I do not have your knowledge of science, but I understood this drug has benefits to some diseases, is that not so?
And agh-McCullough is another self-serving louse? He & Dr Malhotra put out that "Until Proven Otherwise" vid re damage to the heart from the cvid vax. Malhotra's ok, right? Kory? Malone?
and somebody should ask mccullough if he disowns this comment as quoted by twc:: "Dr McCullough states that the avian flu H5N1 outbreak is human-made, and is the next disease X."
Kit seems like a rip off too. What little rx's are generics. Are they selling alot of these? I'd rather just be able to get a z pack if I needed it so I don't habe to go to some lunatic dr thst wants to shove a dangerous swab up my nose.
Nope. Visiting friends in NE and they exclaimed “it could happen again” and friend backed her up “and it probably will” that was for me the non believer in all things jabby jab,
I do not have your knowledge of science, but I understood this drug has benefits to some diseases, is that not so?
And agh-McCullough is another self-serving louse? He & Dr Malhotra put out that "Until Proven Otherwise" vid re damage to the heart from the cvid vax. Malhotra's ok, right? Kory? Malone?
Some of the products have medical benefit, although I do not count Tamiflu (Gilead) among them.
Speaking of Hydroxychloroquine in the Fear Kits we see nearly 6,000 Deaths recorded at FAERS
CW thanks for your eternal vigilance. that WW1 fear porn photo of the stretcher is priceless.
meanwhile, gruesome newsom in cali has declared martial law: "all residents are to obey the direction of emergency officials" https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/2024.12.18.24_-SOE-Bird-Flu-GGN-Signed.pdf
and somebody should ask mccullough if he disowns this comment as quoted by twc:: "Dr McCullough states that the avian flu H5N1 outbreak is human-made, and is the next disease X."
i can't leave him a question since i'm not a subscriber
I just hope enough people wised up, and won't fall for this BS again!!
Seems to me that Courageous Discourse is part of the problem not the solution....
Kit seems like a rip off too. What little rx's are generics. Are they selling alot of these? I'd rather just be able to get a z pack if I needed it so I don't habe to go to some lunatic dr thst wants to shove a dangerous swab up my nose.
Zelenko Brand is owned by the same son of a billionaire who controls TWC, if "z pack" refers.
No sir, I was referring to the antibiotic, zithromax (azithromycin)
I’m still waiting for the spike protein blood test.
There is NO "PATIENT HOSPITALIZED" with "tirdflu" ANYWHERE in the USA
Hasn't "Crying Wolf" happened enough yet?
Nope. Visiting friends in NE and they exclaimed “it could happen again” and friend backed her up “and it probably will” that was for me the non believer in all things jabby jab,
My prediction? They will NEVER cry wolf. (REALLY hope I am wrong.)