Mike pompeo. I’ve always had a very bad gut feeling about him. I was on a cruise November 2019 that sailed out of Florida. My second to last day I started feeling sick. The man in the room next door to mine was coughing up a lung that week. It was clear he was not well. The last day of the cruise I fell so ill but took a cold and sinus pill to get the strength to get up and get back home. As we were disembarking, there were many people coming off on stretchers by EMT and had oxygen masks over their face. I looked at my mother knowing something wasn’t right. I made it back home and was sick for weeks. Terribly sick. Come February, I was still not 100% so I went to the ER. They said everything was fine, they weren’t sure of much and sent me home. I personally think it was Covid. Who knows?

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Here is a thought. If the US engineered and released the virus in Wuhan to frame China, perhaps they tried to plant the virus sequence on the WIV database first. Or at least cause enough trouble so that Shi would be force to take it offline which would then be used to cast suspicion on her.

Consider also that the last CDC scientist based in Beijings CDC to monitor outbreaks was removed in June 2019 and not replaced. Interesting timing.

Pompeo was also responsible at state for getting GEC operational to disseminate disinformation and censor social media . GEC was approved funding at end of 2016 but was dormant until Pompeo took over

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Late summer continuing through Autumn 2019: Covid was circulating around Leavenworth Kansas area. Family doctors were familiar enough with this 'strangely severe pneumonia' that they had the days of onset pegged. Patients had hypoxia and lasting airway damage.

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I have long been suspicious of Mike Pompeo as well as Mike Flynn. You don't get to that level in the CIA or the Intelligence community without getting blood on your hands. Pompeo's arrogance and holier than thou attitude and constant attempt at promoting his Christianity were red flags to me. Same with Flynn. When he fell hook, line and sinker for Comey's agents to set him up, I knew he was playing on the other side. As for Assange, I've not study enough of his case to make an opinion, but if the deep state wants to crucify him he might have a case worth looking at.

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