Hang this pedo bastard HIGH!

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Ebola is purely fictional. It's yet another construct of the pandemic industrial complex/biosecurity complex with multiple purposes attached.

Ebola is cover for industrial operations in Africa which produce major pollutants that have no regulations/oversight in Africa—mining, offshore oil exploration and drilling, rubber-tapping,etc.- Firestone rubber plantation- massive water pollution directly into once potable water that the locals still must drink from as there is no other source of drinking water etc.

The locals curiously then get the same symptoms as "Ebola" after drinking the polluted water.

Plus: Insecticides/Banned Pesticide Dumping in Africa, indoor spraying- walls in West African homes coated with insecticides: carbamates and organophosphates are increasingly important alternatives to pyrethroids for indoor residual spraying.

Toxic Vaccine Campaigns in Africa- Beta-lactam Antibiotics- Pharma Profiteering etc. Same story in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo.

Ebola is the cover story. Cover for good old colonialism- land theft- scramble for Africa etc. US also uses Ebola/Marburg cover con to justify moving troops into area (AFRICOM) in order to clamp down certain areas- control a restive populace, prevent other competing entities from gaining a foothold on the region etc. Curiously those areas "hit hard by Ebola" are resource rich.

But no, it's all Ebola/Marburg has nothing to do with oil reserves off the Liberian Coast, diamond mines in Sierra Leone, coltan in the Congo etc...

Same as it ever was.

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:)) like

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Loved how you referred to the AK-47 as Africa's choice of countermeasures. Thank you for shining the light on the true agenda of this one world globalist infernal murderer, Tedros, who hides behind the skirts of the WHO to conduct his evil deeds.

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Good article but I think "This Evidence forms the basis for which I call upon the military of the United States to defend the citizens of the United States." is a bit naive. The Covid Scam, from Wuhan to Washington, was a US military operation. Given what other atrocities our Military has supported (all of America's lie-based wars) good luck with the Military stepping up to defend Americans. We talk about the crimes of Fauci. What about the crimes of the US Military's commanders who forced the killer Covid Shots on innocent young men and women whose only crime was loving their county and trusting their leaders? You want to trust these Clowns to defend you against the global Medical Mafia? Good luck. hope you're well.

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If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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Thank you Charles. Soon we will have no place to live free, if we don't speak up.

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That terrorist can go have sex with himself!

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Dissolving Illusions. By Dr Suzanne Humphries calls Vs Witches Brew while she exposes the fraudulent history of their “so called” success.

Sanitation, and good nutrition support the Creator’s immune defense system which Vs destroy.

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Anti vax is based on science, vax, science fiction.

Here an unrelated related you may enjoy “I am not religious but this kicks … “


Thanks for sharing

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But strangely enough, Tedros is one of us. He remains staunchly unvaccinated in protest against the lack of vaccines in Africa.


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Excellent article and really great idea to call the WHO and the psychopaths at the WHO be called out for what they truly are.

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Teddy is not a medical doctor; he has a PhD in public or some kind of poor health.

“Reject the notion of public health. It is a scam devised by collectivist authoritarians who seek to play Sim City with your life.” —Jordan Schachtel

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That criminal needs to feel the heat! He really needs a huge dose of his own medicine!!!

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There is no science behind vaccines. None. Just a persuasive story and a century + of heavy and persistent propaganda.

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Well, I think there's plenty of science, just none showing any benefits of vaccines.

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I think you mean there's plenty of "science".... I propose we called paid "science" for pharma something entirely different. They pretend they're doing science or they do science and then hand it to the marketers and it becomes 'not' science.

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Tedros, and other pandemic criminals, feel “safe” as long as people and corporations who protect them see them as useful to their business interests. Once this is no longer valid, they will be looking for “shelter”. Tedros is feeling the heat because the agenda is not working as planned. But, there is and alway was plan B, or rather, it was always plan “A”- the support for UN.

WHO has no enforcement authority to do anything about any country that doesn’t comply with WHO’s regulations. But the ‘Mother Ship” UN does, because it’s a “peaceful organization” that uses force to establish peace and order. So, fast forward, once WHO failed as some of us predicted, the UN will be promoted as the solution worldwide problems, including the so-called pandemics…

Simply put, why not use some peaceful force to keep everyone “healthy” and inline with what is the best for everyone?

This propaganda will likely continue from now on but, there is one powerful opponent that may not like it, that got tricked or bribed into compliance with the staged pandemic - Organized Religion.

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Yes, that was a topic of discussion after his operations in Congo had stalled due to rebellion.

March 9, 2019: "WHO has requested and received further support from UN and local police forces to protect the treatment centres." https://www.who.int/news/item/09-03-2019-who-director-general-reiterates-commitment-to-ebola-response-despite-another-attack

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He's actually quite incompetent isn't he? I wonder if he'll commit suicide in the near future?

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If it comes to pass, no great loss!

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People must realize, and those running WHO try to keep a tight lid on it, that the WHO was not set up to take care of worldwide health. Health is just a veneer and some morons, like Bill Gates, may have believed it, or chose to believe it. WHO is not about health. It is the World Wealth Organization running money laundering operation for big corporations. It doesn’t take a scientist to see through the veneer. All one has to do is look at prevention. WHO reluctantly promotes prevention, unless there is money in it, like prevention through vaccination… If they are forced to promote prevention, it is just words, and they do nothing about it because there is no money for their clients to be made…

The UN is not a peace organization either. It does the same thing for military industrial complex what WHO does for big pharma and other crime organizations…

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