To all the Tik Tok hospital dancers, hell will be an eternity of anguish.

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The fact that hospitals would not treat unvaxed people tells one all that they need to know. They are arms of the money complex that rules them, not health agencies. Obey and you may get service (and may get dead).

See Coueys analsis of Renz.

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I will always ask the why's. The why help connect the dots to what's happening. Many people refuse to see and ask more questions surrounding the entire big scam. We must. Even psychopaths give up their secrets, as they are. Keep asking.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Charles Wright

White coats similar to the dusters that robbers, highway men and murderers wore in the wild west. The colors may have been different, but the intent is the same. If going to the hospital, one must have a plan of escape these days in case things get too dicey and they want your life and soul.

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I am surprised they did not harvest her organs being that she is a pureblood?

I recall hearing an interview with an ICU nurse on Stew Peters saying that a fully harvested pure blood was worth over $65 million. This was in April of 2022.

I would imagine that now, that price is2-3x higher.

To get paid, they had to follow the protocols.

And here we have people like MTG in Congress thinking they are fighting for us when they have investments in Remdesivir and other medications used for Covid and other disease.

When did this occur?

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And he's telling the story just like that? How come he's not in that hospital with a chainsaw, murdering all the doctors there? That's what baffles me. Kublai Khan, Stalin and Vlad The Impaler come dressed as doctors and politicians, and everyone believes them? And then find strange that they murdered your kid? And then want to sue them? Guess who will be the judge. Their pal Mao Tse Fucking Tung. I really don't understand the passivity and spiritual numbness.

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Because this family is trying to restrain themselves and get through w/o being imprisoned themselves, for the rest of their lives. They've suffered enough. I am glad to hear of the many stories of atrocities that occurred during that time, bc so many are still oblivious. Yt is still seriously censoring so others are still having trouble getting the message.

It was a terrible time, death all around. Hospital incentives...this was a crazy, bizzare time.

I do believe that it had to be a genocide.

I am still looking at demographics. The only people I personally knew who passed after were male and one of our charge nurses- a caring female about to retire. Funny too, many, many elderly and many just about to retire.

You gotta ask the "whys". We're they trying to eliminate white males but leave women to produce by other ...

We're they trying to eliminate the growing nu.ber of those collecting the Social Security that they were forced to contribute to all their lives? We know now that they have squandered our "investment". Should we trust them again?

To me, after working in LTC and hospital, as well in peoples personal homes, I saw the incredible death after. Then, medical records is also quite telling.

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Yes, so...people need to wise up fast and understand how dictatorships work, what they look like now etc. "Should we trust them" is a phrase that shouldn't even occur. Would you trust one of the generals of the Latin America coups? Would you "trust" a psychopath terrorist just because he's wearing white and speaking in sentences? Forget the whys, hows and what fors, just keep away and don't listen, don't buy anything, don't obey, just stay away as far as possible. We will never understand why psychopaths do what they do, and being in such a mass global scale now, an entire elite, an entire class of people, with entire professions going insane, it's got to be something very big, so just stay away. Don't listen, don't interpret, don't try to understand or analyze anything.

The worst thing I guess was the surprise it has been for so many people that never thought shit like this could happen. The whole medical profession going insane? Were they always insane and we never noticed? It must be a big shock, but it's never late to learn and stop trying to understand, let alone "trust" anything.

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When ever this case gets settled I hope Scott is able to legally publish ALL the names involved in his daughter's murder very publicly. I hope if they don't get jail time then they are ashamed for the rest of their life to walk the streets.

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They definately need to be jailed and assets confiscated. This cannot happen again

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That 14-year ICU nurse is a sociopath and should be imprisoned. Short of that. I hope someone shortens her life by whatever means available.

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Thank you so much, Zoë. God bless you.

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God bless this family and Tom Renz for advocating on their behalf. Despite the claims from countless TV and movies of unbiased medical professsionals they can and will judge patients based on their age, disability level, vaccine status, race, attractiveness level, obesity level, you name it and this does factor in to whether they feel someone is worth saving or killing. I have sometimes wondered how much of the supposed Covid death differential between the young and old could be explained because older people were so much easier to isolate and cull due to their lack of advocates...

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You are right! I worked the pandemonium to the point that my muscles froze up. I eventually fell and broke both ankles. In addition to a PA not properly trained, and what appears to be the long term damage from his "care", he has made me loose my life savings and have to try to start again, at near retirement age.

The thing I think was terribly bizzare is that after surgery I had trouble recovering my breathing...for days! It actually went on for months, but I had to work to get it back.

But, after surgery I had to be kept on oxygen at 3L. Despite the several surgeries I have had, I have never had that trouble. They took the oxygen off for a while and breathing down to 80s sat again. They were in a hurry to have me go home "bc of insurance". One very kind Dr seemed to be overpowered by the nurses. He told me it was OK if my kids couldn't make it to take me home, that it would be OK if I stayed. Nurses continued to try to get me out. Put me on 3L again to get saturation back up so I could be released, as per regulation.

You know, you don't have to be the brightest bulb to understand that when you remove the oxygen again it's going to fall.

So, I did get to go to my sons that night, to recover for a couple months. My head was spinning crazy. They had me on several pain and nerve pain and other pain meds (glad for that- the pain was terrible!). But my sats were hovering in the 80s.

When the nurse called to check on me and heard that she was upset w me. "Why didn't you call? Why didn't you come in?" All seeming to put the blame on me. I guess she didn't realize they shoved me out. I was now a bit over an hour away, so at work, third floor of his home. No transport company would take me w/o proper insurance.

At that point, I didn't care. Gods will be done.

But the lingering question is: did they try to off me too, we're they planning to say it was another covidian death so they can claim the rewards? I also refused the jibbery jab

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

So sorry for the tragic loss of Grace. What a beautiful human she was. This was so traumatizing for her & for you all. I can’t believe this goes on, but they did something similar to my friend’s Dad. It’s really evil what hospital staff are going along with. I hope you get justice for Grace. And the judge stays true to his or her oath! Grace deserves justice!

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It's their job to protect the facility, is what I was told, by our QA nurse, when I asked for some recovery time after holding the fort down for too long. Dr wouldn't sign off.

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

My father was murdered this exact same way at the VA. Starvation, dehydration, isolation, tied down, drugged, forced air. Tested negative, 98% oxygen murdered in 12 days Christmas 2021. His wedding g ring was stolen and we were shamed and blamed for his death because he was not jabbed.

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I am so sorry! I am just so sorry that our medical staff went along w it. One said "everything will fall if we say anything" or something similar. Saying people, teachers will not go to work or school and stock prices crash...something that may have some credence, but you let innocent people die instead?

All complicit need all assets stripped when found of their guilt when tried by The People. This is insane.

Maybe if the secretly culled those who wouldn't take it they thought they would get by with their genocide?

I am praying for eyes to be opened and for justice for all.

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

My brother too. Aug 2021. Exactly the same story.

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

My father as well, August 2021. Same scenario as Soul Warrior mentioned above.

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So sorry. Prayers. ❤️

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I’m so sorry for your loss. The “how” is so painful and beyond words. Sending prayers for peace your way 🙏

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Thank you. Prayers to you too. ❤️

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Prayers and love to you both Soul Warrior and Heather B. Deepest condolences. It's bad enough losing a loved one but when they are murdered and defiled and the family is gaslit like that to cover their own guilty crimes ---- there just aren't adequate words. May we all find justice sooner than later.

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Thank you so much. ❤️

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deletedMay 23
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I've seen that Observatory - thank you.

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

Foreshadowed by the killing of Terri Schiavo. 2005

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Indeed. Opened up that Pandora box

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This is the great American medical holocaust, targeting the elderly and those with special needs first, knowing they will lack adequate representation.Scott is spending over $800K, and fortunately, this case will reveal to the world that some of the worst psychopaths are working in our hospitals and medical establishments.

The attorneys for Grace’s case are more worried about his clients (doctors and nurses) social reputation rather than the fact they killed an innocent young lady.

We have to take a stand, now or never.

For iPhone https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dbhp/id6478464423

For Android Phone users download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.letsol.apps.dbhp

P.S. Remember, information is power. Use Death by Hospital Protocol App to stay informed and protect your loved ones. Download it today and join a growing community of advocates for change.

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May 23Liked by Charles Wright

What a great idea! I hope it goes viral.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Charles Wright

Once I wiped the tears from my eyes, getting pissed off comes next.

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Americans far too trusting of those with great responsibilties without any accountability. We have been so easy to experiment on...it is our fault too.

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