Thank you for continuing to highlight the real warriors like Dr. Mary Bowden and the despots who have pushed deadly meds and transfections on us. By chance, a couple of years ago I had researched Boom and his wife when I read that he was the first hospital executive to mandate the transfections. I learned that he was working on creating his own C19 RNA transfections:


Also, his wife, Julie Boom: "Director of Infant and Childhood Immunization for the Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research and Director of the Immunization Project at Texas Children’s Hospital; Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Baylor College of Medicine"


The bottom line is always the same: it's all about money. These power couples in the science/medical fields only care about enriching themselves, they don't give a damn about the lives they destroy. Using us as lab rats is acceptable to them, they get to travel the world and buy expensive horses.

Thank you once again for always standing up to the bullies who are deliberately destroying the health and well being of unsuspecting Americans. We must win this domestic war.

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I can’t wait until Trump gets in and blows up the justice department

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I have yet to hear former President Trump speak up for Americans killed and injured by the hospital protocols and vaccines. While I would expect Trump to wage a war with the DOJ over his personal legal issues, I would also expect the DOJ to continue to turn a blind eye to this Holocaust if he is re-elected.

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Small correction. The CARES act which was written by both parties was passed during Trump’s tenure which means that the extra payments for the Rona scam were passed on his watch. Biden is just carrying on with what Trump put in motion. He also gave big pharma immunity for the deaths and injuries we are seeing.

But in what sane world would deaths be insensitive instead of healing patients? And because of this excessive transfer of money out of the Medicare system it’s going to go bankrupt much sooner. Sad that republicans who are bitching about the high cost of Medicare and wants it cut didn’t have a problem passing the legislation that cost it more money. Oh well maybe Ron Johnson can hold a hearing on that….I’ll wait.

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Thank you for the note on when the CARES act began.

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I’m including this link to an older essay written by Kyle Young on Trump’s role in starting the Covid bio weapons program. Trump supporters tell us that he was lied to by Fauci and friends, but this essay blows their excuse up. Bigly as Trump likes to say.


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If Kyle Young would do some research, he'd know that Ron DeSantis proclaimed a health emergency BEFORE Trump’s health emergency, also Republican Governor Henry McMaster is on record bragging about pushing Trump to issue the health emergency EO. It's not about Fauci, it's about Republican Governors wanting to get their hands on money, promised to them in a Bill that had been initiated long before Trump signed it into law.

He would also know, as Karen Kingston has reported, the scamdemic was in motion way before 2020, we've had several dry runs. She frequently mentions Obama. Maybe Kyle can explain why, on 01/19/2017, Obama changed the rules affecting medical trials, to take effect in 2018. I'll wait for his explanation.

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Both administrations played a role. I’m trying to move beyond politics into prosecutions. No one had a right to do what was done in these hospitals no matter what the government authorized. It’s still going on. We need to set aside differences and put a stop to this. Thank you for your comments.

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Saw a spot on War Room with Dr. Naomi Wolf this past Saturday that dovetails perfectly with your article. She describes the HHS script of the supposed safety of the bioweapon shot ("Vaxx") OB/GYN's have been forced to adhere to with "educating" their patients & the associated financial incentives, using taxpayer dollars, that accompany the compliance to these brazen & shameless lies. If doctors don't adhere to the official line, they have to return the money to HHS. (She even exposes a portal where doctors register to get their blood money payments.) She goes on to mention how the medical board has filed disciplinary charges against Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, in line with those being leveled against Dr. Bowden. These unconscionable acts that are resulting in the murder of babies & the persecution of truth-telling doctors, the TRUE healers & heroes, must be stopped & criminally prosecuted immediately. Bannon specifically asks her about contacting AG's & prosecutors. I'd like to believe there may be some action on this front as a result - definitive, overdue action instead of just talk. Thank you for continuing to "bang the drum" on these atrocities, Charles.


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Thanks again for your informative comments Suzanne.

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