World's leading cardiologist consulted by AZ, a company with a long history of cardiovascular drugs and extensive current range. No mystery there. All before scamdemic, Dr McCullogh still fully part of the Rockefeller medicine scam at the time.

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Maybe he is too exhausted and tapped out to go any deeper. He believes way too much in medical intervention yes. Big problem. But I don’t believe he wants people sicker. As for the payouts - that’s hardly compromising payout stuff for a guy on his income. He may yet come around to realising he is supporting deadly virus pandemic bullshit and about face.

For now his AstraZeneca ties are leaving me cold.

For my part I fully jumped in on variants, pathogenicity etc and devoured I am Spartacus when he went full metal jacket - as he correctly identified malfeasance even if holding a virus narrative.

It’s called a psy op for a reason.

5G info bullets are whizzing by all day long. I’m early Neo, bending backwards as bullets whizz buy hoping to become late Neo who just sees behind the curtain, unphased and immune.

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Maybe he got it for being a fake freedom fighter pushing the virus mythology that keeps pharma making billions off of destroying our health.

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Amgen paid Trump $500,000 on 23 December, 2016. The company history is absolutely wild. I promise you will not be disappointed when you look into it.

ctrl+F Trump


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Money money money

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"and medical samples that it has accrued over the past 15 years." Is this where the little vials of our blood go after the prescribed tests have been completed?

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Peter never mentioned HBOT.

Sorry but selling OTC is exactly what the pharma companies wanted.

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Is this connected to TWC shenanigans?

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The Wellness Company is paying him probably. Other than that, I don't see a connection to his pharma payments. The problem with The Wellness Company is that they are all about sales for "the next Pandemic." I don't know what all they sell, but I think it's time we shut the Plandemic Industry down. McCullough just wants to make a buck.

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Yes! Shut the Plandemic Industry down!!!!

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You're right. Apart from I suspect those sales are slightly more nefarious than you may imagine.

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Ask him

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May 19Liked by Charles Wright

“Consulting” is one of key red flags in all financial transactions and audits. Not without a reason. Why would an immensely rich company pay a consultant? They have their own R&D, employment contracts, license agreements, and more. Why a company of this size and turnover would need any consulting? Is their own in-house knowledge insufficient?

What would happen if a local barber shop paid consultants? They obviously need professional information and support, especially because they do not have their own R&D, market research, employment settlements, corporate responsibility, environmental sustainability and more. And they do not attend international barber shop mastery conferences.

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Not all of them have a Cardiologist on staff. Anyway, a Company MD is likely not seeing patients anymore, so you want someone who is top 20 / near the best in their field.

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How is someone determined to be the best cardiologist in their field?

By getting published?

How does one get published if not by playing along with the study funders?

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The Con

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You are correct. I saw this myself when I part of establishing the overhead rate for federally sponsored research. I met more researchers than I can count since I had to get into their labs. I befriended some. I learned about grant writing and publishing. We get the science we pay for which really is not science at all.

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He is WELL Published isn't he. Yes that is sus. You and Charles ask good questions; though moar evidence is needed to be definitive. We all see the Modus Operandi here, plus we are curious. Damn, sheep are dumb.

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"the future may be brighter!" 🥳

Will you be taking some Tamiflu out of an abundance of caution for the new fake bird flu pandemic?

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shhh - I have a famotidine addiction

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Famotidine is similar to ranitidine. (Pepcid vs. Zantec)

Which Pfizer is now paying off lawsuits for allegedly causing cancer.


Of course Famotidine was Bob's Covid treatment of choice and how he recovered from Caaaahhhhvid himself. Before getting two blasts of Moderna to make sure. 🤨

And also he wanted to test it with Celebrex. Another drug from Pfizer with a history of lawsuits for heart problems.

"He has helped open two IND for famotidine and celecoxib use for treatment and prevention of COVID19 disease including an associated drug master file, and has enabled teaming/pharmaceutical supply arrangements with two major pharmaceutical firms."


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May 19·edited May 19

Another fake disease? I don't need to worry, I have an orange tree 🔥

Sheep reference is for the masses not u. they are holding us back.

edit: 'the masses'

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☝️ You just provided your own evidence on the questionable Good Doctor in a roundabout way.

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I’m not buying this. They certainly have lawyers hired full-time. Not any lawyers, but the best of the best. Why wouldn’t they have a cardiologist? They can afford one. Maybe no-one wants to work with them regardless of salary… If this is the case, it would be telling a lot about their business and about consultants who agree to be hired…

(Patient contact is provided by trial sites and their personnel.)

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Also, sometimes you have pre-clinical studies + guidelines + applications for this process. It requires FDA meetings w/ company reps and panels of, wait for it, "experts". Sometimes the Experts get 1-1.7k per hour. The grapevine tells me they mostly have Gawd Complexes, and have deep Crony Connections. I think their pockets need double stitching to hold all that paper :)

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Not saying he isn't SUS. He is SUS. see above. The Pay to Play/Publish MO is obvious, and has been noted by many. Big Companies still hire outside firms (lawyers or Docs) for specialty work. in no way would I defend Peter M here.

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It's a good question. I have seen no category for "lobbying" in the CMS data. I would imagine that there is plenty of that going on, especially for foreign-based corporations trying to receive FDA approval for products in the United States.

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Hmm. Is it possible Peter betrays them? Or is it possible Peter was sent to sell us the "This was just dolts botching shit" (mistakes) program? Lately, Peter has been saying all of this was with foreknowledge, so..... IDK.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Charles Wright

If "The Science" is corrupt and has been.

And the most published cardiologist-scientist who quotes studied left and right like a Gish Gallop and promotes statins, say...then did the cardiologist-scientist just now become aware of the problems?

I look at a lot of studies now. They say whatever they are incentivized to say.


It took me a long time to ask that basic question because McCullough on Journeyman Pictures was a significant Red Pill moment for me back in 2021.

When he wrote a hopeful, "Next rollout of mRNA may be better" in April, 2023...the same week that Elon Musk tweeted out the same, it was starkly clear that something was going on.

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Something to think about here. I don't know the answer. Are spike proteins really the cause of myocarditis, or is it graphene? Just hypothetically, if you inject graphene into hamsters and put them on a hamster wheel, what happens? Myocarditis is an electrical problem with the heart. Graphene is the most efficient conductor of electricity known to man. I'd like to see the results of that test, even though I am generally opposed to testing animals.

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You saw the pattern. They knew what was coming. They had to get out in front of it and make sure the refusers would trust THEM. Epic fail;-)

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You think? Dr. McCullough still maintains that a virus was at the heart of the Plandemic. Subesquently, as you say, the dolts botched shit and poisoned billions of people. Dr. McCullough hooked up with "true crime" reporter John Leake, who has written several books on murder cases. Leake and McCullough will not identify any medical professional who has committed murder in the name of COVID however, and instead focus on prosecuting the likes of Ralph Baric for his role in developing an "engineered virus" that contained a spike protein in its sequence. This is not to defend Ralph Baric, but the reality is that the "engineered virus," or whatever you wish to call it, did not cirulate in the public via human to human transmission, and only entered the bloodstream of humans after it was created by mRNA in the "vaccine" injections.

Leake and McCullough published an article that essentially said "give mRNA a second chance." I'm skeptical that he will ever break his addiction to Pharma $$$. I don't see a betrayal here. I see moving forward to more evil and more money. If a person of high level of intelligence and understanding refuses to address the true evil and deception at the heart of the Plandemic, I do not consider that person to be opposed to it. If that person continues to accept money from the evil that has killed so many, and promote narratives of deception to protect the true crime and criminals, I consider that person to be an accessory to the crime after the fact.

Quoting https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-novelty-of-mrna-viral-vaccines

"We all have the tendency to paint issues with a broad brush. That is to see things one way for intellectual simplicity. “All pharmaceuticals are bad” or “I don’t trust any vaccine.” It is even more tempting to take a negative view on all new technology when the product launch in humans fails to a large degree.

These old mental saws could apply to mRNA vaccines. Halma et al have published a scoping review of lipid nanoparticle-mRNA products with fair balance causing the reader to consider future possibilities. ...

The Halma paper points out that safe mRNA products are possible. For example, properly designed mRNA coding for normal proteins that are deficient or ones that are sufficiently humanized and not recognized by the body as foreign could indeed become part of the future pharmacopeia. But there is no doubt that the first use of mRNA on a mass, indiscriminate scale has been a disaster with the COVID-19 vaccine campaign."

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"properly designed.....could". Skepticism arises when modal verbs show up.

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May 19Liked by Charles Wright

You are hitting the heart of the issue and exactly why Dr McCullough cannot be trusted.

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"If a person of high level of intelligence and understanding refuses to address the true evil and deception at the heart of the Plandemic, I do not consider that person to be opposed to it."

I think its likely that a lot of those doctors are secretly opposed to it, but out of a need for self preservation for themselves and their family they stay quiet. They have bills to pay. Being homeless would suck, because the big pharma machine can, will, and has destroyed a lot of careers.

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Good evaluation.

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Dr. Peter McCullough received a significant amount of money from various pharmaceutical companies, including AstraZeneca, for consulting on cardiac (and related) drugs.

Dr. McCullough had been paid for such consulting work prior to 2021 also.

It's important to note that consulting with pharmaceutical companies is not uncommon for medical professionals, especially those with expertise in specific areas.

However, it is also crucial for such relationships to be transparent, and for the public and medical community to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest.

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May 19Liked by Charles Wright

You amaze me as always👏👏👏👏👏

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Oh shit…whoops sorry👍👍👍👍

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