
P.S. On Mark's video, More evidence Kory not in NYC until AUGUST 2020, and references Kyle-Sidell in July 2020 (Oxygen)! (https://rumble.com/v53kft4-more-evidence-kory-not-in-nyc-until-august-2020-and-references-kyle-sidell-.html), he referenced a paper co-published by Kory that was first received July 20, 2020, titled SARS-CoV-2 organising pneumonia: ‘Has there been a widespread failure to identify and treat this prevalent condition in COVID-19?’

This paper referenced the employment or association of Dr. Kory with "Advocate Aurora Critical Care Service, Aurora St Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA." https://bmjopenrespres.bmj.com/content/bmjresp/7/1/e000724.full.pdf

As referenced in the article above, Kory's FLCCC bio shows that he was employed at Aurora in Wisconsing beginning in August 2020, so there's not much difference between July 20 and August.

Mark however said that "and Kory did not change where he's working yet." In fact, Kory did change where he was working in the paper cited by Mark. Kory changed his employement from the University of Wisconsin to Aurora in Wisconsin by July 20, 2020 in the paper cited by Mark. Kory said he was employed by the University of Wisconsin through May 2020. "Kory is still saying he's in Wisconsin," said Mark. Just because they are both of these healthcare providers are in Wisconsin does not mean that they are the same places. Kory said he took a leave of absence from U Wisconsin, traveled to New York City on April 27, 2020, to work at his "old ICU," Beth Israel Medical Center, then traveled back to Wisconsin in late May, resigned from U Wisconsin, and began to work on the George Floyd case. Kory said he was unemployed in the period where he worked on George Floyd's case. Then he took a job at Aurora in Wisconsin at the latest of July 20, 2020.

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Most of the MFM still think he's a hero. Unfortunately he's proof that the MFM is totally corrupt and set up to fail.

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Have you watched these?

Go to this link and click on each doctor's name to hear their story:


Airway: COVID-19

On June 9, 2020 New York ACEP hosted a live storytelling (Airway) event. This storytelling initiative for emergency physicians marks the profound moments that make emergency physicians' jobs powerful.

We are providing links to the pre-recorded stories below in the event you were unable to attend the virtual event. Remember...we all have stories to tell.

Jenny Castillo, MD

Smruti Desai, DO

Mert Erogul, MD

Rosy Hao, MD

Sharland Johnson, MD

Rachel Kowalsky, MD MPH

Joshua Schiller, MD

Sandra Scott, MD

Cameron Kyle Sidell, MD

Trent She, MD

Colleen Smith, MD FACEP

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Many patients did not need to be intubated. Many who were given timely steroids and antibiotics did not need to go on a ventilator. Ventilators were casing more harm to covid lungs . Once steroids were allowed to part of the hospital protocols in June 2020 , the death rates dropped .

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I haven't seen them but thanks for sharing the link.

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It seems when you look at human history of genocide that the Jewish people have had a hand in it as this Israeli hospital with their Jewish doctor in charge of icu

ICUthis was commented in the book of Mein Kampf where the Jews in Germany were perferting the population with prostitution etc

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I try not to paint everyone with the same brush. I'm a white American male, and history is full of villians of my demographic. That said Beth Israel Medical Center does have Jewish roots.

"Beth Israel is Hebrew for 'House of Israel.' The hospital was incorporated as Beth Israel Hospital on May 28, 1890, by a group of 40 Orthodox Jews on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, each of whom paid 25 cents to set up a hospital dedicated to serving immigrant Jews living in the tenement slums of the Lower East Side." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Sinai_Beth_Israel

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I have 2 dead sisters, a dead son, and a dead friend in the USA all by the jab

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This is one of the comments when it is impossible to hit the like button…

I know one day not long from now all those responsible for those crimes will receive justice…

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I'm sorry to hear that.

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What do you think is going to happen when one day those crimes are exposed and the public learns the truth?

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The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

I just watched this the carnage has been happening for a long time


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No one has to paint a picture they paint their own picture by their actions

And God is their judge

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My question is this: where in Pierre Kory’s resume is it warranted, that he would be contacted as an expert witness, before any others that would seem more qualified than him, especially in a case of this magnitude?

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That's an excellent question. He is an expert on both breathlessness and opioid overdoses, which he describes as a "terminal wean" process, but you won't find that on his resume. You can find it in Kory's substacks: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/a-contrarian-opinion-regarding-the?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fopioid&utm_medium=reader2

"My experience in the ICU I was running in Spring 2020 was that many patients were dying from irrecoverable lung injury (they hadn’t been treated!) such that they had to be terminally weaned which required even more sedation. This is actually something that I would even call “best practice.”"

I think Kory was a great choice to argue that fentanyl was not the cause of death of George Floyd, and this likely had to do with his "terminal weans" in New York using opioids.

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So it appears Kory wasn’t in NY when the ‘spike” of deaths happened and the ‘unusual symptoms” in patients he apparently seen, like lung damage and hypoxia he automatically assumed were caused by the novel SARS CoV-2 virus because they had a positive RT-PCR test, which is just as reliable as Kory’s testimonies…

“Misuse of prescription or synthetic opioids can suppress breathing and block air from entering the lungs, leading to hypoxia and suffocation.”


“ Wooden Chest Syndrome (WCS), otherwise known as fentanyl-induced chest wall rigidity is a rare complication of intravenous fentanyl which involves chest wall muscle and diaphragm rigidity as well as laryngospasm.”


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Jul 4Liked by Charles Wright

Thanks for the clarification on his “terminal wean” protocol. I’m late to the Kory issue but you and Sage are catching me up. It’s hard to swallow that someone is deliberately “called up” and they accept the call, but it sure does look like this is part and parcel of the agenda. I can’t understand how Kory can say in one breath “they can’t breathe!” to then continue to give opioids which depresses breathing even more (besides not stopping the hospital protocols), then saying in the next breath ivermectin is the magic bullet, in which he used none (as far as I can see). Then, to make matters worse, he is held up as an expert witness, when he aided and abetted in these murders. 🤔

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I'm late to the issue as well. It's why I say to always check the original sources of information. All the reporting I saw on Kory's Senate testimony was about Ivermectin. I was shocked to hear what all he said about the deaths when I listened to his full testimony. It's all about selection bias and spin in the media, both social and mainstream.

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Jul 4Liked by Charles Wright

If Ron Johnson wanted to know, 'WHAT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK?!!' maybe he could have selected an ER Doctor who was there THROUGH THE WHOLE 'SURGE'.

But then again, if Homeland Security Oligarch Ron Johnson wanted "a second opinion", maybe he and Robert Malone would not have shut down David Wiseman and Christina Parks on reverse transcription.

Homeland Security exists to find, cough-cough, MANUFACTURE, Threats to aid the government to seize your freedoms for the "greater good."

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I don’t think I’ve seen that shutdown yet, only heard about it. Do you have a link so I can watch it please? 😻

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Jul 4Liked by Charles Wright

Thank you!

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Sorry, I think it may be only in the Here is your expert clip.

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Ok, I’m skipping through this 5 hour video, stopping at random places, and I’m incredulous that Ron is just as Barney as Mcc. Almost comical if it wasn’t so serious.😞 Paul is not at all like his online persona either…I saw the clipped cut of Parks and Wiseman but not 🐴 shutdown. I have to take a sanity break. Do you happen to know what the minute mark is for the start of Parks and Wiseman in the full video?

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No problem! I need to read that one too!😊

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Charles Wright

I read one time that it’s not that hard to coordinate intricate lies involving many people. Most are in the dark about the true nature of their assignments, are paid very well and know all too well the consequences of turning tail. But it always shocks me to see so many people in one coordinated effort where nothing really goes wrong. They might make a few mistakes here and there, and get caught in a few lies for which there are never any consequences (they’re protected). But this was enormous. The main hook was tricking the people en masse through media. That’s near impossible to unwind despite these investigations.

That’s not to say I don’t love your Stack. It’s the most reliable I know.

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Thanks AL. I look at it like a huge lake of disinformation behind a dam, already leaking all over. The same disinformation happened in the Nazi Holocaust in Germany in the 1930s before America finally liberated the concentration camps and the truth became known. I may write about this period.

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