PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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H1N1 Is not an "Avian Flu,"

It is a Swine Flu.

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Per existing constitutional laws these bad actors have total immunity. Per Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick News the laws would need to be repealed in order for these murderers to be held accountable. Malone is a scourge who has wrapped himself in the clothes of a savior, his position for now allows him to continue disseminating his revisionist history. You must find a broader audience in order to silence him. He works night and day to maintain his position, smug guy that he is.

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What about China’s role in this? It seems they were involved with Fauci, Callahan, EcoHealth, and numerous others. Could they not have deceived the Americans into acting as they did. Considering the Chinese were posting up the videos of people passing out on the streets and the heavy handed lockdowns and being curators of the SARS database that went offline for weeks back in fall of 2019 I believe. Could China possibly have known how the American Intelligence community would react to a suspected BioWeapon release? Accidental or planned. Did they see the rush to use mRNA vaccines as a mistake? There’s only 2 very large countries with large military who DID NOT use mRNA based shots. China & Russia. Did DoD believe so much in their intelligence and patents that the best way to protect the US military was to inoculate their entire forces with a suspected bioweapon “vaccine” which was definitely an experimental genetic treatment. I had never heard of any military before 2019 using an experimental substance on all of their personnel. It goes against logic. If the substance turns out to be capable of injury or death you’ve effectively lost a big portion of your military.

Then there is the known contamination issue. How did this take place? Pfizer ( who partially funded the Wuhan lab construction ) certainly knew in advance of issues with mRNA. CEO Bourla stated so. We know Bourla is a WEF big member and guest. The same WEF that has had very cozy relations with Premier Xi.

The WHO also very much under the influence of China as is the UN.

Much easier to vanquish your enemy by using 1 - infiltration and 2- coercion than use landing craft and bombs and bullets. China has been using both 1&2 for decades.

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10,000 5G towers were erected in Wuhan and the population were given 5G ready phones. This was in October of 2019, just before the UN Military Games which were held there.

The Princess line of ocean cruisers was fitted with 5G and this was the first journey with the antennae on board.

Testing for a virus was a ruse to distract from the severe health damage being done by the 5G tower roll-out which coincided with Covid19 'outbreaks' both chronologically and geographically.

The list of people you accuse of treason must have known this.

All our countries were deceived and, while we were in lock down, they permitted the towers to be erected all over the world.

This was the true crime.

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Dear Charles,

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and commitment to this research. It has been two years since my beloved daughter tragically passed away on the 6th of this month. The weight of her absence still feels painfully unreal, leaving an immense void. It is a constant struggle to fathom the depths of depravity that those in positions of power can sink to. The very individuals we entrust with our safety and well-being have seemingly transformed into embodiments of unspeakable evil. Each day, I am haunted by the question of why they continue to hold the power to make decisions that affect countless lives, perpetuating a reign of suffering, pain, and death.

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Thank you Rebecca. I am so sorry for your loss again. I'm doing what I can, as are you ,and I thank you for fighting as well.

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Lockstep: no treatment till hospital presentation - time for the cull protocols to come into force.

Oxygen plays a role in lung demise.

It’s has no health benefits at all.

Prescribed for the terminally ill. Not for breathlessness.

Research oxygen toxicity. The lung mucosa and fragile alveoli sacs are susceptible to dehydration and that’s the effect oxygen gas confers. The fittest mountaineer can fall prey to the effects of the oxygen bottles.

I’ve an interest in health ... and an article titled:

We breathe air not oxygen.

Air is measured by its moisture/humidity.

Oxygen is measured by its dryness or lack of moisture.

Lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli.

Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen exists only as a manufactured product. There is zero oxygen or nitrogen in our atmosphere. Oxygen is manufactured from air. The process strips moisture whilst increasing pressure.

Research oxygen toxicity and ponder the effects as the dehydration of a dry gas interfering with a wet system.

Oxygen gas was a necessary invention for metallurgy as was nitrogen gas. Never a health measure. Oxygen is prescribed primarily to the terminally ill. Not for breathlessness.

What is air?

Air is bubbles.

What is water?

Water is full bubbles or drops.

If you stir water bubbles emerge. This is the interface between water and the atmosphere we call air.

The lungs rehydrate RBCs. Just as the saline drip rehydrates RBCs. Red blood cells are saline sponges.

Red light monitoring is checking hydration.

Dehydrated RBCs are dark.

Hydrated RBCs are light.

Why is flu and colds seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture in combination with more time spent indoors with drier air.

Dehydration is the primary insult that begets respiratory distress and the symptoms of colds/flu.

The known solution: salt water gargles and nasal rinsing to revive respiratory mucosa.

Lung health was healed with seaside sanatoriums. Inhalation of sea air restores the lung mucosa.

Lungs perform best: sea level atmospheric pressure, adequate salt in diet for hydration and 30-50% humidity.

Hyperbaric chambers aid lungs due to the increased pressure. Oxygen is always toxic due to it’s dehydrating effects.

Please read and comment.


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It must be the same with emphysema, just a quick fix to death

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What’s Pompeo’s roll in this ,,,,did I miss it in the article.?

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I didn’t elaborate in this article. I probably should add some links to what I have written about Pompeo. Actually with all the information coming out about the State Department’s role in disinformation I should probably write a new article. I saw where the State Department coordinated the disinformation report of the intelligence community on Hunter Biden’s laptop for instance.



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Someone sold his technology to the DoD. It seems he’s the only link between the DoD. I could be wrong but prove me wrong. When you sell technology via patent, it is the right of the inventor to know what it’s being used for. That’s in the patent licensing agreement. You know what it’s being used for. Seems like these other two individuals were scientists. Malone worked for defense contractors within the DoD and we know the DoD had a contract out on us. If he wasn’t aware of what they used it for, then where’s the lawsuit against the dod?

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Are you saying that he sold DOMANE to DTRA? I cannot find any records of DOMANE or Robert Malone, LLC in Federal awards search engines, but I am no expert on using them either.

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I’m not much of an expert either. I just know I worked in patent litigation for 10 years until I got sick of the atty I worked for. During my time I attained a lot of experience and leaned all about Patent Licensing Agreements among other things in the Eastern District of Texas. The “Rocket Docket”...look it up. In those agreements they are confidential amongst the parties that sign them. They are basically giving permission for defendants to use plaintiffs technology and plaintiffs have the right to know exactly what it is are being used for. That is, if it doesn’t go to court then they settle via Patent License Agreement and then you file a motion to dismiss the case. It would probably take a FOIA request to get that info from the PLA. If you have no idea what it’s being used for then you’re atty is just STUPID and subject to malpractice for not stipulating it in the PLA. Does anyone think these guys are stupid?🙄

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He’s too busy suing the Breggins...

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I have been waiting forever for this exact article!!!! Perfect, thank you so very much.

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Malone. Large ego. Thin skin.

As the mRNA "inventor", he came out of nowhere.

His connections to the BioDefence apparatus never sat well with me.

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March 16, 2020. FOI 2655 – Declaration of human biosecurity emergency under section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015

The first plank in the new Australian killbox.

Professor Brendan Murphy (CMO and Director of Human Biosecurity) writes to Greg Hunt MP (Minister for Health) to declare a ‘human biosecurity emergency’ under section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.

Quotes a CFR for covid of 3.8%, ‘increasing with age’ and Diamond Princess ‘concerns.’


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I have suspicions about Malone’s cia ties, (‘once cia, always cia’). But he was lied to about the vaxx, which he took, and suffers from injury. It could be he was also betrayed. I see a wide cancel-culture type campaign against him. Which is also suspicious.

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If he invented it, surely to God he can’t be stupid enough to take the shot AFTER having had “Covid”? And then got a second and “nearly died”? Come on! That’s ridiculous.

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A guy who helped orchestrate all of this as well as someone who was familiar with the danger of the technology wouldn't have taken the shots.

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The issue is the fake lab leak which Robert Malone uses as a cover story to conceal the fact that the deaths were homicides caused in hospitals. Nice attempt at a redirect, but you are wasting your time with it here.

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I don’t have an agenda. I’m giving my analysis. I’ve seen him fight very hard to make this right. You cannot discount that in an honest assessment. You don’t get to tell people what to think, say, or do. Picked up some bad habits, I see.

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A criminal often returns to the scene of the crime and works very hard alongside the investigators. No accusation here, just food for thought.

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He is concealing knowledge that there was no Lab Leak of substance, and that his colleague Michael Callahan was deeply involved in mass murder to create the impression of a Pandemic. Not only does he have knowledge of the crime, his role with DOMANE is suspect.

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I also remember him saying there were problems with his being given credit and such professional competition at the time of discovery --had to take time out. Also, he was reassured by someone (Callahan?) the shot was fine. Has anyone verified he actually reacted to the vax and is sick ? That might be worth verifying.

Also he was on YT w Weinstein and Kirsch very early on blowing whistle on stuff. But, it can all be controlled oppo. I can see that too.

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The subject here is not vaccines. The subject is the knowledge that Robert Malone has of how Michael Callahan supervised the homicides of hospitalized patients in China as I described in the article.

Wasting your time is one thing. Wasting mine is another. You may now take your redirects elsewhere.

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This is excellent work!

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The Snohomish Man received Remdesivir before any DP passenger, as did the husband of the Chicago couple.

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Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.

1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8

2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html

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