Apr 19Liked by Charles Wright

Such a harrowing story , here in New Zealand we didn’t have a lot of those ventilators, our corrupt government spent a lot of money getting them here , make no mistake this was a world wide assault on our populations, and let it be known our so called kind leader at the time Jacinda Ardern is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, she was held up as the darling of MSM around the globe , our leaders truly threw us to the dogs , my heart goes out to you , the truth is rising , the truth is pouring forth around the world , I see it everywhere, the masses cognitive dissonance will be broken soon , it’s preservation, but this is huge , what they did to us is inhumane, stay strong, hold the line , god bless and help us

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This is why we kept my mom out of the hospital which felt so strange at the time. Yes she survived. https://fastwell.substack.com/p/the-day-my-mom-almost-died

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I will never trust a doctor again in a Western country. If I do ever find myself in a hospital I would take photos of everyone involved in my treatment, & post them online at accountability websites, and sent to friends, especially writers who might publish & expose the murderers posing as MDs.

Medical staff killing patients for profit need to face justice. Imagine too, being one if these Kevorkian doctors in the afterlife, facing an eternity of accountability.

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This is so appalling to listen to. Doctors, nurses, technicians, all collaborated in killing patients for the monetary compensation provided by governments. And she's inquired 40+ lawyers, none of whom would take the case without a huge capital deposit.

Maybe Western countries richly deserve the globalist demons killing us.

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This is the truth ! We are living in an evil world, they kill the innocent for blood money and then they are protected !

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OMG What a tragedy. My condolences.

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Please share, I want the world to know what happened to my beautiful daughter.

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She should try now....maybe now someone would take the case....... she should reach out to Elon 😉 he seems to be paying people's legal bills these days..... https://nationalpost.com/news/world/elon-musks-x-to-pay-legal-bills-for-vaccine-doubting-canadian-doctor

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I will write to him. Thank you!

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This is amazing! You are a trail blazer! Keep up the work you are doing. You are showing others the way forward. There is no alternative but to keep fighting for as long as you have a pulse.

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Until my last breath I will fight!

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