence. These people should be grilled so as to get to the bottom of all facets of this operation and then prosecuted if warranted.

It is you who needs to frow up and understand how the world works in realpolitik instead of your infantile hero-worshipping fantasies. In that regard I post the following comment- until you have come to terms with this I am done with you. The addendum relates specifically to what we are talking about re: Mr. Kory.

"Repetitive words and phrases hijack the subconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind. The subconscious mind collates repetition. Words. Phrases. Signs. Symbols. Moving imagery. Messages. That controls all human behavior, not the rational conscious mind. The subconscious mind, conformity and mimicry.

The individual always copies and mimics the group. This is a learning mechanism and a safety mechanism. But since we don’t have any actual predators besides the cryptocracy trying to cull us, that’s why they constantly (repetition) tell us they are keeping us safe, when the opposite’s true.

Because until an individual understands brainwashing and mind control techniques, social engineering and hypnosis, they don’t realize they aren’t really making their decisions, let alone rational decisions.

Have you seen the Asch conformity experiments? Most will conform, even going against what they know to be correct, in order to avoid the discomfort of not fitting in with the group. The need to please and conform, (we are social animals) in order to become a brainwashed slave is achieved early: Through the school and education system. Through organized religions and through generations of trauma and dysfunction, and through the process of artificial scarcity.

If a fear based control is added to the conformity-group peer pressure, then the control of human behavior becomes even more effective.

Governments have all the data. All the models and all the experiments. They control the entirety of humanity through artificial hierarchies, artificial persons (corporations) with artificial laws. Then the cult members enforcers, officers, employees and agents, farm the human capital, that backs all currencies.

Governments and the web of corporations, agencies, think tanks and NGOs they collude and racketeer with, can predict and model all your behavior merely from collecting your internet data, your spending data, your habits, likes, dislikes, family background etc.

Because they can model human behavior on a regional, cultural, demographic or supranational scale, that’s how they can so easily control and farm entire populations. If nearly all the information fed to you in the media is false, how do you determine what part or percentage is truth? Seek more knowledge. Seek more understanding of all the techniques used against you and your neighbor.

Because the cryptocracy control all opposition groups by placing their members ahead of time in all their operations, they lead strays back to the herd, and there’s nobody left to challenge the lies, the deceptions, the mind control, or expose the hoaxes and the iniquity."

Addendum: "To add to your excellent comment they also actively plant “leaders” (and have this ready to go well ahead of launching such operations) with gravitas into these “oppositional movements” in order to steer those movements in certain pre-ordained directions and more importantly steer them away from discussions, evidence, directions and pathways that will lead to people understanding the foundational misconceptions and frauds that are being perpetrated."

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With everything that is going on you are peeved because he didn't type "Dr"???

If somebody needs to grow up, that would be you, JonesyNotSoSmart.

If you are curious how the vent and Rundeathisnear came into play you could ask Kory (no Dr.) because he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN it killed lots of people in previous trials. Did he know or is he just completely neglectful? Or did he know and did it anyway? Needs to be answered, by him.

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He didn't use remdisivir, he was in group practice ICU setting and it was mandated part of the protocol or the hospitals were docked reimbursement. His colleagues prescribed it. And he did know. Again, read his goddam book goddamit. & shut the hell up on this until you have read it, and don't pay attention to Charles Wright, at least on this point, he has an axe to grind or he is working on a payoff from Pfizer.

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I form my opinions on the information I know. So go fuck yourself.

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No, you & Allen need to grow up. Broad generalizations are akin to racism. I will grant you that the vast majority of my profession acted deplorably, but not all, and even the deplorables are human beings whose mothers, wives, and children love them.

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Roger, FYI questions I posed to Dr. Kory on his substack some days ago:

Tom Tunes

Nov 16

Pierre, to what extent do you think remdesivir worsened the condition of hospitalized Covid patients? Clearly denial of effective drugs increased mortality of these patients, but can you try to describe how ( or if) remdesivir was actually making them sicker because of renal or liver toxicity?

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Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Nov 16


Great question but unfortunately I have not really done a truly deep dive on remdesvir, but the non-pharma conducted studies (independent studies) showed a "trend" to about a 4-5% increased mortality compared to those not on remdesivir. So, definite harm, but not statistically significant but seriously concerning and likely real for a small proportion of patients

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Tom Tunes

Dec 23

As a fellow physician, I have difficult time understanding how you would be taking care of patients in ICU's on remdesivir, by mandate, and yet you wouldn't research remdesivir carefully to see what the literature said about its therapeutic and toxic qualities. This makes no sense to me. Can you please explain why you declined to do that research?

I have another question of an entirely different matter. Your resume' on the FLCCC website clearly states that from 1995-1998, before you had begun your medical school education, that you worked as: 1995–1997 Project Coordinator - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization

Coverage Rates, NYC Dept. of Health and Centers for Disease Control

1997–1998 Project Director - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage

Rates, NYC Dept. of Health and Centers for Disease Control

Pierre, you have been a hero to many, including myself, in the medical freedom movement which has come to be suspicious of not only the Covid19 injection masquerading as a vaccine, but almost all injections masquerading as vaccines. It is disturbing to see this in your resume', to say the least. Can you please clarify what your were doing working for the CDC to improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage Rates?




I've not yet received any reply to the second set of questions, which I find strange. Does the fact that he spent four years working for the CDC in the field of increasing vaxx uptakes in the Medicaid population not concern you? Wouldn't you want to have the answer to that question? If not, why not? Genuinely interested in knowing your thoughts on this. Also, as an MD how were you able to get around the vaxx mandates? I'm a retired MD so I didn't face that kind of coercion, but I am curious as to how likeminded doctors were able to avoid it, or if they outright fought it (admirable, but dangerous, of course).

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I have one word for you. DOMANE. Curious how so many deflectors have infiltrated substack. You've certainly mastered all the useless, too-cute-by-half buzzwords. 😂 HAGD, I won't be replying further.

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what the heck is DOMANE?

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I know about DOMANE. Still doesn't let Kory off the hook. I appreciate the fact he bad mouths the toxic injections but the acting job he has done through this fiasco has been Oscar worthy.

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Quite right. How many hospitals, clinics, urgi-cares, or Drs offices tested, let alone treated for alternate respiratory infections once a PCR test came back positive for Covid?

Is the real explantation for the absence of pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza simply a matter of, you don’t find what you’re not looking for?

Follow-up question: Why is a test that’s only primed to look for covid fragments inside the nostrils and was never intended for definitive diagnosis used for definitive diagnosis?

Seems like a couple of very shaky “firsts” were suddenly the standard of care. PCR and mRNA. Neither of them had previously been deemed appropriate for what they have been ultimately used for.

Add off-label Remdesivir to the mix and the demonization of even the mere suggestion of trying alternatives and it becomes obvious there were powers leading patients down a one-way street straight to hell.

How many actually died of a thing called Covid? Nobody knows.

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Charles seems to deny that there is a condition called COVID19 and it is all a scam to enrich doctors, keep patients beholden to them and the medical industrial complex. I can tell you that it is real clinically. One of the characteristic complaints of COVID patients in the first year and a half to couple years was loss of taste and smell. Not everybody complained of it, but those that did, remarked about it, and it was different than when your nose gets stuffed up for whatever reason and you can't smell because there is no air in the nostrils. It was a neurologic phenomenon involving the olfactory nerves and the 5 (now felt to be 6) senses of taste on the tongue. And it persists for a variable length of time after recovery from the acute illness. It was so characteristic, that I would often, no usually skip doing the nasal swab (which is brief torture, IMHO).

To your questions about why these untested tests becoming routine: The Government made establishing a COVID diagnosis the basis of getting paid, getting paid the bonuses for using Remdisivir (though no where else in the world was it being used at that stage of COVID. Viral cultures would take longer, and at that stage of the illness had a higher probability of being negative (by the time that people got sick enough to be hospitalized they were usually 9 or more days into the illness which is after the phase of viral replication 90% of the time and the illness at that point if they are sick is an excessive inflammatory response to the viral debris etc., triggering clotting, lung inflammation (seen as organizing pneumonia on CT scan ),

Secondary pneumonia is certainly a possibility, especially if the person gets intubated and ventilated.

Treating a ventilator associated pneumonia is a complex thing, and it is often an antibiotic resistant organism. That is one reason not to be throwing antibiotics willy nilly at these patients early in their course, as one is going to select for and cause the emergence of resistant or more resistant organisms (not to mention the complication of C. diff enteritis).

So I call BS on his theory of only medical mismanagement and ventilatory complications by malign doctors.

Charles does understand that taking care of a patient on a ventilator is not an easy task, it is a lot of work, and that is aside from the fact that docs really don't like to hurt their patients, which he seems to disbelieve by his insinuations. Doctors also don't like to have their patients die, and they don't like to have to intubate patients on an emergent basis. I know that you likely know all that but at this point, I am writing also for Charles, now that I am calmer, and not texting on my phone in bed.

No one knows, but Dr. Varone's experience in his hospital in Houston, TX where he had complete freedom to use FLCCC protocols plus whatever he felt was needed as he felt need showed that he could achieve a 20% mortality rate of COVID patients in his ICU, when most people were struggling with 80% mortality more or less, and certainly more than 50%. Add early treatment with hydroxycloroquine (+AZT and zinc, Zelinsky protocol) and ivermectin with or with out HCQ and vitamin C and D supplement, etc, and it is estimated that 600,000 people died in this country alone unnecessarily. Uttar Pradish state in India and selected South American countries depending upon whether their politicians were on the take from Pfizer et al. are also well hidden success stories

COVID treatment and public health management has truly been crimes against humanity. Ditto for the "Vaccine" ongoing misadventure which will likely have a higher death toll.

Doctors were not in charge, but were both willing and sometimes unwilling participants, Bureaucrats, Drug companies and politicians and their lackeys in the press were in charge, and Charles Wright, doesn't think Dr Kory has been punished enough, and he is absolutely unwilling to look at the vast amount of information (summarized in 'The War against Ivermectin', and linked sources elsewhere) to disabuse him of from his jihad.

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Regarding lack of testing for other things once a positive COVID test is found, it depends on the situation, in the ER routinely that do a whole battery of respiratory infection tests (mostly viral, but not all). In our office (and most Drs offices) testing is limited to ones that are suspect (COVID, flu) and are 'treatable'. I believe (and FLCCC docs and others believe) COVID is treatable ( but not every one needs to be treated--typically young healthy people don't need ivermectin for example), treating influenza in my mind is to worth the cost and side effects for most people, and maybe only if they are sick enough to be admitted.

Bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis: acute or subacute cough and no evidence of pneumonia. Variable opinions if it is a self limited illness, usually caused by virus but can be bacterial or environmental (smoke inhalation, asthmatic bronchitis; most often treated empirically with antibiotic (controversial in some peoples mind), usually azithromycin or a tetracycline like doxycycline, both of which are felt to have or have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties , so helpful even if it is virus or smoke inhalation.

Pneumonia is a whole 'nother ball game. Traditionally diagnosed with changes on a chest XR , but with wide use of CT scan, that can miss ~1/3 of pneumonias. There are physical exam of the lung findings, and if I find them with confidence, in many situations, I will not get a chest XR if seeing someone in the office, especially if they are having to pay out of pocket. In spite of what Charles Wright says, a sputum culture is not always helpful or necessary for diagnosis of pneumonia. A sputum culture is only positive about 1/3 of the time (and I am picking these numbers out of my head from memory, so may not be exact, but in the ball park--less than half the time, furthermore often the sputum culture is inadequate ( only spit from the mouth or sinus drainage from the back of the throat, not coughed up from the lungs), and/or it grows bacteria that are not what is causing the problem (again, a significant problem from long before Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the WEF, and the CCP even thought about loosing COVID19 on the world to defeat POTUS DJT, because his policies were just too successful, and there was not enough war going on, Oh, I am sorry, you asked me not to be sarcastic, didn't you?). There are blood tests that can be helpful in diagnosing some pneumonias and when I was practicing hospital medicine we would usually get blood cultures (if they were positive we usually concluded that that bug was the cause of pneumonia, especially if it was the same as in the sputum culture, but if there was a difference, we would go with the blood culture result.

(We = my associates, and or general practice of hospital medicine).

Usual hospital practice has shifted over the years and with changing incentives-- some payment systems penalized for not doing all those tests as a mark of low quality, or wouldn't pay you for pneumonia diagnosis without an abnormal CXR or Chest CT scan or positive sputum culture or positive mycoplasma serology. Later with bundled payments, the hospitals got to keep more of the flat fee for pneumonia diagnosis the fewer tests that were run with a good outcome. So all is not black and white or even different shades of grey (gray).

I seriously doubt whether any ICU doc, let alone the infamous Dr. Kory, took care of any ICU patients without some kind of chest imaging, and usually for part of the hospitalization, on a daily basis, if not multiple times a day. I know that was my experience when I was doing hospital medicine.

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For COVID19 (as in most viral infections, the definitive test would be viral culture, but they are expensive and time consuming (I never did look up the time to get a positive result and because of complexity may be more likely to be falsely negative. (Any test can be falsely negative or falsely positive--the hard part is determining what is the true positive standard that you are comparing it to, especially given the first phrase.)

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests take fragments of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and run them them through an nucleic acid polymerase to make a complementary copy of the DNA or RNA strand. For testing purposes with COVID fragment of the viral RNA is subjected to the enzyme. The more times that the test material run through the enzyme (or inactuality copies of the enzyme, the more likely you will get a detectable amount of the complementary RNA (i.e., a. positive test), time estimated or quantitated as number of cycles. Too few cycles and you can get a false negative result, too many, a false positive. In the balance ~30 or 35 cycles are felt to minimize false negative and false positive, and early on this test was often run at 60 cycles--I am unfamiliar with the research that led to those numbers. Both active infection, resolved infection with dead viral parts still laying around can give a positive result.

Rapid Antigen tests (RATs) test for some particular viral protein or part thereof. There has to be virus protein around (usually from live virus, but not always) in sufficient amounts to react with the test reagent and be detected by the naked eye or a fluorescently tagged antibody and read by a machine. Dead virus ( false positive from a resolved infection), not enough virus to be seen (false negative), similar virus reacting with the test reagents (another false negative source--COVID19 isn't the only COVID around. RATs are less sensitive ( more likely to give false negative) but are less likely to give false positive).

The PCR test is used as a confirmatory test because of the lesser sensitivity of the Rapid Antigen tests (RAT), but are easier and quicker to do than viral cultures. A cynic would say also because they can be manipulated by running excessive number of cycles to inflate case numbers. I don't know what proportion of excessive case reporting is due to misuse of the over cycled PCR tests, how much is from testing people who have presymptomatic or asymptomatic COVID cases but are really sick with something else from dental infection to another respiratory infection (viral, bacterial, or fungal, stomach virus, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, motor cycle wreck,GI bleed--been there seen that, kidney infection or kidney failure, etc.

Forgive me if I have mansplained

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Yes, we don't know the answer to your first question.

However the ERs had the ability to co-test, as did we, and we would treat what we found (I quit treating flu with antivirals before COVID, since they are not effective).

First off we did not do (and the practice still does not do PCR tests on our patients in the office.) As soon as it was available we had the ability to co-test for Flu and COVID using rapid antigen testing (NOT PCR) in the office. We were not seeing a lot of Flu when we were seeing COVID, as a matter of fact the were seeing hardly any at all. So, most of our diagnoses were made with rapid antigen testing and only sent off for PCR those that were sick and we had high suspicion for COVID (probably about 10% of our diagnoses IIRC). So, our cases were 90% NOT due to over cycled PCR tests.

I think that most of the Cases were based on a positive COVID test of some kind. I would think that an unknown small percentage of people would be dually infected, and I don't know how you would determine which would be the predominant pathogen absent quantitative viral culture which is expensive, and not widely available.

I think people that claim that COVID19 did not/does not exist are making an argument for which there is not good evidence. I understand that the TPTB have certainly undermined their credibility to the point that people will believe anything except anything remotely close to what the CDC says. I know that Charles W. is wedded to the point of being a conjoined twin to the hypothesis that it is all ventilator associated bacterial pneumonia, but I don't find him credible ( no medical training or expertise, for one).

And I know that Charles will contest anything that I post here, as I have pissed him off so m much on this stack. So be it, I'll take responsibility for my intemperance.

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If you are wondering why antivirals don’t work for influenza I suggest you read The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenbirg

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I’m listening and I’m not challenging that what you’re saying isn’t true.

Two years ago I had what an at-home antigen test indicated was Covid. I was 64 years old and during the course of my lifetime experienced Colds, Sinus Infections, Mono, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hand-Foot-Mouth. Basically everything except Strep and Pneumonia.

Anyway, the Covid symptoms I experienced were extraordinary. Similar but also truly unique from any respiratory virus I’ve experienced before. So I’m not rejecting there indeed was something out there infecting people with bizarrely miserable symptoms.

I do not trust mRNA, Fauci or any of the actors in the field. So I took Ivermectin, D, K, Zinc, NAC and some other things. I had happy hypoxia for two-days. Within 3 days I was well enough to rake leaves and hang Christmas lights. Albeit fighting great fatigue. Never experienced shortness of breath or felt faint.

After 9 days the antigen test indicated no Covid. I did completely lose olfactory acuity which was a bummer. And unfortunately it took forever to return. Even now two years later I’d say my taste buds are not as sharp as they used to be.

The experience convinces me there was some “thing” out there. Call it anything you like. I don’t care. Just don’t call it nothing.

As far as testing goes. I know people that got sick around the same time I did that were miserable but took several antigen tests that came up negative. My neice’s husband after 2wks was finally PCR’d positive. Wound up in the hospital plugged into Remdesivir. Survived and is ok.

Also, in my little corner of the world it appears that virtually everyone that took the injection(s) have had at least two bouts of Covid. I haven’t had so much as a sniffle since. Nor have any of the unvaxxed in my family. Coincidence? I don’t know. I don’t wear silly masks nor bathe in hand sanitizer either. I live same as I did in 2018. Go figure.

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Interesting story. I am 73. I took the vaccine x2 and booster Moderna) because it was a work requirement (my partner some how avoided doing it) and at the time I thought it was a good idea. Subsequently I became aware of side effects, waning effectiveness and stopped getting boosters and stopped recommending them.

I have had COVID twice Labor Day weekend 2022 and this Thanksgiving, took ivermectin and the flccc early treatment protocol. Didn't notice any change in taste or smell myself, but as we were talking over Christmas dinner or later, I. mentioned that I am not sure but my taste has been perverted. Salmon in particular doesn't taste the same nor as good.

And, I as you am absolutely convinced that COVID or something is real, as I never had patients spontaneously complain of taste and smell changes with an acute illness, and I have been in practice for 45 years.

I have also had families where people's tests were negative initially. NO test is perfect, not unique to COVID.

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I appreciate your response. I think you’re honest and well balanced.

I retired from the cardithoracic surgery department at the Cleveland Clinic.

I am not a doctor but was deeply engrained in the surgeon’s world. Knew them well, was in staff meetings, met with interns, sales reps, etc.

My office was past the control desk necessitating me to wear scrubs daily.

I understand medical language and broad strokes of physiology. About the only thing I lack besides a medical degree is experience working directly with patients.

I know what doctors go through. I understand and empathize with their frustrations.

I would ask that you try to attenuate sarcasm as we are all trying with varying degrees of success to understand what happened when the staring gun went off March 2020.

There are a lot of wild claims obfuscating logic which in and of itself is very suspicious.

Medicine is a top down dictatorial business model. From my perspective it’s easily hijacked.

There are only so many excuses I can accept regarding the things that happened within that system.

Looking back at the easy to see, low hanging fruit, forgetting crazy conspiracies there are many things that don’t add up.

Putting some of the pieces together is remarkably easy. Then admittedly it veers off into Crazytown.

Taking a step back, the fact is that in any emergency the first order of business is to tell people to stay calm.

It doesn’t matter if bombs are dropping or someone is in an accident.

The worst thing is to panic thus triggering the fight or flight reptilian portion of the brain.

But the powers that be did the opposite. They went out of their way to scare people.

They had them stampeding for the exits. There was never any sense of “relax, we got this”.

Instead the awaiting exits were house arrest, gagging, and injections. Nuremberg and informed consent trashed.

The behavior modification going on was just flat insane.

The things I witnessed people doing in response were sad.

Near as I could tell the fabric of society was ripped to shreds.

This is not a sensible emergency protocol. Period. Unless the goal is to impart mind control over citizens.

Walking through a restaurant masked then unmasking at the table?

Mass protests for an accepted cause but shutting down churches is ok?

Music masks make sense?

From the beginning our betters sounding the alarms never seemed worried.

Starting with British Dr Ferguson caught visiting his mistress during the very lockdown he authored followed by a ton of “rules for thee are not for me” authority figures.

I have a good memory and can name them and their contradictions but I’m tired of tapping this out on my phone.

The bottom line is, you were as bamboozled as the rest of us. Bullshitted we were on multiple levels. Still are.

So be a little patient because the lies, contradictions, misdirection and whom it benefited as we were being herded is pretty plain to see.

What’s not so easy is method and motivation. But one cannot deny there is a scheme afoot. And it isn’t over yet.

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IMO zero died from Covid. They died from many other causes that were miscoded as covid deaths due to a fraudulent PCR test incapable of diagnosing diseases and from a coding system that was changed to further falsify a covid death count. Many died from H1N1 that magically disappeared when “covid” arrived but most died from medical malpractice through the improper use of ventilators, the use of Remdezivir and other drugs that shut down the immune system and caused organ failure and bacterial pneumonia. There was no viral pneumonia. That is why the propaganda machine was so quick to shut down doctors like Andrew Sidel early in the plandemic because they had recognized the truth. It was not viral infection.

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The thing they called Covid was not nothing. Whether it’s called a virus, bioweapon, poison, chimera, or chemical weapon, this “thing” sickened people with extraordinary symptoms. Mortality struck the old and infirm.

The distribution of illness was never consistent. After several months the “thing” was fizzling out. So they used fear mongering to dial neuroticism to an 11. And, nonsensical PCR testing to keep it all going way past its expiration date. There’s no such thing as variants.

Every respiratory illness was diagnosed as covid. And no other medical protocol beyond Remdesivir and vents were tolerated. No repurposed drugs, vitamins, or supplements could even be whispered without severe ridicule and vicious blowback.

Undoubtedly the vast majority of patients died from maltreatment, intolerance to approved protocols and oxidative stress from ventilation. All were counted as covid deaths.

The “vaccines” heretofore generically called injections counterintuitively coincided with an uptick in deaths that surpassed the initial death count from the thing they called covid.

All of this strongly points to a pattern that suggests a deadly scheme was perpetrated on the world’s citizens that initiated many benefits to those purveyors of a global reset.

It is no secret the economies of almost all countries are on quicksand. We saw what happened during the PIIGS crises of 2008. Global warming created an entire green industry out of thin air that helped kick the can down the road.

But the road is running out and the hyper wealthy are not about to do nothing and fall off a cliff. They’ve got a plan. A vision for how things need to move forward. The pandemic was the initiation of that plan.

Time was you were born and plugged into a system whereby you chased a carrot on a stick contributing to wealth creation from which you got crumbs while they stole a whopping cut until you outlived your usefulness.

Nowadays national debt all over the world including the USA is skyrocketing to untenable levels and automation is rendering our individual contribution to wealth creation obsolete. The world is in an economic death spiral.

If you were them what would you do?

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I used Occams Razor method as well. So did many others. That’s how they realized the spread of covid mirrored the roll out 5G. Two different universities did studies that proved it was more than correlation and even if it was only correlation why didn’t the establishment do a deep dive into it to disprove the possibility. Instead they censored, ridiculed, gaslit and lied for two years while people died. I asked you your opinion on the article I linked about the Spanish flu plandemic but so far it’s been nothing but crickets. That furthers my resolve that you are controlled opposition shill here doing damage control. In regard to doctor Kimber. He is no capable of writing the material being posted in his name. I screen shot two of the three reviews I seen on him. “This man cannot put two words together”and “this man cannot make a sentence to save his life”. I’m guessing your writing for both of yous or maybe your part of a group of shills here doing damage controll. I see that happen lots on Twitter and on Substack as well. The good news is all of this has been recorded. There will be justice. The shills will be held accountable as well.

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That’s pretty insulting given that I’ve been trying to be as kind and balanced as possible. Do think I’m incapable of telling you you’re a fucking pig headed asshole that cannot handle a divergent opinion without threats and labeling? That’s the kind of tactic the Left uses all the time. Sounds you are the one spreading psyops by deliberately creating diversion and division which is a known intelligence tactic. The more you write the more you sound exactly like the thing you’re accusing others of being. Yet another intel tactic. So, I conclude it is you whom shall be held accountable.

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Every medical condition is a cause and effect scenario. The effect is the easy part because it’s right under our noses plain to see. The cause is where things can get complicated and the real work begins.

The pandemic is no different. We see the effects everywhere. Easy to identify. And there’s no doubt Covid is very suspicious on multiple levels.

What’s worrisome is the splintering off of opinions regarding the cause. I had a gentleman arguing with me who insisted they put Covid into his Head & Shoulders shampoo. No joke.

Here’s the thing. Charles, myself, you, Patrick, Dr Kimber and thousands more are all aligned in that we’re all passionate about human life and angry that something compromised our most precious possession. Our health. Where we diverge is the cause.

When it comes to EMFs the short answer is, anything is possible I suppose. But I don’t (and can’t) know for sure. I’m always suspicious when these solutions necessitate product purchases.

There are so many things people are suspicious of. Is fluoride in the drinking water bad for us? Maybe. Roundup give us cancer? Maybe. Is there snake venom in the water? Maybe. Are chem trails spreading poison? Maybe. Are 5G microwave triggering nano bots inside the vaccinated? Maybe. Did they spike household products like the aforementioned shampoo. Maybe.

Decades ago I read an article in National Geographic. Scientists had run tests on random people and found traces of dozens of chemicals from all sorts of environmental factors such as clothes dye, food additives, perfumes in soaps, etc. They posed the question, how harmful are these things that humans have not had time to adapt to?

There’s lots to consider and lots to worry our lives away over if we choose to do so.

When I’m faced with these impossible situations I try to use the Occam’s Razor method of deduction whenever possible. I try to weigh the levels of proof, logic, and historical reasoning. If I hear galloping I think of horses not zebras. And, I like to ponder who’s benefiting from pacing and leading opinion?

That’s why I’m skeptical of EMFs. But I could be wrong.

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Simple. Children have a better immune system. As we age our immune system weakens. That is why the eldery were at highest risk. The other cause of death to look at is the rebranding of H1N1. At the onset of this plandemic I had seen information obtained from the CDC website showing the world was in the depths of an H1N1 outbreak in which hundreds of thousands of people had already died. This was quickly suppressed and covered up with the censorship machine already in place. It is my contention that all of the influenza strains of the past have been created by upticks in the electrification of the planet. Arthur Firstenbirg shows the connection between the influenza outbreaks of the past and use of new electrical technologies of the past going back to the late 1800 s and telegraphers disease. What tbs virologists are calling viruses are nothing more than fragments of radiation damaged cells that are apparent when the body does it’s house cleaning. The Spanish flu was radiation sickness created from the exponential growth in use of radios waves during world war 1. I also believe the people on top are well aware of this and have been for a 100 years or more. They have gone out of their way to suppress any of the dangers of EMF radiation since as far back as the 1950s. That is well documented if you were to do the research. There is always a small percentage of people that get sick and/or die with every uptick in electrification on the planet. Every supposed influenza pandemic has even preceded by the onset of new electrical technologies. Go back and research the roll out of 5G and the spread of “covid”. I did in real time. So did so many others. A university in Barcelona did a study on it that showed the connection it was irrefutable, they were connected. That was immediately shut down and damage control swarmed in.

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Infants I would argue, have a budding immune system. Incomplete and vulnerable due to a lack of exposure to all the things one encounters through one’s life. So, while *maybe* they’d fair better they would definitely get real sick first. The elderly are on a downhill slide to decrepitude so defenses in them and others who are immune compromised do wane. The largest demographic by far are the people in-between that exhibited mostly mild symptoms, or none at all. The inconsistencies are too prevalent to support the blanketed 5G microwave radiation theory.

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Lol. Didn’t you show shoe your true colours. Do you shills get paid more money to shut down the talk of this being a 5G related pandemic. Do some research on symptoms of mild radiation sickness. They are same as covid symptoms. Now check symptoms of acute radiation sickness. They are the same as Marburg disease. Hmm?

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My true colors are: I’m not in a cult. I’m not signed minded. I will listen. I will decide if something sounds logical, rational, sensible. I’m wary of those who are too wedded to theories they cannot prove. Hyperbole is not helpful. I don’t blame people for being passionate over the scamdemic. I think we should stand firm and expand on what we know. Be more malleable on what we don’t know and cannot prove.

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The illness followed the 5G roll out. It was identical to radiation sickness. It was not accidental and it was not a virus. It was radiation sickness. Many health professionals had no idea at first but slowly many woke up. A very small percentage fought back a spoke out. Most didn’t. It is the ones that didn’t for whatever reason are complicit in this depopulation agenda and should face Nuremberg type trials.

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If the culprit is radiation I’m left to wonder how it is infants exhibit no ill effects? But as the age range increased severity worsened. This thing called covid was an old person’s disease. Italy from which all the fear mongering began and whose data was used by Dr Neal Ferguson to author his dire predictions and lockdown strategies later fessed up it was people in their 80s with multiple comorbidities that were the demographic in their grim data. In my own family the young people that got sick got over it quickly and had much lower severity than their parents. Furthermore not everyone in families caught “covid” despite living under the same roof. Radiation whether 5G or otherwise would not discriminate in this manner. Young people didn’t start dying until the injections rolled out.

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The actual term for the terminal condition for many, if not most of the terminal pulmonary problems is an organizing pneumonia (the term pneumonia doesn't necessarily mean an infectious process, process and that diagnosis is typically a chest CT diagnosis and was a process that was recognized in other settings prior to COVID 19 and responds (if it does) to high dose steroids (often beyond what the NIH protocols studied and therefore what the physicians were 'allowed' to do--and what the physicians were allowed to do was usually determined what the hospital pharmacy would dispense. Pulmonary Embolism and thrombosis also contributed to death. Secondary bacterial infection certainly played a role in ventilated patients, but I doubt that it was as big a factor as 'Dr Charles Wright' thinks it is.

Ivermectin has anti-inflammatory properties that would play a role in the hyperimmune response and was felt to be a factor. I don't know if the sensitivities to ivermectin of the infecting bacteria in the bacterial pneumonias seen at whatever frequency or found on autopsy have been determined, so what 'Dr. Charles Wright' opines is pure speculation IMHO.

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The power of propaganda is so strong. But you are right. The protocols are what killed. The main benefit of Ivermectin was in treating bacterial infections intentionally caused by hospitals, although it was described that "COVID" patients were cured by Ivermectin.

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The actual term for the terminal condition for many, if not most of the terminal pulmonary problems is an organizing pneumonia (the term pneumonia doesn't necessarily mean an infectious process, process and that diagnosis is typically a chest CT diagnosis and was a process that was recognized in other settings prior to COVID 19 and responds (if it does) to high dose steroids (often beyond what the NIH protocols studied and therefore what the physicians were 'allowed' to do--and what the physicians were allowed to do was usually determined what the hospital pharmacy would dispense. Pulmonary Embolism and thrombosis also contributed to death. Secondary bacterial infection certainly played a role in ventilated patients, but I doubt that it was as big a factor as 'Dr Charles Wright' thinks it is.

Ivermectin has anti-inflammatory properties that would play a role in the hyperimmune response and was felt to be a factor. I don't know if the sensitivities to ivermectin of the infecting bacteria in the bacterial pneumonias seen at whatever frequency or found on autopsy have been determined, so what 'Dr. Charles Wright' opines is pure speculation IMHO.

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