If you’re like me, you ask questions. Questions like, if the airplanes never hit the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, or a field in Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2001, then what happened to the airplanes? What happened to the people on the airplanes?
On the significant 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001, the Washington Post had to write something. What did the “Democracy dies in Darkness” guys write about?
Barbara Olson.
They titled their September 11, 2011 article, “Ted Olson on loss and love in the decade since 9/11.”
Ted was her husband. He had lost his wife on 9/11. Washington Post:
“Ten years ago, Olson became the most famous person in D.C. to lose a loved one in the terrorist attacks: His wife, conservative commentator Barbara Olson, was on American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon.”
Here’s a clip of Barbara Olson speaking.
Ted and Barbara Olson were Republican insiders in the Bush administration. Pentagon Memorial fund:
The Olsons were a power couple, inviting congressional staffers and Supreme Court justices to their Great Falls home. They also were Republican mainstays: he argued the Florida election case before the U.S. Supreme Court while she helped the Bush team with the legalities of the absentee ballot count.
Barbara became famous when the press reported her calls to her husband from the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77.
Washington Post:
Before she died, Barbara placed two calls to her husband from the hijacked plane. The terrible news spread within minutes, and Olson immediately became Washington’s face of loss.
Pentagon Memorial Fund:
As Olson’s Los Angeles-bound jetliner hurtled instead toward the Pentagon, Olson speed-dialed her husband, U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson, and told him how terrorists had taken over the plane.
They would be the last words he would hear from his wife, an author, former congressional lawyer and criminal prosecutor, whose sharp commentary made her a frequent guest on “Larry King Live” and other television talk shows over the last three years.
Juuuuust one little problem. It was impossible to make phone calls from altitude in 2001. A career flight attendent named Rebekah Roth sat in her hotel room for days, grounded, glued to the TV, listening the news, and couldn’t believe it. She began to research. And research. And research. And she figured out what happened based on those phone call transcripts. The planes were on the ground when the calls were made by flight attendants.
A partial transcript from Rebehak Roth is here on my Substack.
She spoke of the phone calls, and Barbara Olson. I did not save the video before Google/YouTube removed it for “hate speech.” I’ll give a few excerpts.
4:20. I knew there was something very wrong with the cell phone calls coming in.
4:34. I knew that’s impossible, because cell phones didn’t work at altitude.
18:45. In 2001, you might be able to make a quick, 2-second phone call until you hit about 180 feet.
19:14. That’s one of the things that was a red flag. How the hell did they get their cell phones to work? Remember Flight 93, they were en route like well over 45 minutes so they were at 39,000 feet. There’s no way you could be making a 20-minute or 40-minute phone call, which according to the official story, they still say cell phones.
20:00. American Airlines as of January 31, 2001, did not, did not, have a air phone on board working any Boeing 757s, which Barbara Olson was on American flight 77 that we were led to believe hit the Pentagon. So impossible. One of the things Ted Olson said when she called collect from her cell, which you cannot do, she says she calls collect from an air phone, which you cannot do either, you had to activate those with a credit card, so their whole story is really bogus.
21:22. She went to Hollywood. Now we know the connection between the Mossad, CIA and Hollywood, especially HBO, which is where she went to work. Now for a decade, she worked at HBO. All we know is she worked for Stacey Keach productions, who we don’t know if she was in acting classes, we don’t know if she was acting, you cannot find anything. She could have been the coffee girl. We don’t know what she did. There is no information available on what she was doing there. However, then she, after a decade in Hollywood, she went to Yoshiba University Law School, which is a Jewish law school, I believe it’s in New York. She graduated from there and immediately went to the top of the pig pile, she went to Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering in Washington D.C. Now let me tell you a little something about this company that she went to work for. This is a law firm where Cutler from the Wilmer Cutler and Pickering Law firm was the White House Counsel for President Carter and Bill Clinton. The other partner, C. Boyden Gray, he was attorney for Vice President and then President George Bush. Now there’s a couple of other interesting names you’ll find here that are also with the same law firm Barbara Olson was with. Jamie Gorelick, from the 9/11 Commission was also a partner there. .. So was William Weld. .. Massachusetts was very very involved in the entire 9/11 story. 23:20. Some of their clients, in alphabetical order, Achamie Technologies, that’s the company that was owned by the passenger in 9B, the highly-trained assassin… was the CEO and founder of Achamei Technologies, and wouldn’t you know it they’re a client of the same law firm Wilmer, Cutler, and Pickering Barbara Olson worked at. They also represent another company, an Israeli company called AMDOCS.
It’s worth reading the transcript of Rebekah’s interview. I wish I’d made a more complete one before Google/Youtube nuked it. (If anyone saved the video I’d like to have a copy). Rebekah talked about the new technologies on the planes that allowed remote-controlled flight, the Air Force base where she believes the planes were taken to, and so forth.
Ted Olson, her husband, couldn’t explain the phone calls he allegedly received from his wife on September 11, 2001. Below is an interview of Ted Olson on August 8, 2014.
Ted Booth, 2:17:
“I don’t know how Barbara managed to make her cell phone work, or make the cell phones… in those days you could make phone calls, but they were up in the air.
But wait there’s a happy ending. Ted found love again.
Washington Post:
Olson said he was determined not to be consumed by his sorrow. His mother, then 81 years old, told him: “Ted, you’ve got to get back on your feet and get out there. You’re a young man.” He went back to work the following Monday and argued his first case as solicitor general three weeks later.
Six months later, he was introduced to Lady Booth, a tax attorney from Chicago. The two began dating and quickly became serious. "I felt that some people would feel that I was moving too fast. Everyone has their own idea about how someone should cope and how much you engage in mourning. I believe Barbara — because she was so passionate about life — would have wanted me to live my life."
They married in 2006.
Lady Booth is supposedly from Kentucky and has two sisters.
It just so happens that Lady Booth looked a lot like Barbara Olson with a little bit of plastic surgery. I don’t know who to give credit to for making the comparison image below, but it’s been floating around the net for awhile.
When I first looked into this, I thought, seriously? This is some internet rumor. Then I found the Washington Post article. This is the picture the Washington Post included in their 10-year anniversary article:
I dunno, kind of close. 10-year anniversary of 9/11, and that’s what they ran.
So what do you think? I don’t hold onto the Barbara Olson/Lady Booth story as a “proof” that the planes were not crashed on 9/11. I don’t need this kind of evidence to do that. I could do it from the CNN video and structural analysis. But this is one of those intriguing stories.
Charles Wright
I knew that from day 1, no cell phone calls were made from altitude. I flew regularly in those days and sometimes would forget to turn off my cell phone after the announcement. Within a few minutes - no cell phone service. Ever.
I also knew Building 7 was not hit by anything but collapsed at the same "free fall" rate of speed. And many other things. All confirmed over the years by various researchers.
Oh and by the way, how long did it take the thousand-page (more or less) Patriot Act to be drafted, edited, presented, agreed upon, and voted into law?
Brilliant presentation right here.