I’m pretty sure it was well known before the pandemic that you are likely to get bacterial pneumonia with a respiratory viral illness in the ICU anyway, I dont think that’s news. Didn’t Fauci himself do a study on the Spanish flu that determined that it was secondary bacterial infections that actually killed most people during that (actual) pandemic?

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I appreciate your writing and everyone else who is shining the light on this subject. The doctors were pissed at my mom for not letting them vent my dad. I am surprised they didn't do it anyway. They gave him remdesivir against our wishes. They still get ya with drug induced stroke (aka agitation) & pneumonia (covid pneumonia). They really thought the whole process through.

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Less talk, more action! People have been making these accusations for a couple yrs now. Take the evidence and have a court case.....🤡🌎

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Good for him for speaking truth to the world. I hope he doesn't get deplatformed for truth-telling like all of us normal citizens do.

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yup i've been saying this since 1994 when he mirdird my brother

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it was all planned mirdird. all of it

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They should have known not to use an antiviral at a late stage to trial it’s effectiveness. Antivirals are only good in the beginning replicating phase. The patients they described obviously were past that phase and should have received massive amounts of steroids to stop the inflammation. They absolutely had to know this. It doesn’t make sense.

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this just reveals how "expert" they are!! ha! idiots and criminals

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How strange that Bobby and his Santa Monica Mountains BFF James O'Keefe didn't track their Pfizer "bombshell" guy Jordon Walker up the chain to Boston Consulting Group (WEF) and the Remdesivir White Papers which he co-authored, promoting the same bullshit studies on the twice failed antiviral.



Strange that Bobby doesn't mention that DTRA/DOMANE (Malone consulted) also spat out Remdesivir.


And Kirsch and Malone and Trevor Fitzgibbons had George Webb tossed out of their Atlanta Litigation Party after issuing him a press pass. Webb wanted to ask Malone about DOMANE and Remdesivir.




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If he did that, then he won't have the financial support he needs to win the DNC.

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To the richest man in the Federal Government...you can run but you can’t hide ...your count down has just begun

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Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, & thousands of other WEF Members collaborated together, to create a ‘Plannedemic’ and to create fear monger propaganda via The WEF’s BigMedia Propaganda and Lies to manipulate the world’s population.

The Rockefeller’s are members of The Illuminati; Free Masons; Skull & Bones; and The World Economic Forum. These are Secret Societies that consist of the most wealthiest people in the world, The most influential families in the world, the most politically connected and powerful people in the world and most of them are descendants from The Thirteen Original Tribes, dating back prior to Jesus Christ and The Holy Biblical Scriptures. These Tribal cult members were practising Spiritual Sacrifices by worshipping The Fertility God of BAAL.

This was a widespread Satanic cult that spread throughout ancient Canaanite and Phoenician territories. The Holy Bible’s scriptures mentioned The False God of BAAL, and warned the people to stop sacrificing their children.

This is very significant regarding these so-called Global Elites who are carrying out these horrendous crimes against children by sacrificing them and drinking their blood, which is transformed by terror and the adrenaline glands and chemical reactions which create “Adrenochrome.”

Bill Gates & his Microsoft Engineers & Executive Attorneys filed numerous patents in the USA & at The International Patent Office “Patent-Scope.”

The actual patent was filed and passed.

I will include the Patent Office Link. If you want to dig deep to discover why these Evil people designed the Gain of Function, genetically engineered, DNA 🧬 ALTERING MRNA Pandemic then please do your diligent research and you will find the truth: Complete Control over Mankind



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Significant claims of the actual patent were rejected as being "abstract" and thus not specific, and the referenced patent was abandoned. Your statement "The actual patent was filed and passed" is misleading.

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I examined the very same patent shown in your first link.

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You can search the patent by PDF or Illustrations [Drawings] and it is easy to understand what these WEF Cult members are really up to: Complete Control Over Humanity. Make no mistake about why they put Graphene Oxide into their vials 🧪 of Vaccines 💉 Kill Jabs. The Graphene Oxide reacts with 5G, WiFi Cellular Phones, Digital Devices & The Electromagnetic Fields. If you have been Jabbed then you are a magnet.

The Graphene was re-invented by changing its structure and name so that these WEF psychos can patent it also. The Kill Shots alter your DNA 🧬 by creating a third strand of DNA. Why was Biden, Clinton’s, Obama & many world leaders pushing so hard to make us get their Kill Shots? Look up WEF’s New Global Leaders and the names of their members such as Zelensky, Trudeau, Gavin Newsom, Mitt Romney, John Kerry, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson etc. They collectively are involved with forcing Humans into getting their MRNA Jabs.

Look up Yuval Harari who is The WEF Speaker and puppet for Klaus Schwab on Transhumanism. “Humans are Hackable Animals. We have the technology now to make Humans, Cyborgs …”


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Look it up on Patent Scope International Official Website #WO2020060606 “Digital Monetary System” Bill Gates/Microsoft

I had not provided any patent no. There are actually many others that Bill Gates/Microsoft have filed in the United States & @ Patent Scope International Office Website

This particular one gives a Server [Someone who has the ability to access all humans who have been microchipped with their nanotubes of Graphene Oxide & Serial #of their Kill Jabs] the humans a specific Digital Monetary Crypto Currency award for being ‘Obedient.’

Their plan was to inject “All Humans” and monitor their organs (brain activity, heart, sexual activity, GPS, moods, conduct etc.) The Graphene Oxide is very significant for their “Transhumanism.” It makes humans turn into magnetic objects [5G Electro-Magnetic Fields are everywhere now. NOT A COINCIDENCE


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