Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

Thank you for this article! Everyone ought be held accountable for their actions, regardless of group membership. I hold it is immoral to condemn anyone on the basis if their birth. It does appear that a cult arose some millennia ago that figured out how to weaponize people very effectively, and these "Amalek" narratives are part of that cult's technology to engineer and weaponize hatred across time, while protecting the cult's inner circle of pathocrats. Have you read *From Yahweh to Zion* by Laurent Guyénot? https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/38226255

Though their evil technology has appeared to work well for a long time now, it appears that more and more people are seeing how the sausage was made and are done with it.

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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

You've got it all confused because the Jews have been corrupting scripture and history since 160AD, after they couldn't kill all of us.

Correct analysis can be found at https://christogenea.org


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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

Does it seem to you that the Jews, particularly the Israelis, are being used as pawns in this gruesome manifest destiny, in the typical way- to give the world a group of people to blame for the decision made by a powerful few and to distract from the bigger view? I have no doubt these soldiers are chanting this crap, but that’s not surprising either as a result of the propaganda they’ve endured.

I noticed the Israeli citizens themselves have been sacrificed to justify this enduring war, and their own government engaged in their mass culling by forcing vaccines. The people in power don’t care about human life, regardless of nationality, race or religion. They’ll kill them, poison them, and turn them into monsters to achieve their means.

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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

Wow! And they say women hold a grudge. Imagine all of the children who've tragically been slaughtered in the name of revenge for something that happened countless generations ago. At what point will this stop?

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

Just finished watching the last documentary,

A must watch.

Thank you for sharing it Charles.

Here my lates thoughts on the current situation in the Middle East and beyond.


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A document like the old testament has a number of features in common with writings from psychopath authors. In any regard, one thing is for sure, the passages you mentioned were definitely not written by a deity that was omnipotent or even moderately wise. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/wwiii

Omnipotent creators tend to have better solutions to problems created by their creations than "kill em all"

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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

The Jews are no longer the chosen people. At the stoning of Stephen the gospel was to go to the gentiles. Anyone who accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior are His people. And the Jews were to share this with the gentiles. They called curses upon themselves as a nation at the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. The Holocaust was evil but predictable.

Galatians 3:39 “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Jews can be as individuals but their turning in the messiah as a nation ended their ‘status’ of the chosen nation which was always to lead anyone to God. The Bible is filled with accounts of gentiles being adopted into Israel. Rahab,a former harlot, and Naomi to name two prominent ones in the lineage of Jesus.

If you study the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation you will be astounded at the accuracy of Biblical prophecies and how it relates to today.

God is not willing that any perish….John 3:16. It’s a choice. Choose whom you will serve.

This chaos in the world is satanically inspired, directed, fomented. God is not in any of it. satan is seeking to destroy as many as he can because he knows his time is short. Christians need to be aware of what is happening but not get caught up in taking sides in the Hegelian dialectic but rather to participate in

Acts 1:8….“ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

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I agree that the Revelations prophesies are coming true. Moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is part of the prophesy according to some scholars.

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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

Leaning toward the allegorical theory of the Bible. See William (Bill) Donahue on YouTube. Also has a website called Hidden Meanings.

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Aug 9Liked by Charles Wright

It’s NOT good.

We tried a new church recently & went a few times .

Until this subject came up. It seems the pastors have decided “God will forgive The Chosen people” for the murder of the current Amaleks 🤯🤯🤯

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