Recent studies on Pneumonia have proven Dr. Mary Bowden right on Ivermectin, and proven Houston Methodist CEO Marc Boom wrong.
The opinions expressed here are my own. In among the most horrible acts of crime in the history of the United States, reminiscent of the Holocaust of Jews in concentration camps in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, Hospitals across the United States have intentionally killed “COVID” patients to receive government subsidies. Dr. Peterson Pierre described the evil financial incentives in early 2022:
This is Doctor Peterson Pierre with America's Frontline Doctors bringing you today's frontline flash. So the current situation is this. If you have COVID and you end up at the hospital, you're put on a rigid protocol. And there is high mortality rate in the hospital. And your family is kept in the dark as to what's happening. So what's going on here.
Number 1, the CARES Act is providing bonus payments to hospitals whenever you have a diagnosis of COVID.
And then number 2, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is waiving patient rights. This is a deadly combination. So here's what happens. You get a payment because you offer a free COVID test in the Emergency room. You get a "boost payment" if you have a diagnosis of COVID.
Number 3, you get another bonus payment if you are admitted with COVID.
Number 4, you get another bonus payment if you're put on Remdesivir.
Number 5, another bonus payment if you're put on a mechanical ventilator.
Number 6, another 20% bonus if the diagnosis on your death certificate says "COVID," even though you may not have died from COVID.
And then number 7, there's bonus payments to coroners. Do you understand the gravity of what's happening right now? The Biden Administration is literally paying hospitals to kill people. That's what's happening. This is terrible. We need to stop that. These are real human lives we are talking about. They're priceless. It's estimated that about $100,000 per patient is what the hospitals get. Think about that.
In November 2021, Houston Methodist Hospital suspended Dr. Bowden for “spreading dangerous misinformation which is not based in science.” In a gutless and cowardly manner consistent with medical professionals who would kill their patients for cash, Houston Methodist did not inform Dr. Bowden of her suspension, but instead informed the Houston Chronicle, who in turn contacted Dr. Bowden for comment. That was the first that Dr. Bowden heard of her suspension. She resigned in protest.
Regarding the use of Ivermectin for “COVID” in Hospitals, there is no need to debate theories of virology in my opinion. A virus was not responsible for “COVID” deaths just because someone wrote those letters on a death certificate. A very large percentage of so-called “COVID” patients were put on a protocol that created pneumonia that killed them.
A recent study from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern describes the shockingly high rates of pneumonia and death in the so-called “COVID” patients. This study was in a single center in Illinois of 585 ventilated patients. I wouldn’t doubt that the percentages of death and pneumonia were even higher in some hospitals in Texas. Below is an excerpt from Feinberg School at Northwestern.
Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia Drove Many COVID-19 Deaths
Secondary bacterial infection of the lung (pneumonia) was extremely common in patients with COVID-19, affecting almost half the patients who required support from mechanical ventilation. By applying machine learning to medical record data, scientists at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have found that secondary bacterial pneumonia that does not resolve was a key driver of death in patients with COVID-19, results published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Bacterial infections may even exceed death rates from the viral infection itself, according to the findings. The scientists also found evidence that COVID-19 does not cause a “cytokine storm,” so often believed to cause death.
Pneumonia is caused by bacteria in the lungs. Ivermectin is derived from excretions of Streptomyces avermitilis bacteria. These excretions kill other bacteria. Ivermectin works on pneumonia. When you take so-called “COVID” patients off the ventilators, deadly Remdesivir, and deadly opioids, and give them Ivermectin, vitamins, proper nursing, and nourishment, they recover. When you keep these patients on ventilators to receive money, give them Remdesivir to shut down their organs to receive money, and finish them off with opioids to create falsified “COVID” deaths to receive money, you have committed Capital Murder. This has been done on a massive scale in the United States. There is no excuse for it. I have no tolerance for it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola stated the obvious on June 8, 2023: This Government-Approved COVID Treatment Was a Death Trap
Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.
Dr. Bowden was part of an effort to supply Ivermectin to hospitalized “COVID” patients. The clear truth of Life and Death in statistics speak for themselves, whatever your theory of Medicine. Dr. Bowden reported the truth on Twitter, Feb 27, 2023:
I reconnected w/ (Beth Parlato) over the weekend…hero lawyer who represented Jason Jones and his wife. She and co-counsel Ralph Lorigo filed 189 cases for hospitalized patients trying to get ivermectin. 80 cases went to hearings/trial. They won about 40 and lost about 40.
With the exception of Jason Jones, every single case lost the client died. Every case that was won, where the client got the ivermectin, the patient lived with exception of 2 (38/40.)
The remaining 109 cases that didn’t go to a hearing, unfortunately the court system along with hospital attorneys delayed proceedings…all those clients died before we could get into court.
There were also cases where they worked out the protocol with the hospital attorneys and the hospital agreed to give ivermectin and they didn’t need to file a case.
Beth said they are horrible stats for an atty. The issue was the politics. She would look up judge and knew if the judge was a democrat they would lose and if a republican they would win.
That’s how it ended up shaking out. It was divided on party lines. They never won a case with a Democrat judge, and only lost one case with a Republican judge
Beth said “Ivermectin became the conspiracy drug for the right wing…that’s how it was portrayed in the media.”
Dr. Bowden is currently fighting for her license to practice Medicine before the Texas Medical Board.
I hope she wins.
On the other side, I look forward to the day when Marc Boom, President and CEO of Houston Methodist, is fighting for his right to live in a Texas criminal court. I hope he loses.
Below, Marc Boom describes how the mRNA vaccines were “amazingly safe .. probably the most studied drug we’ve ever seen.” This is a complete lie of course. The deadly and useless vaccines were authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization, bypassing the FDA approval process. Marc Boom is a paid liar and oversaw a government-authorized death program at Houston Methodist.
(1) Texas Penal Code.
Criminal Homicide - Chapter 19.
There are 4 classes of Criminal Homicide in Texas: Murder, Capital Murder, Manslaughter, and Criminally Negligent Homicide.
Section 19.02 (b) (1) of the Texas Penal Code qualifies Murder as: "if he intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual."
The charge of Murder can be raised to Capital Murder under certain circumstances.
Section 19.03 (3) says: "A person commits an offense (Capital Murder) if the person commits murder as defined under Section 19.02 (b)(1) and: (3) the person commits the murder for remuneration or the promise of remuneration or employs another to commit the murder for remuneration or the promise of remuneration;"
Charles Wright
Saw a spot on War Room with Dr. Naomi Wolf this past Saturday that dovetails perfectly with your article. She describes the HHS script of the supposed safety of the bioweapon shot ("Vaxx") OB/GYN's have been forced to adhere to with "educating" their patients & the associated financial incentives, using taxpayer dollars, that accompany the compliance to these brazen & shameless lies. If doctors don't adhere to the official line, they have to return the money to HHS. (She even exposes a portal where doctors register to get their blood money payments.) She goes on to mention how the medical board has filed disciplinary charges against Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, in line with those being leveled against Dr. Bowden. These unconscionable acts that are resulting in the murder of babies & the persecution of truth-telling doctors, the TRUE healers & heroes, must be stopped & criminally prosecuted immediately. Bannon specifically asks her about contacting AG's & prosecutors. I'd like to believe there may be some action on this front as a result - definitive, overdue action instead of just talk. Thank you for continuing to "bang the drum" on these atrocities, Charles.
Small correction. The CARES act which was written by both parties was passed during Trump’s tenure which means that the extra payments for the Rona scam were passed on his watch. Biden is just carrying on with what Trump put in motion. He also gave big pharma immunity for the deaths and injuries we are seeing.
But in what sane world would deaths be insensitive instead of healing patients? And because of this excessive transfer of money out of the Medicare system it’s going to go bankrupt much sooner. Sad that republicans who are bitching about the high cost of Medicare and wants it cut didn’t have a problem passing the legislation that cost it more money. Oh well maybe Ron Johnson can hold a hearing on that….I’ll wait.