Thank you Charles for this much needed incredible deep dive into Malone . I never was on the Malone train , thinking he was to be trusted when he seemed to show up out of nowhere ? I just couldn’t get past his claim of being the inventor of the technology but still advising the elderly and compromised to take the injections. His claim of taking the injection(s)and suffering adverse effects didn’t ring true ….and being the inventor of the technology but not knowing how to hor working on a way to turn off the effects ?? He should be working day and night on an antidote . He is not to be believed ; couple that with what you have written about and what he is doing to the Breggins and Dr. Jane Ruby …absolutely not to be trusted !

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Wow! Amazing work. More and more is coming to light regarding propaganda superspreader Malone. Cheers!

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Excellent research on Alchem, it ties in perfectly with the reporting by Mark Kulacz & George Webb. Mark has also published videos on two Nigerian scientists that both Malones helped train and who became part of the fleecing of US taxpayers via government grants, contracts. The Malones are expert fleecers😂😂 - billions of dollars in fleecing of US taxpayers.

Rick Bright’s "whistleblower" not "whistleblower" complaint in Spring of 2020 was based on Kadlec's orders for Callahan to work directly with Northwell on the Famotidine study, Kadlec provided the funding. It was Rick Bright who added his longtime partner in crime, Malone, to "design" and "manage" the Northwell contract. Callahan published a paper with Northwell on the Famotidine study. Northwell also funded their own Famotidine study.

While Callahan played an important role in the scamdemic, both Anthony Fauci and Rick Bright sabotaged Trump’s orders to add HCQ to the stockpile and make it available to everyone (based on Dr. Zelenko's advise to Trump). They brought us Remdesivir. As Mark says, Rick Bright was the biggest Remdesivir cheerleader in the Federal Government.

A common denominator of the scamdemic and past biological warfare (AIDS, Anthrax, Zika, Ebola) is Robert Malone- I'm not sure why the intel community chose him as the one to disrupt and hijack the mostly Conservative MFM. These Conservatives have been as easy to brainwash as the Progressives, it's baffling. Are people so dumbed down that they can't think for themselves?

Thank you for your excellent research- we must continue connecting the dots and exposing the parasites.

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Very good work. Thank you.

If I could add to the info you've provided here, I would point you and your readers to this article:


This article ties in with yours because James Talton, who is the CEO of Alchem and also authored a Zika paper with Malone, was the CEO of a company called Nanotherapeutics prior to joining Alchem. This company specialized in producing vaccine nanoparticles that could be administered by inhalation. They had NIAID contracts to supply nanoparticle formulations to Lovelace Biomedical in the early 2000s who almost certainly used them for SARS-CoV related testing of primates. Later on, the company received huge biodefense grants, changed its name to Ology, brought on a BMGF big-wig and proceeded to launder a vaccine manufacturing facility in the Czech Republic. After that, the BMGF receded back into the darkness and the company changed its name to Resilience, which, as Whitney Webb has documented, has ties to the intelligence apparatus.

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Thanks for bringing the article here an the information on James Talton at Alchem. I din't know a lot about Talton, so that was very helpful. By the way, I think the Zika story is a huge story. A very damning story.

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Ginger Breggin here. For over 50 years, physician and psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin MD has been researching, documenting, reporting and alerting professionals and the public to the toxic, too often deadly or life shortening or life destroying effects of biological psychiatry. He has been called 'The Conscience of Psychiatry' because of his successful and far reaching accomplishments in stopping the resurgence of the barbaric practice of psychosurgery/lobotomy, in documenting the permanent damaging effects of electroshock including various MKUltra and other illegal, secret human control programs using electroshock, and in stopping the federal government attempts in the 1990's to launch a eugenical program in urban centers designed to prevent future violence in black male children by psychiatrically drugging them when they were very young (the Federal Violence Initiative Program). All of the federal programs Dr. Breggin has criticized and exposed have had overlap with the Department of Defense, the various alphabet agencies and other departments connected with human control and chemical and biological weapons.

Now Dr. Breggin and I have been sued on false claims of defamation for over $25 million dollars, by this same individual who is the feature of this column, Robert W. Malone, who's background at least through 2020 and connections to the deadly, toxic, secret sectors of federal government and the military get more entangled in my opinion every time someone reports further on his background.

In Malone’s complaint against us to initiate the lawsuit against us filed in October 2022 and activated through service in 2023, he states that, “He currently sits as a non-voting member on the National Institute of Health Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (NIH ACTIV) committee, which is tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19. [https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/activ]. “

NIH ACTIV is in our opinion a very Deep State organization that represents the Great Reset. According to their own description, ACTIV brings together major federal agencies with top drug companies and foundations such as Bill Gates’ in partnerships.

For more information about the global elitists and what we call the Global Predators’ plans for a Great Reset, see our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey

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Thank you so much for stopping by Mrs. Breggin. I believe you will be successful in defending the lawsuit. I agree with your husband on Desmet's book.

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Thank you Mr. Wright!

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What a jumbled, tangled, knotty network of deceit & no-good this damning information points to, circumstantial or not. My initial response to any "leaks" that might occur from SynQuest or Alchem would be that they probably happened "accidentally on purpose."

The statement in this article that sticks in my brain most is:

...“Run Death is Near” [Remdesivir] as always, created deaths in both the control and test groups at the trial sites of Northwell Health in New York. Less died in the Famotidine groups, which prompted them to claim a benefit of Famotidine. This was the same type of criminally fraudulent lie that Callahan used to claim a benefit of Famotidine in Wuhan. Just kill more in the control group than you do in the test group..."

It's just the same old playbook, over & over - same song, millionth verse. All these shoddy, manipulated trials put forth by government agencies, Big Pharma or any of their cohorts, are a joke. I don't trust any of them.

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Never in my life did I expect to be researching all of this horrifying information. One thing led to another then another then another... you know the infamous rabbit hole. Thank you for such an informative post, I have learned so much .

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I was one of the ones on Twitter looking forward to hearing Malone on Rogan. Hindsight is 20/20.

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The University of Florida was one of the known collaborators of Project MKULTRA, Subproject 126 to be precise: a study of the human response to stress in a natural disaster scenario.


Alachua is also home to San Felasco Tech

City, one of the prototype “smart cities”, first founded in 2018.


Seems like The Regime has quite a few projects percolating in North Florida.

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Excellent resources, thank you. What a tangled web!

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Subproject 126. Very informative.

"Much of the talk among behavioral scientists working with disaster materials has concerned itself with the need for applying exlsting theories and concepts from the social and psychological sciences to the disaster materials. The emphasis here will be placed on the obvere side of this two - sided coin: what tha empirical study of disaster materials suggests

for a revision of some existing conceptualizations and theories. In particular it will attempt to develop and partially test an emperical model of human adaptation to disaster - a model which focuses attantion on the broad social responses to disaster and theIr affects on the social system and small- group responses to disaster."


What some might call "Mass Formation Psychosis" in response to disaster was broken down in great detail by the CIA long ago using scientific methods. This was in 1960, long before Google, Facebook, and AI modeled us all. Their intelligence has only grown exponentially since then.

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Jul 30, 2023
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I was in Florida at the time as well. There are some aspects of being in Florida that I liked, and some I did not. My biggest problem was how DeSantis allowed London-based Deloitte to lock Floridians out of the unemployment compensation system after we lost our jobs.

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Aug 2, 2023
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DeSantis has given away freebies to the owners of Rumble, Locals and other tech companies - turning South Florida into a Silicon Valley where property values have increased so much that the children of Immigrants who grew up in the area cannot afford to purchase homes in the hoods they grew up in - but DeSantis is a hero to many🙄. His EO shutting down Florida before Trump issued the Health Emergency is very interesting- he dictated that the elderly "shall" stay home - I didn't follow his order and took my Mom wherever she wanted to go. I am fascinated by the non Floridians who regurgitate lies about how great DeSantis was throughout the scamdemic- they should watch FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds videos, she pushed DeSantis to open up Florida and stop the mask and social distancing BS. She mobilized the public and raised funds for her movement, she's one of many unsung heroes of 2020.

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