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Zoom out.

We are talking about a new class of creature.

Not constrained to the bounds of former nomenclature....

Not defenders of the constitution or prosecutors of those accused.....

But lovers of the environment.

Federal prosecutors LOVE the environment Charles....

It's like an archetype....

"In 1990 he became director of the Environmental Law Center at the Vermont Law School, rated the best program of its kind in the United States."


Because this dude is Numero dõs on this list of "members".

Numero uno is a big untold tale but most of these names are known.

Like Andrew Cuomo.

Or Kenneth Lay.


But the point is that federal prosecutors love the environment so it's a thing.

Federal prosecutors and the Presidents Council on SUSTAINABLE Development

LOVE the environment...

Defended by the health of your children they are going to LOVE the environment.

They gonna teach us how to Malama.

They gonna teach us Aloha of the Aina.

They gonna teach us with all their big sharp tools of prosecution....

Of prosecution and punishment.

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Oh wait, I know what you're gonna say....


Yeah ..

Prolly somebody at CHD could get ahold of Reiner and try to retain his services for this CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

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I saw Dr. Kory speak in June 2022 at a repurposed ranch property venue called "the hollow" in East Venice, FL in Sarasota County.

There have been superficial investigation into the owners and operators behind the public face of "the hollow" but these reports always seem to lack follow through and help to disguise the big picture and seem to always adhere to team rivalries or political dichotomies which go nowhere and seem designed to go nowhere.

If you can piece together the connective tissue between "the hollow" (joint special operations command) and the New Wellness teams then you might crack open that stinky rotten Kory Egg.

Keep up the good research Charles.

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Oh and since I'm spilling the tea, I'll add that RFK Jr. was NOT present at this event.... (Duh!!! Of course a Kennedy wouldn't be at aNeocon FL gathering.... Right???)


But he did call the location to speak with Judy immediately upon completion of her presentation and before anyone else could speak to her.

Whatevs, I'm just gossiping art this point.

I got rumors....

I got rabbit holes

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Or maybe it was not him but CHD that was calling....

If they got through to pull her straight to a phone call from stage then I would have assumed him not some random CHD reporter.... It was probably him.... Calling from the med....

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Or the Caribbean

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This says from one hour ago "why we left the Democratic party and..."

---Robot Kennedy Jr. plus Tulsi Snake Eyes

I'm definitely not watching it....

But I wonder....

When he called that "medical freedom" event in Florida, in Summer of 2022.....

Was he calling as a democrat?


It doesn't matter anyway, right?


Because those guys behind the Hollow.....

They ain't really republicans either.

They are like neo-neo cons.

Wonder if those two groups get along....

The neo-neocons are in with the FCSCS (Florida Coalition of Shaft Coat Sheriff's) and I think both groups are tight with the FBI.

Whatever that other group is..

The non or former Democrats.


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I'm still missing the punch line here...

Is he trying to distance himself from "the Democrats" because of their behavior?

Like does he want to distance himself from the Clinton legacy because of all the tyranny being implemented on the Republic through Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development?




does he want to distance himself from the Clinton legacy because of Epstein sort of stuff?


OR is it both?

Or is it neither?

How bout,

.....he doesn't say anything specifics about either of these two obvious issues and rather intends to inherit the infrastructure of medical tyranny established by "vague, democrats"

While simultaneously distancing himself from....

"Vague democrats"....

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I'm guessing this is what he was thinking about when he said "the U.S. is a sort of turnkey dictatorship."

It's like the rogue democrat version of trump the rogue Republican....

Like a theatrical script.

We can keep all the fruit from a poisonous tree and put a new face on it to make it not poison.... Right?

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Federal prosecutors, the FBI, and private contractors linked to Special Operations Command join forces to love the shit out of the environment with all their resources.

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